Personal Reports from Members about the Crime Scene

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I'm not Catholic (I'm Baptist) but think anything good would work. Maybe prayers while someone uses one of those huge water guns to shoot Holy Water with some Sage ashes added onto the property. Those things can shoot water a long way and cover lots of area. I have one I'll donate to be used!

ETA: I have a battery operated fan that could blow sage smoke over the property. Where there is a will theres a way!!!

I can't tell if you're serious or not, but, IROFL. :blowkiss:
I wish we could do the second option also, and call it something like "Caylee's Place". I'm envisioning a large jungle jym for the little kids to play on, a big swing set for 8 or so swings, maybe a small merry go round, park benches for the parents to sit on, with a nice sign that say's "Caylee's Place" on it.

:clap::blowkiss: I think that sounds wonderful & would be willing to help.
I have not read the whole thread so I apologize if this has already been said - but it is entering into the dry season, and cleared or not there is a ton of scrub in that area. Please dont go burning anything. Forest fires are a big issue in central FL.
When we lived in FL, we went on alot of cruises too. But, we got tired of all of the crime, and moved.

We could never stand the heat and humidity in summer. It's unbearable unless you are in the ocean or swimming pool from a.m. till p.m. Even being in air conditioning, we sweated bullets. We would go for a month at a time, and never got use to the humidity.
Did this parcel change hands within the last year? Does anyone know how to look that up? I read a new fence had been erected.

Legal Description:

Property Use Code 0019


I'm not Catholic (I'm Baptist) but think anything good would work. Maybe prayers while someone uses one of those huge water guns to shoot Holy Water with some Sage ashes added onto the property. Those things can shoot water a long way and cover lots of area. I have one I'll donate to be used!

ETA: I have a battery operated fan that could blow sage smoke over the property. Where there is a will theres a way!!!

:clap: What an awsome group of Ws' ers any of us would go to the ends of the earth and do anything we could do in Caylees memory, searched hi and low, strangers, complete strangers, and yet the A's refused to get out and look for Caylee whats wrong with this picture??
I just checked the Orange County Property Apprasisers site. Check this link for property owner info. Appears this area is a conservation area and only shows a value of $100.

ok I'm shocked. It says that it's owned by a guy who lives in Winter Park, so why are they calling it a conservation area. conservation areas are owned either by the Homeowner Association, or by the city. And if it's only worth $100, then maybe I should make an offer on it, so we can then turn it into a memorial park or something...

Found this article on the owner.

Who Is The Property Owner?
As sheriff's deputies continue to sift through the site where a child's skeletal remains were found, News 13 is learning more about the person who owns the property.
lorida alone. Records show he owns land in a number of states. So far, he has remained silent about the search on his land.​
I'm not Catholic (I'm Baptist) but think anything good would work. Maybe prayers while someone uses one of those huge water guns to shoot Holy Water with some Sage ashes added onto the property. Those things can shoot water a long way and cover lots of area. I have one I'll donate to be used!

ETA: I have a battery operated fan that could blow sage smoke over the property. Where there is a will theres a way!!!

Hey Granny! I am Baptist too! And we "ain't what we used to be"!! I recently DANCED in front of my preacher!! Anyways, your post made me fall out of my chair laughing!!! I can just see a group of people who represent WS's (Catholic, Baptist, Wiccan, Jewish, Muslim, etc) standing outside of the entrance to the area where little Caylee was found with bowls of smoking sage and each armed with a holy-water-filled gun..... blasting and smoking away! I own a potato gun that we can use to lob actual bunches of sage about 1/4 mile away! We could nuke the entire area with positive sage scent! lol!! (Seriously - I would help in anyway possible with cleansing that area of the evil that is there - I see it in the photo's, but I can't help but laugh at the mental image of a whole bunch of us down there actually doing it!!!).
Speaking from my experience here in Texas, if a piece of property is owned by an HOA, a special governmental entity, etc, the property has a special property value...usually $1, $100, $1000 so that the taxes paid on the property is minimal. The assessed value of property for tax purposes can be (and frequently is) much different than the sale value.
o/t OK, I am trying to be opened minded, but why would anyone believe that Caylee was not at complete rest? Why should she not have reached for the stars and headed out to whatever your belief is-heaven, the cosmos, whatever? Why would any tortured murdered baby not just take flight with her last breath? I think she is beyond the emotion that makes those of us left behind feel creeped out at the place where a body has been dumped. jmo.

Thanks to one and all for the physical descriptions of the scrub and the proximity to the Anthony house-it really completed the scene in my mind.
Now you are talking about something I am afraid of.............give me the snakes, gators and other critters any day over those.

Give me the occasional winter mouse in the house any day over anything else I've read in this thread :eek:

Those little mice always make me scream & run!

I know now that's :crazy:

Thanks! :)
Reading this thread made me think.... what if I saw a neighbors car along side the road, would I really pay much attention to it? I don't think I would unless they had their hood up or something. I don't know my neighbors well and I don't think I would pay that much attention unless they did something to call attention to themselves or acted in a way that it seemed they needed help.

Had Caylee been reported missing right away, some neighbor might have remembered seeing her out there that day. But after that amount of time, seeing a familiar car in the neighborhood (even if it was parked in a strange place) just might not stand out, might not be remembered. Or the time that it was seen might not be remembered.
Speaking from my experience here in Texas, if a piece of property is owned by an HOA, a special governmental entity, etc, the property has a special property value...usually $1, $100, $1000 so that the taxes paid on the property is minimal. The assessed value of property for tax purposes can be (and frequently is) much different than the sale value.

