PA PA - Kortne Ciera Stouffer, 21, Palmyra, 29 July 2012 - #5

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Has anyone else noticed the numerous posts on KS facebook page that reference her wanting to take off to different states, or wanting to start over posted in 2010 and 2011?

Also, has anyone noticed the Notes she posted on facebook on June 20th 2011 about her outlook on life? Very telling stuff if you ask me.

I noticed these comments about three weeks ago, right around the time that WS either changed her facebook privacy settings or stopped posting, not sure which is the case. It's odd because I have looked at KS facebook page numerous times and these comments somehow were made public about three weeks ago, I don't recall seeing them before that. Maybe it's just a facebook glitch, who knows?

Also, just looking over the posts in 2010 and 2011, and looking at the likes and comments on the posts, it's apparent to me that KS has been good friends with MR and CP since 2010. There's just a lot of likes and comments on her posts that seem to indicate that.
Yes! KS has many posts from as early as 2010 about moving out on her own .. one stating she may get an apt before she graduated from high school. There also were many posts regarding moving to various states and starting over. Colorado was mentioned, California was mentioned as well as some others. She seems to have invites from friends from several different states. Makes me wonder if it is posts such as these that has kept LE stopping short of calling this case criminal ...
Yes! KS has many posts from as early as 2010 about moving out on her own .. one stating she may get an apt before she graduated from high school. There also were many posts regarding moving to various states and starting over. Colorado was mentioned, California was mentioned as well as some others. She seems to have invites from friends from several different states. Makes me wonder if it is posts such as these that has kept LE stopping short of calling this case criminal ...

That sure would make sense to me Meems!
No one even talks about it anymore, ever. I know the Stouffer's, my kids are friends with their kids. No one says a word about Kortne's disappearance. I will admit, this is truly the strangest case I've ever heard of. No one looks for her, no one talks about her. The people that were with Kortne, the night she disappeared, have continued on with their lives as status quo. They still party and pick up chicks, and brag about how drunk they got the night before, so much so that they 'don't remember anything, brah, brah'.

It's sad really. It's like no one cares that she's gone. Her mom walks around and hangs up flyers, but I'm not really sure what good that's doing at this point. The police seem to be at a dead end with the investigation; and if they're not, they certainly aren't sharing any updates.

I don't understand why no one else is getting involved, i.e., the state police, the FBI? I don't know why the parents haven't reached out to higher profile investigators to help them find their missing daughter. If it was my daughter, I'd be contacting everyone I could get a hold of to help find her.

Someone out there knows what happened to her. People don't just vanish into thin air....
Agreed Boots .. the lack of searching has bothered me from the get go ...
Yes! KS has many posts from as early as 2010 about moving out on her own .. one stating she may get an apt before she graduated from high school. There also were many posts regarding moving to various states and starting over. Colorado was mentioned, California was mentioned as well as some others. She seems to have invites from friends from several different states. Makes me wonder if it is posts such as these that has kept LE stopping short of calling this case criminal ...

Sorry to quote myself but I just remembered the other place that was mentioned .. Canada ...
I am thinking the inactivity on WS fb page has been caused be her changing her profile security settings. When I had a look just now the last post you can see if on the 26th October...Now she has either deleted everything between now and then or she has changed the settings. Which would explain why it looks like she is not posting.

I totally agree that WS has changed her settings .. that is clear from her photo album update "icon" thingy .. but WHY has she ended her pleas for Kortne to come home? And why would she do that privately? If Kortne was alive and set up a new facebook account, she wouldn't be able to see them.
I totally agree that WS has changed her settings .. that is clear from her photo album update "icon" thingy .. but WHY has she ended her pleas for Kortne to come home? And why would she do that privately? If Kortne was alive and set up a new facebook account, she wouldn't be able to see them.

Yep, that puzzles me too, you would think that WS wouldn't restrict any possible contact from her daughter.
No one even talks about it anymore, ever. I know the Stouffer's, my kids are friends with their kids. No one says a word about Kortne's disappearance. I will admit, this is truly the strangest case I've ever heard of. No one looks for her, no one talks about her. The people that were with Kortne, the night she disappeared, have continued on with their lives as status quo. They still party and pick up chicks, and brag about how drunk they got the night before, so much so that they 'don't remember anything, brah, brah'.

