PICTURE!!!!! Is it Maddie???

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Yes, it is her.

She was stolen by Joseph with the technicolor dream pants! Sheesh.

I bet you could walk into any city in America and take the same picture in any mall of a 4 year old girl with blonde hair and post it.

Yes, we may as well laugh a little, since no one can know for sure. ;)

I'm starting to think it isn't a hoax as much as a red herring.

What I keep coming back to is how Maddie would end up strapped to an old woman's back on the side of the road? If someone abducted the child, and they knew the whole world was on the alert, wouldn't she be in a house somewhere? How did she get involved with that group?
The woman walking to the side is not dressed in full Arab garb. Her dress is not long enough to fit their modesty. Rather it looks like a Western current style of tunic top with jeans under it. I know she has a scarf over her head, but it does make me wonder if she is originally from Europe and possibly has blonde hair or blonde genes. I would not assume this child is Maddie. Morocco is not that far from Europe and I am sure there must be a few lighter-haired children there.

The photo does not look photoshopped to me, but I am no expert.

Women in Morrocco do not all dress in 'Arab garb'. Morocco and Turkey are the places for jeans - both to buy and for women to wear. Also women in these countries do not usually wear head scarfs. You might see the full garb and scarves in remote parts and the occasional woman elsewhere, but it is definitely not the norm. It's Morocco, not Afghanistan. :)
Yes, we may as well laugh a little, since no one can know for sure. ;)

I'm starting to think it isn't a hoax as much as a red herring.

What I keep coming back to is how Maddie would end up strapped to an old woman's back on the side of the road? If someone abducted the child, and they knew the whole world was on the alert, wouldn't she be in a house somewhere? How did she get involved with that group?

Probably not the whole world, lol. I'm sure I could say the name Madeleine McCann to quite a few people I know and they would all go "who?"
Yes, we may as well laugh a little, since no one can know for sure. ;)

I'm starting to think it isn't a hoax as much as a red herring.

What I keep coming back to is how Maddie would end up strapped to an old woman's back on the side of the road? If someone abducted the child, and they knew the whole world was on the alert, wouldn't she be in a house somewhere? How did she get involved with that group?

I thought it was a guy! :D

Welcome to Ramsey part II. These red herrings just muddy the water and help the parents and their friends get away with murder.

Morning all,

I was thinking this morning, after seeing this mentioned on our local news (sheeesh), some PR people are definitely earning thier paychecks.

Think of this....in the next few days the PJ will get the forensics back and the judge will allow new questioning. The Tapas 7 and the McCanns will be called back to Portugal.

I think most people (sheep) will be immediately suspicious of the PJ. They will automatically say to themselves..."wait a minute...what's going on...why are the parents being questioned again when there has been a sighting?!?!" This will have been a very effective way of turning peoples heads.

And that's how it appears to me....carry on.

Heck, all I can find is a blurry picture of a blonde girl - can't see anything up close. From that picture it could be her or 1,000,000 other little girls in the world. Isn't there a better picture somewhere?

Honestly, it looks more like my niece or my daughter's best friend who lives two doors up. I agree with Poco, it could be anyone. This is spin from the Mc's PR machine. I was intrigued initially. I did jump out of the bed at 5:45am. But the more I thought about it. The more I questioned it. Isn't it the perfect time to release an alleged photo of Maddie alive in another country? Sure takes focus off the Mc's for a bit. I would love to believe it's her, but my gut tells me it's spin.
Morning all,

I was thinking this morning, after seeing this mentioned on our local news (sheeesh), some PR people are definitely earning thier paychecks.

Think of this....in the next few days the PJ will get the forensics back and the judge will allow new questioning. The Tapas 7 and the McCanns will be called back to Portugal.

I think most people (sheep) will be immediately suspicious of the PJ. They will automatically say to themselves..."wait a minute...what's going on...why are the parents being questioned again when there has been a sighting?!?!" This will have been a very effective way of turning peoples heads.

And that's how it appears to me....carry on.

Precisely! :cool: That's what a good red herring can do for someone's defense. They've been saying all along the police aren't doing their job, and now they can also blame Interpol.

Funny how the McCann's took a tour of Europe, but they never thought to go to North Africa or Morocco. I guess they were as clueless as the police, no?
Precisely! :cool: That's what a good red herring can do for someone's defense. They've been saying all along the police aren't doing their job, and now they can also blame Interpol.

Funny how the McCann's took a tour of Europe, but they never thought to go to North Africa or Morocco. I guess they were as clueless as the police, no?

Maybe not so clueless:

Smiles as children greet McCanns in Morocco
Yes, it is her.

