Penn State's athletic director plus ex-Paterno assistant charged in child sex case

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McQueary did what he has always done. Turned coat then ran to Daddy. Sandusky is a disgusting excuse of a human. This 'story' goes way further up, not only the PSU food chain, but up into gov't officials as well. Paterno is being crucified for doing all of the right things. He didn't turn a blind eye and he never perjured himself to the grand jury as Schulz and Curly have. But Paterno is the one paying both in the media and in his personal life. Look, I have children and would NEVER support someone who covered up or did not report molestation. I was raised a PSU fan and so are my daughters. Please remember that Sandusky is the villain here. The victims are the children. Paterno is the scapegoat. I am attending tomorrows game. My friend and I had tix way before this occurred. We are going to paternos home to offer support then join the other alumni, fans, and students in peaceful protest on the lawn of Old Main. Yes there are many threats and safety issues right now. I have faith the the PSP and State College police will handle this to the best of their ability. Could we stay home and avoid this mess and danger? Yes. But we strongly believe that the Board has made a huge mistake in firing Paterno. We're going to be heard. Any Braska fans coming to the game, please do not let what you are seeing in msm keep you away. Its not all the truth.

BBM I mean this respectfully, but IMO that is supporting someone who covered molestation up.

I agree. I wonder if he is protected by 'whistleblower' laws? Or, perhaps, he is working with the prosecution?

There is talk that he may be protected under the whistle-blower act. I read an article and will link when I find it again...
Okay the ice cream stuff just made me sick. How freaking much more disturbing is this going to get?

I agree. I wonder if he is protected by 'whistleblower' laws? Or, perhaps, he is working with the prosecution?

I need to research PA's current whistleblower law more. Former PA governor Ed Rendell was on one of the Sirius/XM radio sports talk shows this morning (Evans & somebody???), and Rendell indicated he did not think McQueary would be covered by the whistleblower protections. But I haven't found a link to that broadcast yet.

While I hope that McQ is cooperating fully w/the prosecution now, knowing that he was cooperating would not in my mind absolve him of 1) not reporting what he saw IMMEDIATELY to both LE and his supervisors; 2) never in 9 years reporting it until the GJ questioning; and 3) most importantly, not intervening to stop the rape of a child at the time he witnessed it. In the GJ presentment, he said that both Sandusky and the victim saw him. Saw that he had seen them.

Again, just baffled here. :banghead:


The success of the football team is a part of the story. It's why these coaches were seen as heros by the community, and why school officials were so quick to turn the other way rather than tarnish the reputation of the football program, which is a huge moneymaker for the college. To leave out the success of Penn State football would be painting an incomplete picture of what happened. IMHO

I agree but I also think that they are going over board with it. Especially in the the instance that I quoted because the article was more about one of the victims. To me it's making it seem as though people are mourning the loss of the great football team and the coaches rather than the loss of the victims.
And how is Nebraska fans wearing their team color suppose to provoke these people?

While the Penn State Blue Out is admirable and the shirts do say "Stop Child Abuse", blue is also their team color and the shirt also says "Blue Out Nebraska". The proceeds do go to Prevent Child Abuse which again is admirable. You can see the shirt here:

What message would Penn State be sending if they wear shirts that say "Stop Child Abuse" then react violently to Nebraska fans?

I think they should call the game off or move it from Penn State.

I think that the entire football program should be suspended for some amount of time. There should be a very clear message sent that this type of inaction in order to protect the game will not be tolerated.
McQueary did what he has always done. Turned coat then ran to Daddy. Sandusky is a disgusting excuse of a human. This 'story' goes way further up, not only the PSU food chain, but up into gov't officials as well. Paterno is being crucified for doing all of the right things. He didn't turn a blind eye and he never perjured himself to the grand jury as Schulz and Curly have. But Paterno is the one paying both in the media and in his personal life. Look, I have children and would NEVER support someone who covered up or did not report molestation. I was raised a PSU fan and so are my daughters. Please remember that Sandusky is the villain here. The victims are the children. Paterno is the scapegoat. I am attending tomorrows game. My friend and I had tix way before this occurred. We are going to paternos home to offer support then join the other alumni, fans, and students in peaceful protest on the lawn of Old Main. Yes there are many threats and safety issues right now. I have faith the the PSP and State College police will handle this to the best of their ability. Could we stay home and avoid this mess and danger? Yes. But we strongly believe that the Board has made a huge mistake in firing Paterno. We're going to be heard. Any Braska fans coming to the game, please do not let what you are seeing in msm keep you away. Its not all the truth.

