!!!!!!!!!! Patsy did it!!!!!!!!

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openminded1 said:
Or, as I think has been already stated elsewhere, the note was just a way to buy time. If an intruder was in the basement with JBR, it would take the parents a minute to read that long note and have it sink in. Maybe the suitcase by the window wasn't an entry point, but an escape route just in case?
I see your point, that could have saved time. Now here comes the "but"...LOL

Just think how much time he could have saved by not composing/writing that novelette of a ransom note! LOL
foxbluff said:
Like you, I can't come up with any reason why a kidnapper would have left the body in the house. IMO it would be just as easy to leave the house with her dead as alive!

I tend to accept what I'm reading on the boards that says phedophiles don't kidnap for ransom. Their motive isn't money, so why bother with a ransom note?

I think that the Rams came up w/the ransom note to deflect suspicion from themselves. I think that they needed a way to explain why the coroner was going to discover evidence of sexual abuse.
But the Ramsey's were in the best position possible to remove the body from the house before calling the police. They could have put the body into their car in the garage, dumped it, then came back and called police.
foxbluff said:
I see your point, that could have saved time. Now here comes the "but"...LOL

Just think how much time he could have saved by not composing/writing that novelette of a ransom note! LOL
And here comes the REbutt lol....

If it's true that this guy snuck into the house while the Ramsey's were gone, what better to do than kill time by writing a really long and rambling ransom note.
stonewall said:
Very good observations. However, I agree with the other poster that it would be highly unlikely that a mother could calmly sit down and draw up draft after draft of a ransom note with the knowledge that her daughter was dead and how she had died. She would be totally unglued and unable to put two words together.
I believe Patsy wrote the note in the hours after JonBenet was murdered in the full knowledge that she was already dead. I don't find it highly unlikely at all although I don't think she did it calmly or without assistance. The fact that the letters are very shakily formed at the beginning is an indication of her distraught emotional state IMO. I think also that she was forced to write it by someone who dictated the first five sentences to her, so she was just mechanically transcribing up to that point. I think she was then left to complete the note on her own but with instructions to write stuff that would encourage John to wait around patiently and do nothing and not to call the police, which she did. What I see then happening as her emotions really take hold of her is she then launches into a tirade of raging against John, which I see as deflecting the guilt of her involvement in the murder towards John as being responsible for it, I presume because he was away so often on business trips allowing the sexual predators easier acces to their prey. I see the STBC as standing for Saved by the Cross and included as a last minute veiled and desperate plea by a Christian for her own forgiveness. All very Patsy and all highly believable IMO.
MysteryAddict said:
Evidently some people don't want to believe their own eyes. You don't have to be an expert to see that the writing is identical.

I wonder if the investigators ever tried to confront Patsy
about the note by saying-

"Look Patsy we know you wrote the note but don't believe you killed your daughter.

Now tell us why you wrote it".
It would have been really interesting if the investigators has done this MysteryAddict. Unfortunately they didn't because IMO, all those who questioned her were absolutely certain that Patsy killed JonBenet in additon to writing the note. They couldn't make the leap and separate the two. And most people still can't.
"It would have been really interesting if the investigators has done this MysteryAddict."

Sure would!

foxbluff, pedophiles don't write notes. So, if you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
Vet4Bush said:
Wanna see something real interesting? Count the number of exclamation points (!) used in the ransom note. Now count the number of exclamation points (!) used in the annual Ramsey Christmas letter written by Patsy.


Interesting, huh!

Patsy was a journalism student!!!!
I can't imagine a middle aged woman like Patsy remembering the quotes from the movies Dirty Harry, Ransom, Speed, Ruthless People involving specificly the same subject. The ransom note killer got the quotes pretty close too or changed them a little bit to their liking. She would've had to have been interested in those portions of the movie and kept them in her memory bank to use for a rainy day. I've seen those movies several times, I'm much younger than her and I wouldn't remember those quotes or had any reason for them to stand out from the dialogue in the rest of the movie. I remember quotes from movies but they are usually pretty famous quotes or from a movie I really like and seen 100 times. The quotes usually don't involve basicly the same subject either. The subject being a person making ransom demands in a note or over the phone.

