Police say parents are not answering vital questions #3

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That's what everyone is attempting to portray here, and it's not true.
These people are there with one person in mind. It's Lisa.

I'm still looking for a video with Edith stopping traffic, and I'm looking for any video displaying violence or any illegal activities. I can't find anything. If someone has a link to disorder at any of these vigils, I would love to see it.
There is no video of Edith stopping traffic. She just was. Every day. There is much that happened here that is NOT on video. Just because it is not on video, does not mean it did not happen. The media has only been there that one night in the last few weeks. I am sure if you ask some of the individual media outlets who had camera crews stationed out front in the first few weeks could tell you some stories about what went on. CNN and nbc national outlets for two.
That's what everyone is attempting to portray here, and it's not true.
These people are there with one person in mind. It's Lisa.

I'm still looking for a video with Edith stopping traffic, and I'm looking for any video displaying violence or any illegal activities. I can't find anything. If someone has a link to disorder at any of these vigils, I would love to see it.

Do you live in the neighborhood?

Just because it's not on video doesn't mean it wasn't happening.
This march may get some new attention to the case!!!! I hope so. Maybe those local crews (who I thought DB and JI wouldn't give time of day to) left a long time ago?

Maybe they'll air some footage of this march and also air some footage of what had been going on up till that time.

Why waste a crisis as they say in politics. IF it gets Baby Lisa's name back out in the medai I say go for it! Rah Rah

As for the parents, really in the long run IF they could get the baby back WHY would any of this matter to any of them. If they had to lay down in the road and let the marchers walk over them IF it brought a tip that leads to the child then they should be happy. Oh.well.
FB, Websleuths, etc. are not the same as having people in your front yard.

From the Examiner:

Ashley said that people from last weekend’s Sam’s Town volunteer search were invited to attend the prayer vigil outside of the Bradley/Irwin home Tuesday night. “The majority, if not all, of those people think that Deborah killed Lisa and dumped her body there,” Ashley said. “Hence why they were searching there in the first place.”

She stressed how inappropriate it was to invite people with that mindset to the Bradley/Irwin front yard..

Ashley said Jeremy and Deborah have made it clear they do not want media in front of their home yet media were invited to be there that night. “It just adds to the drama and takes away from the focus of finding Baby Lisa,” she said.

I'm am pretty surprised at how it seems most people think this stopping vigils in the front yard is a horrible thing. Maybe it's just those people that think DB is guilty and it's just another thing they can use to against her.

I would be downright furious if media was invited to my front yard without my permission. I would also not want any prayer vigils on my property EVER. I get upset just thinking about it.

This isn't about the media, this was a group of people though. And from what I understand it wasn't just the parents that had an issue with it, but the neighbors too (as In Da Middle has stated).

Bolded original quote

I was referring to the statement about the media in the post I quoted. It was definitely about the media.
The ONES who should be stopping traffic is the Bradley and Irwins!! It shouldn't be left to anyone in the neighborhood. They should be making an effort to get out there and mention their baby. How long now has it been since we saw them even ask for her return or any information? Months! Just does not seem plausible to me.

I'd be out there WITH Edith stopping traffic. There could be new people come by that don't know that her body hasn't been found, anything.

just saying her name needs to still be out there everday and not just on a message board.
I've no issue with the family not wanting the vigils on their lawn if it's upsetting the children. AI said the vigils take "the focus off of finding Lisa." But I have to ask of AI, what is the family itself doing to keep the focus on finding Lisa?

If they don't want to keep Lisa front and center by giving interviews, couldn't they issue occasional press releases begging people not to forget Lisa, to continue to keep an eye out for her, phone in tips no matter how trivial they may seem, appealing to the alleged kidnapper, etc.? Perhaps I've missed it, but I haven't seen anything from any of them recently that would help keep the public focused on finding Lisa.
Watch the video of the last vigil. She was going around stopping traffic (yes, literally standing in front of cars as they were trying to go down the street) stating the same stuff in the same tone right in their front yard daily. Like I said, it was heartbreaking at first, then it became apparent that she was not there for Lisa anymore and only out for the parents. That's not what vigils for Lisa are for.

