PA PA - Kortne Ciera Stouffer, 21, Palmyra, 29 July 2012 - #5

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Kortne's mom wrote about how she has survived the loss of a baby, the raising of children, etc. but now has to try to deal with the pain of a child simply vanishing without any kind of final goodbye or having the chance to see her return to her, that instead she has to live in limbo.
Someone asked earllier .. sorry I can't find ya to quote ya .. but yes .. the cases against the 2 underagers drinking in Kortnes apt that day have been closed ... CB pled guilty 9-12 and MB was found guilty 10-12 ..

It was me, Meems!!

Kortne's mom wrote about how she has survived the loss of a baby, the raising of children, etc. but now has to try to deal with the pain of a child simply vanishing without any kind of final goodbye or having the chance to see her return to her, that instead she has to live in limbo.


thank you, clu...
My heart just breaks for WS. No way do I believe that Kortne is letting her mother suffer this way. Someone knows something.. someone in that group from that night knows something. Whenever we discuss those individuals the amount of guests rises dramatically. I don't believe in coincidences. Just sayin.
still nothing either on the remains found....

Well interestingly enough, last night while I was making Scentsy deliveries one of my customers told me they confirmed sex of the remains however I can not find a MSM stating that. The only thing I did find this morning was that they appear to be from an adult. I know there was some speculation on here that maybe it was a child and that's why they couldn't confirm sex.

Snipped from story below:

"It appears that they belong to an adult, and police say right now it doesn't appear the person, whose remains were found, is related to a Masonic Village resident or staff member."

I will keep searching though.
very weird. Whose remains? Wouldn't they release more infor by now? So many questions and no answers.... :(
I’m new to posting on this forum but I have been following it since KS first went missing. I’m probably one of the ‘guests’ you guys refer to. My significant other has cut me off from talking about the case so I decided to join you.

I was very agitated in the first few days of her going missing b/c I just couldn’t understand why there were no searches. I heard about her case on Monday 7/30 & was aware that she had been out partying. My first thought upon hearing that she’s missing from her home after a night of partying & that she left w/o her car & possibly her shoes was that she walked away (for whatever reason, bored, trip to convenience store, who knows) & got lost or injured (unconscious somewhere). It was very hot that week & I was flipping out b/c at that point there was a chance she could be found alive if she was found soon enough. But no searches. By mid-week I heard that her friends & family had searched for her which is great but this area is ripe with places she could have been. There are quarries, woods, tons of farm land which at that time were full of tall corn stalks. There was no way her friends & family could thoroughly cover all this ground. When a search was finally organized it was for 50 volunteers searching a very limited area. I thought LE must have a lead since it was such a constrained area. I know tons of people who wanted to help search & some were turned away b/c they had enough people. Nothing.

On Tuesday, 7/31 I had learned that a Palmyra police officer was the last person known to have seen her. In my mind this opened up countless possibilities. I, unlike some people, do not think that there is no chance LE was involved in any wrongdoing. I have a LIMITED LE background, have never been a PO but have worked with them & have done LIMITED investigative work. LE should not be immune to scrutiny. I have seen LE lie to cover their butts several times (not Palmyra PD, I know no one there). I absolutely respect that this is a very tough job & I’d never want to do it. I also think that the majority of LE are good, decent, honest people. However, I don’t think it’s appropriate (with our limited knowledge of the events) to r/o an accidental injury involving LE. KS is a tall girl but she’s super skinny. If LE returned to the home & saw KS outside & confronted her, s's still wired, maybe gets verbal & intimidating to the officer. It’s entirely possible she needed to be subdued or restrained for the officer’s safety & injury ensued….he panics….who knows? Inadvertent injuries happen all the time. My point is that there are few scenarios that I feel comfortable ruling out. We just don’t have enough info. It’s glaringly obvious that LE is keeping this tight lipped, why? Again, who knows. Could be they're investigating one of their own, could be drug or informant related, could be they have a good idea who the perp (if any) is & are laying low ready to strike when appropriate.

At least 2 of the friends she was with that night don’t look like killers on the surface but I’d like to state the obvious here. Everyone is capable of violence in the right (or should I say wrong?) circumstances. There was a time when Ted Bundy was considered quite the catch. And there’s the infamous pic of John Wayne Gacy shaking hands with then 1st lady Rosalynn Carter. Drew Peterson, enough said on that. How many times do we see on the news a neighbor saying, stuff like… this doesn’t happen in our neighborhood, they seemed so nice, never saw it coming, etc, etc, etc? In my mind in a situation like this it’s guilty until proven innocent. Everybody is suspect until they can be r/o with 99.9999% surety. At this point, in my mind, none of the players are cleared (again, with the limited info we have).

There are a few things I’d love to know the follow up on & things I just want to mention.