Right, exactly, the $100 value is the nominal assigned amount, not market value. I worked for a developer down here, and as part of getting plans approved in zoning, we had to have x amount of wetlands, x amount of retention ponds, x amount of this or that, for the planned development's size. Those areas are not zoned for anything else, nor would the county zoning board easily approve any changes in zoning for areas like that. It would take a bit of lobbying, in my opinion, to be allowed to do anything with that land. Generally, lands that are zoned conservations here are NEVER allowed to be built on. I don't know all the details, but I believe it's in the deed or something. Usually the town or the adjacent property owners buy the land and take care of it, so they don't end up with a big high across the street when they thought they had a private wooded area.
o/t OK, I am trying to be opened minded, but why would anyone believe that Caylee was not at complete rest? Why should she not have reached for the stars and headed out to whatever your belief is-heaven, the cosmos, whatever? Why would any tortured murdered baby not just take flight with her last breath? I think she is beyond the emotion that makes those of us left behind feel creeped out at the place where a body has been dumped. jmo.

Thanks to one and all for the physical descriptions of the scrub and the proximity to the Anthony house-it really completed the scene in my mind.

I would like to think everyone who passes, the soul is guided to heaven. While I would like to believe that, I am sure it always happens. I think some have so much un rest due to the horrible way they died, that they may not have the easy crossing. I think this is esp true with murder. Caylee let herself be found on Gods time, not mans. Just because bones have been removed doesnt mean she is at full peace. I think thats why the bad juju people have felt while there. Maybe that bad juju had more with keeping the police from searching when called than the snack did. Who knows. I think it is very important to do something to cleanse the earth, pray and tell Caylee it is okay now,she can go.
ITA HappyChic about the first two posts being written with so much thought, and appreciate that.

I am also glad to know about white sage as I have never heard about it before. I'm now going to see what kind of a shop sells this. It seems a wonderful way to clear out negativity in an open area, and think even sprinkling it would be very meaningful.

Also, in Oregon there are many developers who leave open spaces of vegetation for aesthetic value. In fact many developments in my area and on the Oregon coast leave a strip of natural vegetation with trees in the middle of the roads. xox

Wow, scandi, we are neighbors. I live in Salem....
*Snipped respectfully*

As for the last sentence of your post that I bolded, I'm really afraid that the unrest I felt in that area may be a sign that Caylee has not passed over peacefully. I don't know much about spirits and passing over. I'm not even sure what I believe with regard to that. But what I felt today may be evidence that Caylee or somebody else's spirit is sticking around for a while. Maybe once Caylee is laid to rest appropriately the area will be less charged.

I'm not too sure about a spirit's unrest either. If you feel it in a particular place, unrest is probably there. It is all the deceitful people involved and the way Caylee was treated before death and left to rot. I hate saying that, but it is what it is. I think this may go on until she gets justice and that would be the truth and the force of resistance from the vultures waiting in the wings to make a buck. They have been stricken down one by one as you recall.

My Christian upbringing teaches me that there are no tears in Heaven. Caylee is there without a care in the World. But God will not let this go as vengeance is His. Woe to the one that has done this and those who are fooling around with tapes, obstruction and the likes. You may be sensing the spirit of the family slightly down the road and their cohorts who really need to do what's right yet.
o/t OK, I am trying to be opened minded, but why would anyone believe that Caylee was not at complete rest? Why should she not have reached for the stars and headed out to whatever your belief is-heaven, the cosmos, whatever? Why would any tortured murdered baby not just take flight with her last breath? I think she is beyond the emotion that makes those of us left behind feel creeped out at the place where a body has been dumped. jmo.

Thanks to one and all for the physical descriptions of the scrub and the proximity to the Anthony house-it really completed the scene in my mind.

Believe, I really hope you are right. Maybe what I felt there was my own jumbled emotions about this case. It was so strong and unsettling.
Thank you for describing the scene/area to those of us who live on the other side of the country, and wish we could have a better idea of how it looks/feels etc. I sure hope Caylee will be able to rest in peace also. Maybe peace will come when her so-called mother will be made to pay for what she has done to poor little sweet Caylee. We can only hope and pray that justice will be served. We love you Caylee.


My thoughts exactly on all counts! It was fun to also have the descriptions in both metres and feet for those of us across the border. Great reports from our Florida friends!
I love to hear her tell that too. It shows how really foolish she is about cadaver dogs. They were playing her like a banjo in that search.

She KNEW what it meant, but thought by getting on Greta that she would change what the truth was. That has been the most amazing thing to me in this, that she, like KC thinks if THEY tell something people will just take them at their lying word. That is beyond the pale to believe people are that stupid.

As an RN, those stories really scare me coming from the mouth of another. I believe she also made the comment 'Science is only science. Nothing is 100%' with respect to the gas analysis from the trunk IIRC. WOW!! Nursing is a science, based on scientific evidence. Her coworkers must have loved that comment :crazy:

Amazing photos pirate! Thanks! I've only been to the coast of Florida so I had no idea. It's dense alright, but beautiful. Your forest is what we buy as houseplants up here :)

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