Penn State's athletic director plus ex-Paterno assistant charged in child sex case

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But you know what JP's excuse is going to be..I never thought Sandusky was hurting these boys,I thought he was bringing the boys from the foundation to the games to help them with self esteem issues or trying to be a father figure to them...he will deny knowing anything..JMO

Well, he certainly can try. I'm willing to bet that one (or more) of the new victims that have come forward since the GJ report have said that Joe Pa saw, or witnessed, or on it. Maybe even one came to HIM and asked for help! :eek: That's why the quick reverse on the firing of Joe Pa (and the Prez) and now, the removal of McQueary from the game. There is a reason Joe Pa hired this attorney.

I hope so WOO-I hope ALL these men stand together as whole and show all of them..They are stronger than their football team could ever be--send them all to jail!!
In my opinion, McQueary will have to go! He was the whistleblower, followed the "chain of command" and the higher echelons did nothing. Had he gone directly to the local police, they may have been in Penn State's pocket and nothing would have come of it. McQueary may have lost his student grad position, end of McQueary's involvement and oh yes, career. Or, they keep him on, as they have done and buy his silence.

McQueary was 28 at the time, not a kid. Child rape at the time he observed it was no where near the attention getter it is today. Just as wrong and evil, just not openly discussed and people not so aware of it. I think McQueary was in a no-win situation, scared of Sandusky who probably threatened him, and knew it was his word against a superior. Who is going to be believed? The child, scared to death is not going to admit it once he gets away from this monster.

McQueary was in the wrong place at the wrong time. At 28, he could not fight Penn State himself, and who is going to believe him? The town is wrapped around the college. As a man, who would want to coach with staff whose ethics are so low that a known pedophile is among them? That is the BIG question - why did Mike McQueary not walk away from that position? Career vs ethics, Mike??

Mike, you made the wrong decision years ago when you stayed at Penn State. The time has come when ethics are the decision maker as to who stays and who goes. You tried to do right, however, by staying you are just as low and disqusting as all the others because you saw it, you knew it was true! Mike McQueary you allowed Penn State to buy you, one can not get much lower! :furious:

I have not read the grand jury report. I can't now, and maybe never will. So with that said, at this moment, I don't want to see McQueary vilified. Did he do the right thing at the time? No. Can I see that he was in an environment of fear, certain retribution and with nowhere to go (as in the police would probably have gone right to the PSU leadership and he would have been retaliated against for breaking the code). Yes. So he went to someone he trusted who DID have power, and look what happened. Nothing. He was in a lose-lose situation. But he did blow the whistle. Don't get me wrong. Should he have stepped in at that moment? It's beyond sad and horrifying that he did not.

But I agree, he needs to leave. (Why would he even want to stay?) I do not want to see that this guy ends up killing himself.

And I reserve the right to flip-flop on this opinion later. This is all so disturbing.

A couple of points that I would respectfully make are as follows:

-Mike McQuery began playing for Joe Paterno in 1994. By 2002, when the incident occurred, Joe Paterno had known McQuery for EIGHT years, not one or two. [SNIP]

Well, aside from which, and I'm not the first/only person to make this point, but let's run through the scenario again, giving complete benefit of the doubt to JP: a graduate assistant comes and tells you he saw something non-specifically 'inappropriate' between Sandusky and a young boy. This is the very first inkling JP has anything might be amiss with former top assistant Sandusky. He asks McQuery, 'You do realize this is about the most serious thing you could accuse someone of. You could ruin a man's life. Are you sure?' McQuery says 'yes, I realize the gravity of what I'm saying, but I saw something that made me very uncomfortable'.

JP goes to his old friend Jerry and says, 'I know this is crazy, but *someone* says they saw you touching a child in the showers. I have to ask, though, what happened in there?'. Sandusky says, 'Yeah, I probably shouldn't have been showering with a child, but it's all a misunderstanding'. JP says 'Yeah, that's what I that's what I figured, this McQuery was blowing an innocent [?!] event all out of proportion'.

So what does JP do now? He goes back to McQuery and says 'You showed really bad judgment there and basically accused my friend and a highly respected member of this community, who has devoted his life to helping children, of about the worst crime imaginable. Would you like a permanent position on my staff?' Seriously?

[This completely leaves out the fact that JP apparently felt McQuery's observation WAS credible enough to report it up the chain of command. No, there is no way to 'spin' this so that JP comes out looking like anything but (at best) an enabler.]
I have skimmed thru pages here and havent seen anything posted about this connection to the missing DA Ray Gricar...He went missing while he was investigating Jerry Sandusky's Child Abuse Alligations came to his desk...

