PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #5

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JJ -
I've been reading your blogs on the CDT's website. It is obvious that your interest in, and research of, this case is amazing. Kudos to you. I have gotten the impression (please correct me if I'm wrong) that you are leaning toward the "walked away" theory.

With this in mind, I just had to post a couple of questions/comments for you.

1. About registering the mini-Cooper in Patty's name - I work for an attorney, and he advises that a married couple or a couple living together should NEVER have both names on the registration. Why? Liability issues. Exactly what Ray was reported to have offered for his reasoning. In case of an accident, the owner could be sued personally (after insurance limits had been exhausted). If, say, my husband was the cause of a serious accident, and the vehicles were registered in both our names, that asset could be taken in a lawsuit. Ray was an attorney, an attorney who liked to drive fast (by personal accounts). He knew the drill. It doesn't surprise me that he registered the car in Patty's name, should any potential liability claim come up (this wasn't out of character for him, either, from what I've researched -- he had very little assets registered to his name).

2. We've already discussed his questions/searches about how to kill a hard drive prior to his disappearance. He had legitimate reasons for wanting to erase his hard drive.

3. The eyewitness accounts in the bar in Wilkes-Barre. Eyewitness accounts are so often faulty (although I know it was a police officer, who you would think would be a better eyewitness). How do you explain the change of clothing? He left Bellefonte in jeans/blue jacket. The witness said he was wearing a suit at the bar. Patty said no suits were missing in his closet, and she knew because she did the laundry. Perhaps he bought a new one that Patty didn't know of? Plausible. But, if that behavior was out of character for Ray, I'd consider it suspect.

I admit, I haven't read all your blogs on the case. But some of the points you bring up show amazing research and thought. Are there any other pieces of evidence pointing you toward the walk-away theory?

Hind-sight is 20/20. Yes, knowing what we know now, those things might seem like evidence pointing to a set up for a walk-away. But, they can just as easily be explained away.

Last thought -- thru all your research, have you ever given serious thought to the possibility that there is another theory? I know it's far-fetched, but considering he was a DA, and on a joint task force with indictments bringing down a multi-million dollar drug ring, is it even feasible that he might have been put in the witness-protection program? That would explain why he:
1. took an unscheduled day off (out of character)
2. took his laptop with him (for others to professional erase and dump later)
3. left Lewisburg in another car (seems plausible).
4. No eyewitness reports of struggle on a busy street, in a busy college town on a Friday afternoon (there wouldn't have been a struggle).
5. Would also explain the lack of effort on the Bellefonte PD to do a thorough investigation (wouldn't the head honcho have to be in on it??)

Also, were his sunglasses and wallet ever found?

I dunno. Maybe it's crazy. Maybe I'm certifiable. I'm just throwing another possibility out there. Let me know your thoughts.
Bolded, respectfully by me
In all the articles I have read, I never heard this mentioned. Can you cite the source? That puts a very interesting spin on the case, I must admit.

Here: It was reported in Mr. Bosak's old Q & A before that. I can give you exact date and time to within an hour when he heard from Sloane. :)

It's also mentioned in the "Sporadic Comments" blog found here: That explains why this was an important clue.

If it was a walk-away, how did he plan it/sock money away for it? I'm sure the PD has examined his financial records very, very closely (this would be my very first line of investigation). To my knowledge, there were no suspicious financial movements either before or after April 15.

There are two entries on the same blog dealing some of the financial aspects.

And, this case has been shown on the national (perhaps international) media. If he's out there, why has no-one seen him? Or even, reportedly seen him, since those reports of him being in a bar in Wilkes-Barre, dressed in a suit?

One of folks that saw him was a police officer from out of town. There was a report in MI, a retired police officer. After the first year, there wasn't a lot of attention and someone familiar with how criminals hide could easily figure out how to.

Again, simply having the interest to erase a hard drive, doesn't seal the deal for me. I'm curious about it, too, and I'm sure a search for "how to" would should up on my computer. Coincidence, possibly?

And, if it was suicide by jumping off the bridge, it's hard to believe that his body would not have surfaced after all these years (when his laptop and hard-drive -much smaller items, did).

I just want some hard evidence, pointing one way or the other. But sadly, I think the case is about to be officially closed by the BPD. Just a feeling.

