Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #12

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Does he really think Peru would let him go into a nice jail in Aruba?
By the way, if her body was dumped in the ocean (which I suppose is the most likely outcome) then I doubt there is anything left of the body.

Isn't this such sweet irony? I think he's so scared chitless now that he might, in fact, really be ready to give up the goods this time. Only they threw her in the ocean so he can't produce her body as proof. And since he's the little boy who cried wolf, no one will ever believe him unless he can. What a conundrum for poor Joran.
This probably isn't important, but I don't understand those who think that there is any physical resemblance between Natalee and Stephany. In fact, I would say they look nothing alike whatsoever.

I also disagree with the contention that Paul was "homely," and that Joran is, too. I thought he was the "Dutch playboy," when he isn't being referred to as "Judge's son" by the media. Again, though, really not significant.
To me the older Joran gets the more he looks just like his dad. Put a pair of glasses on him and he would be little Paulas. His dad was a homely man and Joran gets more homely the older he gets too. I can't for the life of me understand why any girl would be attracted to him.

O/T and I've posted this before but it makes me giggle when people say he's ugly b/c he looks very much like my husband (who was adopted & is Dutch - gasp, banish the thought!) so naturally, I don't think Joran is homely at all but I do think he's a disgusting murderer nonetheless :D
I have read the previous threads and participated in them. I don't think anything has been satisfactorily answered- others have submitted their interpretations of why the evidence keeps changing, but at least for myself, I don't find those interpretations convincing.

It was stated in numerous news accounts, for several days, that Joran's room wasn't checked for three days because he told the hotel not to check it, since he would be back. The additional detail of "don't bother my girl" was added at one point. This was an attempt, imho, to explain the otherwise unexplainable fact that there was a three day lapse between time of death and discovery of the body.

If you (and perhaps others) don't think Joran actually told the staff not to check his room, I completely agree with you. However, if he didn't tell them, then why wasn't the room cleaned and prepped for the next guest the same day he left, as would be the standard protocol?

Answer - I haven't a bloody clue. All I know is the information provided by the press that on June 2nd~12am the Hotel Receptionist notices Joran owes money for 2 nights. So, IMHO it was the Hotel TAC's fault for not going to the room immediately. They should have noticed 2 days earlier!

He leaves on the 30th, in the AM, and they go to the room on June 2nd, at 12 AM -- that's pretty close to 3 days of an unattended room.

The media also quotes he left a note on the door -- but I've yet to see that either. The quote of "don't disturb my girl" sounds odd as well.

I admit it - I don't know all the facts, I'm trying to sort them out like everyone else.

Do I sound frustrated? You betcha. Kinda like the Susan Powell case that's driving me batty! OT - still can't figure out how that husband is still walking the streets.

I hope, in time, we'll get all the facts. But in this foreign case, I think we'll be fed like goldfish.


O/T and I've posted this before but it makes me giggle when people say he's ugly b/c he looks very much like my husband (who was adopted & is Dutch - gasp, banish the thought!) so naturally, I don't think Joran is homely at all but I do think he's a disgusting murderer nonetheless :D

I hear ya. John Gardner is the spitting image of my husband, same last name as well. We also happened to live in SD at the time. Do you know how many times I had to say "NO RELATION"? Well my name is Gardner too, and it freaks me out when people say "do you know John Gardner". For those who don't know, he confessed to killing Chelsea King and Amber Dubois.

Lord please tell me he isnt in our family tree...

Sorry to get OT.


Accused murderer Joran van der Sloot passed his first nights in a Peruvian jail terrified that he'd be killed by inmates, newspapers reported yesterday.

The 22-year-old Dutch citizen had been moved to Lima's Castro Castro jail after a judge charged him Friday in the murder of Stephany Flores, 21, whom he had met at a casino in the Peruvian capital.

He told authorities he and Flores had returned to his hotel room May 30 to play poker online, the Peruvian papers said.

He got a threatening e-mail that linked him to the disappearance exactly five years earlier of Alabama teen Natalee Holloway in Aruba. Flores saw it and panicked, van der Sloot reportedly said.

VAN DER SLOOT Fears a jailhouse attack.She hit him on the head, and he smashed her with his elbow, leaving her half-conscious, he reportedly told police. He then grabbed Flores by the neck and squeezed, according to Peruvian papers.

Read more:
This probably isn't important, but I don't understand those who think that there is any physical resemblance between Natalee and Stephany. In fact, I would say they look nothing alike whatsoever.