BBM... I respectfully disagree. Paterno is being crucified because he did NOT do all the right things. When you have knowledge of a child being abused and in such a horrific manner as what this one incident in 2002 was you don't just go to your supervisors and report it and then let it go. You make sure it is reported and to the correct authorities and see it through to the end. You don't continue to see the perpetrator on campus and at football games with other children the same exact age as the child that was reported to you without doing SOMETHING MORE! He chose to do nothing more. He let it go, he turned a blind eye. Paterno was god on that campus and he had the ability to make sure something was done to ensure the safety of that child and every child that came after him. He's still of the board of The Second Mile as well... the very charity that Sandusky used to target his victims. Everyone who had any knowledge of any abuse is certainly worthy of being crucified because they should have done more! They all need to be removed from PSU!

And whether or not he perjured himself with the Grand Jury remains to be seen. McQueary testified that he specifically told Paterno that he saw Sandusky anally raping a little boy, yet Paterno says he never had specifics and the higher you go the more watered down the version of events gets... it's sickening! I highly dought McQueary and his father went to Paterno's home and only said he saw something of an unspecific sexual nature. Paterno most likely did lie to the grand jury, he's just not a target... yet according to the prosecuting attorney. He's lawyered up, and I'm quite certain charges will be coming to a lot more people in the weeks to come.
McQueary did what he has always done. Turned coat then ran to Daddy. Sandusky is a disgusting excuse of a human. This 'story' goes way further up, not only the PSU food chain, but up into gov't officials as well. Paterno is being crucified for doing all of the right things. He didn't turn a blind eye and he never perjured himself to the grand jury as Schulz and Curly have. But Paterno is the one paying both in the media and in his personal life. Look, I have children and would NEVER support someone who covered up or did not report molestation. I was raised a PSU fan and so are my daughters. Please remember that Sandusky is the villain here. The victims are the children. Paterno is the scapegoat. I am attending tomorrows game. My friend and I had tix way before this occurred. We are going to paternos home to offer support then join the other alumni, fans, and students in peaceful protest on the lawn of Old Main. Yes there are many threats and safety issues right now. I have faith the the PSP and State College police will handle this to the best of their ability. Could we stay home and avoid this mess and danger? Yes. But we strongly believe that the Board has made a huge mistake in firing Paterno. We're going to be heard. Any Braska fans coming to the game, please do not let what you are seeing in msm keep you away. Its not all the truth.

This leaves me speechless. Paterno knew what was going on and didn't care. He KNEW in 19980 when LE became involved.
I need to research PA's current whistleblower law more. Former PA governor Ed Rendell was on one of the Sirius/XM radio sports talk shows this morning (Evans & somebody???), and Rendell indicated he did not think McQueary would be covered by the whistleblower protections. But I haven't found a link to that broadcast yet.

While I hope that McQ is cooperating fully w/the prosecution now, knowing that he was cooperating would not in mind mind absolve him of 1) not reporting what he saw IMMEDIATELY to both LE and his supervisors; 2) never in 9 years reporting it until the GJ questioning; and 3) most importantly, not intervening to stop the rape of a child at the time he witnessed it. In the GJ presentment, he said that both Sandusky and the victim saw him. Saw that he had seen them.

Again, just baffled here. :banghead:


That right there is what has me angered. EVERYONE that I have talked to about this says the same thing about McQueary. WHY didn't he step in - RIGHT THEN? He's a fairly big dude, was in good physical shape - had been a quarterback, and even if Sandusky is a big dude - STEP IN - STEP UP - COME OUT SWINGING - STOP IT!

All the men I've talked to have basically said "Yea, I would have called 911 - but AFTER I had that (*&%^%^&**& on the floor, hog-tied and nekked!"

And I agree - as a woman, I don't know if I would have stepped in that shower and swung. BUT, I can tell ya - I would have screamed STOP IT and probably gone for the child to get him outta there - then shut and locked any door that Sandusky would have had to come through - so as to contain him until LE showed up.