It doesn't seal the deal for me either. I give the odds, as of today, as:

Foul Play: 42% (-1)

Walkaway: 48% (n/c)

Suicide: 9% (+1)

Something Else: 1% (n/c)
JJ -
I've been reading your blogs on the CDT's website. It is obvious that your interest in, and research of, this case is amazing. Kudos to you. I have gotten the impression (please correct me if I'm wrong) that you are leaning toward the "walked away" theory.

With this in mind, I just had to post a couple of questions/comments for you.

1. About registering the mini-Cooper in Patty's name - I work for an attorney, and he advises that a married couple or a couple living together should NEVER have both names on the registration. Why? Liability issues. Exactly what Ray was reported to have offered for his reasoning. In case of an accident, the owner could be sued personally (after insurance limits had been exhausted). If, say, my husband was the cause of a serious accident, and the vehicles were registered in both our names, that asset could be taken in a lawsuit. Ray was an attorney, an attorney who liked to drive fast (by personal accounts). He knew the drill. It doesn't surprise me that he registered the car in Patty's name, should any potential liability claim come up (this wasn't out of character for him, either, from what I've researched -- he had very little assets registered to his name).

Why not just registered in his name? She rarely drove it, by all accounts. Also, they were not married so he would lose the asset. I'm told that basically the Mini could have been taken in a hypothetical suit against him.

2. We've already discussed his questions/searches about how to kill a hard drive prior to his disappearance. He had legitimate reasons for wanting to erase his hard drive.

One of the ways specifically tossing it in the water. He may haver had legitimate reasons for wanting it erased, and returning it, but that wouldn't be an option after tossing it in water.

3. The eyewitness accounts in the bar in Wilkes-Barre. Eyewitness accounts are so often faulty (although I know it was a police officer, who you would think would be a better eyewitness). How do you explain the change of clothing? He left Bellefonte in jeans/blue jacket. The witness said he was wearing a suit at the bar. Patty said no suits were missing in his closet, and she knew because she did the laundry. Perhaps he bought a new one that Patty didn't know of? Plausible. But, if that behavior was out of character for Ray, I'd consider it suspect.

Or a rarely worn old suit. This sighting was in the evening of 4/18/05. That is enough time to change.

I admit, I haven't read all your blogs on the case. But some of the points you bring up show amazing research and thought. Are there any other pieces of evidence pointing you toward the walk-away theory?

Hind-sight is 20/20. Yes, knowing what we know now, those things might seem like evidence pointing to a set up for a walk-away. But, they can just as easily be explained away.

Yes, but let's say that a lot looks like a voluntary action (inclusive of suicide). He had a change in demeanor in the weeks before he disappeared and increased the pace of his work; that indicates he wanted to get things out of the way. The phone call led the police to an area 20-40 miles from where the car was found. He drove to an area out of the media market; he disappeared on a day when it make it harder to get the story out.

Some of those things could be coincidence, but I'd doubt all are.

Last thought -- thru all your research, have you ever given serious thought to the possibility that there is another theory? I know it's far-fetched, but considering he was a DA, and on a joint task force with indictments bringing down a multi-million dollar drug ring, is it even feasible that he might have been put in the witness-protection program? That would explain why he:
1. took an unscheduled day off (out of character)
2. took his laptop with him (for others to professional erase and dump later)
3. left Lewisburg in another car (seems plausible).
4. No eyewitness reports of struggle on a busy street, in a busy college town on a Friday afternoon (there wouldn't have been a struggle).
5. Would also explain the lack of effort on the Bellefonte PD to do a thorough investigation (wouldn't the head honcho have to be in on it??)

He was never a witness, the WPP tells the family, and frankly, there were better ways to handle it. I not only considered it, but there is a blog about it. :)

Gricar wasn't the prosecutor for the drug case; that was the state AG's Office and it was the current DA who actually prosecuted it.

He did take days off, including part of 4/14/05.

Also, were his sunglasses and wallet ever found?

I dunno. Maybe it's crazy. Maybe I'm certifiable. I'm just throwing another possibility out there. Let me know your thoughts.

No, sunglasses, wallet, keys and contacts were never found.

