Police say parents are not answering vital questions #3

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Not according to the neighbor Sean, that was supposedly sitting outside with them for much of the evening. He said that [ correct me if I am wrong] he never saw any of the kids and did not see her go inside the house while he was there either. He also said he did not see them drinking, so was she really even drunk?

Just doesn't make any sense does it? 4 kids 8 y/o and under (8, 5, 4, 18 mos.) in the house and neither mother goes to check. No kids run to door tattling or asking for something. The house is on a conventional foundation right? He would have heard them running through the house.

Did he see the neighbor mom walking her child home and putting her to bed later? He talked to neighbor after DB went inside.

Maybe all the kids were really somewhere else with another neighbor. Has anyone ever had 4 kids together that were still and silent for hours? No running? No fighting? No tattling? No needing mom for something? Even if you had put them all to bed, have you ever had them stay there if the adults were still up with company?
Just doesn't make any sense does it? 4 kids 8 y/o and under (8, 5, 4, 18 mos.) in the house and neither mother goes to check. No kids run to door tattling or asking for something. The house is on a conventional foundation right? He would have heard them running through the house.

Did he see the neighbor mom walking her child home and putting her to bed later? He talked to neighbor after DB went inside.

Maybe all the kids were really somewhere else with another neighbor. Has anyone ever had 4 kids together that were still and silent for hours? No running? No fighting? No tattling? No needing mom for something? Even if you had put them all to bed, have you ever had them stay there if the adults were still up with company?
Shane was not there that long.

It has been my observation that boys 8 years old are noisy. I would bet that the parents could hear all the kids' voices while they were outside. I'll also bet that the kids came out and pestered mom at least once. Apparently this didn't happen when Shane was there.
Just doesn't make any sense does it? 4 kids 8 y/o and under (8, 5, 4, 18 mos.) in the house and neither mother goes to check. No kids run to door tattling or asking for something. The house is on a conventional foundation right? He would have heard them running through the house.

Did he see the neighbor mom walking her child home and putting her to bed later? He talked to neighbor after DB went inside.

Maybe all the kids were really somewhere else with another neighbor. Has anyone ever had 4 kids together that were still and silent for hours? No running? No fighting? No tattling? No needing mom for something? Even if you had put them all to bed, have you ever had them stay there if the adults were still up with company?

Just had a 9,3,2,15months, 1month, 2 weeks in our house with parents everywhere and while some of us were on the front porch, not drinking anything stronger than Tea, this house was loud and proud. Babies crying, toddlers playing with their toys...it was quite noisy. There is no way that if we had put a movie in for the children to watch would the movie have entertained them until 10:30 at night. These kids were hungry, thirsty, needing diaper changes, spilled something, crying for Momma, their needs were endless. Not a minutes peace....not that I wanted one, sheer chaos at my home with all the children and babies is actually music to my ears.
Just had a 9,3,2,15months, 1month, 2 weeks in our house with parents everywhere and while some of us were on the front porch, not drinking anything stronger than Tea, this house was loud and proud. Babies crying, toddlers playing with their toys...it was quite noisy. There is no way that if we had put a movie in for the children to watch would the movie have entertained them until 10:30 at night. These kids were hungry, thirsty, needing diaper changes, spilled something, crying for Momma, their needs were endless. Not a minutes peace....not that I wanted one, sheer chaos at my home with all the children and babies is actually music to my ears.

Shane was there from 7 until 8:30, and according to what he told Jim Spellman, nobody went insde for that hour and a half of the evening. I just got back from my inlaws, and I couldn't seem to spend a minute without a baby, older child, a cat or a dog in my lap. We don't know what happened from 8:30 to 10:30. It must have been the majority of the drinking to possibly blackout drunk. DB was putting the baby to bed at 6:40, and SB didn't get back from her run to the liquor store until around 7. No drinking during Shane's visit. I don't know what actually went on of course. I guess it's possible there were baths, and snacks and checking homework, but we haven't heard anything about it. In fact, that's what registered first on my hinky meter. There was never a mention of any child care during the stoop party. Nothing about the children until DB spoke to the boys who were still awake at 10:30 on a school night. No idea if this is related to Lisa's disapperance, but the whole thing just doesn't ring true to me. All MOO.
Both parents know what happened and both are, well, getting away with murder. Joe T. talked a good talk with Van Der Sloot too. No need for a high profile attorney unless you committed a high profile crime.

