Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #12

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The bottom line is joran changes his stories to suit his own means for survival. I bet the Peruvian police are P'od re his lieing to them re his confession; again a weak attempt to protect/limit his damage to himself. My head hurts from reading all of casey's I mean joran's lies.............the bottom line is he killed her.

Re Natalie; he will take that to the grave because that is his only "ace" or control over at least something in his life from here on out. He loathes Beth so much he will never and I mean NEVER reveal what truely happened or where Natalie is; If I am wrong I will gladly admit it and leap for joy but I highly doubt it.
Yes it might be silly but I bet at least half of us would run that entire 3 days worth of tapes. :crazy:

LOL I told a co-worker that if it was released I would lock myself in and watch every second of it. Obsessed much?
you know what got me.... check out the link on the radar page to Charlie Sheen's jail cell. It is nicer than the room Joran had at the tac..... what a contrast. BTW It also had bars on the window...

As far as his cell:

Van der Sloot's cell is "very basic," Collyns added. "He would probably have a bucket in the corner for his bathroom.

Trial time:

He's going to be likely transferred to a prison called Castro (which he has). And from there the police will continue the investigation. After a few weeks, legal experts expect a trial may start. But the legal process, the judicial process in Peru is notoriously slow. Some said they expect the trial to last between 12 to 18 months.

My comment: I heard Joran has asked for a private attorney. This could delay the process even further (IMHO).,2933,594223,00.html

Hope this is helpful.




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Not a clue on ages. I have heard they are younger. I would think Aruba since the Mom is there.

About a week ago, someone here posted a picture of one of his brothers out partying at a club on the night Joran was captured. He looked to be in his late teens. The photo was intended to show the lack of concern from the brother.....which is probably a good thing! I'm sure they've about had it with him also.
This is a bit o/t but I needed to share so a few of you may laugh with/at me...

I just sent a big colorful text message to my son's father wishing him a very Happy Daddy's Day...he writes back 'thankyou so much, I did'nt even know it was Father's Day'...panic set in, I checked the calendar and low and behold we have a whole week to go!!! :crazy::blushing:

Between being unemployed and following this case morning, noon and night I have lost all track of time, lol!

Accused murderer Joran van der Sloot passed his first nights in a Peruvian jail terrified that he'd be killed by inmates, newspapers reported yesterday.

The 22-year-old Dutch citizen had been moved to Lima's Castro Castro jail after a judge charged him Friday in the murder of Stephany Flores, 21, whom he had met at a casino in the Peruvian capital.

He told authorities he and Flores had returned to his hotel room May 30 to play poker online, the Peruvian papers said.

He got a threatening e-mail that linked him to the disappearance exactly five years earlier of Alabama teen Natalee Holloway in Aruba. Flores saw it and panicked, van der Sloot reportedly said.

VAN DER SLOOT Fears a jailhouse attack.She hit him on the head, and he smashed her with his elbow, leaving her half-conscious, he reportedly told police. He then grabbed Flores by the neck and squeezed, according to Peruvian papers.

Read more:


I wonder if the "threatening" email was the email from JQK? JQK indicated in the 5/24/10 email "Very Troubled, I will contact you tomorrow."


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Has this been posted yet?

The Daily Beast 2010-06-11
In the above
"At the very beginning of Van der Sloot's interrogation earlier this week, he hinted that he would reveal what really happened to Natalee Holloway, the young American woman he was suspected of killing in Aruba in 2005—but only if he could be returned to the Aruban authorities to do so."

I bet he would love to get to Aruba, but that is NOT gonna happen...They said he was crying wolf....imagine that! Guess he knew fast he was in deep doo?

Sometimes I think he couldn't tell where NH is if he wanted too. If it is true that his father helped cover up the crime I would think that his father being a lawyer and JVDS only being 17 that he would have been wise just to handle it himself and and not even let the 17 yr old know what actually happened with NH's body. If his father had let JVDS know then he would have to worry that JVDS could break and drag him down with him.

But if JVDS does knows all the details of what happened to the body is there a chance that he may be blackmailing the people who may have helped or known the complete story, I wouldn't put it passed him.
This is a bit o/t but I needed to share so a few of you may laugh with/at me...

I just sent a big colorful text message to my son's father wishing him a very Happy Daddy's Day...he writes back 'thankyou so much, I did'nt even know it was Father's Day'...panic set in, I checked the calendar and low and behold we have a whole week to go!!! :crazy::blushing:

Between being unemployed and following this case morning, noon and night I have lost all track of time, lol!
you just scared me
I heard the cab drivers were accused, but were they arrested. Could be a translation thang. I hadn't heard they were processed, etc. But I will assume that accused = arrested. Hope that's correct.


Here's an article about the cab drivers. Apparently, two of them were brothers who were the drivers. A third was just another passenger in the cab. I believe the article mis-states the amount Joran paid as $1500, when it was actually 1500 soles ($600).
He did go to the airport and when he saw all the policemen there he got paranoid and grabbed the cab to take him over the border to Chile

This is what I heard reported too but I thought he got the cab before going to the airport and then decided once the saw all the police to have the taxi take him to Chilean border. Don't know for sure as I have heard so many variations on EVERYTHING!