No, I've looked at a lot of stuff, including the possibility of a troll living under the bridge in Lewisburg. ;)
Nittany90, please use your reporter skills to inform the public that there are several long-time followers of Ray Gricar who do not believe he walked away or committed suicide.

Tell the public of the misdirections, smoke & mirrors, that are being spewed forth by LE about the disappearance of Ray Gricar.

Ask the public to question why LE only holds press releases 'to get the public's help' each year on the anniversary of the disappearance and brings out little "tidbits" of information then but at no other time.

Ask the public to question why supposedly 4-year-old information is just now coming to light; namely, strange "checks" on Ray Gricar's home computer. Ask the public if they believe a 60-year-old man would be using words like "fry a hard drive" if trying to find out how to erase a hard drive.

Ask the public to question the supposed "box" containing hard drive erasure material. First, Patty Fornicola "thought she remembered seeing a box" & Madiera stated there were rumors of such a box but none had been found. Next, came reports of "Gricar asking about how to erase a hard drive" (this "report" supposedly came from Steve Sloane). Now, LE "found the box", "Gricar searched for 'how to fry a hard drive" etc.

Ask the public to question why some are attempting to prove to the world that Ray Gricar walked away because of his "interest" in the story of Mel Wiley. (This "report" supposedly originated with Steve Sloane.) Karen Arnold is also being blamed for talking about Gricar's interest in Wiley; if you read her "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury" article, you will see that she never said that; in fact, she said the mention of Wiley in the office did not come from Gricar.

Ask the public to question why the onset of blobs & the latest news release are occurring near the upcoming election for DA.

Ask the public to question why Mr. Bob Buehner, friend & associate of Ray Gricar, does not believe Ray Gricar walked away or committed suicide and why he continues to press for an investigation into the possible/probable foul play involving Mr. Gricar.

Please, Nittany90.
What about Carolynn? DIRC the name? Remember her, his long time associate who swore he was in PL at courthouse at time he was supposed to be in Lewisburg, NOT in his MINI.

What about Carolynn? DIRC the name? Remember her, his long time associate who swore he was in PL at courthouse at time he was supposed to be in Lewisburg, NOT in his MINI.


Carolyn Fenton told LE about seeing RG leaving the parking lot of the Centre Co. Courthouse on 04/15/05 around 3:00 PM. She was totally disregarded by LE because this sighting "didn't fit the timeline" that was established in Lewisburg. Ms. Fenton knew RG, which is something none of the other so-called "witnesses" could say. Yet, she wasn't believed while total strangers were . . . all to keep the investigation in Lewisburg & out of Bellefonte, IMO. The vehicle Ms. Fenton saw was a silver/gold metallic car. She was sure of the time due to the fact she was leaving the courthouse early and thought it was okay to do so since the DA was leaving also. This information was not made available to the public by LE until May 2006, a year after RG disappeared.
Nittany90, please use your reporter skills to inform the public that there are several long-time followers of Ray Gricar who do not believe he walked away or committed suicide.

Tell the public of the misdirections, smoke & mirrors, that are being spewed forth by LE about the disappearance of Ray Gricar.

Ask the public to question why LE only holds press releases 'to get the public's help' each year on the anniversary of the disappearance and brings out little "tidbits" of information then but at no other time.

Ask the public to question why supposedly 4-year-old information is just now coming to light; namely, strange "checks" on Ray Gricar's home computer. Ask the public if they believe a 60-year-old man would be using words like "fry a hard drive" if trying to find out how to erase a hard drive.

Ask the public to question the supposed "box" containing hard drive erasure material. First, Patty Fornicola "thought she remembered seeing a box" & Madiera stated there were rumors of such a box but none had been found. Next, came reports of "Gricar asking about how to erase a hard drive" (this "report" supposedly came from Steve Sloane). Now, LE "found the box", "Gricar searched for 'how to fry a hard drive" etc.

Ask the public to question why some are attempting to prove to the world that Ray Gricar walked away because of his "interest" in the story of Mel Wiley. (This "report" supposedly originated with Steve Sloane.) Karen Arnold is also being blamed for talking about Gricar's interest in Wiley; if you read her "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury" article, you will see that she never said that; in fact, she said the mention of Wiley in the office did not come from Gricar.

Ask the public to question why the onset of blobs & the latest news release are occurring near the upcoming election for DA.

