Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #12

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i just keep thinking that this has all been so easy catching him and am wondering when they will hit a snag and he will wriggle free of his punishment... i so hope this is a slam dunk!
im watching "extended stay" on msnbc right now...and it makes all of our prisons seem like a stay at the hilton compared to castro castro! HA!

eta: i think they are at san quentin in this episode....
I heard the cab drivers were accused, but were they arrested. Could be a translation thang. I hadn't heard they were processed, etc. But I will assume that accused = arrested. Hope that's correct.


Good question! I don't know if they were actually arrested or not...I'll have to keep have piqued my interest now!:waitasec:
im watching "extended stay" on msnbc right now...and it makes all of our prisons seem like a stay at the hilton compared to castro castro! HA!

eta: i think they are at san quentin in this episode....

I have come back for a specific reason. Something has been bugging me
about Joran from the start, so I took a look at photos of him especially
early photos. He has a certain look people have commented about for days.
One poster described it as "geeky", another said "creepy", another said
"empty", etc. Several people have commented on his poor/wierd motor
skills and his wierd-pointless finger dancing (in air).

Putting it all togther could Joran be brain damaged? Was he recognised
in his youth as having a real learning disability, as distinct from personality
disorder? Was he ever diagnosed as being brain damaged as a baby or child?
If this fellow is brain damaged that could account for a lot of his behavior.

People posted last night asking if he was autistic! So, I am not the only
one picking up on something tangible going on with Joran.

You can almost see a vacuous emptiness in his eyes (almost like no
personality and nothing 'in there') in several of his early photos, especially
one where he riding a bicycle (like a geek rides a bicycle). I commented last
night about his poor motor skills evidenced in the coffee cup vid ... it is
something more than just being emotionally upset and tired and "confused".
His finger waging in air could be revealing a neurological disconnect in his
brain! That could translate into personality issues -

Search photos of Joran from his younger age and see what you think.
Brain damage could explain everything ...
I have come back for a specific reason. Something has been bugging me
about Joran from the start, so I took a look at photos of him especially
early photos. He has a certain look people have commented about for days.
One poster described it as "geeky", another said "creepy", another said
"empty", etc. Several people have commented on his poor/wierd motor
skills and his wierd-pointless finger dancing (in air).

Putting it all togther could Joran be brain damaged? Was he recognised
in his youth as having a real learning disability, as distinct from personality
disorder? Was he ever diagnosed as being brain damaged as a baby or child?
If this fellow is brain damaged that could account for a lot of his behavior.

People posted last night asking if he was autistic! So, I am not the only
one picking up on something tangible going on with Joran.

You can almost see a vacuous emptiness in his eyes (almost like no
personality and nothing 'in there') in several of his early photos, especially
one where he riding a bicycle (like a geek rides a bicycle). I commented last
night myself his poor motor skills seen in the coffee cup vid ...

Search photos of Joran from his younger age and see what you think.
Brain damage could explain everything ...

are you talking about brain damage/lack of oxygen during the birth process or from traumatic brain injury anytime after birth but during early childhood?
are you talking about brain damage/lack of oxygen during the birth process or from traumatic brain injury anytime after birth but during early childhood?

That definately would do it.

Many years ago I worked for a time with special ed patients and I
saw this same kind of vacuuous stare Joran gives off - and is evident
in early photos of him.

I have to now wonder if there is a recorded medical record on this
guy starting at birth or afterwards? If this is the case and his parents
raised him in denial .. that could explain a lot.

I just have to get to bed .... will come back tomorrow. Maybe others
have an idea along this line ...
in regards to the look in his eyes - i have known - grew up with two guys that had this look. one of them went on to be a murderer/kidnapper and the other diagnosed with a "chemical imbalance"(this is all his family would call it) and has not murdered anyone(that we know of) but does beat the crap out of what ever woman he is with at the time(super paranoid)... i think jvds is just a very large man that looks funny riding a bike - that picture reminded me of john cleese/monty python( i.e. the ministry of silly walks)... but who certainly no expert for sure! i think that "look" could be a symptom of multiple disorders?? personally i think jvds is just a dangerous variety of sociopath...
in regards to the look in his eyes - i have known - grew up with two guys that had this look. one of them went on to be a murderer/kidnapper and the other diagnosed with a "chemical imbalance"(this is all his family will comment on) and has not murdered anyone(that we know of) but does beat the crap out of what ever woman he is with at the time(super paranoid)... i think jvds is just a very large man that looks funny riding a bike - that picture reminded me of john cleese/monty python( i.e. the ministry of silly walks)... but who certainly no expert for sure! i think that "look" must be a symptom of multiple disorders?? personally i think jvds is just a dangerous variety of sociopath...