Remember this crime was supposedly an accident so patsy had no time to plan those quotes in advance.
Juliet10 said:
Remember this crime was supposedly an accident so patsy had no time to plan those quotes in advance.
That is what JMK said. Who knows now if it was an accident
Juliet10 said:
I can't imagine a middle aged woman like Patsy remembering the quotes from the movies Dirty Harry, Ransom, Speed, Ruthless People involving specificly the same subject. The ransom note killer got the quotes pretty close too or changed them a little bit to their liking. She would've had to have been interested in those portions of the movie and kept them in her memory bank to use for a rainy day. I've seen those movies several times, I'm much younger than her and I wouldn't remember those quotes or had any reason for them to stand out from the dialogue in the rest of the movie. I remember quotes from movies but they are usually pretty famous quotes or from a movie I really like and seen 100 times. The quotes usually don't involve basicly the same subject either. The subject being a person making ransom demands in a note or over the phone.

Remember this crime was supposedly an accident so patsy had no time to plan those quotes in advance.
But JR was there too remember.

Someone in that house liked true crime, 'hence' the pics in the basement.
Someone in that house also liked to watch movies, 'hence' the home theatre.
narlacat said:
But JR was there too remember.

Someone in that house liked true crime, 'hence' the pics in the basement.
Someone in that house also liked to watch movies, 'hence' the home theatre.
Did they own those crime movies?
Who knows, your guess is as good as mine.

I'm thinking surely the BPD checked that out, what movies they owned.

But it wouldn't surprise me if they didn't.
They would buy the new movies when they came out on DVD, usually a year after release, and they would view them in their home theatre. Don't know if BPD searched the house for movie DVDs. They did question PR about the movie habits of the Ramseys, though.
Love the allusion to 'hence', since it was used incorrectly, like most American usage, with an 'and' (and hence) in the RN, and also used by both John and Patsy in other writings.
I find the comparison between Patsy's writing and the ransom note are uncanny. to me the things that really stand out are the letter q which look like the number 8 and the backward comma's and apostrophe's. After reading this it is hard to discount Patsy.
openminded1 said:
7:00 explains alot. Thanks! In 1996, I was in college and could have cared less about this or any other case- unless it was a case of Corona!
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
"I find the comparison between Patsy's writing and the ransom note are uncanny. to me the things that really stand out are the letter q which look like the number 8 and the backward comma's and apostrophe's. After reading this it is hard to discount Patsy."

I've never seen anyone write them like that!

"Remember this crime was supposedly an accident so patsy had no time to plan those quotes in advance."

You'd be amazed at what goes through a person's mind!

"Did they own those crime movies?"

Quite a few of them were on tv within a month of the killing, including one that night.
The behavior of John and Patsy, in the hours following the discovery of their murdered daughter has always baffled me.

The desire to flee just doesn't fit into the personality of a self-made very powerful man. Wouldn't it make more sense for him to want to become ultra-involved with the investigation? It seems to me that he would feel smarter than most of the people in the room, if you know what I mean, and would feel that it was his duty, responsibility as a father to find this killer.
The abandonment of the body by her parents is just not natural. Why wouldn't they stay with her every moment until the coroner's office took her away. It just doesn't fit into the scenerio of doting parents.
Those initial behaviors betray a sense of something unnatural.
Also, I am a middle aged woman, a little younger than Patsy Ramsey, and not a huge fan of adventure movies, but somehow those phrases from the movies have wormed their way into my vocabulary.

Anyone who has had a teenager around knows full well that if you hear the most ridiculous phrase enough times, you have to fight the urge to use it yourself.
Some of the comments made in this thread are laughable.

Look, I see the obvious similarity between her writing and the note but sheesh, how does a human being see them and jump to the conclusion that she had to have been responsible for her daughter's death? Seriously...i am glad some of you are not in the legal system because many people would probably go to jail over some lame evidence like this.

