Personal Reports from Members about the Crime Scene

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Yes and Yes ! Yes, there are the types of trees that drop leaves, and the leaves do build up and then either burn from fires or turn brown from flood waters. Yes, it can get deep with a mixture of leaves, vines, palm fronds, brush/ tall grass and sandy dirt.

Yes on the creepy crawlers being dislocated, but it happens both during and after brushfires and hurricanes. In 2004 when we had hurricanes Francis and Gene, I found a 6 ft. cotton mouth wrapped around the palm tree in my screened in pool area. By the time I found it, she had already had babies and they were in my pool skimmer. DH was in the Middle East at the time, so I was on my own to get them out !! :eek: Then the weekend of Mothers Day in 2008, we had a 70 acre brush fire in the preserve around my neighborhood. I'm in a cul-de-sac which backs up to the preserve. During and right after the fires, we had snakes, wild boar, bobcats, deer, armadillos, rabbits, crawfish, regular fish, turtles, otters and a few other crawlers coming out through our yards. On a regular day when we have no fires or hurricanes, I still find snakes, rabbits, squirrels, armadillos, bobcats and an occasional deer walking or slithering through my yard.

:eek::eek::eek: If that had been me, I would have forgot the snake & put out a huge FOR SALE CHEAP sign:crazy:
If it's marked as Conservation Area and is owned by the HOA, then the HOA probably wouldn't sell it. Even if they did, it would be hard to get a permit to put anything on it, once it's considered "conservation". They typically save those areas for the wildlife (scrubjay birds, and whatever natural critters that are habitating the area).

Albeit with all the trash they found on the property alongside our little Angel, they may reconsider...

If this property is valued at $100.00, then I will help buy it also. If it is considered a wildlife area, then any memorial we developed for it, would be "nature friendly" and could actually add value to the property. At this point in time, it is a HUGE liability to the other homeowners. It could be modified to be a true asset. Caylee Anthony is now immortal - literally so, per my religious beliefs - and she will never be forgotten. The site where she was so sadly dumped will become one of two things: 1. A 'haunted site' that will draw teenagers and the morbidly curious for decades to come; or 2. A beautiful memorial that brings peace to those who come there for comfort. I wish we could help make it option number two.
We do not know if
precious Caylee lost her life here or not, or if she was merely laid to rest here. REGARDLESS ~ EVIL actions transpired here.

I am an "old school" Roman Catholic. I believe in the sacred powers of holy water. IF sprinkled on the path in, and where she was found, praying that all evil leave, and that dead Caylee, who is alive in Christ, be granted eternal rest and peace.In the name of the Father, Son, and holy Ghost.AMEN.

In many ways, something so simple, could be very powerful, and lend peace and comfort to the area, and to the soul of sweet Caylee. Any takers ?

Private property or not,IF I were not in OHIO, I would trust God
to watch over me,and visit the site.

I agree with the holy water. This could be done outside the area since the outside area would be the path. I also do believe in the white sage as well.
I say the more blessings, cleansings, prayers, the better.
I do think the the area needs cleansing, it was a very good suggestion, but I would consider trying to get the Native American Indians of the tribe in that area to consider if they would do it, being her body was returned to the earth and now part of their native land.

:clap: And they certainly know how to do it & have a profound belief in the spirits. I dont know why the owner would not allow this if those who do it sign a release. Perhaps LE or the media can help with the contact info for the owner. And Katz, if you find it is for sale, ctc me, I will help.
Well there are some positives about being here. Constant sunshine for the most part, cheap cruises, the Keys are 3 hrs. away for good snorkeling/diving, I can watch a space shuttle launch from my front yard and then watch it come in for a landing over my house, government jobs pay fairly well here, did I mention cheap cruises? Miami and Miami Beach are beautiful places to visit, did I mention cheap cruises ? :):):)

Oh, and Orlando can be fun too if you live in state, as the theme parks don't charge as much as they do for non-residents.

we love our cruises and have been on more than 30 of them. Some from Fl and some from San Juan. I could go for a cheap cruise anytime.
I agree with the holy water. This could be done outside the area since the outside area would be the path. I also do believe in the white sage as well.
I say the more blessings, cleansings, prayers, the better.

