Paris - Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral, Apr 2019

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Prosecutors Rule Out Arson at Paris' Famous Notre Dame Cathedral as Firefighters Extinguish Blaze

They're still extinguishing the blaze as they rule out arson, to soon is all I'm saying.
I just googled "Cause of Notre Dame fire" with a search for articles from today. I'm coming up with several that are talking about the ongoing investigation and what evidence is currently being looked at. The articles posted today are largely focusing on electrical issues. Perhaps the investigation will look different tomorrow as it advances. The article linked above is from April 15. Surely we can expect better and more information to be learned over time?

Can we give the investigators a break and let them do their job? Or does a statement made during a crisis hold more water (no pun intended) than subsequent statements when calmness returns?

Baffled at the stubborn grip on this bone.

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"Believe" being the key word in the Daily Mail headline...and based on that sentence structure, the prosecutors "believe" that the electrical short-circuit is "believed" to be the problem. Not to make light of a bad situation, but good headlines become rarer and rarer...
Electrical short-circuit is believed to have started Notre Dame blaze, investigators believe

A French judicial police official said investigators brought in to work out the cause of the inferno made the claims - despite them not having been given access to the church yet for safety reasons.

Electrical short-circuit is believed to have started Notre Dame blaze, investigators believe | Daily Mail Online

It’s an electrical short circuit, even though they haven’t had access.

What does the BBC say:

"Fifty people will investigate the cause of the fire. Paris public prosecutor Rémy Heitz said there was no obvious indication of arson and that the blaze was being treated as an accident.

Experts have not yet been allowed on site to assess the damage and firefighters have sent a drone to survey the scale of the destruction.

Investigators trying to establish the cause of the fire have begun questioning workers from five companies involved in the extensive renovations that were under way at the cathedral. Officials believe the works could be linked to the disaster.

"Nothing indicates this was a deliberate act," said public prosecutor Rémy Heitz, adding that he expected to be a "long and complex" case."​

April 17, 2019
Rebuilt Notre-Dame 'will be more beautiful'
I wonder where the bees went during the fire? Just buzzed around? Started to set up a new home? Seriously curious!

It appears today they were hanging out on the gargoyle.

Un-bee-lievable! Notre Dame's bees kept in rooftop hive SURVIVED the blaze - The Amed Post

ETA if anybody is interested in following the bees, this is the company that supplies the bees and the hives and coordinates it through the city of Paris biodiversity project on Instagram.

Beeopic (@beeopic) • Instagram photos and videos


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Posted yesterday, but updated today:

Workers rush to secure Notre Dame's weakened structure - live updates
  • The cause of the blaze remains unclear, but officials do not suspect terrorism or arson.

Workers were using a crane to remove some statues to lessen the weight on the cathedral's fragile gables, or support walls, and to keep them from falling, since the section lacked the support of the massive timber roof that burned up in Monday evening's devastating blaze. They were also securing the support structure above one of Notre Dame's rose windows with wooden planks.


The rector of Notre Dame, Monsignor Patrick Chauvet, said he wanted a temporary wooden structure to be built to serve as the rectory as Notre Dame is being rebuilt, BBC News reports.

"We mustn't say 'the cathedral is closed for five years and that's it'," Chauvet said.

Chauvet called for an "ephemeral cathedral" in front of Notre Dame.


A French judicial police official told the Associated Press investigators think an electrical short-circuit most likely caused the fire. The official, who spoke anonymously about the ongoing investigation, said investigators still don't have the green light to work in the cathedral and search in the rubble for safety reasons.


French newspaper Le Parisien reported that a fire alarm went off at Notre Dame shortly after 6 p.m. Monday but a computer bug showed the fire's location in the wrong place. The paper reported the flames may have started at the bottom of the cathedral's giant spire and may have been caused by an electrical problem in an elevator.

Officials had said a fire alarm was triggered at 6:20 p.m., but no fire was discovered. Then, at 6:43 p.m., another alarm sounded.

At that point, fire spread quickly from the roof near the rear of Notre Dame. In less than an hour, it engulfed the spire, which -- just 13 minutes later -- collapsed as onlookers watched in horror.


Paris' City Hall released pictures of the inside of the 850-year-old church Wednesday, showing the soot-filled sanctuary covered in debris. The roof, with its 800-year-old wooden beams, is gone.


