PA PA - Kortne Ciera Stouffer, 21, Palmyra, 29 July 2012 - #6

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What I wonder about the most is what happened to the "high power", family friend, attorney, Karl Rominger with all the "connections" .. (the media, made reference to a PI, etc)? No follow ups? Granted he is a bit preoccupied with the Sandusky case but .. there is more cake recipes on his "news" update feed than any info on Kortne. There is no mention of her since he first posted in August 2012 about "taking on" her case.

What happened to the "family spokesperson"? If he chose to leave for whatever reason, why has no one else replaced him? Why nothing from anyone in the family except an occasional post by her mom on Facebook?

Who is screaming from the rooftops about this girl being missing??? No One! Why?
Honestly I am finding it very hard to join in on the conspiracy theories regarding this particular case. I think (and it's just my opinion, and yes, it can change depending on the weather) but I think maybe the easiest theory may be the best theory at this point.

I don't think she left that apartment alive. One perp .. and if he doesn't talk .. no one else knows .. no chance of someone squealing, slipping up .. none. I'm not saying I believe he intentionally killed her, but I think there is a good chance she OD'ed or he accidentally killed her to silence her protests to an unwanted advancement. He had ample time to dispose of her body. It could be anywhere between Palmyra to Grantville or even further .. many, many wooded areas to easily dispose of a body in Central PA.

I wanted to add .. that IF the neighbors did indeed hear her "stomping" on the floor that evening because she wanted to make them mad .. I don't think for one second they would not have heard her leave that apartment that night. If she was that angry at them that she was stomping about upstairs, I don't think she tip toed down the steps to quietly "disappear" into the night. In my opinion she would have stomped right down those steps and maybe even shouted a thing or two.
Honestly I am finding it very hard to join in on the conspiracy theories regarding this particular case. I think (and it's just my opinion, and yes, it can change depending on the weather) but I think maybe the easiest theory may be the best theory at this point.

I don't think she left that apartment alive. One perp .. and if he doesn't talk .. no one else knows .. no chance of someone squealing, slipping up .. none. I'm not saying I believe he intentionally killed her, but I think there is a good chance she OD'ed or he accidentally killed her to silence her protests to an unwanted advancement. He had ample time to dispose of her body. It could be anywhere between Palmyra to Grantville or even further .. many, many wooded areas to easily dispose of a body in Central PA.

I wanted to add .. that IF the neighbors did indeed hear her "stomping" on the floor that evening because she wanted to make them mad .. I don't think for one second they would not have heard her leave that apartment that night. If she was that angry at them that she was stomping about upstairs, I don't think she tip toed down the steps to quietly "disappear" into the night. In my opinion she would have stomped right down those steps and maybe even shouted a thing or two.

I am starting to think what went horribly wrong that night happened at her apartment. Maybe not in her apartment but right in that area. I am not ruling out the neighbor who was pissed off and who did not answer the door when police called. There is so much that does not make sense about this but the 2 that bother me the most are no one answering the door when the police came and silence from family and friends. If that were my child I would demand answers. I would be arrested before I would be silent.

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My line of thinking is IF the neighbor would have done anything to her, it would not have been so silent. I think if he had grabbed her, she would not have gone down without a fight.

I also believe it is a good possibility that LE never knocked on those doors that night. The 911calls have never been released so we don't know what exactaly they were called back for that second time. If indeed it was stomping and when the cops came the second time, it may have appeared to be dark and quiet signaling to the officer that she may have calmed down till they got there and the officer may have never left his car. Just because LE said they knocked, doens't mean it is so. I also think if LE had knocked, perhaps they may have heard something strange in Kortnes apt, perhaps muffled sounds or signs of some kind of struggle which may be why they have remained so silent on the issue. In CYA mode because they failed to knock.

To me .. the silence from family may indicate that LE has a good working theory a and maybe even some evidence pointing to a perp but without a body it may be hard to prove. They just may need the perp to slip up. This could also by why there have been no requests from the family for help. WS's Facebook pleas may be to keep pressure on the perp, assuming he may read her Facebook to see what she "may know" or reading the comments of others to see what or how much they may know.

Just some random thoughts ... sometime the answer may be the obvious. What complicates the case or adds to the possibilities is the VERY STRANGE day she had that day ... sometimes you can't make this stuff up!
That's why I'm not sure if something happened to her in her apartment. Wouldn't there have been some trace that something foul happened there? Also I think I read that the search warrant used the word kidnapping, which would mean she left the apartment, not of her own accord. Just an opinion.
Per reports there was no sign of struggle .. BUT .. say "they" did go to bed right after the first police visit and "someone" tried to have their way with her and they were already on the bed and something happened and she was over powered and smothered, or if she was raped and the perp was afraid he would go to jail .. OR .. If they were just chilin and she OD'd and "someone" panicked and disposed of her body since "he" would have been the "supplier" of said drug .. there would be no signs of struggle. We have to remember .. IF there was an incident the perp had time to clean up.

Skeet .. I do believe the word kidnapped was used but I believe that word was used to obtain a search warrant IIRC .. I can't remember exactly what article I read that but I think they had to word it as though they possibly suspected foul play so they could legally enter her apt.

Per reports there was no sign of struggle .. BUT .. say "they" did go to bed right after the first police visit and "someone" tried to have their way with her and they were already on the bed and something happened and she was over powered and smothered, or if she was raped and the perp was afraid he would go to jail .. OR .. If they were just chilin and she OD'd and "someone" panicked and disposed of her body since "he" would have been the "supplier" of said drug .. there would be no signs of struggle. We have to remember .. IF there was an incident the perp had time to clean up.