Some really good questions. Yet, I think his brain may just be mis-wired...kinda like Scott Peterson.

JVS speaks English, Dutch, and some Spanish. This is above average than most folks (heck, I only speak English).

Didn't he attend a dutch college? Not sure if he actually graduated.

Looking at the videos, he has such long arms, and being so tall, makes him appear lanky and clumsy. He could also have some tics. Yet he carries himself with full confidence.

Someone wrote on wiki (must have been around the time the sex trade accusations were made):

Joran Van Der Sloot is alive and well, living in or around Meuang Ake, Pathum Thani, Thailand. He, until recently, was living in a decent sized house, but his landlord recently kicked him out. I'm not sure where he is living right now, though he's still in the area.

I saw him in a local restaurant, amazingly with a young blonde western girlfriend in tow. He introduced himself as Joran Van Der Sloot, no shyness about it at all. I was stunned to actually run into him at all, much less with a girl who looked so much like Natalee Holloway. He is fairly well known by the people in the area, and as far as I know is not working a full time job. Not sure how he supports himself.

I don't think he's brain damaged or autistic. I think he's a narcassistic psychopath.

Of course - My Opinion Only.

my mind continues to keep going back to the fact (imho) that nh and sf are similar in appearance and imho nh looks so very much like anita... i know this really doesnt mean anything, but it bothers
In the latest version of the "evidence" I've read, it is stated that someone callled for Joran late Tuesday night, and the desk clerk decided to have the room checked when he/she discovered Joran owed two days rent. In my view, this conflicts strongly with the oft reported contention that Joran's room wasn't checked for three days because he told the hotel not to check it, "don't bother my girl," or whatever. He also is said to have stopped by the desk during his coffee trip to pay the two days back rent he owed (although we haven't seen that on video yet).

I guess I'm the only one questioning this, but if he told them he was coming back, and didn't pay ahead for the room (leaving aside my previous contention that they wouldn't have saved the room for him without his paying ahead, especially since he was already behind two days at the time he would have requested this), then why would they suddenly discover he owed two days back rent, three days later? Imo, this is just another lame excuse to explain away the most significant aspect of this whole crime- the incredibly long delay between time of murder and discovery of body.

Also, the links cited for the sensational rumors about young Joran beating a dog to death and throwing a man off a bridge were hardly credible.
Also, hate to keep bringing up my book (and I will not unless it is to correct misinformation, as it is here), but this was not going to be an online book, ala "No Evidence Of A Crime". There was a contract agreement with one of the top literary agencies in the country.

Just wanted to correct the record. everyone has a chance to see how in normal day-to-day public life how insensitive, off-the-cuff hostile and easily angered he can be...during a taped interview! Thanks for posting FLNY!

well, I wouldn't characterize being questioned about a missing girl on a tv show as 'normal day-to-day public life' and to be fair, he & the person (Peter DeVries) he threw the wine at had a prior history & Peter was in his face (which I loved btw)

but I understand where you're coming from ... he could not stand that Peter was challenging him and in front of so many people! how dare Peter! (I thought it was awesome!) LOL

I also thought the fact that his mother didn't even seem to notice was a metaphor perhaps of how he was raised ... she was completely oblivious & she was sitting right beside Peter ...
In the latest version of the "evidence" I've read, it is stated that someone callled for Joran late Tuesday night, and the desk clerk decided to have the room checked when he/she discovered Joran owed two days rent. In my view, this conflicts strongly with the oft reported contention that Joran's room wasn't checked for three days because he told the hotel not to check it, "don't bother my girl," or whatever. He also is said to have stopped by the desk during his coffee trip to pay the two days back rent he owed (although we haven't seen that on video yet).

I guess I'm the only one questioning this, but if he told them he was coming back, and didn't pay ahead for the room (leaving aside my previous contention that they wouldn't have saved the room for him without his paying ahead, especially since he was already behind two days at the time he would have requested this), then why would they suddenly discover he owed two days back rent, three days later? Imo, this is just another lame excuse to explain away the most significant aspect of this whole crime- the incredibly long delay between time of murder and discovery of body.