Yikes I have read pages and pages on threads regarding his disappearance and subsequent declared dead...Yikes I think this whole Scandal is going to open up a can of worms and conspiracy to protect Coach P, the University and the Football Programs..Man

Anyway here's the article I found on this link to Ray Gricar~~

Ray Gricar, Original District Attorney in Jerry Sandusky Trial, Went Missing in 2005, Declared Dead


A few months later, his daughter, Lara, petitioned to declare her father dead so that the family could have closure, according to The New York Times. But the Sandusky case was left wide open, with much of the evidence and momentum dying with Gricar

I saw that yesterday. That was the child I was talking about that he took to a bowl game. It was the Alamo Bowl in San Antonio. Don't know what victim that was - have to go back and check the GJ Report (and I just don't want to go through those pages again).

As for Joe Pa saying he didn't know the kids were being hurt - or whatever. Here's what I'm wondering now. Sandusky was "heir apparent" to Paterno back in the day. He was "being groomed" to take Joe Pa's position. Then the '98 incident and untimely, sudden retirement of Sandusky.

That have to have left some serious "scars" and pent-up emotions with Sandusky. So, what was the relationship between Sandusky and Paterno really like after that? Sandusky hung around, hello - he had an office and still had his keys to the buildings.

So, could Sandusky be telling about conversations he had "over the years" with Joe Pa?

We had a "scandal" down here with one of the Super Bowls and our sheriff. It seems the sheriff took his teenage son to the big game and listed said son as a member of the elite security team on the vetting documents. There were many people that knew this boy's name and that he was just the sheriff's son - but they signed off and let it slide. It turned out that the sheriff ended up having to "pay out the nose" for taking that kid - but that was about it. The point I'm trying to make is that Sandusky was parading and flounting these young boys in front of a lot of people (esp higher ups) in the Penn State program.

And we just don't know what bones Sandusky is "coughing up" about all these other adults that were around all this. KWIM?
I saw that yesterday. That was the child I was talking about that he took to a bowl game. It was the Alamo Bowl in San Antonio. Don't know what victim that was - have to go back and check the GJ Report (and I just don't want to go through those pages again).
snip snip

Dec. 28, 1999 – Victim 4 is listed, along with Sandusky's wife, as a member of Sandusky's family party for the 1999 Alamo Bowl.
~Respectfully snipped~
Now, everyone is entitled to their own opinion about the way this whole situation unfolded. But please keep in mind that ONE man has brought down an entire institution by his actions. And by institution I mean the administration, employees, current students, alumni, an entire community...literaly an uncountable amount of people. Not to mention the legacy that is Penn State. Too much focus of this has been on the football. Penn State is more than just an athletic program. It's the lifeline of the community I live in and we're all suffering.

There is NO wearing white in support of Paterno this saturday. It's a BLUE OUT and it's for both PSU and Nebraska fans in support of aboloshing child abuse. T-shirts and ribbons are available all over town.

It seems that people are forgetting the most important factor in the whole situation...and that's the Sandusky victims. How about a little less focus on all the politics, football program and bashing my Alma Mater and hometown in general and more on supporting them?


Hi Kinalyn - Welcome to WS. We appreciate your local insight here. I snipped your post because I want to respond to your first paragraph here, because I wanted the 'white out' message repeated (so I'm going to bold that) and to agree with you about the media.

I respectfully disagree that it was ONE man that has had such a devastating impact on PSU. I argue that it was one man, aided and abetted by what is beginning to look like the whole Football program administration - or at least the coaching staff. Sandusky committed serious crimes (and that he is out on bail makes me furious) against children - he is the one man. BUT others knew to the point of an eyewitness account, told to JS' boss, Paterno. At that point, Paterno had knowledge that this was NOT the first time that JS faced allegations and Paterno should have followed up. AND all those around Paterno should have followed up! A coach does not get investigated for child abuse in a vacuum. In 1998-99 the entire upper echelon at PSU had to have known that one of the coaches was being investigated for child abuse.

When similar charges were brought forth in 2002, by an eyewitness that gave a graphic description of what he saw - the Administration had a DUTY and a RESPONSIBILITY to act. Those who failed to act carry a greater responsibility for the impact this has had on PSU, in my opinion. They had the POWER and the knowledge to stop this horrible-ness. They chose to ignore their responsibillity and their moral obligations so that the 'game could go on.' In my mind, that makes them even more culpable for the harm these children came to. My very long winded point - is that JS was not an island. He had help keeping his secret and he had, at a minimum, silent permission to continue with his activities.

On another note, I appreciate so much your informing us about the 'white out.' I am glad to hear it really is a blue out in support of abolishing child abuse.

I wish you luck in your charity events this weekend. I hope it is a good game. I don't believe the students should be punished for the bad behavior of their coaches.

And yes, the media needs to remember this is NOT about football - this is about the ability of those in power to mis-use that power to serve their own selfish needs and ideas at the expense of innocent victims.