It's sad really. It's like no one cares that she's gone. Her mom walks around and hangs up flyers, but I'm not really sure what good that's doing at this point. The police seem to be at a dead end with the investigation; and if they're not, they certainly aren't sharing any updates.

I don't understand why no one else is getting involved, i.e., the state police, the FBI? I don't know why the parents haven't reached out to higher profile investigators to help them find their missing daughter. If it was my daughter, I'd be contacting everyone I could get a hold of to help find her.

Someone out there knows what happened to her. People don't just vanish into thin air....

Hi, Boots. Thanks so much for your post and this information. The case is heartbreaking. But actually people do vanish into thin air. I don't know the area, so I can't comment intelligently on the absence of searches; if it happened in my old hometown, it would have been difficult to find a place close to home to search.

As for her friends, they seem to have gone on automatic. I know people in lower Manhattan, where I live, who did that after September 11th. Frivolous people might be emotionally scarred but they just keep partying.

In response to other posters: It's interesting to know about Kortne's dreams of moving. I suspect that she might have done so at some. I am doubtful, however, that she did at that time under those circumstances.
What 20-year old doesn't wish to live elsewhere, or to have adventures in other cities or countries? But that does not mean they decide to vanish in the middle of a violent night without their dog, or saying goodbye to their parents, or taking their belongings with them. I think it is ludicrous, personally, the idea that Kortne has left to make a new life for herself, under the circumstances. JMO
I totally agree that WS has changed her settings .. that is clear from her photo album update "icon" thingy .. but WHY has she ended her pleas for Kortne to come home? And why would she do that privately? If Kortne was alive and set up a new facebook account, she wouldn't be able to see them.


Why wouldn't she be able to see them? If they were "friends" on FB, couldn't they view each other's page?

FYI - I am not supporting that Kortne ran away and has a new idenity. I'm trying to understand FB (since I am not a member of FB).


Why wouldn't she be able to see them? If they were "friends" on FB, couldn't they view each other's page?

FYI - I am not supporting that Kortne ran away and has a new idenity. I'm trying to understand FB (since I am not a member of FB).


Friends would not carry over if she was to create a new page, for some reason. Requests would have to be made and accepted. But Kortne should be able to read her mom's page, even if private now.
What 20-year old doesn't wish to live elsewhere, or to have adventures in other cities or countries? But that does not mean they decide to vanish in the middle of a violent night without their dog, or saying goodbye to their parents, or taking their belongings with them. I think it is ludicrous, personally, the idea that Kortne has left to make a new life for herself, under the circumstances. JMO