I'm not Catholic (I'm Baptist) but think anything good would work. Maybe prayers while someone uses one of those huge water guns to shoot Holy Water with some Sage ashes added onto the property. Those things can shoot water a long way and cover lots of area. I have one I'll donate to be used!

ETA: I have a battery operated fan that could blow sage smoke over the property. Where there is a will theres a way!!!
~Respectfully Snipped~

I think that by the time this case goes to trial, we will probably all want to have a Sage Bath !!! I know that my Aura will probably need it !

The sage bath is awesome. I had a sage bath & warm sage body wrap a couple times, twice on a cruise & once at a spa in the mountains. It is heaven.
we love our cruises and have been on more than 30 of them. Some from Fl and some from San Juan. I could go for a cheap cruise anytime.

When we lived in FL, we went on alot of cruises too. But, we got tired of all of the crime, and moved.
Ironically, wasn't this the vacant lot the HOA wanted the protesters to move their vigil to? Please do buy up the property and turn it into a memorial site for Caylee.:clap::clap::clap:

:eek: OMG, you could be right. Anyone know the answer for sure.
I'm not Catholic (I'm Baptist) but think anything good would work. Maybe prayers while someone uses one of those huge water guns to shoot Holy Water with some Sage ashes added onto the property. Those things can shoot water a long way and cover lots of area. I have one I'll donate to be used!

ETA: I have a battery operated fan that could blow sage smoke over the property. Where there is a will theres a way!!!

Well there ya go. Now that's thinking outside the box!
If this property is valued at $100.00, then I will help buy it also. If it is considered a wildlife area, then any memorial we developed for it, would be "nature friendly" and could actually add value to the property. At this point in time, it is a HUGE liability to the other homeowners. It could be modified to be a true asset. Caylee Anthony is now immortal - literally so, per my religious beliefs - and she will never be forgotten. The site where she was so sadly dumped will become one of two things: 1. A 'haunted site' that will draw teenagers and the morbidly curious for decades to come; or 2. A beautiful memorial that brings peace to those who come there for comfort. I wish we could help make it option number two.

I wish we could do the second option also, and call it something like "Caylee's Place". I'm envisioning a large jungle jym for the little kids to play on, a big swing set for 8 or so swings, maybe a small merry go round, park benches for the parents to sit on, with a nice sign that say's "Caylee's Place" on it.
Water and elements may have moved the bag a bit too...

I wonder how far the bag could have moved by way of water. If that area is really dense with brushy foliage and stout stems that might hold a bag in place or cause it to snag and stop moving.

Animals may have scattered the remains, but left the bag (and some contents) in place. I think it would be most likely if animals came upon a fairly heavy and bulky bag containing things that interested them - they would tear open the bag and remove what they could. If the foliage is very dense it might be difficult for them to move the entire bag, at least until much of the contents are already out.

The bag may have been found in pretty much the same location that it was placed. I expect that various investigators and experts on the scene can make certain kinds of narratives and possibly good conclusions about what may or did happen.
I wish we could do the second option also, and call it something like "Caylee's Place". I'm envisioning a large jungle jym for the little kids to play on, a big swing set for 8 or so swings, maybe a small merry go round, park benches for the parents to sit on, with a nice sign that say's "Caylee's Place" on it.

That sounds very nice, I envision it where Caylee liked to run and jump and play, what was the name of that park? Blanchard....?
It is hard for people who don't live there to visualize that type of heavy scrub.

Could Caylee have been put in one of those drainage pipes and washed up to where she was found?

I was just thinking that.
ok I'm shocked. It says that it's owned by a guy who lives in Winter Park, so why are they calling it a conservation area. conservation areas are owned either by the Homeowner Association, or by the city. And if it's only worth $100, then maybe I should make an offer on it, so we can then turn it into a memorial park or something...

Did this parcel change hands within the last year? Does anyone know how to look that up? I read a new fence had been erected.
Tim had the S/R dogs there to do that search and the Anthonys would NOT let him have an article of Caylee's clothing to do the search with.They have to have a "scent" to follow or to find. As close as it was, it was very likely he would have found her then. I am convinced they KNEW at that point where she was, or they would have loved to have a search animal on the trail of their granddaughter.

That breaks my heart all over again...Rest in peace sweet little Caylee , you are loved by all of us.

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