Penn State Sandusky Trial #10

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I really think the one boy's uncle thinks something happened to him & thought maybe if he sent someone to talk with him-he would tell-JMO though

I got a question for you all--If the 2 other victims comes forward-can they file a suit against them all-even though they did not testify at this trial?

The uncle called the defense to offer his nephew as a witness that DIDN'T get messed with-- and he called them YESTERDAY. Good lord, that looks so weak and desperate, I can't believe Amendola is literally grasping at straws. mo

The announcement came after the witness, David Hilton, 21, reacted with surprise when he was asked whether he knew that his uncle had called the defense team Tuesday night. Sandusky attorney Karl Rominger then asked for a recess.

Hilton was testifying that he spent a lot of time with Sandusky as a youth. He said he spent many nights at the Sanduskys' home but that nothing inappropriate ever happened.
I really think the one boy's uncle thinks something happened to him & thought maybe if he sent someone to talk with him-he would tell-JMO though

I got a question for you all--If the 2 other victims comes forward-can they file a suit against them all-even though they did not testify at this trial?

definitely they can....this trial has nothing to do with a civil suit. nothing.

oj was found guilty in the civil suit.

even the last young man who testified for sandusky could end up suing him. he hung his hewad at the end. why?
But I also think the Costas's interview is what kept him off the stand!!!
Way to go In Session - with keeping victims anonymous. Sketch artist just announced 2 victim names on live TV.
But I also think the Costas's interview is what kept him off the stand!!!

the SA could have put it in, but they didnt. it might have been a hammer, but if i was the SA I would have begged for jerry to take the stand...omg..i would have done anything for him to testify.
I hate not having cable at home. Or access to CNN live. :maddening:

JJ, what's the maximum penalty for all charges, concurrent? 28 years only?

Everything consecutively, 560+ years. That won't happen.

The maximum for a first degree felony penalty is 20 years, and he could be out in 6-8 years. The might run some consecutively, but I would expect him to be out, if convicted, by his 85th birthday (if he lives that long).
its almost as if there is really some justice force that at the last minute was able to rise up in an attempt to be felt.

for instance the very last defense witness was a young man who spoke FOR jerry and told that he was in the same circumstances as the accusers in that he was a Jerry favorite, went places with him, and spent the night at his house and nothing ever happened.

but the last thing that happened was that the SA asked the young man if he was aware that his uncle had repeatedly gotten in touch with them, including as recent as last night, and the young man hung his head and mumbled, no.

and that was that. defense rests.

omg...what an ending..if i was the defense atty i would have done anything but rest at that moment...anything, including fakin a heart attack...what a way to rest your case, with a character witness hanging his head and unanswered questions in the air about his testimony.

what happened? was this man molested and doesnt remember it? is he lying? what?

defense rests.

The last witness confuses me. Did the uncle call the defense or the state? I've seen both.

But either way, so lame. Just because he didn't molest 1500 other kids, doesn't mean he didn't molest these 8 or 1 or 20 others. It's like they're saying "Dude, he didn't molest everyone, so clearly he didn't molest anyone.." Come on... like anyone beyond an idiot would buy that scenario.
I thought the judge said no to the rest of the video being shown to the jury-but it would come in if JS took the stand!
They weren't victims. They were witnesses for the defense who testified for Jerry.

Oops! you were correct!

She caught herself and apologized. But still.....careless reporting in my book.

(I was a broadcast major so stuff like that bothers me.):banghead:
Two questions:

1. Who gave Dottie the nickname Sarge? If it was JS it is very telling.

2. What is the current relationship, if any, between Dottie and JoePa's widow?

Thanks if you have this info!
Two questions:

1. Who gave Dottie the nickname Sarge? If it was JS it is very telling.

2. What is the current relationship, if any, between Dottie and JoePa's widow?

Thanks if you have this info!

1-JS gave it to her
2-I'm not sure
No, but it still isn't life.

I would not be surprised to see him out by his 80th birthday, even if convicted of everything.

oh, cmon JJ, you must be kidding....hes accussed of raping minors...

have you any reaon to believe he would receive that light a sentence? i know most inmates only serve 2/3 of their term, but still?

in any case....i'm not worried he will ever get out, even if they want to let him go that soon.
The court artist stated the names of the defense witnesses of today which is fine since they aren't accusers.

While discussing Dottie Sandusky's testimony she provided the names of 2 of the VICTIMS. She caught herself after naming the 2nd victim. She stated that Dottie used negative terms in regards to 'blah' and 'blah'. I won't give the names she gave of the two victims.

The prosecutors were the one's who asked the last defense witness if he was aware that the uncle called the prosecutors. The uncle called the prosecutor's early on and that's why the interviewed the boy. The uncle called the prosecutor's again last night. The implication for all the reporters was that the uncle suspected Jerry and that's why he called the prosecutor's numerous times about his nephew and that's why they vigorously questioned the boy during their investigation. The boy lowered his head when he realized his uncle had been contacting the prosecutors and when answering that he wasn't touched by Jerry.
I think it is telling that neither victim 4 nor dottie went to the luncheon for the alamo bowl after she caught JS in the bathroom with #4. IMO, Jer wasn't mad that the child refused to go to the luncheon, he was mad that dottie interrupted his shenanigans.

Again moo
The court artist stated the names of the defense witnesses of today which is fine since they aren't accusers.

While discussing Dottie Sandusky's testimony she provided the names of 2 of the VICTIMS. She caught herself after naming the 2nd victim. She stated that Dottie used negative terms in regards to 'blah' and 'blah'. I won't give the names she gave of the two victims.

The prosecutors were the one's who asked the last defense witness if he was aware that the uncle called the prosecutors. The uncle called the prosecutor's early on and that's why the interviewed the boy. The uncle called the prosecutor's again last night. The implication for all the reporters was that the uncle suspected Jerry and that's why he called the prosecutor's numerous times about his nephew and that's why they vigorously questioned the boy during their investigation. The boy lowered his head when he realized his uncle had been contacting the prosecutors and when answering that he wasn't touched by Jerry.

Thank you.

Good for the prosecution to put that out there.
Well if my two teen age boys didn't know about sexual predators, thanks to ESPN they definitely do now. Its good and bad. I had hoped not to have to explain this one to them although its necessary these days. :( Since school has been out in my school district my house is a 24 hour man cave. Its on every channel when its usually sport highlights. Now they understand the power of knowing its okay and best to tell if they experience or see/hear of anything they know isn't right. Years of warnings ( stranger frenemy family danger )from this avid WS mom makes sense to them now lol.
May that sicko rot in hell for ruining so many lives.

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The court artist stated the names of the defense witnesses of today which is fine since they aren't accusers.

While discussing Dottie Sandusky's testimony she provided the names of 2 of the VICTIMS. She caught herself after naming the 2nd victim. She stated that Dottie used negative terms in regards to 'blah' and 'blah'. I won't give the names she gave of the two victims.

The prosecutors were the one's who asked the last defense witness if he was aware that the uncle called the prosecutors. The uncle called the prosecutor's early on and that's why the interviewed the boy. The uncle called the prosecutor's again last night. The implication for all the reporters was that the uncle suspected Jerry and that's why he called the prosecutor's numerous times about his nephew and that's why they vigorously questioned the boy during their investigation. The boy lowered his head when he realized his uncle had been contacting the prosecutors and when answering that he wasn't touched by Jerry.

This is what I thought happened to-the uncle thought Jerry did something to him-he must have seen signs or something
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