So, for McQueary to witness AND ACKNOWLEDGE what was going on - by not only Sundauky BUT THE CHILD as well? OMG - how do you walk away from a child's pleading, hurting eyes? I can't imagine.

And that alone - JMO - should have amounted to charges against McQueary. Period.

As for Paterno saying what McQueary told him. It does seem that McQueary was quite candid with the Grand Jury as to the specifics of what he saw - so I am quite certain that he told Joe Pa the same details as well.

Joe Pa probably told him - "hey thankx, yes that is horrible - don't worry, I'll take care of it" and sent him on his merry way. All the while Joe Pa knows if it ever comes down to it - all he has to do is say that McQueary just gave him vague details about what he (McQueary) saw.

JMHO and all that - but yes, I do believe that Joe Pa knew a lot, kept it quiet, was a cleaner and "fire-fighter" for Sandusky whenever any pesky questions or reported strange behavior came up. KWIM? Very much an enabler......very very very much.

Apparently there is a long time ice cream company at Penn State, known as The Creamery, that names some of it's flavors after Penn State players and personel. If this story is even REMOTELY true, it is clear indication of just how widely known this freak's actions were.

On his broadcast yesterday, Rush Limbaugh said Sandusky's proclivities were widely known and gave a little more information about what he says this ice cream concoction was:

This just keeps on getting worse.

I don't know what to say about this. On one hand I hope that it was a joke but on the other hand if it is supposed to be a joke the person that came up with it is one sick freak. If it's not a joke then *speechless*
Tape of Evans & Phillips show this morning with Ed Rendell as guest.

Rendell is former governor of PA and as such had a seat on the Penn State board of trustees.

(ETA: NOT the entire interview. I am not sure how much is not available here but as I recall listening this morning, much more than a minute or two is missing, because they had already established Rendell's role on the board of trustees and his relationship with Paterno and Spanier before this section started. The full interview lasted about 15 minutes IIRC.)
28 years ago I "broke the silence" and told the secret that I'd carried throughout my life - As most of you know I am an incest survivor. What I find as sickening as reading the GJ indictment itself is the lack of concern for the victims. 28 years later and nothings changed. 28 years ago and to this very day no one has ever asked me "Are you okay?" Everyone was more concerned with how this would effect my father; my father's standing in the church, the community, and at his workplace. And yes, there were several individuals over the years who knew and said nothing. They rallied around my father too. And here we are, 28 years later, and people are still more concerned about job positions, reputations and status' within the community or whether or not a football game will be played - no one is asking "Are they (the victims) okay?" Trust me, a 10-year-old boy raped in a shower is not okay! My thoughts and my prayers are ONLY with/for the victims - period.
I don't know what to say about this. On one hand I hope that it was a joke but on the other hand if it is supposed to be a joke the person that came up with it is one sick freak. If it's not a joke then *speechless*

Camille I did a google search and except for Limbaugh, I can only find that it was called the Sandusky Blitz and was a banana flavored ice cream with chocolate covered peanuts and caramel swirls. I did not find that it came served the way the picture showed. I think it implied enough though.
Oh and something else I saw either last night or this morning.....

It seems McQueary had interactions with Sandusky AFTER he witnessed Sandusky "in action". I heard he attended a fundraiser with Sandusky and then played in a charity golf tourney with him.

Now, think about this. McQueary "walked in" on this act. EVERYONE was startled - we all know "the look". All 3 sets of eyes saw the others. THE JIG IS UP. BUSTED!!!!!

Most of the time - the "one" caught immediately kicks into defensive mode and completely ceases what behavior he's been "caught at" and starts with the "I didn't know; or its not what it looks like; or I'm sorry but; - KWIM? Think of catching a cheating husband in the act - and what the "norm" behavior is immediately. But in this case, the "BUSTED" moment happens and then - McQueary's just leaves and Sandusky does what? Goes back to what he was doing? OMG. How brazen is that?

But - keep thinking - Sandusky then attends at least TWO social functions with the person who HE KNOWS "BUSTED" him - just last week? You know these two had words. They didn't JUST NOT DISCUSS it - AT ALL. Maybe it was something simple from Sandusky as "it wasn't like it looked - leave it alone"; or "you saw nothing - GOT IT?'

Who knows - but you can BET that McQueary was TOLD something at some time after it all.