That's what everyone is attempting to portray here, and it's not true.
These people are there with one person in mind. It's Lisa.

I'm still looking for a video with Edith stopping traffic, and I'm looking for any video displaying violence or any illegal activities. I can't find anything. If someone has a link to disorder at any of these vigils, I would love to see it.

There is no video of Edith stopping traffic. She just was. Every day. There is much that happened here that is NOT on video. Just because it is not on video, does not mean it did not happen. The media has only been there that one night in the last few weeks. I am sure if you ask some of the individual media outlets who had camera crews stationed out front in the first few weeks could tell you some stories about what went on. CNN and nbc national outlets for two.

I believe this is where the confusion comes in about a video of Edith stopping traffic. Bolded in the first quote is a reference to such a video.:waitasec:
If a bunch of people were brainstorming on your front lawn and a good portion of them already had it in their mind that you had something to do with it, how would you feel about that? Wouldn't that be the same thing as having people in your house gossiping about you (in a negative way) in your living room while your in the kitchen?

Keep in mind, these people were there calling it a prayer vigil. Brainstorming/sleuthing/discussing the case is not a prayer vigil.

So...no one there was praying? Can we say that with any degree of certainty? While I'm sure there were people there gossiping or sharing ideas or theories, this IS still America...you may not like gossip, but people can still do it. I'm sure there were also people there praying for this baby's return.
As far as I know, prayer doesn't require an ordained member of the clergy present to be meaningful, or for prayers to be heard.

And in answer to your question above, DB and JI (IMO) have brought all of this negative publicity on themselves, by the way the have handled themselves so far. Unlike DB and JI, I would be trying to get as much "face time" as I could, begging and pleading for my child's safe return. I would tell the truth from Day 1, even if it cast me in a bad light. Let's say DB is telling the truth and some stranger took her baby. How much time did she cost the investigation by not being completely up front and honest from the start?

They really can't blame people for casting suspicion on them when they act suspicious.
If they don't want to keep Lisa front and center by giving interviews, couldn't they issue occasional press releases begging people not to forget Lisa, to continue to keep an eye out for her, phone in tips no matter how trivial they may seem, appealing to the alleged kidnapper, etc.? Perhaps I've missed it, but I haven't seen anything from any of them recently that would help keep the public focused on finding Lisa.

Not heard of anything they've done at all. Zilch, zero, nada, nothing.

I don't think I ever even saw them hold up a photo of her.

They could do a new ABC interview or whoever they got big bucks for letting them videotape the kids on trick or treat!!! They didn't seem to have a problem with parading the kids around then but not they don't want any media.
There is no video of Edith stopping traffic. She just was. Every day. There is much that happened here that is NOT on video. Just because it is not on video, does not mean it did not happen. The media has only been there that one night in the last few weeks. I am sure if you ask some of the individual media outlets who had camera crews stationed out front in the first few weeks could tell you some stories about what went on. CNN and nbc national outlets for two.

I'm sure the upheavals that this whole ordeal has caused the neighbors has not been easy on them; but it could happen to any of us. No one plans for these things to happen. As annoying as it is to the neighbors, they're probably equally thankful that this isn't happening to their family.
So...no one there was praying? Can we say that with any degree of certainty? While I'm sure there were people there gossiping or sharing ideas or theories, this IS still America...you may not like gossip, but people can still do it. I'm sure there were also people there praying for this baby's return.
As far as I know, prayer doesn't require an ordained member of the clergy present to be meaningful, or for prayers to be heard.

And in answer to your question above, DB and JI (IMO) have brought all of this negative publicity on themselves, by the way the have handled themselves so far. Unlike DB and JI, I would be trying to get as much "face time" as I could, begging and pleading for my child's safe return. I would tell the truth from Day 1, even if it cast me in a bad light. Let's say DB is telling the truth and some stranger took her baby. How much time did she cost the investigation by not being completely up front and honest from the start?

They really can't blame people for casting suspicion on them when they act suspicious.

