Penalty Phase #13

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The Moon & planets had so much to say today but there was no way to post. As we last left court and the Moon, the defendant was in crisis, 13° Cardinal Libra. We were waiting for her allocution, a Study in Jodi Appreciation, as the Moon trined Mercury and Venus in II. The Moon was entering Via Combusta, the fiery star path, where danger waits and all efforts are ineffectual and unfortunate. Her lawyer's appeal to the jury came under this influence as did defendant's statement. The Moon represented first one woman speaking in House 3 and then the next, advocating. The Moon in Libra is always on the defensive and seeking to protect herself (& her client). In an event chart, she is seeking to win jurors over to her point of view, convince them to spare a life. The Moon is also 135° sesquare from the Sun, therefore inconsistent as with the suicide wish and also unreliable in the truth of the matter asserted. Perhaps most important, the matter will not work out as planned. This aspect means the Moon individual is willful but when power is assumed and abused, it will be removed. Cardinal Libran Moon in House 3 will be contradicted and some parts of the statement will be determined untrue. The abuse declarations have fallen on deaf ears, e.g. Mercury ruling House 3 from II reinforces the falsity. Although all these portents are dire, the fact that the degree of the Moon when the jury retired to deliberate sentence is the same degree as the Moon's Node means fatality, casualty for that Moon (Arias) and so does the Moon's quincunx to Mars in the House of death, 8.

Thank you Tuba! If I was only able to read one post todays yours was it. The stars don't lie- unlike the defendant.

May the verdict be swift.

As I understand it, if the vote is for death she will be immediately taken to Perryville. This is good news. I guess her media tour tonight will be her last hoorah as AZ death row is notorious for not allowing inmate interviews.

Good riddance. Somehow though I don't think we will have heard the last from her.
BBM: I told my DW that she sounded like a young teen reciting an essay for school. No feeling behind the words that were meant to impress her non felt emotion on the jurors.

I was thinking the same thing while watching the clips on NG! She sounds like my sophomore daughter practicing her speech for school. Then I remembered that's only a little younger than she was when she dropped out...
If you're still watching to see CMja's "true face", then you haven't been watching close enough. She's showed it plenty! And, believe me, she is absolutely ugly inside, IMO.
Why are the corrections people allowing interviews with a convict? Are they getting paid big bucks? This is one problem with the prison industrial state...
What JA has failed to realize is, once you've murdered someone, you don't count anymore-there's nothing you can do, to make up for the evil that you've done. It's not like a traffic ticket or an overdue library book, you can't go back again- Travis' family will never have him back, & she can't atone for that. Death is a fitting punishment. My opinion only, of course....

Totally Agree, but it is worse what she is still doing. She still is never apologizing. And she continues to trash the family in her sly little evil ways. She has no guilty concious of what she did and its a continuous slap in the face to everyone involved. Especially the jury and family.

She deserves an immediate fast path to DP.

I read she's doing 15 interviews.

Here are 15 things I might watch tonight:

1.Yankees game/Not JA interview
2. Spurs game/Not JA interview
3. Tornado coverage :( / Not JA interview
4. Dancing with the Stars / Not JA interview
5. The Voice / Not JA interview
6. Moneyball / Not JA interview
7. Comedy Central / Not JA interview
8. College baseball / Not JA interview
9. My food heat up in the microwave / Not JA interview
10. Infomercials / Not JA interview
11. HSN or QVC / Not JA interview
12. Spanish Broadcast television / Not JA interview
13. Nick at Nite / Not JA interview
14. Netflix / Not JA interview
15. C-Span repeats / Not JA interview

So as you can see, I have a very full night of many options and none of them include the poison toxin known as CMJA. Freedom is fantastic! Something she will never know! Something we all get to enjoy!
Whoo hoo!!! Looks like we'll need a pile of pizzas and a keg. :cheer:
But remember - the first 14 inches on her head would not be useable since it was bleached blond, then over dyed brown. So that means it would have had to grow 30 inches PLUS WHAT SHE HAS NOW, and that growth would have to be from the scalp.

Not possible. What a surprise - did she lie?????????????? Noooooooooooo lol

I laughed out loud when the judge read the part of jury instructions that this allocution is not under oath. As if that mattered but....:floorlaugh:
Yep, the manipulator had to get her little nasty dig in to say Travis wasn't the glue, Samantha. And btw, Travis said Gma was sick in '07, so you all don't be blaming me for her dying and being lost ...Gma was the glue, not Travis.

This is the part that made me so mad today, that little manipulation right there by the killer. Perfect example how the psychopath operates and manipulated ALL her life.
Another example: everyone of her former boys said "Jodi wouldn't hurt a spider" scoop them up and put outside....can't you just hear her in her little girl voice when the guy says to smash the spider? No, can't hurt a little defenseless spider.

Jodi worked her "men" like little spiders on her web. Black widow.