There would still likely be some evidence, or even noise from the attack or moving the body.
Meems- I agree with your post #362 100%. Her mother did not go to check up on Kortne at her apartment until at least 24 hours after she was last reported being seen.

I would be highly suspicious of her overnight guest. He supposedly "works" in a profession that is extremely physically- lots of hand and arm strength needed to do his job as well as total upper body strength. (I work in the same industry he does, in a different segment of the industry, but do not know him.)

Kortne was tall, but not heavy- only about 115 lbs. He could have very easily thrown her over his shoulder and carried her out, either alive or not. I am of the theory there was an unwanted advance made by him and something happened to Kortne, either on purpose or by accident, and she did not survive. The second incidence of stomping around could have been the altercation between Kortne and the guest.

Part of me wonders if LE is not watching suspects, hoping they will lead them to her whereabouts. I still do not believe she left the apartment alive!
I also see the "Bring Kortne Home" website is inactive. This case is just so sad.
Meems- I agree with your post #362 100%. Her mother did not go to check up on Kortne at her apartment until at least 24 hours after she was last reported being seen.

I would be highly suspicious of her overnight guest. He supposedly "works" in a profession that is extremely physically- lots of hand and arm strength needed to do his job as well as total upper body strength. (I work in the same industry he does, in a different segment of the industry, but do not know him.)
Kortne was tall, but not heavy- only about 115 lbs. He could have very easily thrown her over his shoulder and carried her out, either alive or not. I am of the theory there was an unwanted advance made by him and something happened to Kortne, either on purpose or by accident, and she did not survive. The second incidence of stomping around could have been the altercation between Kortne and the guest.

Part of me wonders if LE is not watching suspects, hoping they will lead them to her whereabouts. I still do not believe she left the apartment alive!

I doubt this is a case where a killer would return to the site. I feel like it was someone she knew, someone who took advantage of her being drunk and her BF being in jail, probably a sexual assault, either picking her up outside if she left the building, or in her apartment and then carrying her out. There would not necessarily be evidence if she was raped without a struggle. And then just drove her someplace and left her body...JMO
I also see the "Bring Kortne Home" website is inactive. This case is just so sad.

Can someone try this link and see if it takes you to her site?

I have noticed for months that when I try to access it via Yahoo or Google it takes me to a "page not found" BUT when I click the link via my "bookmarked" sites it comes right up.

It's very weird.
Can someone try this link and see if it takes you to her site?

I have noticed for months that when I try to access it via Yahoo or Google it takes me to a "page not found" BUT when I click the link via my "bookmarked" sites it comes right up.

It's very weird.

It came up for me with no problems.
I doubt this is a case where a killer would return to the site. I feel like it was someone she knew, someone who took advantage of her being drunk and her BF being in jail, probably a sexual assault, either picking her up outside if she left the building, or in her apartment and then carrying her out. There would not necessarily be evidence if she was raped without a struggle. And then just drove her someplace and left her body...JMO

Let's say the friend killed her. It's possibly even without any evidence in the apartment. But the thing I can't figure out, if he did do it, why would he have stayed there, till the next morning? So in order for him to have done something to her without a trace in the apartment, leave the apartment to dispose of the body and come back and sleep until the morning he would have needed a car. Did he even have a car? Wouldn't the neighbors have heard more "comings and goings" if he had done something to her in the apartment.

It's just an opinion but I think she was still mad after the stomping, (along with the stomping I think the neighbors heard her voice, not sure) but if they did hear her, were they able to understand the words she was saying, were the words directed at them because she thought they were the ones who called the police? Or did they feel it was words directed at someone else? Unless something else comes out about this case I still feel she left the apartment either by herself or with someone because she was not ready to settle down yet.
Meems- The site did come up from that link, but I could not get it to work when I Googled it earlier. I notice it has not been updated since September.

Skeet- The only real timeline has been provided by the overnight guest's appearance at the local mini mart and him texting Kortne's cell phone on camera from there. No one knows for sure what time he left her apartment from what I understand.
He had borrowed a car from the other male he and Kortne were out with that night. Kind of funny, since it sounded like his driver's license was suspended at the time. If you look further back in the thread, I think there is a post about the car being searched.
1) How many dogs were in the apartment that night?

2) Isn't Her vehicle accounted for?

3) Was there a flat tire on her vehicle earlier in the day, and was it fixed by that evening?

4) Did the tire repair involve installing a Spare, or just reinflating with a Pressurized Repair Can, or just plain Air?

5) Did the cause the flat tire have an plausible explanation?

6) Has the Apartment been released to the Landlord and possibly re-rented?

Thanks In Advance
1) How many dogs were in the apartment that night?

2) Isn't Her vehicle accounted for?

3) Was there a flat tire on her vehicle earlier in the day, and was it fixed by that evening?

4) Did the tire repair involve installing a Spare, or just reinflating with a Pressurized Repair Can, or just plain Air?

5) Did the cause the flat tire have an plausible explanation?

6) Has the Apartment been released to the Landlord and possibly re-rented?

Thanks In Advance

I do not think we know any of these answers.
Two dogs in the apartment that night- hers and a dog belonging to her boyfriend. The boyfriend's father came and picked the boyfriend's dog up but the timeline is unclear as to when that happened. Her car was at the apartment when her mother went there to check on here. It was reported that she had a flat tire, but no one mentioned how it was repaired. I don't think I ever saw any detail about the flat tire such as possibly cause or when or where it happened. The last time I went past the apartment the crime scene tape was down. It has been over 18 months since she disappeared so I would assume the apartment has been rented out again.
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