I also disagree with the contention that Paul was "homely," and that Joran is, too. I thought he was the "Dutch playboy," when he isn't being referred to as "Judge's son" by the media. Again, though, really not significant.

I think it's personal preference, but I agree with you. Both were/are not homely. In fact, I believe they led quite a playboy lifestyle (IMHO).



Accused murderer Joran van der Sloot passed his first nights in a Peruvian jail terrified that he'd be killed by inmates, newspapers reported yesterday.

The 22-year-old Dutch citizen had been moved to Lima's Castro Castro jail after a judge charged him Friday in the murder of Stephany Flores, 21, whom he had met at a casino in the Peruvian capital.

He told authorities he and Flores had returned to his hotel room May 30 to play poker online, the Peruvian papers said.

He got a threatening e-mail that linked him to the disappearance exactly five years earlier of Alabama teen Natalee Holloway in Aruba. Flores saw it and panicked, van der Sloot reportedly said.

VAN DER SLOOT Fears a jailhouse attack.She hit him on the head, and he smashed her with his elbow, leaving her half-conscious, he reportedly told police. He then grabbed Flores by the neck and squeezed, according to Peruvian papers.

Read more:

Okay, I think I'm officially grumpy now ;) How did Stephany hit JVS on the head, when she's quite petite and he's 6"3 and is double the weight of her. Would she even attempt at doing so? Just how bad did she hurt him? Why haven't we seen the pictures?

She hit him on the head, and he smashed her with his elbow, leaving her half-conscious, he reportedly told police. He then grabbed Flores by the neck and squeezed, according to Peruvian papers.

He's blaming the victim because she's not here to speak for herself. That's what most narcasistic psychopaths do. I bet he won't get away with that in Castro Castro!

Off to cool down....

Okay, I think I'm officially grumpy now ;) How did Stephany hit JVS on the head, when she's quite petite and he's 6"3 and is double the weight of her. Would she even attempt at doing so? Just how bad did she hurt him? Why haven't we seen the pictures?

She hit him on the head, and he smashed her with his elbow, leaving her half-conscious, he reportedly told police. He then grabbed Flores by the neck and squeezed, according to Peruvian papers.

He's blaming the victim because she's not here to speak for herself. That's what most narcasistic psychopaths do. I bet he won't get away with that in Castro Castro!

Off to cool down....


I hear ya! Only possibility I can think of is that he was sitting and she was standing and she popped him one good one. He elbowed her broke her nose (which if you do that sometimes can be fatal as we know) then grabbed her neck
interpretations of why the evidence keeps changing, but at least for myself, I don't find those interpretations convincing.

Evidence doesn't (keep) changing. It is what it is.

However, only those who are close to the investigation, have seen the evidence, have done the autopsy, have conducted the interviews with the prisoner (i.e. the Peruvian officials) know for sure. Media people get info and they interpret what they're told. We are working from that info and it is bound to have errors since it is not 1st-hand.

People (including all of us here) are working off of 2nd, 3rd and 4th hand info. People are reacting to info that has been passed through layers (2nd, 3rd and 4th hand information). The interpretation of what is being heard and what it means is what keeps changing.

The evidence itself...will not change.
I hear ya! Only possibility I can think of is that he was sitting and she was standing and she popped him one good one LOL and just grabbed her neck

But didn't she seem really passive as she entered the room, and her casino behavior (very timid). I don't know - I just can't see her throwing a punch at a guy so tall and so big. If I were her, I'd be running for the door.


But didn't she seem really passive as she entered the room, and her casino behavior (very timid). I don't know - I just can't see her throwing a punch at a guy so tall and so big. If I were her, I'd be running for the door.



My feet are faster than my hands too! I agree with you
Not that its crucial to the discussion but does anyone know the ages
and situations of Joran's siblings? Grown? Still young? In school? Working?
In Aruba or Holland?

He has two younger brothers. Valentjin and Sebastian. Valentjin is just a couple of years younger than Joran and Sebastian is about 13 or so now (estimate). Valentjin looks so much like Joran it's uncanny. I've seen a picture of him partying in Aruba very recently. I don't know if it's okay to post it here?
BTW why should they charge them when they did not even know she was dead yet. Makes no sense at ALL!