That's fine, they brought it all on themselves. But that doesn't mean they should allow the negativity on their front lawn. That is the point. I'm sure some people were there for a good cause, but you should know it only takes a few bad apples to ruin it for everyone else. And if the parents then go out and single out those people to leave, can you imagine the scene from that?
You just think that is what you would want. If the media, LE, or JohnQ public was twisting everything you say around and making you sound guilty, you may think differently. It's so easy to sit here in the comfort of our lives and say that we would cooperate with LE and do everything they want. I've seen enough true-life interrogations (yes, on TV) to know how rough they can be. Gosh, how completely different we all think. I could not sit for one minute and be grilled by Piro, Megyn, and a few others whose names I've forgotten.

Does anyone really think this baby is alive? Anyone? What is all this praying supposed to achieve, and what if you don't believe in God? Searchers are looking for a body so that they can charge someone.

It's possible baby Lisa is still alive ,if she really was kidnapped,IMO.
Now let's see.................

**Prayers to find Lisa ,dead or alive and have a resolution to her status of "missing".

**Prayers to find whoever is responsible for Lisa's disappearance so that they are brought to justice and not allowed to do this to another child / family.

**Prayers to bring the family comfort .

**Prayers to help the boys recover from such a traumatic experience.

**Prayers for LE who has a tough ,often dangerous job.

**Prayers for the dogs and their handlers who have been tasked with working this case.

**Prayers for whoever may eventually stumble across the remains of an innocent baby girl. How horrific.

**Prayers for the neighbors whose lives have been turned upside down.May this case be resolved so their neighborhood can return to normal.
Does anyone really think this baby is alive? Anyone? What is all this praying supposed to achieve, and what if you don't believe in God? Searchers are looking for a body so that they can charge someone.

(snipped by me, for space)

If someone doesn't believe in God, will the prayers do any harm?

I don't believe in Santa Claus, but if my children want to write him a letter, it doesn't bother me.
That's fine, they brought it all on themselves. But that doesn't mean they should allow the negativity on their front lawn. That is the point. I'm sure some people were there for a good cause, but you should know it only takes a few bad apples to ruin it for everyone else. And if the parents then go out and single out those people to leave, can you imagine the scene from that?

I understand and appreciate what you're saying, I really do.

My take on it, though, is that ANY publicity, if it eventually leads to my child being found, is endurable. It's when this whole situation goes dead, and the Baby Lisa case stops being talked about, either on the news, or amongst the general population, it is when this happens, that we should be angry. Because then it is too late. She has been forgotten.
There is no video of Edith stopping traffic. She just was. Every day. There is much that happened here that is NOT on video.

As someone else pointed out, that's where the confusion was. You stated it was on video and there isn't video of this.

I too have stopped traffic for two missing cases. I was handing out fliers. Everyone was very receptive of me, along with the other volunteers doing so, especially LE when it generated a tip.

Do you live in the neighborhood?

Just because it's not on video doesn't mean it wasn't happening.

I am local, I personally attended a vigil, talked to several neighbors and have had previous encounters with Edith during the Erica Green ordeal. Edith is not there in a negative format, and she wasn't there for Erica Green in a negative format. Edith was the voice for Erica Green (Precious Doe) just as she has become for Lisa.

Just so everyone here knows, my comments are not personal attacks against any posters here, I enjoy corresponding with all of you.

Knowing what Edith is doing from organizing searches, handing out fliers, advocating for Lisa etc... And I am asking this in a factual manner....
Name one family member of the Irwin/Bradley family or extended family who is doing half as much or more on behalf of Lisa?

Sure, Ashley is distributing fliers. Grandpa Irwin is talking to the media telling them prayers at the residence is a burden.
Name one family member that is advocating for Lisa?
Put the high profile attorneys on the shelf for a minute.
Even with their involvement, certainly one family member should be advocating being the voice for Lisa, not Edith?

Alternatively, we can go the route of "none of the family members are advocating for Lisa, and Edith nor any other caring person from the community should either"
We all have the right to think that I guess...
That's fine, they brought it all on themselves. But that doesn't mean they should allow the negativity on their front lawn. That is the point. I'm sure some people were there for a good cause, but you should know it only takes a few bad apples to ruin it for everyone else. And if the parents then go out and single out those people to leave, can you imagine the scene from that?

