Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #12

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Not that its crucial to the discussion but does anyone know the ages
and situations of Joran's siblings? Grown? Still young? In school? Working?
In Aruba or Holland?

He has 2 brothers.

Valentjin Van der Sloot is 2 years younger than Joran. He is attending Emerson college in Boston as an Undergraduate in Media Production: film. he is scheduled to graduate in 2012.

Less is known of Joran's youngest brother, Sebastian Van der Sloot.


ETA: I read on another board that Sebastian is going to the same school in Aruba that Joran did: International School of Aruba. Take it for what it's worth ;)

Don't you wish we could have a straight answer on these simple questions. You hear 14 things and then none of them are right at the end. Fingers crossed we hear something set in stone soon. lol

What ya wanna bet he thinks someone will empty his bucket for him! ROFL

I agree with you 100%. I just try to find links that are somewhat reliable. Now Radaronline is a celebrity site, so take it with a ton of salt :)


PS = LOL about the bucket comment. What do they do - throw it out in the hallway? Out the window? :waitasec:
My heart goes out to the siblings -- what a year for them
I agree. There is nothing "in it" for Joran to say what he did with Natalie or where her remains are any longer.

If Joran's attorney knows the Peruvian system I expect him to start
piling up 'credits' in Joran's behalf, to get time off his sentence. These
will include an apology to the Flores family "for the accidental killing",
mention of his drug abuse and victimisation by others, coercion by
the police who didnt mean to hurt Joran, mention of previous rage control
issues coupled with psychiatric personality disorder treatment, his charity
work in behalf of freedom and democracies, his hatred of the Shinning Path, donnation he has made to emerging democracies in the Third World,
no more talk about Natlie, an apology to Natalie's mother for the
"missunderdstanding" with a promise to pay her back from future earnings, his recent conversion to Fundamentalist Values and Christianty brought on by the splendid treatment he has received while being in Peru, his promise to God he is a changed man who has placed his life in the hands of God now, .... and the like.

If Joran's attorney knows the Peruvian system I expect him to start
piling up 'credits' in Joran's behalf, to get time off his sentence. These
will include an apology to the Flores family "for the accidental killing",
mention of his drug abuse and victimisation by others, coercion by
the police who didnt mean to hurt Joran, mention of previous rage control
issues coupled with psychiatric personality disorder treatment, his charity
work in behalf of freedom and democracies, his hatred of the Shinning Path, donnation he has made to emerging democracies in the Third World,
no more talk about Natlie, an apology to Natalie's mother for the
"missunderdstanding" with a promise to pay her back from future earnings, his recent conversion to Fundamentalist Values and Christianty brought on by the splendid treatment he has received while being in Peru, his promise to God he is a changed man who has placed his life in the hands of God now, .... and the like.

ROFL ^5 You aren't trying to say Joran would try to con someone are you.:waitasec:
Here are a few of the documented links of additional acts of RAGE and Anger by JVDS, some of which you also asked earlier for the links to. With this latest murder there is now so much new information on the web when you google his name + one or two words, searching specific past infractions about 'a family pet' from years ago, it becomes much more difficult to locate since he is the suspect/'confessed killer' of now Two Murdered Female Humans. I found the first post on this forum about JVDS's reported dog beating/killing history on Websleuths. Personally, that is where I first read about it and noted so on my 1st post here about it. I will search the web to see if I can provide the link the original poster here quoted in their information posted here.

Throwing Man Over Bridge:

"He said the case in Peru is very important for Aruba because it indicates a modus operandi of the Dutchman.
About abroad said is a psychopath who consistently demonstrates his actions, an uncontrollable rage.
The news man said that during the time that Van der Sloot was educated at the island, his fellow abused children, even recalled that he once threw a man overboard from a bridge."
“We have quantities of evidence and confirmation from their school teachers who leave no doubt that he is a guy who can not control the anger in it,” he said.

~Joran Throws water against wall in anger during interview:

"Polygraph tests are inadmissible as evidence in the Netherlands, and Schalke said police did not follow up after the results were broadcast on TV.
After Van der Sloot was shown the test results, Amesz asked him on camera what he thought the consequences would be.
Rather than answer, he grabbed a glass of water from the table, spun out of his chair and smashed it in fury against a wall."


"A fixture on true crime shows and in tabloid newspapers after Holloway's disappearance, he gained a reputation for lying – even admitting a penchant for it – and also exhibited a volatile temper. In one Dutch television interview he threw a glass of wine in a reporter's face. In another, he smashed a glass of water against a wall."

Dog Beating Post Referenced at Websleuths:

See Joran Van Der Sloot Caught #3- Page 29 ~Post Number 712
See Joran Van Der Sloot Caught #3- Page 31 ~Post Number 771-Which states words to the effect :

'That it seems that JVDS originally blamed one of his friends for killing the dog. But after the friend's mother talked to him, Joran finally admitted he had killed his dog himself.'
(respectfully reworded from post number 771 JVDS Caught Thread #3 page 31)

And this one below as well about the dog beating respectfully snipped:

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Originally Posted by Beatrice

Scary fellow.. Imagine if he was out on the streets until he was in his 30's? Look at all the damage he has done between 17 and 22 (not to mention the dog killing incident that happened when he was even younger).