Ask the public to question why Mr. Bob Buehner, friend & associate of Ray Gricar, does not believe Ray Gricar walked away or committed suicide and why he continues to press for an investigation into the possible/probable foul play involving Mr. Gricar.

Please, Nittany90.

I wish I could, but I am no longer an active reporter. I did some stringer work for area newspapers (The Daily Item, the CDT, The Standard-Journal), but am currently not working the field.
But -- let me assure you, that I hold some of the same questions as you. I think the whole thing has been fumbled from the very beginning. And, I do think (after years of reading) that RG was the victim of foul play. I believe BB -- I wish he could use his power to force a federal investigation.

Even though I'm no longer working for the public, I'm still an investigative reporter at heart. So, I will keep searching.

For the record - I don't think a 60-year-old computer "newbie" would refer to deleting data as "how to fry a hard drive". Language is totally wrong. But, would be typical for an IT or computer-literate individual to write. Going with this line of reasoning, who in that catergory would have had access to his home computer?? My guess is the list isn't very long. And why release this info now? A deliberate attempt to squash public concern about foul play? If so, why? Who would benefit from the public's disinterest?

You seem to very knowledgeable about the case, too (and just today, I read a lot of the your same concerns on another crime board). I have a question: If RG never made it to Lewisburg, why did the tracker dogs detect his scent outside of the car? I believe he was in Lewisburg, but I am at a loss as to why not one fingerprint could be located inside the mini-cooper, unless someone deliberately wiped down ALL of the prints.

Do you think PF is involved? Feel free to PM me if you'd rather discuss in private.

Since his car was found in Lewisburg, and several eyewitness accounts put him in Lewisburg on 04-15-05, why did Union County not investigate and prosecute the case? Why did BFD take jurisdiction?

Does the Luna case have anything to do with this case?
It's too bad you're no longer a reporter, dang it!

As far as the dog finding the scent in the parking lot. With all the other smoke & mirrors by LE, how do we know what was used to scent the dogs? Supposedly, LE picked up a piece of clothing at PF's house. Isn't it possible the dog scented the wrong person? I don't know much about dogs/scenting, but I will try to find out from an expert & let you know. A poster on another board was extremely learned about this; however, she was banned, the reason of which is unknown.

I don't know about PF. Normally, the SO would be the person investigated the most. She passed a polygraph . . . months after the disappearance. She was interviewed by a PSP profiler . . . who came up with "suicide". What I believe to be crucial info. was withheld from the public (the MW, the tan car, the construction worker) for a year because of 'concerns for the family'. Baloney!

I don't know why Union Co. did not investigate anything. According to Bellefonte PD Chief SW, they "would hold onto the case".

I also don't know if the Luna case is related. I found out about RG while reading about Luna. Strange that both were DA's, I believe both were murdered, & both ended up in PA.

If you have a week of spare time, go to the other board & read the "sticky links". Of course there won't be much from the CDT, as it's about all gone, but there are other references still there.

This is my opinion, to which I am entitled. I am here because I believe the readers here need to see an "alternative" theory as to what happened to Ray Gricar & why some of us don't believe he walked away.
It's too bad you're no longer a reporter, dang it!

As far as the dog finding the scent in the parking lot. With all the other smoke & mirrors by LE, how do we know what was used to scent the dogs? Supposedly, LE picked up a piece of clothing at PF's house. Isn't it possible the dog scented the wrong person? I don't know much about dogs/scenting, but I will try to find out from an expert & let you know. A poster on another board was extremely learned about this; however, she was banned, the reason of which is unknown.

I don't know about PF. Normally, the SO would be the person investigated the most. She passed a polygraph . . . months after the disappearance. She was interviewed by a PSP profiler . . . who came up with "suicide". What I believe to be crucial info. was withheld from the public (the MW, the tan car, the construction worker) for a year because of 'concerns for the family'. Baloney!

I don't know why Union Co. did not investigate anything. According to Bellefonte PD Chief SW, they "would hold onto the case".

I also don't know if the Luna case is related. I found out about RG while reading about Luna. Strange that both were DA's, I believe both were murdered, & both ended up in PA.

If you have a week of spare time, go to the other board & read the "sticky links". Of course there won't be much from the CDT, as it's about all gone, but there are other references still there.