"oh look, the defendant wears a blue golf shirt. They found blue fibers at the crime scene. lynch him!!!"


People need to look at the facts. Fact is they have had almost 10 years to tie this to the Ramseys and never could despite the fact they seemed to think it was them. If this was such an open/shut case like sooooo many here imply then why on earth wouldn't they have arrested them for it? OBVIOUSLY there is more to it than a freakin' hand writing sample or some fibres or some odd behaviour on Dec 26th.

Hey, people can have whatever opinion they want but some here are just being plain ol stubborn and refuse to think logically. I love the person who implied any IDI person refuses to look at the facts and is biased yet can't see THE EXACT SAME mentality for most RDI people here. PagingDrDetect is as baised as the people he/she harped on about. As someone who is clueless about what happened and isn't going to make some conclusion, I can easily say many of each side are acting the exact way meaning they are being close minded and will strictly stick to whatever evidence they feel fits their opinion. This is a CLASSIC human trait where people refuse to accept they may be wrong. Nobody should feel ashamed to do it but they should admit it.

Anyway, I can see either theory being the truth but I just come back to the fact that if it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo obvious the ramseys did it then why the heck weren't they ever charged. I've seen people charged for crimes on such minor evidence so if thre is supposedly so much here then it should be a given. Seriously. Logic points to this simple fact. Oh wait I forgot...John supposedly is above the law so could cover it all up. Yep...lets keep diging deeper wiht our theories instead of just face the sad truth that they may....NOT HAVE DONE IT.

BTW I see a lot of my hand writing similarities with the examples given. I guess that I may have written the note!!! Quick, someone come arrest me now!!!

It's funny how people are putting so much weight into hand writing analysis (which has been proven to be useless) and I find it funny that people yesterday went on about Karr's comparisons and totally ignore the fact that he wasn't put into some controlled test where he wrote exact letters/words from the note like the Ramseys went through. To go on about comparing patsy's controlled writing to his from 20 years ago and saying hers are closer to the note is asinine at best. Basically, there is no way to tell who has the closer writing since there are no examples of Karr doing the same examples that patsy had to do.

Why are so many people on this JB forum being so illogical about this case. It is amazing and makes me fearful of the idea of some people here ever being on jury duty and deciding a person's fate with their simplistic and close minded views of things. Yikes.

Oh and the randsom note makes no sense based on the RDI or IDI theory.
I love those claiming it supports the RDI theory saying it gives them something to try and pass of their guilt when in reality it does the opposite. So let me get this straight...you think writing a note in the handwriting of someone living there will help prove their innocence rather than get many to have concerns of their guilt? Okaaaaaaay.

I truly am amazed at the RDI people and the lame evidence they use to try and imply the theory is in stone. I think the IDI theory has many flaws as well but seriously, based on what I read at this forum it sounds more plausible than the RDI theory simply because the RDI people reach for things.

"John wanted to get out of dodge 20 mins after finding her body. He is guilty!!!"

Yep that MUST be it since you have found your child's dead body and know exactly how to act at the time.

Just love how everyone here is projecting what THEY think these people should have done at the time yet people here fail to realize what one can think/know to do in a situation is far diff than WHEN you are IN the situation and have to go on instinct/emotion.

The sad thing that even if there wasn't this supposed mountain of evidence pointing toward their guilt (which again, funny that they never were arrested with this supposed obvious evidence) most here probably still would proclaim them guilty simply because of JB being in pageants as many here feel they exploited their little girl. I also find it funny people here proclaiming JB didn't like takig aprt on the pageants or disputing Patsy when she said JB loved them. Yep, you guys know because you were all friends with JB 10 years ago and knew she hated them and was being forced into them. Uh huh.

I have no clue if JR or PR killed their daughter but I do feel bad for the crap they put up with from many. the evidence tying OJ to killing his ex-wife is far greater than this yet he didnt go through the same stuff the ramseys did...and he was actually charged with the crime!!!!

All I want is justice for that little girl (and IMO many here don't want that and just want to be super case solver and be right) but at least she is in a better place than this world.

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