I agree,they need to be careful,but I wish they had participated in arranging and joining in legit vigils at a park ,church or school. I'm sure there are trustworthy locals that would help them.
I just don't see them focusing on Lisa in any way. Everything is about THEM,what they want and how they need to be protected from LE and the public.
If the boys have questions,then answer them. People care about your sister and just want to remember her. Everyone is sad the way we are sad because she's not home.

The way they behave sets off the hinky meter. JMO
You just think that is what you would want. If the media, LE, or JohnQ public was twisting everything you say around and making you sound guilty, you may think differently. It's so easy to sit here in the comfort of our lives and say that we would cooperate with LE and do everything they want. I've seen enough true-life interrogations (yes, on TV) to know how rough they can be. Gosh, how completely different we all think. I could not sit for one minute and be grilled by Piro, Megyn, and a few others whose names I've forgotten.

Does anyone really think this baby is alive? Anyone? What is all this praying supposed to achieve, and what if you don't believe in God? Searchers are looking for a body so that they can charge someone.

If the media were twisting around everything I said, I'm sure there would be some outlet out there who would let me share my side of things.....and I would talk, and talk, and talk, until I was blue in the face.

FWIW, I know all about how the media twists things. I had a niece who was killed by her boyfriend. I didn't even recognize my niece, from the way the media depicted her.

And as an aside (tongue in cheek)...I respectfully maintain that I would know more about what I "think" I would want, than someone else...but it's always refreshing to have someone else think for me. It's a nice break.
I was not meaning to imply that there was video of her stopping traffic. I was stating to watch her attitude in the video of the final vigil in the yard and that was the same attitude she had when she was stopping traffic. Her attitude at the vigil was that of protest, not that of a prayer vigil. A prayer vigil is not supposed to be anything but peaceful IMO. Peaceful she was not in the last few weeks. I do understand her frustration at the parents, I feel it too, but to bring this in their yard and invite the media is not what a prayer vigil is about. My heart goes out to two little boys who have to live there. Not any adults who have made choices for their actions or inactions.
Respectfully snipped & bolded by me.

That is exactly it.

I wish with all my heart that Lisa was still alive, and there is still part of me that thinks she could be, but you don't search woods, rivers & landfills for a living baby. :(

As for prayer vigils, I think if you are there with suspicion, doubt & anger directed at the parents, you are negating the prayer aspect. People have every right to have those feelings, but they don't have the right to have them in someone's front yard without permission.

If they decide to 'march' (that sounds so....militant) on the Irwin house this Saturday and demonstrate in front of the house--because at this point I don't see how you could still call it a prayer vigil--they are within their legal rights, as Indepmo has reported. However, I don't see it as helping to find Lisa or bring anyone to justice: to me, it is all about shaming & pressure on the parents at this point.

And we all saw how well the public demonstrations/vigils in front of the Anthony house worked in terms of getting justice for little Caylee. Let the legal system have a chance to work in this case--private citizens don't need to be taking it into their own hands. Justice is NOT the same thing as vengeance, IMO.

I brought up the protesters and media in the Anthony case. For the record ,I think it was wrong and would never encourage anyone to participate in such a nasty exhibition.
But, the Bradley-Irwin's can't tell them to go away. They don't own the street.
Honestly, DB and JI are their own worst enemies,IMO. At least they don't have Cindy doing media tours for them.

They need to meet with LE routinely.
If the media were twisting around everything I said, I'm sure there would be some outlet out there who would let me share my side of things.....and I would talk, and talk, and talk, until I was blue in the face.

FWIW, I know all about how the media twists things. I had a niece who was killed by her boyfriend. I didn't even recognize my niece, from the way the media depicted her.

And as an aside (tongue in cheek)...I respectfully maintain that I would know more about what I "think" I would want, than someone else...but it's always refreshing to have someone else think for me. It's a nice break.

:hug: So sorry .

I agree about the media .I don't believe anything ,even if it's main stream media. They get the details wrong routinely. JMO

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