PI Raw Video Tape (Nov. 15-16th) Discussion

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That's what I see, too. I'm going to watch it again.

Is everyone understanding that there at two places that are on this film?

Location1: One place is the "woods" area (which I believe is the crime scene).

Location 2: The other is the concrete building/house (where the digging goes on).

Location 2 was NOT where Caylee was recovered (in moo).
6/27 was the poster of the Videos sign up date to YT, NOT when she posted the video
I don't know much about how YT works, but that user's been posting videos since 2007 and a member since September 2006.
Thank you for pointing all those detail out. I think just maybe it could be this guys property. He owns acres and had parties and bands out there but had to abandon the house. He was one of Casey's friend on my-space. It might be possible. I have the address somewhere I will look for it and add in the AM and map-quest it from the Anthony home. As I recall it was only 2 or 3 miles away.

I was just going to ask you for location of this place. I will check back in the AM.
On the Geraldo thread they said Conway has already told Le who he was talking to.....they did not know the meter reader right? So it sounds to me like it was one of the A;s.

Maybe that is the real reason they were seeking immunity, they knew this was going to be blowing up in their faces soon.
Right! Angel Who Cares overheard the SA's whispering on her headphones during the motions hearings Thursday. They said "10 feet."

(I modified the post you quoted a few pages back....now contains fuller info :))

I'm not sure if I thanked you Mrs. Peel....So thanks for correcting my boo boo! I messed that up for the astro thread & now I know they still got a boo boo mistake again. They already know I'm going to work on it more tonight. I'll post what else I can hear later today. I want to first watch GR before I start working on it again. It was actually caught because I had an apt. & had to leave just as the hearing started. I still never watched it all of the way. Once I heard them talking I never finished watching the hearing. No we all know to use headphones for every hearing once they are up & live too!

Sleuthing needs headphones for trials & hearings. At one point too JB says to his partner in a whisper...This could have beeb avoided. He was PO'd they wanted KC brought to court. I want to listen to all of it to see if you can hear what he says to KC at the end too. And go back & check every hearing out so far.
I don't know much about how YT works, but that user's been posting videos since 2007 and a member since September 2006.

Oops Im wrong, it WAS posted, 6 months ago:eek:
I still say looking at the manicured grass and the abandon house 23 minutes later that they are probably somewhere else.

I believe that he is standing on Suburban Drive here. He walks out of the woods, across the grass shoulder, and onto the pavement. If you watch closely you can briefly see the curb. This could be very close to the remains.

Okay now how is that possible? Is it possible that this person did in fact post the video but then she changed the name of the video?

She may have, Im not sure, she has posted 300 videos, I went and looked at her list, It says it was posted 6 months ago, Im a Youtube member
Well, I'm a little late to the party onthis subject, but after viewing the tape I have to say I am more convinced than ever he was getting directions on the phone.

His body language is so telling. My immediate reaction was that he was being told a specific area, and he walked back to get a better vantage point. Right at the beginning of the tape. You know how you'd need a wider angle to see the trees for the forest, no pun intended?

He was not improvising a one-man grid search. He was there with a purpose. Hence the camera, ready and waiting. Why use a camera unless you're expecting to find something?

Whole thing is hinky.

You are absolutely right! That's how I see this whole thing too. He was out there looking for something specific and whoever he was talking to on the phone WAS giving him direction. What other reason would he have to have someone else taping him while on his mission? He was hoping to find something, period. He knew Caylee's body was in that area in a black trash bag (the reason for cutting through those bags).
Oops Im wrong, it WAS posted, 6 months ago:eek:
I went back and looked a little more. The others are right. The videos had nothing to do with Caylee originally. She changed the names later. The title of one even says "I named the doll Caylee". They're still disturbing and sadly prophetic. The little toys are recycled from discarded items and some are even placed in tiny bags as if to say look at the beautiful things found in trash. My God, how sad!
IF not then then this person knew in June that Caylee was deceased.

She may have assumed she was deceased after the 1st bond hearing.beings Yuri said he smelled decomp, I was convinced Caylee was dead after the bond hearing myself
I went back and looked a little more. The others are right. The videos had nothing to do with Caylee originally. She changed the names later. The title of one even says "I named the doll Caylee". They're still disturbing and sadly prophetic. The little toys are recycled from discarded items and some are even placed in tiny bags as if to say look at the beautiful things found in trash. My God, how sad!

How very sad indeed!!
Can I just tell you that I live in the Sunshine State, and that I have no idea how it is that Florida was named after sunshine? It rains here CONSTANTLY, if not daily in the summer months. The sun can be out one minute, and then disappear into the clouds the next, storm heavily, and then suddenly clear up again all in a 5 minute period. It's not all sunshine, beaches and palm trees here. Although it was a good observation, I'm not so sure about the sunlight in those pics casting doubt whether or not DC was at the right spot. Guess we will have to wait until it's confirmed by LE. DARN! I want to know NOW.

You are so right! It can be sunny as can be one min. & pour the next. I don't live there but my uncle lives in Titusville & have visited quite a few times. When I was in my teenage yrs. we had come back from the beach & everyone was trying to get the shower to wash the salt out of our hair.....I said heck with it & I was able to wash my hair in the rain & rinse it it had rained so hard! OK everyone I know silly but I was a teenager & got tired of waiting my turn! :crazy:
She may have assumed she was deceased after the 1st bond hearing.beings Yuri said he smelled decomp, I was convinced Caylee was dead after the bond hearing myself

The first bond hearings were in July, this was posted in June.

I have seen this video brought up a few times and never seen an explanation. Does anyone know the story about this?

I'm not sure that I buy the idea that Casey herself posted that reply on the video and it was deleted by her, as noted in the docstoc file.

I'd like to hear a better explanation (like we got for the myspace date problem) of why this video shows a date before ANYONE (besides KC) knew Caylee was missing.
I went back and looked a little more. The others are right. The videos had nothing to do with Caylee originally. She changed the names later. The title of one even says "I named the doll Caylee". They're still disturbing and sadly prophetic. The little toys are recycled from discarded items and some are even placed in tiny bags as if to say look at the beautiful things found in trash. My God, how sad!

Ya'll are killin' me!!! We can't take any more Crazy. We have enough!:hypno:
The first bond hearings were in July, this was posted in June.

I have seen this video brought up a few times and never seen an explanation. Does anyone know the story about this?

I'm not sure that I buy the idea that Casey herself posted that reply on the video and it was deleted by her, as noted in the docstoc file.

I'd like to hear a better explanation (like we got for the myspace date problem) of why this video shows a date before ANYONE (besides KC) knew Caylee was missing.

Thats right!!!!!!! I get so confuzzled at time, a previous poster said the YT vieo poster just changed the name of the Video, I rekkon thats as good explaination as any :)
Is everyone understanding that there at two places that are on this film?

Location1: One place is the "woods" area (which I believe is the crime scene).

Location 2: The other is the concrete building/house (where the digging goes on).

Location 2 was NOT where Caylee was recovered (in moo).

Does this mean that Caylee could've been moved? In the video it looks like he's digging and cutting open trash bags aroung the edge of the building. If he was just told that it was in the woods near the buildng I would think that he would only be searching in the woods and not so close to the building. I'm just wondering
Ya'll are killin' me!!! We can't take any more Crazy. We have enough!:hypno:

Im sure there is alot more crazy to come before its all said and done, just when you think you get something figured out something else comes along and blows it all to pieces, as far as crazy, goes this case tops the list for me:crazy:
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