AND - this was back in 2002 - way before some of the other victims in the GJ report were ever molested!!!

It makes me wanna :puke:
I've never met McQueary, but there's one word for someone who walks in on a 10 year old child being raped, turns their back and walks away: cold. There is no way in hell I could have witnessed that and walked away from the scene, no way.

You can bet the identity of the rapist and the impact he percieved Sandusky could have had on his career had something to do with that inaction as well. That is just pure cowardly.

McQueary won't be at the game Saturday? After his long, dedicated and amazing coaching career? Too bad, so sad. Really, compare that to even just one child being sexually abused and tell me it matters in the grand scheme of things. Anyone here who can tell me it even compares to what these kids went through needs to really evaluate where their heart is.

The bottom line, McQueary had an obligation to go to the police and he didn't. Because of his inaction, more children were possibly raped and scarred for life. As a poster here previously wrote, someone had been paying the piper. Now that the secrets are out, it's time for Sandusky, McQueary and everyone else to be held accountable for their actions and inaction.

It's good to hear that Penn State football fans will be wearing blue on Saturday to support the victims.
28 years ago I "broke the silence" and told the secret that I'd carried throughout my life - As most of you know I am an incest survivor. What I find as sickening as reading the GJ indictment itself is the lack of concern for the victims. 28 years later and nothings changed. 28 years ago and to this very day no one has ever asked me "Are you okay?" Everyone was more concerned with how this would effect my father; my father's standing in the church, the community, and at his workplace. And yes, there were several individuals over the years who knew and said nothing. They rallied around my father too. And here we are, 28 years later, and people are still more concerned about job positions, reputations and status' within the community or whether or not a football game will be played - no one is asking "Are they (the victims) okay?" Trust me, a 10-year-old boy raped in a shower is not okay! My thoughts and my prayers are ONLY with/for the victims - period.

So proud of you for breaking the silence. This took great courage.
And I read on another website that Sandusky had six adopted children and cared for foster children. That in itself is just tragic, I hope they were not his victims too.
Camille I did a google search and except for Limbaugh, I can only find that it was called the Sandusky Blitz and was a banana flavored ice cream with chocolate covered peanuts and caramel swirls. I did not find that it came served the way the picture showed. I think it implied enough though.

Ok so now it's being implied that the creator of the ice cream flavor knew what was going on and didn't report it? That's a pretty hefty accusation and I would need more than just banana flavored ice cream with nuts in it to make that leap.

My favorite ice cream is made by a local parlor and it's banana pudding ice cream. If I did something really famous around here and they named that after me and then I got caught molesting children then that would could look pretty sick as well.
Oh and something else I saw either last night or this morning.....

It seems McQueary had interactions with Sandusky AFTER he witnessed Sandusky "in action". I heard he attended a fundraiser with Sandusky and then played in a charity golf tourney with him.

Now, think about this. McQueary "walked in" on this act. EVERYONE was startled - we all know "the look". All 3 sets of eyes saw the others. THE JIG IS UP. BUSTED!!!!!

Most of the time - the "one" caught immediately kicks into defensive mode and completely ceases what behavior he's been "caught at" and starts with the "I didn't know; or its not what it looks like; or I'm sorry but; - KWIM? Think of catching a cheating husband in the act - and what the "norm" behavior is immediately. But in this case, the "BUSTED" moment happens and then - McQueary's just leaves and Sandusky does what? Goes back to what he was doing? OMG. How brazen is that?

But - keep thinking - Sandusky then attends at least TWO social functions with the person who HE KNOWS "BUSTED" him - just last week? You know these two had words. They didn't JUST NOT DISCUSS it - AT ALL. Maybe it was something simple from Sandusky as "it wasn't like it looked - leave it alone"; or "you saw nothing - GOT IT?'

Who knows - but you can BET that McQueary was TOLD something at some time after it all.

AND - this was back in 2002 - way before some of the other victims in the GJ report were ever molested!!!
It makes me wanna :puke:

I read the same article on my home page this morning. and could not believe McQueary would attend a fundraiser knowing what Sandusky had done with that child...Do you recall IF it was a fundraiser for the Two Mile program?

Missing boys, unsolved sexual assaults, etc., not only in that part of the country...any place traveled to, and persons at those places.

That's got me wondering too. It makes me wonder if his adopted and foster children could be victims as well.
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