PI's following out of state lead on Picture of Caylee.

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Nope, they sure haven't told you that you're segregated, and indeed, you should not be. However, I'm sure those who post on on the exclusive thread you mentioned understand that not everyone else on this thread who isn't allowed to post there because their view is different isn't going to agree with those who post there exclusively, either.

Damn. I outdid myself in that last sentence...:crazy:

I haven't seen the mods forbidding other members from coming into the alive threads, they just made a ridicule free zone for us to post in since we get hammered on 99.9% of the board. Lol.
I do post in the Caylee is Alive threads, and not one of the mods has told me I am to be segregated to that area.

The pic will be out there. If they accuse some unknown woman of being ZFG and the woman in the pic comes forward to authenticate that she IS NOT ZFG, then the scam is up. I don't think they will try it.

They don't want the woman in the picture to come forward to authenticate it. They only want to create "doubt". I just hope it backfires on them by the mysterious Z in the picture to show up to slap them with ANOTHER law suit!!
Desperate times...........desperate measures........who's got extra popcorn....I ran out?

ahhhhhhhhh you just reminded me darnit! I just went to Blockbuster picked up a couple movies and had popcorn in hand. I put it back because I was gonna just run into the grocery store anyway---I forgot it!!!!! Man, see what ya get for being cheap.
And Casey being the great "photographer" she is never took a pic of Caylee at Zenaida's or with Zenaida in the "1 1/2 almost 2 years" she was the nanny? She seemed to take alot of pics....hmmm yeah I buy it.

Sorry OT, but your squirrel avatar is so freakin cute! I cracked up when I saw it, especially right after Turbo's dead squirrel comment! Sorry, I'll behave now.:)
I do post in the Caylee is Alive threads, and not one of the mods has told me I am to be segregated to that area.

Excuse me... don't try to alter my statement. I never said or even insinuated you or anyone is or should be segregated anywhere.
Oh they aren't??? Really!? I thought they surrounded a house in Volusia county, also the sighting in McDonalds and the other one at the airport. I'm sure there are others I'm missing and things that we haven't heard about. Please don't make it sound like the OCSO would ignore any leads that would bring this child home alive. They are working non stop on this case and have exhausted MANY resources and manpower trying solve this case.

LE has to and will follow up on all leads, and I find even more so for this case since the defense will argue that LE has not followed up on leads.
Capt Nieves stated last week on local TV that 3 law enforcement agencies being OCSD, FDLE and the FBI have and still are following up on over 5000 tips.
Yes, much tax payer money has been spent following up leads using all 3 agencies.
IF there were such a photo, why would the man just now be bringing it forward?
If Casey knows who has Caylee, as was first reported, then why would she have allowed herself to wait this long to look for her?
I pray that Casey is arrested soon and this charade ends.
It's becoming really insulting to people's intelligence to keep all this BS going.:furious:
CC- I'm so with you on this. That guy, Todd B. didn't make sense in anything he's said. I would love to see Casey arrested as she walks out of court on Friday. Right in front of that blinkity, blat attorney of hers.
What is she going to say? the new ZG stole the real ZG"s identity...including the part PR/AA, kids' names etc..what next? maybe KC actually had twins and she gave one to ZG at birth and it was that one that actually died..so she gave Caylee to ZG and put the dead one in her trunk...:rolleyes:
Sorry OT, but your squirrel avatar is so freakin cute! I cracked up when I saw it, especially right after Turbo's dead squirrel comment! Sorry, I'll behave now.:)
yeah it is cute that little tiny camera cracked me up even more
I haven't seen the mods forbidding other members from coming into the alive threads, they just made a ridicule free zone for us to post in since we get hammered on 99.9% of the board. Lol.

Seranade, you're entitled to your opinion just as everyone else is, but at the same time when you're posting on threads such as this one that so many do not believe a word from the A side of things, others are going to express why they feel that way as opposed to your feelings. It's to be expected somewhat, don't you think?
Let me see if I have this right.

Jose Baez’ investigators are in an unnamed state, talking to an unidentified man, with the goal of obtaining a photograph of Casey, Caylee and an unidentified woman she claims is “the” ZFG?

What would the existence of a photo prove, exactly? That Casey and Caylee had their picture taken with some woman? That could be me. Or you. (Well, many of you.) Or any other stranger at the park whose name is actually Jane Smith or Susie Housefrau and who happened to be snapped with the tot mom and Caylee.

How would a random photo prove the existence of the imaginanny, much less that the woman in a photograph is a kidnapper?

This would have a lot more credibility if the unidentified man in the unnamed state could actually produce the anonymous woman whose identity could then be ascertained by the FBI. Without that, this appears to be just the latest smoke bomb thrown by an increasingly-desperate attorney and a client whose palms must be getting a little sweaty.
I do post in the Caylee is Alive threads, and not one of the mods has told me I am to be segregated to that area.

Excuse me... don't try to alter my statement. I never said or even insinuated you or anyone is or should be segregated anywhere.

Oh sorry. It sounded quite a bit like you were politely disinviting me from this thread. If I misunderstood, my bad.

Sounds like you should be posting on the thread for those that think Caylee is alive or maybe make your own Casey is innocent thread.
This is a scam, the only "picture" is fabricated or simply does not exist. Casey, Cindy, George and Jose are proven liars... no doubt about it. No these lies were not made up by the media or anyone else all right out of the mouths of trash people.

Seranade, you're entitled to your opinion just as everyone else is, but at the same time when you're posting on threads such as this one that so many do not believe a word from the A side of things, others are going to express why they feel that way as opposed to your feelings. It's to be expected somewhat, don't you think?

I don't disagree with that, but if I am challenged am I not allowed to answer?
Let me see if I have this right.

Jose Baez’ investigators are in an unnamed state, talking to an unidentified man, with the goal of obtaining a photograph of Casey, Caylee and an unidentified woman she claims is “the” ZFG?

What would the existence of a photo prove, exactly? That Casey and Caylee had their picture taken with some woman? That could be me. Or you. (Well, many of you.) Or any other stranger at the park whose name is actually Jane Smith or Susie Housefrau and who happened to be snapped with the tot mom and Caylee.

How would a random photo prove the existence of the imaginanny, much less that the woman in a photograph is a kidnapper?

This would have a lot more credibility if the unidentified man in the unnamed state could actually produce the anonymous woman whose identity could then be ascertained by the FBI. Without that, this appears to be just the latest smoke bomb thrown by an increasingly-desperate attorney and a client whose palms must be getting a little sweaty.

Amen - Very well said!
I haven't seen the mods forbidding other members from coming into the alive threads, they just made a ridicule free zone for us to post in since we get hammered on 99.9% of the board. Lol.
Hey I come, I read, I leave. IMO we can't argue or debate the "title of the thread". That's been made clear...at least that's how I perceive it. I have never seen anyone ridicule anyone there but, again, that's probably all in the perception of the reader.
Casey is probably very good with Photoshop!

It is good to hear they have experts searching for her! I will reserve my opinion when there is more information but I will say about the photoshopping...NO matter how good someone is in photoshop an expert can figure out if it has been messed with. Pretty quickly too. I would dare call myself an expert but would assert I could prove whether or not it was with a full size file. The chances of them producing convincing phony photos are slim to none.
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