1. The letter from the inmates offering their assistance. Now, of course this may be nothing, just some men trying to shorten or better their prison stay but considering her BF was incarcerated at the time, several of the letter writers were incarcerated on drug charges (public record) & there’s a possibility that KS was involved in at least using, maybe some selling. In my mind that’s enough to warrant full investigation. But I’ve heard nothing about this since the letter was first published. There’s been mention that she may have owed money to someone. It’s possible she’s now been strung out on heroin & is being sold to pay the debt. Highly unlikely but still I haven’t ruled ANYTHING out.

2. The body in Elizabethtown. Media reported that ME’s office would be able to release at least the gender over a week ago. Nothing. Are they keeping it quiet to make someone squirm?

3. I want to know which neighbors made which calls. I don’t feel confident that we know this for sure. Different articles imply different things. A lot can be misconstrued based on semantics & just the wording of an article. Nothing short of an official statement from LE in the form of a press conference or release of 911 tapes will answer this question for me. It’s possible that one neighbor called in the 2nd noise complaint not knowing that the noise involved KS & the other neighbor. There’s mention of KS stomping around in anger prompting the 2nd call. Now, it seems to me that would involve the downstairs neighbor more so than the side neighbor. Again, not clear from the different articles. Also, there are 3 neighbors mentioned in MSM reports. All of these people have criminal records (public records but I don’t think I can get into specifics here). Look them up, if you haven’t already, they’re not all victimless crimes.

4. I can see the family paying her rent. The rent can’t be that high & I’d do it if my child was missing. If nothing else, just to preserve the scene for additional searches if needed. Just to note there are neighboring houses for sale & as a seller I’d be very disappointed that there are missing signs & crime scene tape up a few doors down. Of course, concern for KS would be my first thought but it’s been almost 4 months & I don’t know how patient I could be in that situation.

5. I live just east of KS’s apartment & work to the west of it. I drive by her home every work day (usually around 0610 & 1510) & sometimes on weekends. There's a COLT bus stop right in front of NAPA. When I pass there in the afternoon there are usually 1-3 males waiting around. This likely means nothing, just mentioning. In the mornings I see several people, at other bus stops, walking dogs or just walking. I also know that inmates on work release get dropped off & picked up at various locations in the area.

6. I don’t know KS’s family or the friends she was with that night & I’ve never spoken with any of them. I don’t know any members of the Palmyra PD. I think KS is a spirited young woman who likes to have a good time. No matter what she may or may not have been into or done she doesn’t deserve any harm or suffering that she may have suffered.

I have a strong theory which I won’t detail here. I don’t think she’s alive. I really hope I’m wrong & I really want her family to have her back safely. If there was anything I thought I could do I’d do it. It’s frustrating b/c talk seems to have died down in the local sector. Signs are still up but it’s been no new news. Thanks for letting me vent. Unfortunately I don't know what else I can do.
Oh brother, I just saw how long my prior post is. So sorry!


Hi Fallingdown - it's nice to have a new poster with a strong sense of insight!

I think you should talk about your theory if you're open to it - we have been going round & round for a few months at this point and are open to all angles. We, like you, want Kortne found. More importantly, I want justice. I also do not think she is alive. I also don't think that LE is working hard or has a lead. I almost sometimes wonder if they have given up.
Welcome FallingDown,

Would also like to hear your theory. I think pretty much everything has been mentioned here already. LOL It would be nice to have a fresh perspective. :)

Welcome! Great post!!

The more theories - the more we keep Kortne's disappearance out there!

I am also of the belief that Kortne was taken against her will - I want to believe she is still alive but the odds are against that but I still


Kortne, where are you???
Welcome and great first post. I too would encourage you to share your thoughts. You never know, it may be the discussion that leads to more discussion that leads to something helpful.
We are all so excited for new theories!!! =) I love it. We are like our own little group!!
I have a strong theory which I won’t detail here.

I was one of those guests, too. I was very reluctant to post any alternate scenarios as well, but once I finally did, it felt like a big weight was lifted. I'd like to hear any theories you have, and it will make you feel better. Feel free to share.
My heart just breaks for WS. No way do I believe that Kortne is letting her mother suffer this way. Someone knows something.. someone in that group from that night knows something. Whenever we discuss those individuals the amount of guests rises dramatically. I don't believe in coincidences. Just sayin.

I don't believe in coincidences either, especially since it was mentioned a couple of days ago that someone has a facebook account and now that someone's friends list has dropped by 5 over the last 2 days. Coincidence, now way, I'm not buying it either!
I think we should all email and call local media and express our concerns that LE has not released any information or updates. Are we in danger? Several attempted abductions in Central Pa over last 6 mths or that not worth some investigative reporting. In addition, remains are found in neighboring town and almost 3 weeks and nothing released to public. All it takes is one good reporter to jump on this and maybe then we will get some answers.
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