Exellente'! All of these can be used to build a case for Remdemption
and mitigate time off his sentence. That is what the Judges want to
hear. Confession + Redemption = Early Release.
Geraldo's show was pretty decent tonight except for the fact that he cut the first part of the coffee alibi out. Did the producers not realize how important that was. I also heard (I don't know who said it) that Stephany was fully clothed. Is this true and what has been reported all week that she was found in red panties a complete falsehood? The coffee cups are presenting quite a problem for those of us who want to know the facts. There have been multiple stories told from an empty container found in the room with residue of coffee, two containers filled with coffee, Joran never having gone out for coffee that morning, etc. Why can't we get credible information on this one simple matter. I hope that by next week GRV will have MF on reporting one complete hour of accurate information from Peru.

sorry if this has been said already, i havent gotten even half way thru this thread yet. but could the "misinformation" of her being semi-undressed was intentionally put out? implying that she may have been raped? when in fact they and the murderer would know otherwise? thats the only sensible reason that i can think of and if not that - then its just rumors, gossip and lots of translation problems...:(
I agree with you 100%. I just try to find links that are somewhat reliable. Now Radaronline is a celebrity site, so take it with a ton of salt :)


PS = LOL about the bucket comment. What do they do - throw it out in the hallway? Out the window? :waitasec:

Not a clue, but ewwww. Just from the look of the prison it must smell horrible there anyway. Then the buckets. Makes me sick to think about it.
It is going to be hard on precious not to have room service. :dance:
sorry if this has been said already, i havent gotten even half way thru this thread yet. but could the "misinformation" of her being semi-undressed was intentionally put out? implying that she may have been raped? when in fact they and the murderer would know otherwise? thats the only sensible reason that i can think of and if not that - then its just rumors, gossip and lots of translation problems...:(

All of what you stated and everyone wanting the "big story" and to be the first one with it.
ROFL feels he is hated!!! I wonder how he ever got that impression. Could it be the rotten veggies headed his way. The people screaming murderer at him. He has got to be dumber than a box of rocks if he thinks the people of Peru are going to be like Aruba. I can just see him blubbering to his mother and attorney. His I did not mean to is not going to get him anywhere this time. Just more hate. Ata boy Joran keep blubbering. You have about 35 years to get it out of your system. :dance:


Snipped from same link - (thank you Newone)

While he was being transferred to Castro Castro prison, people in the streets gathered around the police vehicles to yell at him "Psycho! Murderer! You are going to die!" and even threw trash at him.

ps...Joran, at least you've been warned of impending danger, which IMO is a privilege, considering it's more than you gave SFR or NH! I can only hope you are filled with the same fear you invoked on your victims...for the rest of your days, which IMO are limited!!
Thanks for the replies to my post about the murder charge, Joran's current jail conditions and the wait for trial. Sounds like they threw the book at him. When I read that Joran confessed with his silly computer story, and that there would be no crime reenactment because his confession was thorough and believable, I thought the authorities fell for Joran's BS.
I still don't understand why immediately after the murder he didn't fly out of SA. If he didn't want to be seen in Stephany's car, he could have taken a cab to the airport. Anywhere would have been better than being stuck in SA and returned to Peru. I still don't know if he had enough cash to do so, or credit cards that were usable. I heard that there were 3 people arrested for assisting him in fleeing, any more information on who they were?
I still don't understand why immediately after the murder he didn't fly out of SA. If he didn't want to be seen in Stephany's car, he could have taken a cab to the airport. Anywhere would have been better than being stuck in SA and returned to Peru. I still don't know if he had enough cash to do so, or credit cards that were usable. I heard that there were 3 people arrested for assisting him in fleeing, any more information on who they were?

The cab drivers.
I still don't understand why immediately after the murder he didn't fly out of SA. If he didn't want to be seen in Stephany's car, he could have taken a cab to the airport. Anywhere would have been better than being stuck in SA and returned to Peru. I still don't know if he had enough cash to do so, or credit cards that were usable. I heard that there were 3 people arrested for assisting him in fleeing, any more information on who they were?

He did go to the airport and when he saw all the policemen there he got paranoid and grabbed the cab to take him over the border to Chile
I still don't understand why immediately after the murder he didn't fly out of SA. If he didn't want to be seen in Stephany's car, he could have taken a cab to the airport. Anywhere would have been better than being stuck in SA and returned to Peru. I still don't know if he had enough cash to do so, or credit cards that were usable. I heard that there were 3 people arrested for assisting him in fleeing, any more information on who they were?

i think he was too paranoid to go to the airport and also possibly didnt have the money or was too cheap to part with the cash... if all the money he had left was that small bit of multiple currencies...most likely he just didnt have enough money. and he probably felt more confident of being able to persuade some poor local cab drivers to help him flee...and i dont think he would have much luck at the airport where he would have to persuade a lot of people - if they knew he was running.
He did go to the airport and when he saw all the policemen there he got paranoid and grabbed the cab to take him over the border to Chile

BTW why should they charge them when they did not even know she was dead yet. Makes no sense at ALL!
maybe they are wanting to send the message that they are not going to be soft on criminals or anyone who aids/helps criminals....??? good press for the pnp??
BTW why should they charge them when they did not even know she was dead yet. Makes no sense at ALL!

I agree -- it was in initial statement given by JVDS

Ya Know -- although it has not been stated....IMHO he might have thought oooops they're gonna look through my luggage and find????
Nite all! I am going to try and turn the JVS brain part off. Hoping maybe someone that sells neckties visited him in his cell tonight.
I heard on TV during the week that Joran had 1 full brother and 1 half brother, the half brother allegedly resulting from an affair that Paulus had. Did anyone else hear this? I somehow think that this might have been relayed by Rita Cosby on the Joy Behar show. I know I heard it, I just can't be sure where it came from.

are there any links with more info on this paulus character? i followed the nh case but not in-depth...and i would really be interested in reading some info about him and his relationships with his family and colleagues in aruba...
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