PA PA - Kortne Ciera Stouffer, 21, Palmyra, 29 July 2012 - #6

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I see the new petition only has one signature and was started by John Q Public. How lovely! Bless his heart and hope he never experiences the loss of a loved one, especially by unsolved disappearance!
And she won't stop posting and she has proven herself to be looney tunes. I can't imagine why PennLive would have given this woman a public platform.

Yes I saw and I agree but ...... I say go look! If this was my daughter missing Id want them to go look!
Unless ............. LE knows for a fact the sleepover guy and his friends DID NOT do this that someone else is responsible. They might have evidence on someone totally different!
Coincidence or did she get a "random" text from the "friend" (CP) who had "recently come back" into her life just a few days/weeks prior to her going missing? Remember .. she hadn't had contact with him for a few years due to her dating BH then all of a sudden he magically shows back up and voila .. she goes missing. Did he have a hand is setting her up from the get go with a text asking her to meet them out at the GSP? Chance meeting with AB at the Hardware Bar? Was it really a chance meeting or was someone buying time for someone else to get into the apt?

I believe her .. no one knew a rug was missing ... Shes facing way too much danger and at the very least public humiliation for all this .. and for what reason?

Meems, I agree with you in questioning whether KS ran into the people she went out with last night by random. Your post above rings bells for me, not just because we have discussed similar possibilities in the past on these boards, but also because I recall SS saying in one of his interviews that KS's house guest stayed overnight as protection because her bf had just gotten locked up. If, and this is a big "if" Amanda's story is true, the overnight guest staying over for protection and KS's running into the others that night fits into the theory nicely if all of this was planned out in advance.

I am undecided about whether Amanda's story is true, I am about 50/50 on what to believe, but I think the lake should be searched anyway. If I was a diver, I would be tempted to search the lake myself. There's a body in a rug in the lake or there isn't. They either dropped the body from a boat (which might be a little tough to do [starting up a boat in the early morning hours]) which means it could be anywhere in the lake, or they dropped the from the shore. The shore wouldn't be a crazy as it sounds because there's a dam on one end and a news story said it was deepest near the dam.

If the story is true, it's a pretty elaborate plan, but the people involved obviously made a big mistake by talking about it. Plus, the lake is kind of a bad choice because it's not that big and is right in the middle of everything.

I'm not as worried about the changes in her story or her posts. She obviously made an effort to call in her tips and may have thought that talking to SS and outlets is the next logical step now because the lake still hadn't been searched. Peoples' memories change over time, that's human. If the story is true, she wasn't there and she's remembering someone else's story, that was probably told and listened to under the influence. Whether or not it's true, I'm more than a little worried for her safety.

As others have pointed out, the missing rug is key. If that's true it would be a key piece of evidence that makes her story much more credible. As far as how the rest of the details tie in, it does make a lot of sense and seems to coincide with one of the most popular theory, the drug angle (which has always been my #1 guess). That being said, anyone following the case closely could have invented a similar story. Of course, it would take a very untrustworthy and reckless person to make all of this up and pose for pictures. You'd think there would even be criminal charges if this is all made up. If this is true, I applaud her bravery in coming forward.

Either way, it's still a tragedy and I am glad that the case is getting more attention, regardless of how this new information checks out.
The weirdest part to me about this case is that there was never a massive search effort (as in a ground search where volunteers and/or a professional search organization like Texas Equusearch or CUE came in).

Just getting back to this thread. SAR in PA is a rather odd animal. It is all self funded and volunteer. No state or federal aid at all. Sometimes the teams are independent and sometimes they are part of local fire departments.

As such there is a lot of "good ol boy" attitudes. "Taint gona let no big city search team in our territory. Me an da boys can handle this here search."

Next hurdle is the fact that most rural folks and local municipalities are on shoe string budgets. Coal, Steel and Railroads have for the most part, left and taken the money with them.

I got the impression early on that LE had no real intent to spend much time and money looking for someone they would rather be rid of anyway. Just my opinion.

It's getting warmer and this is one of three cases here in PA I intend to put "boots on ground".
There should be fishermen in the area that have sonar that they can scan the lake before sending in dive teams. The lake is really dark and murky and filled with seaweedy stuff, it is very difficult to see anything in that lake but why can't they at least scan it first??