Also, the links cited for the sensational rumors about young Joran beating a dog to death and throwing a man off a bridge were hardly credible.

I agree - no dog linkie = debunkt rumor.

From the timeline compiled by our great sleuther PATTY G. We can assume Joran killed SF on May 30th around 8:30 AM.

We then have this timeline:

May 30th

8:46am - JVS Leaves Hotel Tac wearing different clothes, carrying 2 bags (3,15)
Takes taxi to Jorge Chavez Airport, but gets freaked out by police. Instead: (19)* Takes a taxi to Peru/Chile border. (13)

June 1st
11pm - Hotel TAC receives call from someone looking for vadersloot. Call was forwarded but noone answered. (8)

June 2nd
~12am - Hotel Receptionist notices Joran owes money for 2 nights, goes up to the room, and knocked on the door. Noone answered, but she heard the television blaring and assumed he was sleeping. She spoke with someone, presumably her manager, and he said to use a spare key to go in. When she went in, she discovered the body. Stephany was wearing only red panties and a black t-shirt, but was half covered with a piece of white clothing. The receptionist turned off the TV and lights on her way out. (8)
Joran Enters Chile On Foot - Customs Paperwork (10)
Stays in a hotel in Santiago. Leaves his credit cards there. (6 pg. 2)

IMHO - I don't believe he ever said he was coming back to anyone. He didn't return the key to the desk either (as reported by the TAC hotel).

Now, the only problem I have with the discovery of the body, is a picture recently released by the Enquirer (yah, yah, I know). It shows her wrapped in a blanket, with blood on the floor. How does the employee know what she was wearing under that heavy blanket. It doesn't look like a staged or disturbed photo to me.


I also think alot is lost in the translation. But I do believe this is an authentic picture.


my mind continues to keep going back to the fact (imho) that nh and sf are similar in appearance and imho nh looks so very much like anita... i know this really doesnt mean anything, but it bothers

I don't see any resemblance, other than blond hair (& Anita's must be dyed) - their facial structure, noses, eyes, mouths all look different to me
In the latest version of the "evidence" I've read, it is stated that someone callled for Joran late Tuesday night, and the desk clerk decided to have the room checked when he/she discovered Joran owed two days rent. In my view, this conflicts strongly with the oft reported contention that Joran's room wasn't checked for three days because he told the hotel not to check it, "don't bother my girl," or whatever. He also is said to have stopped by the desk during his coffee trip to pay the two days back rent he owed (although we haven't seen that on video yet).

I guess I'm the only one questioning this, but if he told them he was coming back, and didn't pay ahead for the room (leaving aside my previous contention that they wouldn't have saved the room for him without his paying ahead, especially since he was already behind two days at the time he would have requested this), then why would they suddenly discover he owed two days back rent, three days later? Imo, this is just another lame excuse to explain away the most significant aspect of this whole crime- the incredibly long delay between time of murder and discovery of body.

Also, the links cited for the sensational rumors about young Joran beating a dog to death and throwing a man off a bridge were hardly credible.

re: your first two paragraphs - this timeline has already been discussed at length in the preceding threads and if you read back, you will find the answers to your question

as the released info rapidly changes, so do theories and speculations and even timelines

as to the dog & man rumours, they are just that - rumours
as I haven't been able to substantiate them, I don't repeat them but personally have no qualm believing they could be true
I don't see any resemblance, other than blond hair (& Anita's must be dyed) - their facial structure, noses, eyes, mouths all look different to me

To me the older Joran gets the more he looks just like his dad. Put a pair of glasses on him and he would be little Paulas. His dad was a homely man and Joran gets more homely the older he gets too. I can't for the life of me understand why any girl would be attracted to him.
I have read the previous threads and participated in them. I don't think anything has been satisfactorily answered- others have submitted their interpretations of why the evidence keeps changing, but at least for myself, I don't find those interpretations convincing.

It was stated in numerous news accounts, for several days, that Joran's room wasn't checked for three days because he told the hotel not to check it, since he would be back. The additional detail of "don't bother my girl" was added at one point. This was an attempt, imho, to explain the otherwise unexplainable fact that there was a three day lapse between time of death and discovery of the body.

If you (and perhaps others) don't think Joran actually told the staff not to check his room, I completely agree with you. However, if he didn't tell them, then why wasn't the room cleaned and prepped for the next guest the same day he left, as would be the standard protocol?
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