Still confused though on why the 2 taxi drivers were arrested. I thought I heard it said "because they should have known a crime had been committed for JVDS to act that way." Doesn't seem quite fair unless they knew for sure JVDS had committed a crime.
Has anyone come across information re the Peruvian judicial system? I am curious if they are only meant to have 3 judges... or is it safe to assume that due to the corruption and violence they are unable to fill the positions with qualified council?
It just baffles my mind that only 3 ppl oversee the thousands of cases coming through the system...I saw on a video yesterday that in the evening a judge may visit the prison and issue pardons (if they have paperwork & money)!
I have no doubt the surveillance video IS continuous and that the authorities have it in their possession. But, as you can imagine, it would be difficult, not to mention silly, to publish the entire 3 days worth of tape from the time she entered his room until the body was discovered just to prove to a point to the naysayers.

I have no doubt that many here at WS would watch the entire 3 days of tapes, but... I doubt they will be released. I'm guessing that at least some of the guests there would not want their visits broadcast. Surely in 3 days of filming at a low budget hotel you'd find someone who was "not supposed to be there" with someone other than their spouse. :iamashamed0005:
JVDS is a lying liar who lies. You really can't believe anything he says in way of explanation. If he's asked 10 times, he'll come up with 10 different versions of how the murder went down. In none of those versions will you get the truth.

Whenever I come across one of JVDS's explanations/versions I immediately scroll to get past the info, because I already know his stories are a work of fiction and his brand of fiction is not worth my time.

One of the analyst's on Geraldo last night summed it up by saying: "If his mouth is open, he's lying". Hit the nail right on the head....LOL
I hear ya! Only possibility I can think of is that he was sitting and she was standing and she popped him one good one. He elbowed her broke her nose (which if you do that sometimes can be fatal as we know) then grabbed her neck

Yes this would work if he was sitting and she was standing I think.
A few thoughts about JVDS' money situation
I clicked over to Peggy G's timeline (great work Peggy!). And I am looking at the date for this $10,000.00 cash payout. And this $25K wire transfer. Fine.

Fast forward, to one of our theories, that JVDS supposedly stalked SFlores, with an intent to steal her winnings. Fine.

Did anyone "blink", when it was reported that he took $300.00 (not sure if that is U.S. or Peruvian Nuevo Soles, which is 0.3517 US dollars per sol); her jewelry, & credit cards? Not a very big "reward" for the risk attached to the commission of another murder.

I also find it odd, that blew through 10K cash, in about 2 weeks or so, if we are to believe that he didn't have any money on him, save the 300 bucks. Yea, he paid for a taxi cab to Chile. I'm talkin' 10K. Where did it go?

I am very curious about JVDS' where/on what, JVDS spends his money:1. What's the activity on his account, to which the 25K was wired?
2. What else did he buy, since he was given the 10K cash, and 25K wired.

With gamblers it is not always easy to track their money.
But we know he always needed more, and we know he was a wanderer moving around a lot.
I imagine that poor Stephanie became a victim because she was the winner of a large purse in the last game they all played.
I have no doubt that many here at WS would watch the entire 3 days of tapes, but... I doubt they will be released. I'm guessing that at least some of the guests there would not want their visits broadcast. Surely in 3 days of filming at a low budget hotel you'd find someone who was "not supposed to be there" with someone other than their spouse. :iamashamed0005:

True, I hadn't thought of that. Surely they could block the faces of the innocent parties. (Innocent of murder, not philandering, that is.) LOL
I still don't understand why immediately after the murder he didn't fly out of SA. If he didn't want to be seen in Stephany's car, he could have taken a cab to the airport. Anywhere would have been better than being stuck in SA and returned to Peru. I still don't know if he had enough cash to do so, or credit cards that were usable. I heard that there were 3 people arrested for assisting him in fleeing, any more information on who they were?

Authorities say van der Sloot fled by bus from Lima, Peru to Chile, crossing the border at the town of Arica.

He was believed to be headed for Argentina.

He showed his Dutch passport at a border control point and was taken into town by a shuttle bus.

Reports say he was caught in a taxi at a highway tollbooth.

I hadn't heard that others were arrested -- just Joran.

IMHO he didn't fly out because he knew/thought peruvian officials would be looking for him there.



This is one of the stories I heard early on but the last one I heard was that he rented a car once he crossed the border and that is how he was caught. Wonder if we will ever know all the correct details.
But didn't she seem really passive as she entered the room, and her casino behavior (very timid). I don't know - I just can't see her throwing a punch at a guy so tall and so big. If I were her, I'd be running for the door.


I totally agree, and I do not believe that the Natalee story has anything to do with this case. this is simply a case of another poor innocent victim of this heartless SOB.

HOWEVER if for any reason at all she found out about the Natalee story and was determined to get out of there - the concern/fear for her safety could have given her added courage and strength.

But like you I do not believe that is what had happened.
I believe that he wanted something money/sex and he got abusive/careless/heartless/evil.

The rest is all his BS as it has been for over 5 years now.
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