The other BIG one that boiled my blood was how she "didn't want to drag Travis' skeletons out into the public eye" which was another attempt to excuse my french, "bastardize" Travis' reputation. IMHO she will use every opportunity to trash Travis and hurt his family that she can get.
Now isn't that special.......the Pro-CFja camp get's to ask their Princess some incightful questions, my oh my.
Have no fear all ... anything Arias says can and will be used against her when her appeals come up. Dead woman walking ...
I was disgusted when she brought that up. I've been growing my hair out through this whole trial to do my first donation. I feel SO BAD that some poor child has received the hair which existed on the head of a woman who butchered a man. All while they are fighting for their own lives or their own sense of self worth.

I am disgusted locks of love has been used as a mitigating factor and I really feel like they should have some sort of rules for this.

I understand also that locks of love does a good portion of their donations to people who do not do have cancer but issues which cause you to not grow hair. I don't care. No and I mean NO charity linked to cancer or children should have anything to do with murder cases. If they are going to take the hair from criminals they should take a stand when those criminals use them to get lesser penalties.

Locks of Love has no control if some murdering liar uses their name. How could they have controlled it? And... let's remember, it was JA who said it - who even knows if it is true?
It has probably been discussed but what jumped out at me today was this...

Yesterday, Nurmi told the judge he wanted her to inform the jury why the expected witness would not be there. She told him she would explain she is unavailable, but not why. Which she did today. Jodi was there to hear that, but still when showing the picture of her and Patti she says she wasn't testifying because her and her daughter were harassed.
I'm signing out for the evening here-I'm kind of shocked by the extreme sentiments being expressed. I am fully aware of what this case is about -but I still can't so self righteously demand the death of another person-yes I am a victim's advocate and I know how brutally Travis was slaughtered, but this message board just feels creepy to me tonight.

Why? What's wrong with being in favor of a lawful punishment? I'm pro-death penalty when it's appropriate and it's appropriate here. Very appropriate. Not shy or ashamed to admit it. Travis' family wants it. I support them. I want them to get every bit of justice they can possibly get from the legal process. And I do NOT think they will get that with this monster roaming free while serving a life sentence. She deserves the death penalty. Nothing wrong with hoping and waiting for that sentence.

StephenA in his VIS: “I don't want to see my brother's murderer again."

JA in her alocution: “I want everyone's healing to begin, and I want everyone's pain to stop.”

Just a few short hours after JA said the above, the following is posted indicating JA has agreed to media interviews from jail:

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 1h I will be doing an interview with Jodi Arias at 6 p.m.

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 1h Actually folks, I'm not the only one doing an interview with Arias tonight. She will be talking to ABC, NBC and AP among others.

I read she's doing 15 interviews.

Here are 15 things I might watch tonight:

1.Yankees game/Not JA interview
2. Spurs game/Not JA interview
3. Tornado coverage :( / Not JA interview
4. Dancing with the Stars / Not JA interview
5. The Voice / Not JA interview
6. Moneyball / Not JA interview
7. Comedy Central / Not JA interview
8. College baseball / Not JA interview
9. My food heat up in the microwave / Not JA interview
10. Infomercials / Not JA interview
11. HSN or QVC / Not JA interview
12. Spanish Broadcast television / Not JA interview
13. Nick at Nite / Not JA interview
14. Netflix / Not JA interview
15. C-Span repeats / Not JA interview

So as you can see, I have a very full night of many options and none of them include the poison toxin known as CMJA. Freedom is fantastic! Something she will never know! Something we all get to enjoy!

Real Housewives of Orange County (rerun)
Kitchen Nightmare's Amy's Baking Company On Demand...could watch over and over
Does she still want to claim she had no choice but to murder him?
Why does she not appear remorseful?

Troy is going to waste a question on "do you trace your art?".

FFS, she doesn't trace her art! She's a copier! There's a big difference. The latter does require skill while former requires none.
I do agree but I also think that she really believes that she is a **STAR**. She really reminds me of Norma Desmond. Lights, cameras, action. I'm ready for my close-up Mr. Keiffer.

I honestly think she wants to get to as many viewers as possible to smear Travis and get the world to believe he's a pedophile. I bet anything that will be the theme of every interview she does tonight. It's going to be a free for all to trash Travis one more time and in epic proportions.
I'm signing out for the evening here-I'm kind of shocked by the extreme sentiments being expressed. I am fully aware of what this case is about -but I still can't so self righteously demand the death of another person-yes I am a victim's advocate and I know how brutally Travis was slaughtered, but this message board just feels creepy to me tonight.

We are all just speaking out passionately from the heart...because the real CREEP factor comes from the convicted murderer.
Gag order is lifted.

Please, someone explain how it is she's able to do these interviews?? Shouldn't she be too busy umm being locked up?? So, what does Sherrif Joe just say ok, everyone else to their cells but Jodi you go and do those 4.5 hrs of interviews. I'm just floored that the jail and specifically the warden is allowing a convicted murderer to carry on this circus. It defies logic that a convicted killer be given the freedom needed to conduct these interviews. I'm just shocked that the warden - who's supposed to be such a hardass - is allowing this. I would think he would say no way to this. Can anyone explain how (and why) this is being accommodated by the warden?
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