They wouldn't have gone anywhere according to the bee keeper, that's why he was so worried about them. Apparently that species of bee won't abandon the hive with the queen inside. The thought of all those tiny bees trying to protect their home from a raging fire is a poignant one.

However images taken from the air show the hives still there and the bees flying in and out.

The Latest: Computer glitch 'one possible cause' of fire

The rector of Notre Dame says a "computer glitch" might have caused the fire that ravaged a large part of the cathedral this week.

Speaking during a meeting of local business owners, Patrick Chauvet did not elaborate on the glitch, adding that "we maybe find out what happened in two or three months."

Le Parisien newspaper has reported that investigators are looking at whether the fire could have been linked to a computer glitch, or related to the temporary elevators used in the renovation work, among other things.

Chauvet added that investigators are still unable to access the cathedral's nave for security reasons.


This is a perfect example of poor headline with an article that the editor did that does not match the body of the article.

It appears to me that the computer glitch was that it said the wrong area was the fire.

It wasn't the computer that CAUSED the fire as the headline says was possible.

SMDM, it could give people who are not logical & are conspiracy theorists that somebody hacked the computer and caused the fire perhaps. Wait for it.

On another note, update on the bees.

"Notre Dame has housed three beehives on the first floor on a roof over the sacristy, just beneath the rose window, since 2013. Each hive has about 60,000 bees.
Geant said the hives were not touched by the blaze because they are located about 30 meters below the main roof where the fire spread.

Updated at 7:20 AM ET, Fri April 19, 2019

Paris (CNN) — The bees that live on the roof of Notre Dame are alive and buzzing, having survived the devastating fire that ripped through the cathedral on Monday, the beekeeper Nicolas Geant confirmed to CNN.

"I got a call from Andre Finot, the spokesman for Notre Dame, who said there were bees flying in and out of the hives which means they are still alive!" Geant said. "Right after the fire I looked at the drone pictures and saw the hives weren't burnt but there was no way of knowing if the bees had survived. Now I know there's activity it's a huge relief!"

Notre Dame has housed three beehives on the first floor on a roof over the sacristy, just beneath the rose window, since 2013. Each hive has about 60,000 bees.

Geant said the hives were not touched by the blaze because they are located about 30 meters [ e.d 98 feet for us US folks that never change to the metric system, even though they told us 50 years ago they were going to change to the metric system LOL] below the main roof where the fire spread.

"They weren't in the middle of the fire, had they been they wouldn't have survived," Geant said. "The hives are made of wood so they would have gone up in flames."
"Wax melts at 63 degrees, [e.d 145 degrees Fahrenheit for us folks in the US] if the hive had reached that temperature the wax would have melted and glued the bees together, they would have all perished."

While it is likely that the hives were filled with smoke, that doesn't impact them like it would with humans, Geant explained.

"Bees don't have lungs like us," he said. "And secondly, for centuries to work with the bees we have used bee smokers."

A bee smoker is a box with bellows which creates a white, thick cold smoke in the hives, prompting the bees to calmly gorge on the honey while beekeepers do their work, Geant said."
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SMDM, it could give people who are not logical & are conspiracy theorists that somebody hacked the computer and caused the fire perhaps. Wait for it.

Snipped and ITA.

The glitch might have caused a delay in finding the fire, which then lead to it spreading beyond control. That's what I'm gleaning from the info.

But, yep, the "hacking" theory is bound to appear. You called it right, imo. SMH

Jean-Marc Fournier didn't have much time. As flames ripped through Notre Dame cathedral's medieval roof on Monday evening, the Paris fire brigade chaplain had a single mission -- to rescue two of its most sacred relics.

The problem was that the Crown of Thorns, revered as having been worn by Jesus Christ during his crucifixion, and the tabernacle, containing the Eucharist or holy sacrament, were locked inside a safe in the church's treasury that no one knew how to open.

"We couldn't get the codes ... we couldn't get hold of the people who had them," Fournier said Wednesday.

Finally, as the flames high above crept closer to Notre Dame's famous spire, a church officer appeared with the crypt key, and the chaplain and firefighters rushed in.