This is my opinion, to which I am entitled. I am here because I believe the readers here need to see an "alternative" theory as to what happened to Ray Gricar & why some of us don't believe he walked away.

The "wrong" scent -- PFs? I know she passed a polygraph, but I don't think she had an iron-clad alibi, right? Tell me what you know about the MW and the construction worker.
RE the Luna case -- in addition to the eerie similarities you already mentioned, they were both working on big heroin cases. And the Luna case has never been solved, either (LE can't decide whether the pen wounds were self-inflicted or not).

I am trying to catch up with the sticky links. Interesting that the nephew occassionally posts there, too.

Thanks for holding onto the case. You're not alone.
This appeared in May 2006, 1 yr. after RG disappeared.

Police revelations refocus attention on missing D.A.
Police seek 'construction-worker type.'

By Pete Bosak

BELLEFONTE -- Previously undisclosed news that missing former District Attorney Ray Gricar may have been seen talking to an unknown woman the day he disappeared set off media firestorm in Bellefonte today.

Bellefonte police Chief Sean Weaver and the lead investigator on the case, Darryl Zaccagni, said they have fielded calls all morning from national media, including Fox News' Greta Van Susteren.

Law enforcement officials were seeking to put a positive spin on the events, saying the information -- that a witness reported seeing Gricar talking to a woman in a Lewisburg antique mall on April 15, 2005, the day he disappeared -- is old news to investigators.

Zaccagni said he revealed the information this week, as Dateline NBC is preparing a story on Gricar, in hopes of finding the woman.

"This is definitely not a new revelation," Weaver said. "But we're hoping this national attention, in the form of Dateline NBC, will give us that one lead we need to find Ray."

Zaccagni revealed today that police are also looking for a "construction-worker type" who was seen leaning into the passenger side of a red Mini-Cooper -- the type of car Gricar drove -- in the parking lot of the Lewisburg antique mall.
Ask the public to question why supposedly 4-year-old information is just now coming to light; namely, strange "checks" on Ray Gricar's home computer. Ask the public if they believe a 60-year-old man would be using words like "fry a hard drive" if trying to find out how to erase a hard drive.

Mr. Gricar was 59 year old man whose two closest friends, Sloane and Walker, where in their 30's to early 40's, whose girlfriend was 40, and who had two nephews in their early 30's. Anyone doing a search would likely find the word "fry" or "fried" in relation to a bad or destroyed hard drive, and, if he were moderately bright (and Mr. Gricar was more than "moderately bright") incorporate them into the next search.

Ask the public to question the supposed "box" containing hard drive erasure material. First, Patty Fornicola "thought she remembered seeing a box" & Madiera stated there were rumors of such a box but none had been found. Next, came reports of "Gricar asking about how to erase a hard drive" (this "report" supposedly came from Steve Sloane). Now, LE "found the box", "Gricar searched for 'how to fry a hard drive" etc.

I don't know where you got Sloane, and Assistant District Attorney, but at least one of folks he spoke to wasn't from the DA's office; that was mentioned in a blog about six weeks ago.

Ask the public to question why some are attempting to prove to the world that Ray Gricar walked away because of his "interest" in the story of Mel Wiley. (This "report" supposedly originated with Steve Sloane.) Karen Arnold is also being blamed for talking about Gricar's interest in Wiley; if you read her "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury" article, you will see that she never said that; in fact, she said the mention of Wiley in the office did not come from Gricar.

A very unusual topic since the case was from Ohio and happened three years before Ms. Arnold became employed there. Even more unusual, Mr. Gricar did talk about the case with Sloane, who didn't start at the office until seven years late (and was almost immediately laid off).

Blog entry, about two months ago, on that, and the story was reported in 2007.

Ask the public to question why the onset of blobs & the latest news release are occurring near the upcoming election for DA.

I only know of one that started, Slamdunks, but he doesn't exclusively cover the Gricar case. In my case, I'm basically a continuation of the blog started by the reporter in the case Mr. Bosak, who started about six months ago when he moved out of the area; he covered it in a general crime blog before that. It was his suggestion that take it; the first time he suggested it, I said no. I'd done two "guest blogs" for him in November and December.

I'm not sure what other "blobs" you are referring to.

