Police say parents are not answering vital questions #3

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I don't know... go to the police station and answer questions if they need her to answer something?

Edith is part of the investigation?

I think I know where your going (trying to correlate Edith to DB) but the parents cooperating with police have nothing to do with this lady holding prayer vigils on the front lawn every day and according to people that actually live in the neighborhood, the vigils were becoming less about BL.
Yes they have stopped, they have been refusing to do what LE asks them for quite some time now. I do believe LE and that's how I know.

As for Steve Young's comments, the way they're phrased IMO might indicate that the cooperation of the family leaves a lot to be desired but he did not want to be openly confrontational

I am way more confident when the police says "The family is cooperating", instead of "They are not not cooperating"

"I am not disputing the claims that they are cooperating" might mean they're cooperating or that they're not but he is not disputing the claims.

For the time being, the cooperation that the police needs from them is for them to answer questions separately and they're not agreeing to do it.

I don't understand how anybody can call that cooperating.

It's not.

They are not doing every single thing that LE requests of them. However people want to define that is up to them.

This debate on the word cooperation is seriously beating a dead horse.
They are not doing every single thing that LE requests of them. However people want to define that is up to them.

This debate on the word cooperation is seriously beating a dead horse.

Yes you're right, this thread title really says it all, nothing further is needed.
I've been thinking about this whole "parents want the vigils to stop" thing. And I've asked myself, "if my child were missing, what possible reason would I have to ask that the vigils stop?"

I can only come up with one.
I've been thinking about this whole "parents want the vigils to stop" thing. And I've asked myself, "if my child were missing, what possible reason would I have to ask that the vigils stop?"

I can only come up with one.
Again, the parents have NOT asked for the vigils to stop. If you were here, you would not like this lady hanging in your yard either no matter the reason. She is no longer having vigils, but protests. If it was just the people that were there actually for Lisa, and they asked them to stop, then I would have a problem. This lady is becoming nukkin futs.
Here's my possibly unpopular take on this off-topic discussion.

LE, Cyndi Short and Edith were either sought by the parents or initially accepted by the parents to help in Lisa's case. There's no doubt that these folks were investigating, representing, praying and/or searching on behalf of Lisa and/or her famiily.

LE has since been accused of being overbearing and having tunnel vision by the parents and/or their attorneys and some portion of the public. LE is still looking for Lisa and the truth, wherever that leads. LE has said nothing derrogatory about the parents publicly ("they are not cooperating to LE's satisfaction" - subjective, take it any way you want - subject to opinion as to whether LE is expecting too much or the parents are assisting too little).

Cyndi Short was uncerimoniously fired - the parents signed a public release that it was their decision because she was going public without their advance notice and that she had been fired once before - they believe they made the right decision. Tacopina also publicly announced his differences with Ms. Short were too great and they couldn't work together effectively. Cyndi claimed she would keep searching for Lisa, and we know that at least she and her sister interviewed Megan Wright after Cyndi was terminated. I have never heard a derrogatory word about the parents issued by Ms. Short.

Edith was supportive of the famly, to the extent that some here stated that there was local speculation that Edith was a relative of the family. She led prayer vigils at the home and she organized searches for Lisa. She is reportedly the person who was with Debbi at the house to confirm that the animal print baby dress found in a volunteer search did not belong to Lisa. I have never heard a derrogatory word about the parents issued by Edith. When the parents asked that Edith and her prayer group cease regular prayer vigils at their home, Edith said she did not understand. That's it. She has not since contacted the media to go off on the parents. She said the group will keep praying and searching. Colorful and passionate about Lisa, or overzealous wingnut intentionally causing drama for the parents (or both)? Open to interpretation; we can't know what's in her mind and heart.

The parents seem happy with Tacopina, Picerno and Stanton. The parents have not accused any of them of misrepresenting them, nor have they publicly asked them to cease involvement or hault any of their previous activity in representing them in Lisa's case.

That's it. Some are in. Some are out. Why? We can each have an opinion as to with whom the family is choosing to collaborate in Lisa's case and why. I am 99.9% positive that no one in LE nor Cyndi Short nor Edith Fine (sp) is responsbile for abducting Lisa. None of these folks are the ones with whom LE hopes to speak again separately in hopes of getting more information that leads them to Lisa. So, I'm not looking at anybody as a villain (except whoever hurt Lisa, and we don't yet know for a fact who is responsible), nor do I believe that there is any kind of conspiracy in this case.

I do so hope that LE gets the vital information that they are seeking so they can rescue or recover sweet Lisa Irwin.