They want everyone to go away and leave them alone. They don't want your prayers either. One day LE will come a knocking...they just don't know when.

Maybe when the boys are old enough to go to LE on their own and tell what really happened to their baby sister. This will haunt them forever.
Maybe when the boys are old enough to go to LE on their own and tell what really happened to their baby sister. This will haunt them forever.

Maybe. But JonBenet's brother was 9 when she was killed, and he is going to be 25 in January and hasn't revealed anything about what happened that night. And he even refused to be interviewed by LE back in October 2010. I think that if Burke or Lisa's brothers are going to come out and say something, it will be after their parents pass away, and they have families of their own. But I can think of reasons why they will always keep their mouth shut---or just stay with the intruder theory.
The children might just not know anything........I think if DB did do it the kids don't know what happened I know they weren't questioned long but they were spoken to right after the baby was reported missing I honestly thing they would have told if their sister was harmed and they knew. They might have heard something they don't understand/know that is evidence to the crime, but I don't think there will be some bombshell later on.
Because the parents lawyered up immediately, Lisa hasn't been found. In most cases, LE needs to be able to talk to the parents w/o attorneys to get the information. Once they employ Defense Attorneys, all bets are off for Lisa. W/O a body, the parents get to have their adult time, unencumbered by a baby.

When you follow these cases long enough, the pattern is easy to recognize.
They were interviewed in the beginning, together and separate, without any lawyer. DB took a poly without a lawyer present. LE stated early on there were no holes in their story. So you can't say LE didn't have an opportunity to talk to them without lawyers.
They were interviewed in the beginning, together and separate, without any lawyer. DB took a poly without a lawyer present. LE stated early on there were no holes in their story. So you can't say LE didn't have an opportunity to talk to them without lawyers.

Of course they didnt have an attorney when they called 911. Of course they were interviewed when giving their statement...that morning and evening.

It was after the first FORMAL interview/interrogation, they lawyered up.
I understand the thought process many have about them not wanting to submit to every LE demand and how that makes the parents look. I don't disagree that it doesn't help their public perception. I think they should be telling LE anything new that comes up. But I also think they did subject themselves to interrogations in the beginning, without counsel, on their own free will. They allowed themselves to be picked apart for any inconsistancies (which you'll have a better chance of finding early on, before everyone can get their stories straight). They allowed LE to search their home, they willfully submitted themselves to an LDT, despite LE not wanting one from JI.

Do I think they should be talking to LE more? Yes
Do I think they have become intimidated by LE? Yes
Do I think at the very least that DB feels she is guilty of at least neglect and perhaps thinks LE will continue to use that against her to try to gleen information from her? Yes
Do I think they are getting bad advice not only from attorneys, but family members and friends as well? Yes
Do I think they think that anything they say and do will be perceived negatively, thus why they have went private and have not appeared in front of cameras anymore? Yes

Because of all that stuff I listed, as well as a lack of anything else that ties her more to a crime, I just cannot say with conviction that I think DB did something to her child. That doesn't mean I don't have suspicion, but suspicion and guilt are 2 separate things to me. If more information comes out that shows her more responsible, that will change my thought process. I don't think I need to defend my opinion on here, just like nobody else has to. But it's how I feel at this time and I don't feel bad about that. It's not about what I feel, or what the majority of this forum feels. It's about what the truth is.

I'm not sure anyone can say for certain what that is at this time.

Hypothetical : Let's suppose the parents (one or both) killed baby Lisa. Since there is family and friends who would know the baby was missing ,the parent(s) had to report the child missing/abducted.
They knew LE would want to know everything about the hours leading up to the disappearance and about the family. The first statements and discussions with LE would be what any parent would expect ,guilty or not.
LE needs to know if the parents have problems,enemies,owe money,drink,are involved with drugs,are involved in an affair,etc.............
They had to know LE would need as much info as possible from them and were prepared for that with their timelines.

That's not an interrogation ,IMO. That's info they would ask any family, so they have a place to start.That info may be damning to the parents (like drug use , an affair or a custody issue) but could lead to someone ,aside from the parents ,who would have a motive to abduct their baby.