Inside, red-hot embers and debris drifted down from the vast rib-vaulted ceiling. Fournier watched as a team of firefighters broke open the safe and extracted the crown. Made of rushes bound by gold threads, it has been encased in a crystal tube since 1896.


On Tuesday, Didier was working alongside other restorers when Notre Dame's precious rooster, which contains three holy relics and was perched atop the cathedral's 19th-century spire before it collapsed, was discovered intact among the debris.

"We're going to operate on the rooster to check that the relics are still inside, and we will restore it, because it is an emblem ... an emblem of France," Didier said.

Snipped and ITA.

The glitch might have caused a delay in finding the fire, which then lead to it spreading beyond control. That's what I'm gleaning from the info.

But, yep, the "hacking" theory is bound to appear. You called it right, imo. SMH


Yep, even going one more step the conspiracy theorist could say that somebody planned this all ahead, hack the computer, set the fire knowing that the computer hack that they did would show the wrong area.

Fodder for chicken littles

And Chicken Little said, “Oh Henny Penny! Haven't you heard-- the sky is falling! I'm looking for the King.
Love all the info about the bees! Really cool.

Hubby has been trying to convince me to do honey bees, love wild flower honey.

Polistes parametricus

Paper wasp

We just caught a female yesterday, in aquarium with cardboard, old fence panels, water, honey, some flowers. The female winters over pregnant the males die. She will build a nest and lay eggs (larvae). We will feed her insects for the babies. After they hatch and are ready will set them free.

Very interesting to watch.
Notre Dame Cathedral fire: Billionaires' donations spark backlash
Massive Notre Dame Cathedral donations draw high-profile backlash

Joel Shannon | USA TODAY Updated 10 hours ago

Why the Notre Dame cathedral burned so quickly, badly
What made Notre Dame's structure so unique is also what made it so vulnerable to fire, and why it burned so quickly.
Just the FAQs

Multiple French billionaires joined an international effort this week to raise funds to rebuild the Notre Dame Cathedral after a fire partially destroyed the beloved historic building.

But the speed and scale of those donations has sparked a debate about income inequality and the worthiness of the cause.

The criticism comes after Francois Henri Pinault and Bernard Arnault — both billionaires — each pledged more than $100 million to the restoration efforts. The rivals have a history of one-upmanship.

Other big French donors: Cosmetics company L'Oréal, along with The Bettencourt Meyers family and the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation.

Soon, international press coverage — including articles published by The Washington Post, Forbes and CNN — spotlighted negative reactions, often accompanied by a general sympathy for the rebuilding cause.

A common position among critics: The mega-donations prove social problems could be quickly addressed if the wealthy were motivated to do so.

Class tensions in France have recently been on display in protests tied to the "Yellow Jacket" movement. French President Emmanuel Macron has been a target of protesters who claim his government does not care about ordinary people or France's growing social inequalities.

So when wealthy Frenchmen quickly pledged massive donations, some associated with the movement balked. “If they can give tens of millions to rebuild Notre Dame, then they should stop telling us there is no money to help with the social emergency,” The Washington Post quotes Philippe Martinez, head of the CGT trade union.

It's easy to find similar sentiment on social media.

"With a click of their fingers, TWO French billionaires have given €300million to restore Notre Dame. Just imagine if billionaires cared as much about uhhhh human people," tweeted Carl Kinsella.

Kinsella also wrote a widely-shared piece on the topic for Dublin-based The post highlighted French poverty statistics and suggested the wealthy could solve such problems if they chose to.

And while critics have received widespread coverage, such negativity could backfire, Forbes contributor Oliver Williams wrote. As wealthy donors face scrutiny for their charitable donations, some may be hesitant to donate in the future.

The effort to rebuild, championed by Macron, has received international and high-profile support. American companies including Apple and Disney have pledged donations for the now well-funded cause.

Some critics have also suggested France's big donors stand to benefit from tax breaks for their charity, but those claims have been dismissed by multiple donors, Reuters and the Washington Post reported.

Macron has said he wants Notre Dame rebuilt in five years. But architects say the repairs could take decades.
Knowing how long it took to just put up the scaffold, I was surprised that Macron has said he wants Notre Dame rebuilt in five years... until I realized it in a little bit over six years, the 2024 summer Olympics will be there.

I'm not an engineer, but I have read that Engineers have said it will take much much longer.

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