Ask the public to question why Mr. Bob Buehner, friend & associate of Ray Gricar, does not believe Ray Gricar walked away or committed suicide and why he continues to press for an investigation into the possible/probable foul play involving Mr. Gricar.

Please, Nittany90.

The main reasons are that he doesn't want to believe that his friend either walked away or committed suicide and perhaps, as I do, he has a problem with why Mr. Gricar didn't claim his pension. He may also be troubled by a woman being seen with him in Lewisburg.

I think that I have to ask why some posters want to specifically guide the discussion to only foul play, even to the point of stretching the facts a bit.
The "wrong" scent -- PFs? I know she passed a polygraph, but I don't think she had an iron-clad alibi, right? Tell me what you know about the MW and the construction worker.
RE the Luna case -- in addition to the eerie similarities you already mentioned, they were both working on big heroin cases. And the Luna case has never been solved, either (LE can't decide whether the pen wounds were self-inflicted or not).

I am trying to catch up with the sticky links. Interesting that the nephew occassionally posts there, too.

Thanks for holding onto the case. You're not alone.

First, LE collected the scented item, so there was no "wrong scent." PEF went home after work and then to the gym. Frome everything that I've pieced together, she didn't have enough time to drive to Lewisburg and back, and then call RFG's cell phone.

She was checked initially and was my first suspect, until that theory fell under the weight of evidence.

As for Luna.

1. Luna left from the office.

2. Left his cell phone in the office and didn't call home.

3. Left late at night.

4. Drove substantially longer.

5. His body was found. Physical injuries known

6. Much blood in the car.

7. Car not parked, it was in a ditch.

8. In a sparsely populated area.

9. Luna was heavily in debt.

10. Money, evidence, missing from a case that Luna prosecuted.

11. Substantial age and race difference.
JJ and Now --
Thanks to both of you for your replies. JJ, are you a reporter?
I personally benefit from both of your perspectives. You've both obviously been sleuthing a lot longer than I have, and although I am definitely leaning toward foul play, I respect and gather all the info out there, including differing perspectives. So, keep it up. In an effort to get to the truth, I'm anxious to prove or disprove any of the theories.
I am attempting to read all the stickies, any news stories/press releases I can get my hands on. I also have some interviews with some key players in the works. I don't have any grand illusions about solving the case, there's simply too many loose ends that I can't stomach. I'm not sure, with his respected position, why there hasn't been more attention on this case. I don't know why, I just NEED to sleuth.

Questions for either/both of you:

Was the FBI ever involved in the investigation?
Why did the case fall into BPD's jurisdiction, rather than Lewisburg's PD?
Does PF still work for the DA's office?
Have either of you attempted to get info from the PD? Any success?
Is it true that the BPD has refused to give family RG's cell phone records?
Clarify something for me -- Did PF call RG's cell? I had read reports that he had called her and advised that he wouldn't be home into time to let the dog out. What time did the phone call take place? Is there more than 1 phone call between them on 4-15-05?
Sloane -- JJ, you said he was laid off. I thought he was some kind of medical leave when RG disappeared??
JJ -- what are your impressions on the construction worker? Could he have left the ashes in the passenger side?
Who is the mystery woman? Any proof that RG was having an affair?
Was there, or was there not, fingerprints (not RG's or PF's) found on the outside of the mini-cooper?
I am definitely leaning toward foul play; in fact, I am leaning so far I am almost on the ground & have been for at least 3.5 yrs.! I tend to believe RG's family & his ex-wife that RG would not "walkaway" & leave his family, especially his daughter, to wonder what happened to him.

The FBI reportedly checked out RG's finances. The FBI should also have checked any fingerprint(s) found. The FBI reportedly checked the hard drive once it was discovered, but it was damaged to badly for them to gain any information from it.

The only explanation ever given as to why BPD got & kept the case is because RG was reported missing from Bellefonte.

PF does still work in the DA's office.

A poster on another board has contacted Matt Rickard; in fact, she sent him an email last week & got a reply. Yep, he still workin on the case.

To my knowledge, BPD has never officially released the phone records to anyone.

RG reportedly called PF at the courthouse on 04/15/05 from his cell phone, while on Rt. 192 at approx. 11:15 to 11:30 hrs. PF reportedly called his cell phone numerous times during the evening of 04/15/05 but got no response.