She was stolen by Joseph with the technicolor dream pants! Sheesh.

I bet you could walk into any city in America and take the same picture in any mall of a 4 year old girl with blonde hair and post it.


Yes, I'm sure you could ... in an American mall. Except this wasn't an American mall. I wonder how easy it would be for you to snap a little blonde girl in North Africa where the natives are black? Sure some are lighter skinned and some have lighter brown hair but I think you'd be hard pushed to find a blue-eyed blonde native.

It's easy to get to Morocco from Portugal and Spain and some resorts have a problem with Africans selling trinkets and water melon very pushily to the tourists. Pickpocketing can be a problem too. I've been approached and hassled by Africans on vacation. We now avoid resorts where this is a problem because it can be very unnerving. You feel sorry for them because they are only trying to eke a living, but sometimes they just won't go away when you tell them you're not interested.
Yes, it is her.

She was stolen by Joseph with the technicolor dream pants! Sheesh.

I bet you could walk into any city in America and take the same picture in any mall of a 4 year old girl with blonde hair and post it.


And then turn it in to Interpol in your own name? :eek:
Regarding cell phone cameras.

Yes you can now take fantastic quality photos with these. A friend of mine recently bemoaned the fact that she'd gone to one of these massive open air concerts (it was Eagles or something like that) and she bought a new all singing, all dancing digital camera but that the photos were rubbish. She was disgruntled because her friend had taken photos with her cell phone which turned out great.

Me - I still have my old Nokia which is just about a museum piece but it does everything I need it to do.
They went there back in June?

I noticed Kate was smiling. I think the childrens' reception made her happy if only for a short while.

Yes. It's amazing how well we are programmed to hide our tears and put on a brave face for little ones.
Yes, I'm sure you could ... in an American mall. Except this wasn't an American mall. I wonder how easy it would be for you to snap a little blonde girl in North Africa where the natives are black? Sure some are lighter skinned and some have lighter brown hair but I think you'd be hard pushed to find a blue-eyed blonde native.

It's easy to get to Morocco from Portugal and Spain and some resorts have a problem with Africans selling trinkets and water melon very pushily to the tourists. Pickpocketing can be a problem too. I've been approached and hassled by Africans on vacation. We now avoid resorts where this is a problem because it can be very unnerving. You feel sorry for them because they are only trying to eke a living, but sometimes they just won't go away when you tell them you're not interested.

Don't look now but I see five in one picture. This girl is this family's.

I doubt that if it was Maddie, they would be carrying her around like that.

And then turn it in to Interpol in your own name? :eek:

The latest news bulletin says that experts are examining it to see if it could be a hoax and that they are using some sophisticated software which matches various points on our faces which don't change as we grow older.
Precisely! :cool: That's what a good red herring can do for someone's defense. They've been saying all along the police aren't doing their job, and now they can also blame Interpol.

Funny how the McCann's took a tour of Europe, but they never thought to go to North Africa or Morocco. I guess they were as clueless as the police, no?

I read that they did visit Morocco, in June.
The latest news bulletin says that experts are examining it to see if it could be a hoax and that they are using some sophisticated software which matches various points on our faces which don't change as we grow older.

And wouldn't anyone who turned in the photo expect them to do that?

My point is, this may or may not be a picture of Madeleine, but I have to doubt that it's photoshopped or faked in any way.
Don't look now but I see five in one picture. This girl is this family's.

I doubt that if it was Maddie, they would be carrying her around like that.


That's what I was thinking too. Along with the fact that that picture could be a million little girls with blonde hair.
This is what stuck out to me:

Clarence Mitchell, a spokesman for the McCanns, said last night: “The picture poses serious questions. The child does appear to look like Madeleine. Kate and Gerry are keen to establish what exactly we are seeing here.” http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,298072,00.html

I don't even know what to think about who did what anymore, BUT what puzzles me is they have from day one dismissed all possible sightings and said they didn't want to know about it (or whatever it was) because it would be a let down anyway.

How come this change of heart? I've so far only seen them do things that suited them. So I have to wonder that they're interested because it suits them. Why does it suit them? Because it takes the heat off of them being suspects. And like I said - I have no idea who did what.... if Madeleine's dead or missing.... but this is very puzzling to me.
Don't look now but I see five in one picture. This girl is this family's.

I doubt that if it was Maddie, they would be carrying her around like that.


I'm sorry, but I don't see five blue-eyed blondes. I see four dark-skinned arab women and one light-skinned, blonde haired little girl.

Common sense tells me that the reason this photo was taken is because the child stood out as different.

Two of the women are carrying travel bags/cases.
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