Found Deceased PA - Lindsey Piccone, 21, Tyler State Park, 6 Sept 2016

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There is a lot of tension on this thread. I know family/friends/those close to LP are upset and emotionally charged, but please remember that *most* of us here at WS have only the best of intentions. A lot of us spend countless hours trying to bring folks home whom we've never met or even live near.

It's disheartening to see the resistance of people who are sincerely trying to help. People become verified professionals on WS-- some are insiders, some are forensic experts, some are point is, please don't discredit anyone here who is only trying to help. Happy Wednesday, everyone, and I hope LP comes home soon.
My greatest fear is that LP has taken her own life. My second greatest fear is that she left voluntarily but will not return for fear of additional publicity. Under scenario #2, releasing the note would increase the likelihood of her staying away - I sure wouldn't want my personal communications made public if I took a voluntary break from life. As it is, it will be tough enough for her to return if we are lucky enough for that to happen. And if it's scenario #1, it's probably a moot point anyways.
My greatest fear is that LP has taken her own life. My second greatest fear is that she left voluntarily but will not return for fear of additional publicity. Under scenario #2, releasing the note would increase the likelihood of her staying away - I sure wouldn't want my personal communications made public if I took a voluntary break from life. As it is, it will be tough enough for her to return if we are lucky enough for that to happen. And if it's scenario #1, it's probably a moot point anyways.

@kb- I think you answered enough of the questions we had about the note, and I understand the intimate nature of it. We thank you for what you have told us.

I want to thank you for releasing enough information to spark the publics interest while still maintaining intimacy to the case for family, I know there is a fine line on giving too much information/and or not enough.

Try to remember were here to help KB. I wouldnt be found on a car website beacuse I dont care about cars. However, us here on this site, we are here knowing that every single case is intense and sad, and we want to help. I believe most of us here are broken in our own ways and feel like we can relate in ways that people who arent broken cannot understand.
I respect and accept your decision not to share the note, I think thats probably for the best, but just understand that they probably wanted to know about it because we all have our own life experiences that we relate with this case.
When my twin ran away, her note said Those who wander are not always lost, those who are lost dont want to be found.
After my families divorce I got to read a thankfully failed suicide letter which was very specific as to who got what and stated things like "I just couldnt live this life anymore" - which could also be seen as running away. So people whove read these letters might feel like they could relate one way or another- they arent trying to pry.
We get it though, you dont have to trust us. Your trust has been broken enough by the fact she is missing. We understand that. We respect that. I am very proud of the family..and I can't say that enough. I just hope they get some peace in all this. Them making that video, really helps the public understand that they arent the suspects here, that they are TRYING to give information.
Please understand this isnt facebook where we just popped on this and said oh look a pretty girl has gone missing.
We want to help. I will be looking this weekend when Im off of work.

Your family has my heart in this.

If someone who does not know lindsey or understand her way of thinking interprets the note they may draw the wrong conclusions. In this case, it is very important to know the individual who has written the note. It is very vague, therefore does leave a lot to interpretation and open conclusions. This is not a scientific test or experiment where we may not be utilizing the right tools or performing the correct processes, this is a note from a young distressed girl. This case is very unique, with a lot of questions still floating around. It was a personal note left to friends and family. The public forming more rumors based on speculation from a vague note will certainly not help our main goal: to find Lindsey and bring her home safely. If the note had any indication as to where she may have gone, who she may be with, or if she was planning to commit suicide (hopefully not), that information would have been presented. If anything at all in that note would lead to her current location or direction of travel, it would have been released.

It is a personal note. Frankly, the public has no need or rite to see it. And if it were released it, it may cause Lindsey to stay away. If her family puts her personal letter, her possible last letter, online available to everyone it becomes a show not an attempt to find her.

I understand your frustration. We're only attempting to help.

I was not comparing two situations one-to-one (scientific research to interpreting emotional distress)... it was an example to highlight that sometimes having extra sets of eyes can work wonders... and that applies even to cases that may appear as "unique".

As I had commented:

It makes full sense not to disclose content of a note(s) or release additional information if doing so could jeopardize an investigation or endanger those involved.

The "very unique" nature goes to my very point. Specifics might be unique, and human emotion and reactions vary but are not entirely unique. Someone, somewhere has experienced the same as LP, even though the specifics might be unique to their respective cases.

