Penn State's athletic director plus ex-Paterno assistant charged in child sex case

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Oh Concerned Papa I am sick. When that picture was posted yesterday, I remember wondering why the cone was upside down. The picture had blown the margins and I pondered a moment and kept reading.

A local horrible for those victims.
If the charges against Jerry Sandusky are proven true in court, the former Penn State coach will be handed a jail sentence that will last more than four lifetimes.

There are 40 charges against Sandusky, and if he is given the maximum penalty, he will be given a 460-year sentence. Fox 29 in Philadelphia obtained a copy of the criminal complaint filed against Sandusky and released the news.

Seems SOME players are reacting well but others....not so much

snip from article..

"another former Nittany Lion said he hasn't forgotten Sandusky, even as the former assistant coach stands accused of having sex with young boys.

Sam Stellatella, a three-position player in the 1950s, has donated money to Sandusky's defense and urged other former players to do the same.

"I told him he's going to need a million dollars to defend himself," the 73-year-old Stellatella said. "He called me back and said, 'What am I going to do with this money?' I said, 'Use it for your lawyer because you're going to need it.' "

Stellatella sent Sandusky $100. He wrote personal letters to other members of the 1959 Liberty Bowl team that defeated a Bear Bryant-coached Alabama team and asked they also donate. He does not know how much money was raised.

"I know some of the guys sent money," Stellatella told The Associated Press. "Here's the thing, these are horrendous charges against him. But he's still entitled to his day in court. Everybody's prejudged him."
Of the charges against Sandusky- 8 are Child Endangerment by a Parent
One count for each of the 8 victims.

How does this happen? :waitasec:
I have not read the grand jury report. I can't now, and maybe never will. So with that said, at this moment, I don't want to see McQueary vilified. Did he do the right thing at the time? No. Can I see that he was in an environment of fear, certain retribution and with nowhere to go (as in the police would probably have gone right to the PSU leadership and he would have been retaliated against for breaking the code). Yes. So he went to someone he trusted who DID have power, and look what happened. Nothing. He was in a lose-lose situation. But he did blow the whistle. Don't get me wrong. Should he have stepped in at that moment? It's beyond sad and horrifying that he did not.

But I agree, he needs to leave. (Why would he even want to stay?) I do not want to see that this guy ends up killing himself.

And I reserve the right to flip-flop on this opinion later. This is all so disturbing.

I don't want to see anyone kill him or herself. But I cannot give a pass to an adult who witnessed a child being raped and did not step in immediately. Disgusting. Beyond disgusting. I don't know how he has been able to live with himself.
This story is getting sicker and sicker by the hour...I am just speechless!!!
I have skimmed thru pages here and havent seen anything posted about this connection to the missing DA Ray Gricar...He went missing while he was investigating Jerry Sandusky's Child Abuse Alligations came to his desk...

Yikes I have read pages and pages on threads regarding his disappearance and subsequent declared dead...Yikes I think this whole Scandal is going to open up a can of worms and conspiracy to protect Coach P, the University and the Football Programs..Man

Anyway here's the article I found on this link to Ray Gricar~~

Ray Gricar, Original District Attorney in Jerry Sandusky Trial, Went Missing in 2005, Declared Dead


A few months later, his daughter, Lara, petitioned to declare her father dead so that the family could have closure, according to The New York Times. But the Sandusky case was left wide open, with much of the evidence and momentum dying with Gricar

We actually do have a thread on that (I think it's on #7 now?). Here's the link:

[ame=""]PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #7 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
~Respectfully snipped~

Hi Kinalyn - Welcome to WS. We appreciate your local insight here. I snipped your post because I want to respond to your first paragraph here, because I wanted the 'white out' message repeated (so I'm going to bold that) and to agree with you about the media.

I respectfully disagree that it was ONE man that has had such a devastating impact on PSU. I argue that it was one man, aided and abetted by what is beginning to look like the whole Football program administration - or at least the coaching staff. Sandusky committed serious crimes (and that he is out on bail makes me furious) against children - he is the one man. BUT others knew to the point of an eyewitness account, told to JS' boss, Paterno. At that point, Paterno had knowledge that this was NOT the first time that JS faced allegations and Paterno should have followed up. AND all those around Paterno should have followed up! A coach does not get investigated for child abuse in a vacuum. In 1998-99 the entire upper echelon at PSU had to have known that one of the coaches was being investigated for child abuse.

When similar charges were brought forth in 2002, by an eyewitness that gave a graphic description of what he saw - the Administration had a DUTY and a RESPONSIBILITY to act. Those who failed to act carry a greater responsibility for the impact this has had on PSU, in my opinion. They had the POWER and the knowledge to stop this horrible-ness. They chose to ignore their responsibillity and their moral obligations so that the 'game could go on.' In my mind, that makes them even more culpable for the harm these children came to. My very long winded point - is that JS was not an island. He had help keeping his secret and he had, at a minimum, silent permission to continue with his activities.

On another note, I appreciate so much your informing us about the 'white out.' I am glad to hear it really is a blue out in support of abolishing child abuse.

I wish you luck in your charity events this weekend. I hope it is a good game. I don't believe the students should be punished for the bad behavior of their coaches.

And yes, the media needs to remember this is NOT about football - this is about the ability of those in power to mis-use that power to serve their own selfish needs and ideas at the expense of innocent victims.



Totally agree. If all this had been dealt with immediately and appropriately when it first came to light, Penn State officials had a good chance to set an example of how an honorable administration can help its school/community move on from something like this. They could have used it as a platform to spread awareness. They could have handled the deeds of one man in a way that showed honor to the victims and the community.

