Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

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This post lands at random: Please post off topic information in the 'sidebar' thread... Moreover, please stop discussing or asking for private messages on the public board as this is referred to as "inviting" and against TOS.

Oh no! I'm Sorry!!! I was just kidding about that, I swear! ={
i signed on six months ago for free cable and my promotion ends today. i remember a few months ago i would have NEVER thought my last day of HLN would be waiting for the final verdict.

can you watch HLN on a live stream somewhere?

oh and ps. i'll know when the jury has a verdict, segeuk9 will say 'they just went for a smoke break' lol. :seeya:
they are gonna come back after lunch with the verdict.....I just feel it....

Aloha camcneishg

I have a strong feeling of a verdict after lunch as well.

I pray that the Judge doesn't allow the murderer to say anything after the verdict is read and before she is swift away.

I'm in the Stephen Alexander camp .... I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THIS MURDERER EVERY AGAIN!
This is a little late, but I lost my post earlier and now still laughing about it. Earlier the HLN dude (don't remember his name) was talking with JC. She said they told her that they have an hour. They also told her that after the hour they may want to go in shifts or something. Then the HNL dude said, "Wow, that big". Oh Come On!
Ok I admit it. I'm now officially worried.

It's typical of this trial. Nothing ever goes as planned. It figures this would happen. Unbelievable. Sigh.
can someone please share with me why my posts are no longer showing after I post them? I havent received an email saying Im on a TO - I havent done anything that I know of.... yet all of my posts are gone after I refresh...


Not sure, maybe just funky stuff going on with the board... that's happened to me before without any TO or warning. And the posts weren't anything bad or controversial. Maybe just a glitch.

I did get a laugh out of that tweet that you posted where the person made mention of the drugs being cropped out of the photo in JA's powerpoint... I thought the same exact thing when I saw her allocution! Photoshop has been a friend to many. :floorlaugh:
i signed on six months ago for free cable and my promotion ends today. i remember a few months ago i would have NEVER thought my last day of HLN would be waiting for the final verdict.

can you watch HLN on a live stream somewhere?

oh and ps. i'll know when the jury has a verdict, segeuk9 will say 'they just went for a smoke break' lol.

:giggle: they gotta smoke 'em before they 'smoke' her....
...and looks like 3 darker white lines (somewhat askew) as well.

the positioning on the table is right too - right near the edge, you could come up to the table on your knees and snort a line and go back to lying down.

So they officially didn't take lunch?

Ok JC says PIO stay close to the courtroom.


Just posting this to try and make HO feel better. You're great and now you weren't the last person to post :floorlaugh::blushing::seeya:
Oh I believe she will too. Simply because she has no remorse at all and she has convinced herself she had a good reason.

I believe 100% that JA will kill again in prison if she has any opportunity at all. Not only is she a danger to society at large, she is a danger to any person she associates with. That is why I believe she should be isolated from any human. She already knows that she will never leave the prison, what would stop her now from killing if able?
can someone please share with me why my posts are no longer showing after I post them? I havent received an email saying Im on a TO - I havent done anything that I know of.... yet all of my posts are gone after I refresh...


Got it! Can you see this one?
Just fed to the back teeth with this woman. She pointed her index at the row where her family sat and said "that" & "them" as the reason she had changed her perspective on death. Like they were the stake in a poker game, something inanimate. It was repulsive. So was the hollow voice that went with this ugly gesture. Please, jury, come back with your sentence so we can sweep her off the scene. Please!
ok - Im done posting....... I JUST posted again... and its gone.

Yall have a good day. I will be reading, but apparently I cant contribute :seeya:
In my younger, more innocent years, I was opposed to the death penalty.

In 2008, my adult daughter was kidnapped from her home in the middle of the night by her abusive ex. He brutally assaulted her with the intention of murdering her. If the police had not miraculously rescued her (thanks to a concerned neighbor who heard my daughter's screams as she was dragged into the woods & to our LE who responded quickly) she would not be alive today. My daughter required 2 facial reconstruction surgeries to repair the physical damage. She's just now beginning to heal from the psychological/emotional damage.

My daughter's horrific experience changed my view of capital punishment, because she came so close to being murdered by an abusive sociopath (much like JA). My daughter is a survivor. It nauseates me when I hear JA promote herself as a survivor of domestic violence, when SHE'S the abuser, SHE'S the aggressor, SHE'S the murderer.

My heart breaks for the Alexander family. They deserve Justice. Travis deserves Justice.

I firmly believe that some people are such monsters that they need to be eradicated - like a cancer. JA is a cancer to society, IMO. In one of her most recent interviews, she arrogantly declared that she "deserves a second chance". As far as I'm concerned, she forfeited any 2nd chance on June 4, 2008 when she savagely murdered Travis Alexander.
yes because my shop just called to say my car is ready and they're about to pick me up so I guarantee the minute I walk out the door, the courtroom feed will go live

Look at the bright side - that that case you'd have a fixed car and a verdict. Win-win.
Aloha camcneishg

I have a strong feeling of a verdict after lunch as well.

I pray that the Judge doesn't allow the murderer to say anything after the verdict is read and before she is swift away.

I'm in the Stephen Alexander camp .... I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THIS MURDERER EVERY AGAIN!

If she's allowed to SAY ANYTHING I'm going to blow a gasket and at my age I don't have many gasket's left!:scared:
we need a sign......

someone here has seen a sign.....

will we have a jury decision????


HLN has me so worked up.....they are so intense

someone, help.....tell me something good

no hung jury, no hung jury, no hung jury.......

Not to neglect the portents in the murderer's natal chart, as the Scorpio Moon overhead moves to Node at 16° and then, finally opposition to Mars, the influences upon her could not be more drastic & adverse. Mars overhead opposes the Arias Uranus which is extremely dire in her chart because at the same degree as her natal Node, 21°49' Leo. We have to bear in mind that this has to affect her vile temper with an impact like none other. This year she confronts a solar eclipse by progression in her chart and her progressed Mars has come to conjunction of her Pluto at 18°59' Libra. More agitation and incitement of her vile temper, barely containable. No wonder she told Ryan Owen that she will not be a threat to others as long as no one abuses, attacks or threatens her life.

TUBA! :silenced:

PS- Yes I am being juvenile, please excuse. Just struck me as funny...kinda like "Rectum?!? Dam* near killed 'em!" :fence:

PSS- Appreciate your posts also Tuba, an entirely new way to interpret just what the hades is going on. Thanks!
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