All I am attempting to do is help, I was not criticizing.

And with that, out.
According to Bucks County News Feed on Facebook, Tyler will be closed at 10 a.m. tomorrow morning for a search using only professionals. They are asking the public to avoid the area.
I think it is possible KB is both investigating and personally involved with this case which makes it difficult for her to remain unbiased However, Science and Emotions do get along on some level
I was not comparing two situations one-to-one (scientific research to interpreting emotional distress)

These do overlap. They just do and I dont really feel guilty for asking questions/ being curious, nor do I think sleuthers should if they are intending to help. This is what sleuthing is about. If you want a criminal only investigation then stick to that but we are allowed to look for information and bounce ideas off each other. I personally like to look at numbers, logic, and other cases that are similar to understand if she/ the family needs help, or if I should be looking in the park, or if she doesn't want to be found. I understand why family is reacting emotionally, and its normal, but its also .... kind of insensitive to us and others at times as well when we are just trying to understand so we can best help.

I am not posting this to say by any means that any of this applies to Lindsey. I am posting this to show WHY MOST PEOPLE runaway/ commit suicide/ are murdered- by actual reported statistics. So those offended can understand why we bring certain "offensive" topics up. I dont judge anyone for running away, no matter what the reason. Because when I look in the mirror, even though I have no record, I dont see myself as above the person with a criminal record, Even though I dont take drugs, I dont see myself as above the person who is dependent on drugs, nor do I believe it makes them defective, I want to help the gay person who ran away as much as I want to help the straight person who ran away... Like were not looking at Lindsey as someone to talk about, someone to embarrass or someone to hurt, were looking at Lindsey as someone who might need help and were looking at statistics and evidence to justify what happened in our heads when we have little or no information to go off of. This is why its so great that the family released details, because it takes a lot of the more sickening options off the table.

I usually feel that is what is “most logical” and what is most common go hand in hand, and
Heres where Science and Math stand on emotional distress. All websites sited below

reports by 3rd party statistics, and ditch the

2)Being Unhappy at home
3)Being hurt, abused or threatened/ Trafficking
4) Abuse
Within the dysfunctional family environments cited by runaway and homeless youth, abuse is often a factor. Verbal abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse before the age of 18 are all correlated with higher run away rates. NRS Longitudinal Study full report, NRS Longitudinal Study executive summary
Homeless youth are at high risk for involvement in the criminal justice system.
80% of runaway and homeless girls reported having ever been sexually or physically abused. (Molnar et al, 1998)
34% of runaway youth (girls and boys) reported sexual abuse before leaving home. (Molnar et al, 1998)
43% of runaway youth (girls and boys) reported physical abuse before leaving home.(Molnar et al, 1998)
Over 70% of runaway and throwaway youth in 2002 were estimated to be endangered, based on 17 indicators of harm or potential risk. The most common endangerment component was physical or sexual abuse at home or fear of abuse upon return. The second most common endangerment component was the youth’s substance dependency. (Hammer et al, 2002)
5) Coming out
LGBTQ homeless youth are also more likely to attempt suicide (62 percent) than their heterosexual homeless peers (29 percent).
6) Not feeling listened to or cared about
8) Prescription Drug Misuse
Over one fifth (22%) of runaway and homeless youth misused prescription drugs within the past 30 days. (Al-Tayyib et al, 2014)
9) Being a Foster Child
30% of respondents who had been in foster care as an adolescent had also run away from home compared to 8.1% of individuals who had not been in foster care.

TOP CAUSES OF SUICIDE Information by Mental Health daily
1. Mental illness
Depression: Major depression is a leading cause of suicide throughout the world. 90% of people who commit suicide suffer from untreated depression. Anxiety disorders, Bipolar disorder
People that do not treat their depressive symptoms have a greater risk for following through with suicide.
Schizophrenia: Often causes cognitive impair. 20% to 40% of people with this illness attempt suicide.
2. Traumatic Experience
PTSD, Physical abuse, Sexual abuse, War
3. Bullying
4. Personality Disorders.
5. Drug Addiction / Substance Abuse 6. Eating Disorders –Starvation 7. Unemployment 8. Social Isolation / Loneliness 9. Relationship problems/ LBGT at higher risk 10. Genetics / Family History. 11. Philosophical Desire / Existential Crisis 12. Terminal Illness 13. Chronic Pain 14. Financial Problems 15. Prescription Drugs

