Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #12

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One of the analyst's on Geraldo last night summed it up by saying: "If his mouth is open, he's lying". Hit the nail right on the head....LOL

Hmmmmmmmmmm who does that remind me of.........let me think; someone from the states; I think Florida and female......:waitasec:

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As JBean would say... this post will land randomly, and probably does not relate to the post above (or something like that)!

I just went through my TV programming guide for tonight and spotted that there will be a Dateline: Joran Van Der Sloot Arrest on at 9pm (EST) on MSNBC. All indications are that this is not a repeat.
The bottom line is joran changes his stories to suit his own means for survival. I bet the Peruvian police are P'od re his lieing to them re his confession; again a weak attempt to protect/limit his damage to himself. My head hurts from reading all of casey's I mean joran's lies.............the bottom line is he killed her.

Re Natalie; he will take that to the grave because that is his only "ace" or control over at least something in his life from here on out. He loathes Beth so much he will never and I mean NEVER reveal what truely happened or where Natalie is; If I am wrong I will gladly admit it and leap for joy but I highly doubt it.

Sometimes I think he couldn't tell where NH is if he wanted too. If it is true that his father helped cover up the crime I would think that his father being a lawyer and JVDS only being 17 that he would have been wise just to handle it himself and and not even let the 17 yr old know what actually happened with NH's body. If his father had let JVDS know then he would have to worry that JVDS could break and drag him down with him.
But if JVDS does knows all the details of what happened to the body is there a chance that he may be blackmailing the people who may have helped or known the complete story, I wouldn't put it passed him.

ITA - very good point. BBM I have thought of this too.
I know that Joran has brothers, but could someone tell me if he is the oldest or youngest?

I don't know why, but I keep wondering how his brothers are taking this- are they surprised? Are they relieved?

We'll probably never know, but for some reason, I keep wondering about his brothers, and what it will be like for them to carry this now infamous name, being so closely related.
He has two younger brothers. Valentjin and Sebastian. Valentjin is just a couple of years younger than Joran and Sebastian is about 13 or so now (estimate). Valentjin looks so much like Joran it's uncanny. I've seen a picture of him partying in Aruba very recently. I don't know if it's okay to post it here?

So which on is the half brother?
I know that Joran has brothers, but could someone tell me if he is the oldest or youngest?

I don't know why, but I keep wondering how his brothers are taking this- are they surprised? Are they relieved?

We'll probably never know, but for some reason, I keep wondering about his brothers, and what it will be like for them to carry this now infamous name, being so closely related.

Joran is the oldest. He has a brother, Valentjin, that is @ 2 yrs younger and another brother, Sebastian, @ 8-10 yrs younger.

There is a recent photo posted of Valentjin (6/7, I think) that shows him partying it up reminescent of Joran five years ago. Also, as I posted earlier, he looks so remarkably like Joran that it's uncanny.

Anita was also at some film festival party just a few days ago.

So, it doesn't look to me like the family is all that surprised or shook up about it. Of course, this is my opinion.
I wonder if, now that Joran's father is dead and Joran is in jail in Peru, someone on Aruba might come forward with new info on Natalee's case. Maybe the fear of retailation may be gone. Does the same police chief (as when Natalee died) still hold office in Aruba?
Police chief was family - I think he stepped down I think this case had him in a very shady light and he had no choice.

but I do not think the fear of retaliation is gone, Aruba is corrupt, the SOB comes from a rich family that is very well established with many connections.

BUT I DO think that this new case will help the Holloway case a lot.
Thank you, Cathy and Suzi...

I don't know... if I had a brother like Joran, and I realized he'd be going away for a very long time, I'd probably party it up, too!

I'd be celebrating! (lol)
Whew! Just caught up for the morning!

Re: in protective cell. I don't think he will ever be put into general population. I don't think Peru will take the chance on his getting murdered. JMO

Small joke re Geraldo:

One poster said that it would be good for Geraldo to go to Castro Castro to interview JVS. I think if he did, when he opened the cell there would be nothing or no one there!
Thank you, Cathy and Suzi...

I don't know... if I had a brother like Joran, and I realized he'd be going away for a very long time, I'd probably party it up, too!

I'd be celebrating! (lol)

LOL Could be that's exactly what he's doing. Or he might be following in his brother's footsteps. If I didn't know better, I would easily mistake the picture I saw for one of Joran's earlier photos.
Whew! Just caught up for the morning!

Re: in protective cell. I don't think he will ever be put into general population. I don't think Peru will take the chance on his getting murdered. JMO

Small joke re Geraldo:

One poster said that it would be good for Geraldo to go to Castro Castro to interview JVS. I think if he did, when he opened the cell there would be nothing or no one there!

LOL Could be that's exactly what he's doing. Or he might be following in his brother's footsteps. If I didn't know better, I would easily mistake the picture I saw for one of Joran's earlier photos.
Now, that's scary.
where is the ignore button. i looked in faq and found
This is what I heard reported too but I thought he got the cab before going to the airport and then decided once the saw all the police to have the taxi take him to Chilean border. Don't know for sure as I have heard so many variations on EVERYTHING!

Still confused though on why the 2 taxi drivers were arrested. I thought I heard it said "because they should have known a crime had been committed for JVDS to act that way." Doesn't seem quite fair unless they knew for sure JVDS had committed a crime.

I very much doubt he told them anything, why would he?
Doesn't seem fair to me either.
where is the ignore button. i looked in faq and found

You can ignore a poster if you don't like what he/she has been posting by going to your User CP and putting the poster on your ignore list.

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That is the first time I heard he wanted to come to the US to attend school!

Joran planned to attend a college in Tampa, Florida, and play on the soccer team. He and Anita had visited the college together... she talks about it in an interview with GVS. Sorry, don't have the link.

All that changed after the Natalee brouhaha, and he ended up attending a college in the Netherlands. Then he attended a college in Thailand. I don't think he ever earned a degree.
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