It is my understanding that Sloane was on sick leave a month or so ago & had been for some time.

Two women were reportedly checked out as the Mystery Woman; according to LE, neither of them had seen RG the weekend of 04/15. One of RG's wives, I believe, was contacted, but I don't remember exactly. A nurse he had dated at one time may have been the other so-called MW. There was a report, unsubstianted, that a man fitting RG's description had been in a shop at the SOS with a MW; according to the unsubstianted report, RG & the MW were inside the SOS, which is strange since the dogs did not track RG out of the SOS parking lot. (There is a good bit of info available on the MW.) I don't know of any affair RG may have been having, but I wish he had been.

Depending on what LE decides to tell at any given time, we have been told there were 5 prints, 5 sets of prints, 3 prints, 1 print on outside of driver's side window; I do not remember what M. Rickard's last report was, but I belive it was there were no prints found.

You know just about as much as anyone else. The information changes from time to time, so who knows???
Questions for either/both of you:

Was the FBI ever involved in the investigation?
Why did the case fall into BPD's jurisdiction, rather than Lewisburg's PD?
Does PF still work for the DA's office?
Have either of you attempted to get info from the PD? Any success?
Is it true that the BPD has refused to give family RG's cell phone records?
Clarify something for me -- Did PF call RG's cell? I had read reports that he had called her and advised that he wouldn't be home into time to let the dog out. What time did the phone call take place? Is there more than 1 phone call between them on 4-15-05?
Sloane -- JJ, you said he was laid off. I thought he was some kind of medical leave when RG disappeared??
JJ -- what are your impressions on the construction worker? Could he have left the ashes in the passenger side?
Who is the mystery woman? Any proof that RG was having an affair?
Was there, or was there not, fingerprints (not RG's or PF's) found on the outside of the mini-cooper?

I am not a journalist. Mr. Bosak asked me at one point to take on his blog in December or January (it was well before he stopped), and one of the reasons I declined was that I wasn't a journalist. I've never even taken a class on journalism.

The FBI provided technical support, i.e. monitoring his financial records, but I've never of them being in the field.

It was with the BPD because that was where the report was made. I do have an LE source, but I don't want to say who or where. It's intermittent.

Once, a few years ago, I asked Tony Gricar about the phone records and he said it wasn't his decision.

PEF made a series of calls to RFG's cell phone when he didn't return home. RFG's call to the office was reported to be at 11:12 AM; it came from the Brush Valley area.

Sloane was laid off shortly after he started in 1992; I was referring to his conversation about Wiley. It look like it occurred at least 8 years after Wiley vanished.

If the mystery woman was known, she wouldn't be a mystery. :) I've been given the name of the person, and seen a photo, who they thought she was and can confirm that the person did know RFG. No time line was developed on her, but she was supposedly out of town visiting friends in greater NYC area when he disappeared. I've never thought of her as suspect but as a potential helper.

I only know of one witness that saw the construction worker, but there was construction at the Street of Shops across from the lot.

The cigarette smoke has a lot of possibilities.

I've heard numerous rumors of affairs, but rumors on this type are common for public officials. (I'm an ex politician and was supposedly sleeping with ten different women while I holding office.)

No readable prints were found in the car, and one of RFG was found on the outside.
The FBI reportedly checked out RG's finances. The FBI should also have checked any fingerprint(s) found. The FBI reportedly checked the hard drive once it was discovered, but it was damaged to badly for them to gain any information from it.

The PSP did the print work.

Two women were reportedly checked out as the Mystery Woman; according to LE, neither of them had seen RG the weekend of 04/15. One of RG's wives, I believe, was contacted, but I don't remember exactly. A nurse he had dated at one time may have been the other so-called MW. There was a report, unsubstianted, that a man fitting RG's description had been in a shop at the SOS with a MW; according to the unsubstianted report, RG & the MW were inside the SOS, which is strange since the dogs did not track RG out of the SOS parking lot. (There is a good bit of info available on the MW.) I don't know of any affair RG may have been having, but I wish he had been.

Actually, there was only one person who matched the general description of the "mystery woman." Only one person saw him with her.