While I normally let peoples opinions of my opinions pass .. I am finding this comment bordering on offensive. Maybe my insecurities are just a tad heightened these days and I am a bit over sensitive but I would not be doing this forum any justice if I was not willing to discuss any and ALL possibilities into the disappearance of a missing person. (Isn't that the point of this forum?) Because I am willing to discuss the FACTS that Kortne expressed a desire to start over not only keeps the conversation flowing but keeps me from having tunnel vision. My "theories" may seem "ludicrous" to you .. however, might I remind you that this is NOT a "criminal" case but yet a "suspicious" case in the words of LE. You are entitled to your opinion and I respect that and would fight for your right to express it here or anywhere else, but I am not willing to jump on board and end the possibility of upkeeping a lively discussion just in case there is a slim chance she is still alive.
For what it's worth .. My 23 year old child .. DID up and leave and didn't say good-bye to anyone! She was a great student winning an award in Home Economics and Family in high school, a cheerleader, and had a ton of friends! She was a good mother, daughter, sister and friend .. She had everything going for her! She met a new man that liked to party and she had/has a self entitled streak, things didn't go her way and she took off .. just left .. EVERYTHING. Her home (a nice one), boyfriend, pets, car (a nice one), phone, job (a good one) AND CHILDREN (2 of them)! (which I now have custody of) It wasn't months, THANK GOD, but it was long enough to slap me in the face (HARD) with reality. The day my son reported her missing, she contacted her "new man" and he had the decency to call her brother) So while you (and others) may find this possibility laughable .. I refuse to not consider it, just that, a possibility.
In my opinion, If there wasn't a willingness to keep open and discuss all theories and possibilities, this forum would be a very boring place with a case such as this, with no information and updates. The ability to keep a conversation active on any level, just might spark a thought that could point the investigation in a new direction .. and don't think for a second that we don't have locals and/or investigators that read these forums.
While I normally let peoples opinions of my opinions pass .. I am finding this comment bordering on offensive. Maybe my insecurities are just a tad heightened these days and I am a bit over sensitive but I would not be doing this forum any justice if I was not willing to discuss any and ALL possibilities into the disappearance of a missing person. (Isn't that the point of this forum?) Because I am willing to discuss the FACTS that Kortne expressed a desire to start over not only keeps the conversation flowing but keeps me from having tunnel vision. My "theories" may seem "ludicrous" to you .. however, might I remind you that this is NOT a "criminal" case but yet a "suspicious" case in the words of LE. You are entitled to your opinion and I respect that and would fight for your right to express it here or anywhere else, but I am not willing to jump on board and end the possibility of upkeeping a lively discussion just in case there is a slim chance she is still alive.
For what it's worth .. My 23 year old child .. DID up and leave and didn't say good-bye to anyone! She was a great student winning an award in Home Economics and Family in high school, a cheerleader, and had a ton of friends! She was a good mother, daughter, sister and friend .. She had everything going for her! She met a new man that liked to party and she had/has a self entitled streak, things didn't go her way and she took off .. just left .. EVERYTHING. Her home (a nice one), boyfriend, pets, car (a nice one), phone, job (a good one) AND CHILDREN (2 of them)! (which I now have custody of) It wasn't months, THANK GOD, but it was long enough to slap me in the face (HARD) with reality. The day my son reported her missing, she contacted her "new man" and he had the decency to call her brother) So while you (and others) may find this possibility laughable .. I refuse to not consider it, just that, a possibility.
In my opinion, If there wasn't a willingness to keep open and discuss all theories and possibilities, this forum would be a very boring place with a case such as this, with no information and updates. The ability to keep a conversation active on any level, just might spark a thought that could point the investigation in a new direction .. and don't think for a second that we don't have locals and/or investigators that read these forums.

Hi, Meems. Thanks for your note. Having read all of cluciano's posts about this case, I know that they meant no offense. Your note about your daughter is truly heartrending and reminds me that people do rash, thoughtless, unpredictable things. Slaps in the face, indeed.

In this case, Kortne's abrupt leaving would be even more unkind because she has left behind many mourners, including some of us who have never met her.

As for you, have a very happy holiday. It sounds like you have earned it.....
What better time to leave to a young kid

1. Numerous involvements with LE
2. Boyfriend in jail (and she believed he was going to be there for awhile)
3. Perhaps her boyfriend and her had a plan (If this happens, do this - ie, take off)
4. Kortne's life was really hitting a new low (in a young person's eyes)

So mom changes her settings on FB - and if Kortne did up and leave and now has a new identity - could Kortne have somehow contacted mom? Hence, the reason for the FB change?

Don't throw tomatoes, I am trying to see all possible angles. I guess she could have taken some money, ran away and got a new identity.

Do I believe that? No, I think she was taken. But I do not understand the silence from LE.

But heck it is the holidays and miracles do happen.
What 20-year old doesn't wish to live elsewhere, or to have adventures in other cities or countries? But that does not mean they decide to vanish in the middle of a violent night without their dog, or saying goodbye to their parents, or taking their belongings with them. I think it is ludicrous, personally, the idea that Kortne has left to make a new life for herself, under the circumstances. JMO

I personally think it's ludicrous that anyone wouldn't find Kortne's posts relevant. There is a pattern of thoughts that take place over a two year span which indicate desperately wanting to pack up and start over, wanting to move here or there, some of which are taunting even, stating something to the effect of.... home isn't a place, it's a state of mind, don't worry I'll be fine, and even to the point of thinking it's ok to scare people or shake up the scene. I don't see how anyone could just simply dismiss comments like this especially in the case of a missing person. Should we also just dismiss the comments about drug use and the comments that seem to indicate that Kortne was not happy or content with the lifestyle she had? There is a clear and definitive pattern of behavior on Kortne's part and to just dismiss that with blinders on is unfathomable. JMO