Suicide Facts - Extracted from the
Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death for ages 10-24 and the SECOND leading cause of death for college-age youth and ages 12-18. (2014 CDC WISQARS)
Four out of Five teens who attempt suicide have given clear warning signs

Top Reasons for Murder (world based not nation based)
Information provided by ektajalan from

10. Mercy killing 9. Road discipline: 8. Greed: 7. Anger: 6. Self-defense: 5. Religion arguments:4. Alcohol and drugs:3. Revenge:2. Money. 1. Domestic reasons

So when someone goes missing, and the family is saying she ran away, or committed suicide, or someone might have harmed her... our minds go to why any of these 3 things might happen.

Furthermore, When the family is saying its possible she committed suicide and 90 percent of the time a person committing suicide is Depressed- (and if you combine depression with other mental illnesses you are looking at an even higher percentage than that)...You are being logical, Not judgmental when you ask if she ever had a mental illness. You are asking so you know if you should be looking in the park.

When you look at running away and the home seems to be okay, doesn’t seem to be an adoption/foster care issue, and its clarified she isn't LBGT, being abused at home, or on drugs, what other options do you have That fit this situation? I mean When those are listed as the most common reasons, why is it offensive for someone to ask questions regarding these topics if they haven’t been addressed? Just saying no to the situations that don’t apply suffices. Most of the world has relatives who are depressed, gay, or on drugs, and we don’t like to see them judged, we don’t see them as lesser human beings if anything we want to find them even more because we know MATHEMATICALLY, SCIENTIFICALLY, AND STATISTICALLY there are demons they are battling that put in higher risk categories. Clearly SOMETHING was wrong. I don’t mean to hurt the family, but the family needs to understand these are REAL risk factors and just because they don’t apply don’t mean they aren’t real concerns, cases involving these factors aren’t lesser. Furthermore, There is a science to mental illness, and if I’m depressed and I want someone to talk to about depression, I’m not going to go to the kid who is always happy for help on understanding my state of mind. When we ask questions we only mean to help. When you answer them it helps us help you by eliminating and narrowing down the options so we can see the case in the same light you do. That is why the video is so helpful. Good Luck with the search Thursday. I hope they don’t find anything. I hope you have peace of mind In knowing that Running away is more common than suicide.

This information was not my own, and was at times Paraphrased to the best of my ability while maintain accuracy. I do not take ownership or validate these statistics. I visited age today at 9:54 PM. Full Studies can be seen at
It appears they are receiving tips finally..thank god. I think they are making all the right moves right now. Prayers for best outcome.
Tracker, are you involved in the search today? How do you get involved in searches? Do people have to invite you in, or do you volunteer your services? When you search, what is your relationship with the LE? Do you work directly with them, or need their permission when you search?
Turns out they aren't per fbook. No comment.

You're right.....seems the MSM outlets got it wrong.

I'm curious why they are re-searching the park now. The trees are still thick with foliage and falling leaves. I would think if she's there it would not be any easier to find her now than 6 weeks ago.
I assume they are using dogs and that's why the public can't help? If not then I disagree with their tactics but that's ok.
She's in the park. They'll find her..........eventually.

Be prepared for our favorite catch phrase, "She was found in an area previously searched".
I truly hope that she is not in the park to be found. I have been keeping my eye open around town hoping I see her alive and well. However, if she is, I hope they find her soon. I hope the searchers are looking up as well as down. I would also keep an eye out for circling Turkey Vultures. (I apologize for even having to type that, but it could be important.) That area is lousy with Turkey Vultures. The park is big, but not enormous. Prayers for the search team.
I assume they are using dogs and that's why the public can't help? If not then I disagree with their tactics but that's ok.
It's a public park, the public can look anyday but today, right?
Ski, is that what those things are, turkey vultures? I have spotted them twice up here. I could not believe what I was looking at when I spotted one. We don't have those things down in the city.
Yeah I was thinking about keeping an eye out for those seems kinda late for those..I plan to look again my eyes are as good as any of theirs...
These videos provide an overview of the general expanse and some detail of the terrain one encounters within Tyler State Park.


#2 follows in next post.

Humidity is high today.
continued...These videos provide an overview of the general expanse and some detail of the terrain one encounters within Tyler State Park.


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