Sandusky Made Nearly Half A Million Dollars At The Second Mile
After Admitting He Showered With A Boy, According To Tax Records
We've obtained tax returns for The Second Mile charity from 1998 to present. Some disturbing tidbits in there. Easily the most disturbing is the amount of money Jerry Sandusky earned through his nonprofit organization after 1998, when at least one person affiliated with The Second Mile learned that Sandusky was under investigation for sexual misconduct.

The total: $456,000.
more at link above
The Jerry Sandusky situation seems a matter of failure to connect certain dots, or perhaps unwillingness in that regard. Lots of people besides the former Penn State defensive coordinator have some explaining to do.

Allegations of improper conduct with an underage male first surfaced in 1998, while Sandusky was still employed by Penn State. That incident allegedly occurred in a shower at Penn State's on-campus football facility. No charges were filed.

Sandusky retired the next year, in 1999. He was 55, prime age for a coach. Odd, to say the least - especially with Joe Paterno thought even then to be ready to quit and Sandusky a likely, openly-discussed successor.

It seems logical to ask: What did Paterno know, and when did he know it? What did Penn State's administration know, and when did they know it?
Thanks snick-can you link us please?

OK, here's a link:

'Political Wire' is a site with something of a liberal bias but some of the comments here are interesting, the story they ran focused on the PA senators withdrawing their nomination of Paterno for a congressional award.

Chris Matthews last night said he felt Penn State should either cancel the rest of their games or offer to donate 50% of their receipts from the remaining games to the families of these boys or to organizations helping sexual abuse victims. It'd go a long way toward getting back their image.
Apparently there is a long time ice cream company at Penn State, known as The Creamery, that names some of it's flavors after Penn State players and personel. If this story is even REMOTELY true, it is clear indication of just how widely known this freak's actions were.

The Penn State Creamery has removed the "Sandusky Blitz" ice cream flavor, named after former PSU assistant coach Jerry Sandusky, from its shelves and online menu

On his broadcast yesterday, Rush Limbaugh said Sandusky's proclivities were widely known and gave a little more information about what he says this ice cream concoction was:

There's always more to a story than what is reported. I was told over the weekend by somebody who would know that Jerry Sandusky's behavior was widely known. It was not something that was quietly whispered about.

There was a dessert concoction created called the Sandusky. It was an ice cream cone upside down with two scoops to portray male genitalia.

RUSH: All right, I have a picture here of the Sandusky, the ice cream delight served at Penn State.


So at Penn State, the Penn State Creamery, a hundred different flavors named after famous Penn State figures, one of them Jerry Sandusky who now faces felony charges, sexual abuse against minors. It's a banana flavored desert, ice cream dish, and by reputation, it's the only ice cream dish on the menu where you don't have to ask if you want nuts.

This just keeps on getting worse.
Probably should go back looking for missing little boys in this guys time period.

Missing boys, unsolved sexual assaults, etc., not only in that part of the country...any place traveled to, and persons at those places.

Missing boys, unsolved sexual assaults, etc., not only in that part of the country...any place traveled to, and persons at those places.

My feelings too. This could be just the beginning of a scandal that will implode their football empire and also maybe the entire facade of college football as played here in the US.
To reinforce what angelmom said. These aren't kids who got dealth the best cards. That's a plus for pedophiles. They are at risk youth which means for some dang reason they had to be seperated from family.

A long time ago? For the survivors/victims of child sexual abuse it happened yesterday, last week, and suddenly 100 years ago. It pops up in every aspect in your life even when you don't realize it. You question yourself over and over.

It could be they didn't have parents physically or psychologically. Who are you going to tell? Who will believe you over a man that has a bajillion dollar outreach program that helps o many kids? How would it go over your alcoholic daddy decides to take on someone like Sandusky? How will your cleaning woman mommy stand on a mountain against someone like that guy? Why even tell if you had the language to what happened to you? That's if you don't second guess your little 10 year old self?

The blame belongs right where it belongs. On Sandusky. Unless we live the lives of these parents and their kids we can't fathom.

As usual a pedophile chooses his victims very carefully. If he wasn't going to a third world country to prey on kids why not prey on those who are flippin dirt poor here? Poor kids who they now give gifts, education and and a better "taste" of life to?

Personally, I find so many similarities in this case to Michael Jackson sexual abuse allegations it's unfathomable to me he was not convicted. It's like these types of predators have a handbook they share.
Apparently there is a long time ice cream company at Penn State, known as The Creamery, that names some of it's flavors after Penn State players and personel. If this story is even REMOTELY true, it is clear indication of just how widely known this freak's actions were.

On his broadcast yesterday, Rush Limbaugh said Sandusky's proclivities were widely known and gave a little more information about what he says this ice cream concoction was:

This just keeps on getting worse.

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