Once you get on an airplane you are stuck there until the plane lands. He couldn't be sure when they would find SF. The first place the police would go to look for him would be the airport and then other police would be waiting for him when he landed. If he could be SURE he would have a 2 day head start it might work but once he left the hotel he couldn't be sure. That's why he took a bus and then taxis. JMO.
I don't know - I just can't see her throwing a punch at a guy so tall and so big. If I were her, I'd be running for the door.

JVDS is a lying liar who lies. You really can't believe anything he says in way of explanation. If he's asked 10 times, he'll come up with 10 different versions of how the murder went down. In none of those versions will you get the truth.

Whenever I come across one of JVDS's explanations/versions I immediately scroll to get past the info, because I already know his stories are a work of fiction and his brand of fiction is not worth my time.
I hear ya! Only possibility I can think of is that he was sitting and she was standing and she popped him one good one. He elbowed her broke her nose (which if you do that sometimes can be fatal as we know) then grabbed her neck

Do you think he'd have to stand to give her a good elbow to the neck? I can't see him doing that in a sitting position. Maybe...who knows?


I have no doubt the surveillance video IS continuous and that the authorities have it in their possession. But, as you can imagine, it would be difficult, not to mention silly, to publish the entire 3 days worth of tape from the time she entered his room until the body was discovered just to prove to a point to the naysayers.

Yes it might be silly but I bet at least half of us would run that entire 3 days worth of tapes. :crazy:
I am going to guess the reason many people have said that they think that Paulus (isn't that what his name really is, not 'Paul'? I'm not writing a book or anything, but that's what I thought it was.) and his son are 'HOMELY', is because they actually DO think they were/are homely.

I haven't expressed my opinion on that yet, so I will now. I think they both were/are not only homely, but downright unattractive. Granted, some of that could be because I don't like men who smirk, and I don't like men who act and have body language like they think their sheets don't stink. I don't like men who posture, because it's fake, and not attractive to me.

That said, I also think they are/were more than homely because I personally am not physically attracted to blockheaded men with small ears that stick out, high hairlines, pear-shaped bodies and stubby noses, even if they are tall, white and pretending they're rich. I happen to prefer tall medium or olive skinned men, slim and toned, often Spanish, Latino or American Indian. If not, generally dark hair and brown eyes, for SURE.

And, see, there is some beauty in that. That means that other men are attractive, too. I never understand why some people think that there are some people that everyone HAS to agree are attractive, even when it goes against what they personally like. If everyone only was attracted to 'one' type, everyone else in the world would be screwed. Thankfully, not everyone in my life has only been attracted to bubbly blondes or vampire-looking brunettes with awsome curves. That's meant that I, as a 5'6" 110lb redheaded Indian have managed to have a love life.

It would be silly of me to complain because everyone in the world didn't agree on my attractiveness, eh? And, hey- what is up with people who write books about murderers and alleged murderers and how they always think they are so attractive? BTW, as a published author myself (magazines, books, newspapers, and currently online publishing) I know several writers who have done very well with virtual books, especially Kindle. Not sure why you needed to clarify that your book contract was not for online publishing. Or really, why it had to be brought up again at all?

I agree that NH and Stephany don't look like twins. There are some similarities, though. They were both young, attractive women who at some point ran across JVDS, and they are both now dead.

This probably isn't important, but I don't understand those who think that there is any physical resemblance between Natalee and Stephany. In fact, I would say they look nothing alike whatsoever.

I also disagree with the contention that Paul was "homely," and that Joran is, too. I thought he was the "Dutch playboy," when he isn't being referred to as "Judge's son" by the media. Again, though, really not significant.
At first I thought- eh, maybe they should publish the 3 days worth of tape... heck, publish every minute of every day that JVDS stayed in that motel. But that's just because I'd love to see what kind of conspiracy theories would come out of that. And how much of the actual footage would be ignored. But then I thought no, because I realized how much my head would hurt listening to it.

Yes it might be silly but I bet at least half of us would run that entire 3 days worth of tapes. :crazy:
Hope this is okay to post. Seems to show a picture of JVDS' mother still in Aruba (at the film event) on 06/11. One of the things that we were getting conflicting reports about as to whether or not she was in Aruba or Peru. Had not seen this posted.

I don't think Anita will go to Aruba to defend Joran, though she may make a statement of some sort acknowledging that he is responsible for the murder of both Stephany and Natalee and offer her sympathy to the families. I think she washed her hands of him when he implicated his own father in the disposal of the body. I believe that she knows that if he is ever released, she and her other children could one day meet the same fate, and has lived in constant fear since Paulus died.
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