I suspect some things in the parents stories didn't add up or LE later obtained info that contraindicated the parents.That's just a theory and my own opinion.
When the $#^! hit the fan and LE started asking the tough questions,the parents clammed up.
That's how I see it. It will soon be 3 months since Lisa was reported missing and nothing has changed.:furious:
They aren't doing anything publicly to find their baby and I just can't wrap my head around that if they are innocent.

ETA some thoughts: LE didn't sit with the parents ,THEN start gathering other info,they had detectives working at the home and talking to neighbors and relatives ,as the parents were answering questions ,IMO.

Also,many crimes happen at home due to domestic abuse. That's always a good reason to talk to the parents separately.
They were interviewed in the beginning, together and separate, without any lawyer. DB took a poly without a lawyer present. LE stated early on there were no holes in their story. So you can't say LE didn't have an opportunity to talk to them without lawyers.

Yes,they talked to LE after reporting their baby abducted from her bed,without a lawyer. They had a story to tell them. When that didn't fly ,they lawyered up. JMO

Thank you ,Cityslick,for having a conversation and not a slapfest :seeya:
I remember early on JI saying that he would be happy to take a poly if LE wanted him to. I sure wish they would call him on that now. I wonder if he would still be happy to do it, or if he would have to eat his words. :waitasec:
I remember early on JI saying that he would be happy to take a poly if LE wanted him to. I sure wish they would call him on that now. I wonder if he would still be happy to do it, or if he would have to eat his words. :waitasec:

I suspect he'd say "My lawyer won't let me :dunno: "
Where did we hear the information that JI was told it would not be necessary to take a poly? Say what? Why would LE say such a thing? That is crazy! They don't like to miss opportunities like that.

Are we sure the info didn't come from a Bradley or Irwin?
Where did we hear the information that JI was told it would not be necessary to take a poly? Say what? Why would LE say such a thing? That is crazy! They don't like to miss opportunities like that.

Are we sure the info didn't come from a Bradley or Irwin?

I believe it came from SY. They didnt want one from him because his whereabouts that night are accounted for by LE.
Yes,they talked to LE after reporting their baby abducted from her bed,without a lawyer. They had a story to tell them. When that didn't fly ,they lawyered up. JMO

Thank you ,Cityslick,for having a conversation and not a slapfest :seeya:

If the story didnt fly, why didn't LE do a more thorough search via a warrant? Why were only seven items seized? Where were the forensic investigators? Why wasn't the car seized? Why was LE continuing to be adamanent that Thayer are not suspects when their own lawyer makes a statement that he thinks they are?

This isn't a game, if they suspect them or consider them POI, treat them as such. They have not.
I remember early on JI saying that he would be happy to take a poly if LE wanted him to. I sure wish they would call him on that now. I wonder if he would still be happy to do it, or if he would have to eat his words. :waitasec:

Actually, if I were JI, I would demand they give me a LDT. If he's innocent, what does he have to lose?? Man up JI, take the test, INSIST on it!!
Where did we hear the information that JI was told it would not be necessary to take a poly? Say what? Why would LE say such a thing? That is crazy! They don't like to miss opportunities like that.

Are we sure the info didn't come from a Bradley or Irwin?

JI said it on a GMA interview. I believe that SY might have backed that up. But that was then, and this is NOW. I would LOVE to see LE call him in for one NOW. Of course it won't happen. The lawyers would never let it.

You don't want to know what I think about that and what an innocent parent who has nothing to hide and who's BABY IS STILL MISSING would do!
If the story didnt fly, why didn't LE do a more thorough search via a warrant? Why were only seven items seized? Where were the forensic investigators? Why wasn't the car seized? Why was LE continuing to be adamanent that Thayer are not suspects when their own lawyer makes a statement that he thinks they are?

This isn't a game, if they suspect them or consider them POI, treat them as such. They have not.

Not being snarky here...Have you seen or read where LE has adamantly stated that DB and JI are not suspects or POI? The reason I ask this is because due to the line of questioning that DB states occured and the accusatory nature of the initial interviews, and the subsequent hiring of attorneys, one would have to conclude that LE considers them as suspects , eventhough, LE has not gone to the media to name suspects.

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