Penn State's athletic director plus ex-Paterno assistant charged in child sex case

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From the end of the very well said

“That’s what Penn State needs to be about. It needs to be about every family member you thought was your friend, every person you thought was a great person but didn’t have the courage to speak up on behalf of someone who couldn’t protect themselves from evil. It’s about moral obligations that have nothing to do with football.

“I’m sorry, you don’t get credit for touching lives any more if you look the other way when grown men touch children.”
Okay - we have a media thread right here: [ame=""]Penn State's Child Abuse Timeline/Media/Reference NO DISCUSSION - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Please post links to media, any timelines (very important in this case) and other references here. It is a NO DISCUSSION thread.

Thanks Everybody,

A bit more info: This twitter feed says the AD of the kid's high school denied that Sandusky came to recruit him.!/SPORTSbyBROOKS

I have deleted both my posts and links to the article.....please do the same with those where my posts are quoted and it should be all good. IF it turns out to be true there will be other MSM articles to quote at that time....

The coaches and players did NOT TELL THEM TO WEAR WHITE! EVERYONE was told to wear blue in support of child abuse!!!!! This is COMPLETE BULLCARP!
And paterno did NOT RUN THE CAMPUS! Omg.

<modsnip> provided a LINK to the information:

Multiple sources connected with the Penn State football team tell TMZ ... coaches held a meeting with players today and told them their friends and family should show support for ousted coach Joe Paterno by wearing white to the game on Saturday.

SHAME on anyone that wears white on Saturday. JMO

I did not experience sexual abuse from my father, but I did suffer physical/emotional abuse from him. At age 14, I finally broke the silence and reported him. Small town, and he was a businessman. The social workers took my report, took a picture of the bruise on my face, but "sat on it", telling me to call them again if I needed to. That was it.

I told the youth director at my church. He got angry and said that he never could have imagined that my father could do such a thing (our families go back generations). That was it.

None of these people said, "I'm sorry", or did anything to make sure that it wouldn't happen again. I told my dad that I reported it and he laughed in my face but never hit me again.

It's an atrocity that people don't take it more seriously and try to protect our children.
I know of a principal who was caught in a state-wide sting operation...I can't remember there being much talked about once he was asked to "resign" from the school. It was "understood" that silence was the best route to take. PSU wouldn't be the first school to just want to make something disappear. It's a societal concern. Whether it's in a school, a church, a doesn't matter...there is a disturbing trend to turn away. Crimes against children need to be dealt with more seriously than they have...and punishment needs to be more severe. Sandusky should face some serious jail time if/when convicted.
<modsnip> provided a LINK to the information:

SHAME on anyone that wears white on Saturday. JMO
Uh...TMZ? Well, glad they decided to jump into the fray (not).
Shame? I don't know if they should be feeling that...but I really wish everyone would let the students be. They don't need the media breathing down their necks. They're kids...I think they'll act just like kids do. Let the media go after Sandusky...where is he anyway?
Uh...TMZ? Well, glad they decided to jump into the fray (not).
Shame? I don't know if they should be feeling that...but I really wish everyone would let the students be. They don't need the media breathing down their necks. They're kids...I think they'll act just like kids do. Let the media go after Sandusky...where is he anyway?

I don't find solace in the fact that we have apparently taught our children that that protecting the high and mighty is more noble than protecting a child.


And yes, IMO, anyone that wears white should be shamed.
Now to be in McQueary's shoes.... he was living in this world. This same world that today has riots in the streets and continued defense of the people that covered this up. That includes Paterno....who for all intents and purposed RAN PENN STATE. So, now we give poor Mr Paterno a pass but have death threats hurled at McQueary? An underling in a very, very powerful machine. An underling that told the very powerful Paterno...?

Granted, but still, there is no excuse for not stepping in right then and there. I mean, if you want to turn your back when you see a child being anally raped, that's your choice (talking about McQueary here, the guy who witnessed it and then by his own admission walked away). But no one can tell me that is okay, regardless of the politics involved.