A fish finder is not going to see a body on the bottom unless they get very lucky. You would need a diver and/or side scan sonar to map the bottom.
Just read through some comments, purportedly by Amanda on the pennlive site. I find myself believing her. Maybe I'm just hoping for closure after so long, but the comments suggest that she was threatened after the first tip, that she did not want her name out there but was told it would make her safer, that she didn't want the pictures taken, and that she has turned down TV interview requests. Hard to know what to believe, but if the comments are by the same person, and not someone pretending to be her, I think it makes her more credible. No way of knowing for sure if it's true at this point, but I think they need to search the lake, especially the area near the dam, others have suggested that it's possible to drive a car right up to the lake there. While there may be some inconsistencies and Amanda may have said some things here and there that are questionable, her story sounds like the most possible theory so far. More possible than the PI/bounty hunter/serial killer angle, the she-ran-away-and-is-Colorado theory, or the modeling agency/trafficking angle.
Just read through some comments, purportedly by Amanda on the pennlive site. I find myself believing her. Maybe I'm just hoping for closure after so long, but the comments suggest that she was threatened after the first tip, that she did not want her name out there but was told it would make her safer, that she didn't want the pictures taken, and that she has turned down TV interview requests. Hard to know what to believe, but if the comments are by the same person, and not someone pretending to be her, I think it makes her more credible. No way of knowing for sure if it's true at this point, but I think they need to search the lake, especially the area near the dam, others have suggested that it's possible to drive a car right up to the lake there. While there may be some inconsistencies and Amanda may have said some things here and there that are questionable, her story sounds like the most possible theory so far. More possible than the PI/bounty hunter/serial killer angle, the she-ran-away-and-is-Colorado theory, or the modeling agency/trafficking angle.

She didn't want her picture taken, but after it was taken by PL, she made it the background on her FB page. She turned down the TV interview request, but yet, there she is in an interview with the very same station she said she turned down. She has bounty hunter experience, though, according to her. And fighting experience. Which is good, because now she's saying people are following her wherever she goes. This reminds me of some of the other nut balls who knew what happened to Kortne and the culprits were after them as well, following them around, tapping their phones.

Her story, to me, is the most implausible theory I've ever heard on the subject. But I guess people want to believe. And they have that right, so I guess there is no use discussing it.

I hear CP signed the petition to search the lake, so he's sweating bullets over this.
She didn't want her picture taken, but after it was taken by PL, she made it the background on her FB page. She turned down the TV interview request, but yet, there she is in an interview with the very same station she said she turned down. She has bounty hunter experience, though, according to her. And fighting experience. Which is good, because now she's saying people are following her wherever she goes. This reminds me of some of the other nut balls who knew what happened to Kortne and the culprits were after them as well, following them around, tapping their phones.

Her story, to me, is the most implausible theory I've ever heard on the subject. But I guess people want to believe. And they have that right, so I guess there is no use discussing it.

I hear CP signed the petition to search the lake, so he's sweating bullets over this.

CP signed the petition? Why would he do that if he was involved.....but then again i have seen several cases in which some people become really involved with the case to take attention of of themselves, and they usually are the ones that committed the crime in the first place.
I know that it might seem unlikely, but i believe justice will eventually be served, and karma always comes back around. I think her story should be checked out. She has a child, so why would she lie about something like this knowing it could hurt her and her child in the end? I believe she is in fear and just trying to do the right thing. Imagine if you knew something big like this, would you keep your mouth shut or would you do the right thing and contact LE?
I haven't been here in a long time! I think that this new story has a lot of relevance and I am now convinced that it was a set up. Back when she went missing I was searching for motive and it always centered around possible rape but now this all makes perfect sense.

They need to search the lake. And get these creeps out away. They do not deserve to be walking amongst us. Jmo
I guess the big question for me is did they have access to a boat. If not, I would suspect they tossed the body from the shore line. With weight, it would not have gone far. I would also suspect it is close to an access road or trail.

Makes the search area much smaller.

Some enterprising soul with a cheap underwater video camera and a row boat could probably solve this mystery in an afternoon.
I am wondering if anyone can dig up facebook pictures or something that shows CP or MR were familiar with that possibly? If they were familiar then i can see them knowing if there was an access road or some spot that would be fairly easy to dump a body. I hate saying that but thats what we arwme theorizing here.

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This weekend it is!
Hopefully she will be found !
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