Two former girlfriends were checked a "nurse" and the "Harrisburg woman."
I am not a journalist. Mr. Bosak asked me at one point to take on his blog in December or January (it was well before he stopped), and one of the reasons I declined was that I wasn't a journalist. I've never even taken a class on journalism.

The FBI provided technical support, i.e. monitoring his financial records, but I've never of them being in the field.

It was with the BPD because that was where the report was made. I do have an LE source, but I don't want to say who or where. It's intermittent.

Once, a few years ago, I asked Tony Gricar about the phone records and he said it wasn't his decision.

PEF made a series of calls to RFG's cell phone when he didn't return home. RFG's call to the office was reported to be at 11:12 AM; it came from the Brush Valley area.

Sloane was laid off shortly after he started in 1992; I was referring to his conversation about Wiley. It look like it occurred at least 8 years after Wiley vanished.

If the mystery woman was known, she wouldn't be a mystery. :) I've been given the name of the person, and seen a photo, who they thought she was and can confirm that the person did know RFG. No time line was developed on her, but she was supposedly out of town visiting friends in greater NYC area when he disappeared. I've never thought of her as suspect but as a potential helper.

I only know of one witness that saw the construction worker, but there was construction at the Street of Shops across from the lot.

The cigarette smoke has a lot of possibilities.

I've heard numerous rumors of affairs, but rumors on this type are common for public officials. (I'm an ex politician and was supposedly sleeping with ten different women while I holding office.)

No readable prints were found in the car, and one of RFG was found on the outside.

I thought Sloane was an ADA when Gricar disappeared? How, if he was laid off in 1992?

Care to elaborate on your "possibilities" regarding the cigarette smoke? Did this Mystery Woman/potential helper smoke?

Ex-politician, huh? Seems like you're very famous on at least one other website :rolleyes:

How do you know so much about a cold case from Ohio? Are you just interested in cold cases generally?

Anyway, thanks for the help. I'm off to read stickies again!
I thought Sloane was an ADA when Gricar disappeared? How, if he was laid off in 1992?

Care to elaborate on your "possibilities" regarding the cigarette smoke? Did this Mystery Woman/potential helper smoke?

Ex-politician, huh? Seems like you're very famous on at least one other website :rolleyes:

How do you know so much about a cold case from Ohio? Are you just interested in cold cases generally?

Anyway, thanks for the help. I'm off to read stickies again!

Sloane was hired in 1992 and laid off in 1992. He went back in the spring of 2003.

I'm very famous on a lot of other websites. I've also held local public office three times. Municipal level. Interestingly, after both the BPD and Pete Bosak checked me out, the verdict was "pristine." :)

No, Mel Wiley was mention in Time in 1985. It became relevant when another poster asked me if there any cases where someone responsible walked away. I mentioned Wiley with another case, that set off a chain of events. I had to Google "Ohio Police Chief missing 1985 time" to find the name.
Sloane was hired in 1992 and laid off in 1992. He went back in the spring of 2003.

I'm very famous on a lot of other websites. I've also held local public office three times. Municipal level. Interestingly, after both the BPD and Pete Bosak checked me out, the verdict was "pristine." :)

No, Mel Wiley was mention in Time in 1985. It became relevant when another poster asked me if there any cases where someone responsible walked away. I mentioned Wiley with another case, that set off a chain of events. I had to Google "Ohio Police Chief missing 1985 time" to find the name.

If you learned about the Mel Wiley case in 1985, how did you connect Gricar talking about Mel Wiley prior to his disappearance? Weird....
I think this pretty well sums up the "investigation" into the disappearance of Ray Gricar. I have no problem with LE not releasing important information; however, when they do, they ought to keep their stories straight. This is one example of the misinformation released to the public; there are others, including the "fingerprint" info.

The contradictions about the software seemed to have sprouted legs....they just keeps growing.

First, Patty Fornicola recalls seeing a software box but it isn't found.

Second, Madeira said there was no receipt or evidence that Gricar ever purchased any hard drive erasing software.

Rickard then says Gricar did indeed purchase the software.

And today, it's reported that Shawn Weaver said they found the software box a long time ago.

CDT journalist Sara Ganim says I need to look at the bigger picture.
Well folks - the picture ain't purty. Bellefonte apparently can't get their **** straight.

From the looks of it.....I think they're working overtime to try and sweep Gricar under the rug before the election of a new DA.
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