I don't care, if I were in his shoes, I would fork up my career and my precious football dreams and do something in the moment. That's just who I am, and I think most people would do the same. If not then wow, that's just sad. What is Penn State? Just another institution. And what is the worth of a child? Obviously, to certain people, not as important as the institution that is Penn State and the prestige that goes along with certain positions.
I know of a principal who was caught in a state-wide sting operation...I can't remember there being much talked about once he was asked to "resign" from the school. It was "understood" that silence was the best route to take. PSU wouldn't be the first school to just want to make something disappear. It's a societal concern. Whether it's in a school, a church, a doesn't matter...there is a disturbing trend to turn away. Crimes against children need to be dealt with more seriously than they have...and punishment needs to be more severe. Sandusky should face some serious jail time if/when convicted.

RE: BBM above - I agree RR0004 and it is within any number of structured settings, schools, churches, boy/girl scouts, and the family itself, whereby abuse not only occurs (as we all know) but it continues to go on without legal intervention for a very long time because of the unfortunate tendency within each structured setting to protect the perps, protect assets, and/or simply to save face.
IMO: According to this:

both McQueary and the janitor (so frightened he was shaking) reported the incidents and thought an investigation was being done. However, that further reporting did not happen. They are not the perp., nor were they the ones to determine what happened once they reported incidents.

You need to read this document in its entirety to get the picture.

That does not mean that the events were not getting investigated. Why let the perp. know what is being done?

I have taken initiative in situations where no one else would stand up. And believe me, it is not easy. So, people can say what they "would do" but faced with a situation where there is a huge power differential, and you know it, I think most people would try to consider how to go about dealing with information.

So, IMO, this adds much needed momentum to the lid being blown off of several investigations into child sex abuse happening in the U.S. and elsewhere. We don't yet know where all of the tentacles of Sandusky's activities will lead.
I have been so confused about this. Isn't rape a crime . . . anywhere?
And isn't the sexual abuse of a child a crime everywhere? If none of these people who knew about this from Mcqueary on up did not report this as a crime, or even the police covered it up, this should be a criminal conspiracy ... right?

And do you think they are waiting for more victims to come forward before arresting Sandusky?
IMO: According to this:

both McQueary and the janitor (so frightened he was shaking) reported the incidents and thought an investigation was being done. However, that further reporting did not happen. They are not the perp., nor were they the ones to determine what happened once they reported incidents.

You need to read this document in its entirety to get the picture.

That does not mean that the events were not getting investigated. Why let the perp. know what is being done?

I have taken initiative in situations where no one else would stand up. And believe me, it is not easy. So, people can say what they "would do" but faced with a situation where there is a huge power differential, and you know it, I think most people would try to consider how to go about dealing with information.

So, IMO, this adds much needed momentum to the lid being blown off of several investigations into child sex abuse happening in the U.S. and elsewhere. We don't yet know where all of the tentacles of Sandusky's activities will lead.

I am trying to figure out the power differential here unless we are talking about the child, to be candid. Both men witnessed a child being raped by a grown man. A grown man who saw both of them and did not cease his activity.

I read the same documents. How does this translate in to going home, calling Dad, and contacting some one the next morning? And how does the janitor think reporting it to a superior instead of confronting the adult assaulting the child constitutes an investigation being done?

This child could have been horrifically injured by this assault. Physically, not to mention emotionally.

I respect your opinion, but it doesnt work for me. Not even a little.
I have been so confused about this. Isn't rape a crime . . . anywhere?
And isn't the sexual abuse of a child a crime everywhere? If none of these people who knew about this from Macleary on up did not report this as a crime, or even the police covered it up, this should be a criminal conspiracy ... right?

The "fine print" is what their due diligence is as mandatory reporters. That is if my understanding is correct. So while these children were miserably failed morally, Sandusky holds the bag for criminal charges.
I don't find solace in the fact that we have apparently taught our children that that protecting the high and mighty is more noble than protecting a child.


And yes, IMO, anyone that wears white should be shamed.
I have a child that is a recent alum of this campus and one that is still enrolled at State College campus. Please know that many college kids aren't "protecting the powerful" and many of them do not have any interest in football. Some feel sad about Joe Pa because he was a surrogate great grandpa figure. Joe Pa walked from his car through the campus several times/week and was occasionally spotted at the ice cream store. The kids, headed to class in the morning, would stop him and talk. He babbled like elderly men do and told them "hello" and "hit the books now". He was an easily recognized elderly man who waved back at the kids who waved at him.
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