Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

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How long will the jury deliberate?

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IMO, the jury is close to a verdict and want their free dinner. SyraKelly (and others) may just be correct with her 5 hr prediction.:rocker:

Do we know if they go out for dinner or have it delivered? The dinner 'break' from 6-7 is why I think they are close. If not, then why not say they are done for the night and will resume deliberations in the morning?

Hope this makes sense.



Makes perfect sense to me :) I'm on pins and needles, here... I bet JS is just sitting there smiling and softly laughing. Gross.
We have a statement from two attorneys representing Matt Sandusky, Jerry Sandusky's adopted son.

The statement was released Thursday afternoon. It reads:

"Matt Sandusky, one of Jerry Sandusky's adopted children, asked us to confirm with you the accuracy of this morning's news reports indicating that he was prepared to testify truthfully as a Commonwealth witness.

During the trial, Matt Sandusky contacted us and requested our advice and assistance in arranging a meeting with prosecutors to disclose for the first time in this case that he is a victim of Jerry Sandusky's abuse.

At Matt's request, we immediately arranged a meeting between him and the prosecutors and investigators.

This has been an extremely painful experience for Matt and he has asked us to convey his request that the media respect his privacy. There will be no further comment at this time."
by WGAL 2:53 PM

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Not quite sure I understand this statement. Why didn't the prosecution let him testify? Was it too late because the defense was up already?
just heard legal commentary on the news stating that if sandusky did not take the stand the son was going to be kept in reserve so charges could be filed in the event of an acquittal.

I am glad you joined in the discussion, pingpattern.

just heard legal commentary on the news stating that if sandusky did not take the stand the son was going to be kept in reserve so charges could be filed in the event of an acquittal.

And that answers my question! Thank you!
His glory days. grrrrrrr



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IMO, the jury is close to a verdict and want their free dinner. SyraKelly (and others) may just be correct with her 5 hr prediction.:rocker:

Do we know if they go out for dinner or have it delivered? The dinner 'break' from 6-7 is why I think they are close. If not, then why not say they are done for the night and will resume deliberations in the morning?

Hope this makes sense.



Hello, wm...makes perfect sense to me, too.... I do not feel for a second that a quick verdict means a not guilty verdict in this case.

I believe the jurors want the watching world to know that they are going to take back what is theirs and, hopefully, help many young men begin the healing process....

all moo
Why would MS decided to wait until jury deliberations to announce his molestation? He could have come forward prior to help convict his father..... It's like a gift to his dad (kinda sorta).

Because it's kind of hard to not feel guilty about not saying anything for all those years and finally see the faces and the anguish of the other victims and their families. I imagine after finally seeing the damage his father had done he felt he could and should not continue to keep quiet. But that's just my guess. It must have taken him awhile to gather the courage. Clearly he had told his ex-wife and that's why she wouldn't let her children go visit Jerry.
Oh gah... didn't Another jury take a meal break right before delivering their (terrible, horrible, no good, very bad) verdict?


Not quite sure I understand this statement. Why didn't the prosecution let him testify? Was it too late because the defense was up already?

That's what I think-- so he could only be added as rebuttal to Jerry's own testimony, and Jerry had to opt out. I think it was valiant of him to prevent the re-victimization of those young men, because you know Jerry was going to try to destroy them on every level to save himself. jmo

You did a good thing, Matt, and I'm so sorry for your pain. :cry:
Not quite sure I understand this statement. Why didn't the prosecution let him testify? Was it too late because the defense was up already?

I think so because he just came forward in the past few days. As pingpattern noted above, Matt was being held in reserve in case Jer is aquitted. (I'll bet there are others too) I just heard hln talking heads saying the same thing.

just heard legal commentary on the news stating that if sandusky did not take the stand the son was going to be kept in reserve so charges could be filed in the event of an acquittal.

Ohhh excellent strategy!
Actually, he may believe that JS will be convicted on the evidence already presented, & if for some reason he is acquitted, the prosecutors will have a second shot at him, w/ MS's charges. Wouldn't we all love to be able to see Jerry & Dottie squirming right now?
Hush yo face!! Lol :D

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I look at it this way: there are 40-something charges... that is a LOT of paperwork, IMO, to fill out. It would not surprise me if it goes into tomorrow. Time and time again, in interviews with juries from other cases, a lot of those that came to a quick verdict, they said filling out the paperwork was the time consumer.
long story about Matt's background and how he came to live with JS.
wow - I hadn't seen this one

"When Jerry Sandusky would call Matt, she told police, Matt would keep the conversations private. But every time he hung up the phone he would go to the bathroom and throw up."

This is heart-breaking.

It's little details like this that ring most true to my ears. This, and the victim who kept throwing his underwear away. Who would think to make up a detail like that out of malice or greed?
The weekend or maybe the early part of next week. Some of those charges are weak.
Oh gah... didn't Another jury take a meal break right before delivering their (terrible, horrible, no good, very bad) verdict?



I thought about that too ynotdivein. But let's think positive. I have a bottle of Patron chilling in the freezer for all of us when the GUILTY verdict is read!

wm :D
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