Paris - Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral, Apr 2019

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It was not unusual that reporters on CNN and some other news stations stated that it was an accident, or related to the restoration work, within 30 minutes of reporting on the fire (see early discussion comments). As soon as something happens, everyone wants to speculate and, in some cases, irresponsibly state speculation and opinion as fact.

That does not mean that the official decision about the cause of fire was "accident" and that the investigation is concluded, but rather that reporters were doing what they always do. At this time, there is still no evidence of anything other than "accident," so reporters were correct in their speculation.

It seems a bit odd that there is criticism of the fire investigation on the basis that USA media speculated on the cause of the fire as soon as they learned about the fire.

Trump had lots to say about putting out the fire, tweeting that tons of water should be dumped on the fire from the air. The French had to post a tweet in English to address the "lost in translation" issues so he could understand the serious damage that would result from dumping tons of water on such an old building. There were all sorts of pseudo experts on the other side of the pond telling the French how it is and what to do.
What is disturbing is how much the media controls the discussion. Immediately the media reports its an accident without any support. That causes backlash against the investigators that isn't deserved. No one really cared about Trump's tweet until the media made it a big deal. Then the French feel obligated to respond to it. If only we had actual news instead of tabloid journalism.
I will pray the Notre Dame Cathedral bees are healthy and the walls don't collapse. I've burned my daughter's beeswax baptismal candle as a prayer before God every Easter Sunday in my home for over two decades. Beeswax candles burn much slower than petroleum products.

Good news on the bee front. The bees and their three hives on the sacristy roof have all survived.

Can't post a link from this phone but it's being reported by the French media.
It was not unusual that reporters on CNN and some other news stations stated that it was an accident, or related to the restoration work, within 30 minutes of reporting on the fire (see early discussion comments). As soon as something happens, everyone wants to speculate and, in some cases, irresponsibly state speculation and opinion as fact.

That does not mean that the official decision about the cause of fire was "accident" and that the investigation is concluded, but rather that reporters were doing what they always do. At this time, there is still no evidence of anything other than "accident," so reporters were correct in their speculation.

It seems a bit odd that there is criticism of the fire investigation on the basis that USA media speculated on the cause of the fire as soon as they learned about the fire.

Trump had lots to say about putting out the fire, tweeting that tons of water should be dumped on the fire from the air. The French had to post a tweet in English to address the "lost in translation" issues so he could understand the serious damage that would result from dumping tons of water on such an old building. There were all sorts of pseudo experts on the other side of the pond telling the French how it is and what to do.

Let’s leave politics out if it.

Jmo It was intentionally set. It will take alot to convince me otherwise.
It came out if France that it was an accident while it was still burning, the “world” printed what france said. That is a joke(not funny) to me, anyone have the number of churches desecrated in France in the last few years?

The joke is the fire being called an “accident” while it was burning.

I must have missed that information. Is there a link to the official cause of the fire on April 15 at at 7:15PM local time?
Let’s leave politics out if it.

Jmo It was intentionally set. It will take alot to convince me otherwise.

It was most likely an electrical fault. Not every tragedy is a crime.

Let's all be thankful that this wasn't worse, when I saw that fire raging at the time I thought everything would be lost. Thanks to the courage and skill of the Parisian fire brigade much of the building and artwork has been saved and most importantly of all nobody died.
What is disturbing is how much the media controls the discussion. Immediately the media reports its an accident without any support. That causes backlash against the investigators that isn't deserved. No one really cared about Trump's tweet until the media made it a big deal. Then the French feel obligated to respond to it. If only we had actual news instead of tabloid journalism.

BBC didn't seem to have problems reporting the news, even reporting that Trump needed a tweet in English to address his ridiculous suggestion.

It is true that media in the USA did what they always do, which is speculate (talking head syndrome), and the unfortunate result is that some people think that fire investigations in France are inferior. Clearly that is not the case. Fire investigations in all countries, including France, are professional. Firefighters did not need Trump's advice to deal with the fire, and they do not need USA media advice to identify the cause of the fire.
Let’s leave politics out if it.

Jmo It was intentionally set. It will take alot to convince me otherwise.

Interesting. Is this speculation, or is there some fact that has been reported that leads to a belief that this was arson?
Nobody in authority, that I have seen, has said the investigation is concluded. The fire appears to be an accident and that is the assumption until and unless evidence shows otherwise. They are still looking at the evidence, for pete's sake. (And fire investigators know fire better than the public looking from afar.)

This is not different than other cases we follow. In missing-person cases, LE almost always say they are treating it as a missing person case with no evidence of foul play....unless/until evidence shows them a crime as been committed. Once there is evidence of foul play (not a theory, but evidence), then the investigation changes and the case is described differently. That is the responsible way that incidents are investigated - not to rush out with unsubstantiated hysterics and allegations. To make an allegation, there has to be evidence.

Evidence that points to a crime is key in labeling something a crime. As of now there is no evidence of a crime with the fire. That could change, of course, and if that changes, then it changes. But as of now, there is no evidence of a crime.

WHY people are drooling for authorities to be "caught" calling it an accident when later it might be determined arson is beyond me. Why want to see conspiracy so eagerly? Do you know something about the investigators that makes you think they are liars?

I wonder where the bees went during the fire? Just buzzed around? Started to set up a new home? Seriously curious!
They wouldn't have gone anywhere according to the bee keeper, that's why he was so worried about them. Apparently that species of bee won't abandon the hive with the queen inside. The thought of all those tiny bees trying to protect their home from a raging fire is a poignant one.

However images taken from the air show the hives still there and the bees flying in and out.
They wouldn't have gone anywhere according to the bee keeper, that's why he was so worried about them. Apparently that species of bee won't abandon the hive with the queen inside. The thought of all those tiny bees trying to protect their home from a raging fire is a poignant one.

However images taken from the air show the hives still there and the bees flying in and out.
What a story!

So many stories coming out about the fire of working together and of resilience. Really awesome.

That's just it. The investigation isn't concluded. It had hardly begun when they ruled out arson. There's no problem saying it's likely an accident. In light of the Catholic Church burnings, vandalism and desecration in France, it was just too soon to rule it out. IMO
That's just it. The investigation isn't concluded. It had hardly begun when they ruled out arson. There's no problem saying it's likely an accident. In light of the Catholic Church burnings, vandalism and desecration in France, it was just too soon to rule it out. IMO

Ruled it out? I'm not aware anything has been ruled out yet.
That's just it. The investigation isn't concluded. It had hardly begun when they ruled out arson. There's no problem saying it's likely an accident. In light of the Catholic Church burnings, vandalism and desecration in France, it was just too soon to rule it out. IMO

Great - I think we found common ground. I am assuming everyone agrees that as of now, the investigation is not yet concluded.

I had been checking the news regularly...I didn't see definitive rule-outs, but I did see "no evidence of" and "unlikely" statements. That seems appropriate, until and unless there actually is some evidence.

ETA: Arson/terrorism was actually my first thought which was why I've been checking so often...what times we live in :(
Prosecutors Rule Out Arson at Paris' Famous Notre Dame Cathedral as Firefighters Extinguish Blaze

They're still extinguishing the blaze as they rule out arson, to soon is all I'm saying.
I would take that with a pinch of salt. The only direct quote I've seen from the prosecutor said that they were treating it as an accident for now, which is not quite the same thing as ruling everything else out.

I would personally rule out terrorism at this stage, because if any terrorist group had done this they would already be boasting about it all over social media.

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