Let's face it, we have no real evidence that proves foul play has occurred. We have no real evidence that any of the people connected to this case have anything to do with Kortne's disappearance. We have no real evidence that Kortne took off on her own. However, what we do have is a window that allows us to look into Kortne's world. To dismiss Kortne's thoughts, dreams, aspirations, mindset and personality would be unwise and foolish when considering her disappearance. JMO

We should all agree to disagree. I have said it before and I'll say it again, every possibility should be looked into and none should be discounted. If we just want to discount theories with no real evidence, then this forum has sadly become a place where only one mindset is acceptable. No wonder the thread constantly dries up and needs bumping on a regular basis. Some opinions may not be popular, I understand that, but that doesn't mean they should be immediately dismissed or shot down without very careful consideration.
Anything is possible and should be considered. Some things are more likely than others. My own personal feelings are that its more likely someone from that night is involved. If not, my next belief is that a stranger is involved. If both of those prove to be wrong, then my guess would be she took off without a word to anyone then or since.
What better time to leave to a young kid

1. Numerous involvements with LE
2. Boyfriend in jail (and she believed he was going to be there for awhile)
3. Perhaps her boyfriend and her had a plan (If this happens, do this - ie, take off)
4. Kortne's life was really hitting a new low (in a young person's eyes)

So mom changes her settings on FB - and if Kortne did up and leave and now has a new identity - could Kortne have somehow contacted mom? Hence, the reason for the FB change?

Don't throw tomatoes, I am trying to see all possible angles. I guess she could have taken some money, ran away and got a new identity.

Do I believe that? No, I think she was taken. But I do not understand the silence from LE.

But heck it is the holidays and miracles do happen.

My line of thinking didn't really include a "new identity" per se but more along the line of a new "facebook identity" .. kind of an anonymous facebook account so that she could check up on family and friends without them suspecting it was her.
Yes .. Kortne mentions drug use freely on her facebook starting in 2010, she mentions getting pulled over by the cops 5 times in one day and the cops asking her if she has drugs in her vehicle, she has expressed dissatisfaction with her life in severl posts and wanting to start over .. (this is all public viewing on facebook) And who knows what her most current posts would reveal if we were able to see them. Am I saying all this to paint her as a bad person? NO, not in any way shape or form .. only trying to paint a picture of a young persons state of mind. Most young people anymore can't think past the moment, no matter who in the long run they may hurt.

Having said that .. I am bothered by a few FACTS however
1. There has been a lack of searching. (By LE, family or friends)
2. There is a lack of public pleas.
3. Lawyer has been uncomfortably silent after stating his intention to possibly hire a PI.
4. No media follow ups.
5. Lot's of confrontational behavior in one day yet no evidence of a struggle in her apt.
6. No named POI.

Did she fear an arrest? Did she owe someone money as rumor has it? Did she have "said money" and take off with it? Was she fearing reprocussion from family for making recent bad choices? Did she fulfill her desires of the past two years to just get away from it all? Is she now scared to come back because she knows how it has affected the lives of so many?


Did she meet with foul play at her apt? Did they/she leave the apt that night after an altercation with her neighbor and meet with foul play elsewhere? Did she overdose at her apt or elsewhere and her body taken and hidden to cover up drug supplier?

Bottom line .. she is still "missing" .. do we dare discount any of the possibilities?
Every time I entertain the thought that Kortne "up and left" that early morning, barefoot even, I have to remember that she was more than likely intoxicated and tired, which would make it even more difficult to disappear on her own. But the small known window of her vanishing with witnesses around seems even more unlikely.

Have the quarries been thoroughly checked, as well as the area around her apartment? If that can be ruled out, then what next? LE's and the family's silence absolutely drives me nuts!

Maybe this is a true story of someone vanishing into thin air?! I am going to call Coast-to-Coast for their take on this mystery.
Sorry for any offense by saying "ludicrous"; I should have made it clear that it is so to me and of Kortne if she would really do such a thing, causing her mother, especially, such pain. Of course I suppose it is possible; just does not fit, IMO, for how close her mother says they were.
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