Instead, they chose to cover up and allow children to be abused. Shame on those making the decisions to perpetuate this mess. I pray for the victims and for the community. None of them deserve any of this. I pray justice is done for all of them.
Top Recruit De-Commits

"Penn State suffered its first decommitment since the firing of coach Joe Paterno when ESPNU 150 offensive tackle Joey O'Connor of Windsor, Colo., backed away from his pledge Thursday evening."

Finally, someone associated with football speaks out about the victims...

"It was a definitely a decision I had to make," O'Connor said. "I just didn't know what would happen. The best interest for me now is to explore my options. The whole situation is tragic. My heart goes to the victims and families. They'll be in my thoughts and prayers."
I live in Nebraska, and the local media is full of dire predictions of potential violence at the game Saturday and I have heard some are reconsidering travelling there.
I don't have any qualms about the regular Penn State fans, I think Nebraskans will be treated with respect by them. It's the rowdies, some students but many not, who could spark trouble in the stands and streets. Nebraska fans are being asked to not wear red, to avoid provoking these people. Wouldn't surprise me to see some fisticuffs on the playing field. Hope not.
I have not read the grand jury report. I can't now, and maybe never will. So with that said, at this moment, I don't want to see McQueary vilified. Did he do the right thing at the time? No. Can I see that he was in an environment of fear, certain retribution and with nowhere to go (as in the police would probably have gone right to the PSU leadership and he would have been retaliated against for breaking the code). Yes. So he went to someone he trusted who DID have power, and look what happened. Nothing. He was in a lose-lose situation. But he did blow the whistle. Don't get me wrong. Should he have stepped in at that moment? It's beyond sad and horrifying that he did not.

But I agree, he needs to leave. (Why would he even want to stay?) I do not want to see that this guy ends up killing himself.

And I reserve the right to flip-flop on this opinion later. This is all so disturbing.

Anderson Cooper interviewed a Penn. legislator last night who said that Penn's law is horribly lacking and needs to be changed.

As it stands, the law states that the reporting procedure for child molestation, etc, is "up the chain of command."

In other words, by law, you are to report to your superior, and they in turn are to report to their superior.

Woefully archaic and immoral. :furious:

If I am recalling this correctly, the Penn. legislator said that, based on the law, McQueary and Paterno would not be charged for failure to report as mandatory reporters.

IMO, the law be damned. When you see or have knowledge of this abominable behavior, you pick up the phone and call the police.

Our workplace bosses are not our ultimate Judge.
McQueary did what he has always done. Turned coat then ran to Daddy. Sandusky is a disgusting excuse of a human. This 'story' goes way further up, not only the PSU food chain, but up into gov't officials as well. Paterno is being crucified for doing all of the right things. He didn't turn a blind eye and he never perjured himself to the grand jury as Schulz and Curly have. But Paterno is the one paying both in the media and in his personal life. Look, I have children and would NEVER support someone who covered up or did not report molestation. I was raised a PSU fan and so are my daughters. Please remember that Sandusky is the villain here. The victims are the children. Paterno is the scapegoat. I am attending tomorrows game. My friend and I had tix way before this occurred. We are going to paternos home to offer support then join the other alumni, fans, and students in peaceful protest on the lawn of Old Main. Yes there are many threats and safety issues right now. I have faith the the PSP and State College police will handle this to the best of their ability. Could we stay home and avoid this mess and danger? Yes. But we strongly believe that the Board has made a huge mistake in firing Paterno. We're going to be heard. Any Braska fans coming to the game, please do not let what you are seeing in msm keep you away. Its not all the truth.
Very strange indeed.

I don't think it's related based on the home computer search- 'how to wreck a hard drive' and the daughter requesting the case be closed a few months after he disappears. Hinky....


His daughter only recently requested that he be declared dead... I think in June or July time frame, he went missing in 2005 so that wait is pretty standard.

I've always believed his disappearance was due to foul-play, and am beginning to believe Sandusky or his camp may have had a lot to do with it.
IMO, there is a moral or ethical law that supercedes anything in an employee handbook or a state "whistleblower" law.

You protect the vulnerable, the innocent, the young and defenseless. Any adult, especially one working in any capacity in an educational setting, should have this mindset.

I am completely baffled that McQueary hasn't been dismissed.
I live in Nebraska, and the local media is full of dire predictions of potential violence at the game Saturday and I have heard some are reconsidering travelling there.
I don't have any qualms about the regular Penn State fans, I think Nebraskans will be treated with respect by them. It's the rowdies, some students but many not, who could spark trouble in the stands and streets. Nebraska fans are being asked to not wear red, to avoid provoking these people. Wouldn't surprise me to see some fisticuffs on the playing field. Hope not.

And how is Nebraska fans wearing their team color suppose to provoke these people?

While the Penn State Blue Out is admirable and the shirts do say "Stop Child Abuse", blue is also their team color and the shirt also says "Blue Out Nebraska". The proceeds do go to Prevent Child Abuse which again is admirable. You can see the shirt here:

What message would Penn State be sending if they wear shirts that say "Stop Child Abuse" then react violently to Nebraska fans?

I think they should call the game off or move it from Penn State.
IMO, there is a moral or ethical law that supercedes anything in an employee handbook or a state "whistleblower" law.

You protect the vulnerable, the innocent, the young and defenseless. Any adult, especially one working in any capacity in an educational setting, should have this mindset.

I am completely baffled that McQueary hasn't been dismissed


I agree. I wonder if he is protected by 'whistleblower' laws? Or, perhaps, he is working with the prosecution?
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