Watch the video of the last vigil. She was going around stopping traffic (yes, literally standing in front of cars as they were trying to go down the street) stating the same stuff in the same tone right in their front yard daily. Like I said, it was heartbreaking at first, then it became apparent that she was not there for Lisa anymore and only out for the parents. That's not what vigils for Lisa are for.

Link to this?
I've been looking everywhere.
Again, the parents have NOT asked for the vigils to stop. If you were here, you would not like this lady hanging in your yard either no matter the reason. She is no longer having vigils, but protests. If it was just the people that were there actually for Lisa, and they asked them to stop, then I would have a problem. This lady is becoming nukkin futs.

Oh, ok...so the parents have NOT asked for the vigils to stop. Sorry, I was just going by what has been reported. They have not asked for the vigils to stop?

ETA: I was so bothered by this (that the media was reporting something that might not be true) that I went hunting. There were countless articles saying that BL's parents, did, in fact ask that the vigils on their property be stopped. One I found even had BL's aunt explaining the reason:

But, you're saying that the parents have not asked that the prayer vigils on their lawn/in their yard be stopped?
Watch the video of the last vigil. She was going around stopping traffic (yes, literally standing in front of cars as they were trying to go down the street) stating the same stuff in the same tone right in their front yard daily. Like I said, it was heartbreaking at first, then it became apparent that she was not there for Lisa anymore and only out for the parents. That's not what vigils for Lisa are for.

I can believe it. From what I saw of that Edith woman, she didn't seem to have the greatest impulse control. That's a recipe for disaster when a so-called advocate gets angry at their perception of how others are acting.

My guess is that she expected the family to be extremely grateful for all of the prayers she was coordinating, and maybe was a bit put off when they didn't appreciate all she did for them. As others have mentioned - then it became about EDITH and not about LISA.

All I know is the first time I ever saw the woman was on a video from "the" night, and she seemed like a crazy lady. I understand that some people say that she has a heart of gold, but she was definitely spitting venom when I first saw her. I wouldn't want her in front of my house (or even in my neighborhood) either.

BBM: Does anyone have a video link for the bolded above ?

I would like to watch it ... I remember seeing Ms. Edith early on in this case :waitasec: not sure what video, where and when ...

But it would really help if there is a video from the last vigil.

Thank You !

A quote from Ashley Irwin

Lisa’s aunt Ashley wrote in an email, “Some of those involved in the prayer vigils created unnecessary drama.” She said the vigils became “gossip-fests” and meetings for case discussion instead of gathering to actually pray for and focus on Baby Lisa.

If this is the case, AI would love nothing more than to have websleuths and FB shut down also. After all, these have become places for case discussion also. It's as if we are supposed to honor the request of this family to practically "forget about this baby". LE was at their residence discussing the case, and they didnt like that either. The media wanted to discuss the case with them, and they didnt like that either.

I have to question the motives of AI, after all she is the same person that sued her own brother "JI" in small claims court.
If this is the case, AI would love nothing more than to have websleuths and FB shut down also. After all, these have become places for case discussion also. It's as if we are supposed to honor the request of this family to practically "forget about this baby". LE was at their residence discussing the case, and they didnt like that either. The media wanted to discuss the case with them, and they didnt like that either.

I have to question the motives of AI, after all she is the same person that sued her own brother "JI" in small claims court.
FB, Websleuths, etc. are not the same as having people in your front yard.

From the Examiner:

Ashley said that people from last weekend’s Sam’s Town volunteer search were invited to attend the prayer vigil outside of the Bradley/Irwin home Tuesday night. “The majority, if not all, of those people think that Deborah killed Lisa and dumped her body there,” Ashley said. “Hence why they were searching there in the first place.”

She stressed how inappropriate it was to invite people with that mindset to the Bradley/Irwin front yard..

Ashley said Jeremy and Deborah have made it clear they do not want media in front of their home yet media were invited to be there that night. “It just adds to the drama and takes away from the focus of finding Baby Lisa,” she said.

I'm am pretty surprised at how it seems most people think this stopping vigils in the front yard is a horrible thing. Maybe it's just those people that think DB is guilty and it's just another thing they can use to against her.

I would be downright furious if media was invited to my front yard without my permission. I would also not want any prayer vigils on my property EVER. I get upset just thinking about it.
JMO but it's hardly realistic to expect that people who gather about a missing baby wouldn't want to discuss the case.
JMO, but if MY child were missing, and still not found, I would invite the media onto my front lawn, through my front door, and to have a seat at my kitchen table, if it would increase the exposure the case got. Unless...of course, I had some reason for not wanting media exposure.
FB, Websleuths, etc. are not the same as having people in your front yard.

From the Examiner:

Ashley said that people from last weekend’s Sam’s Town volunteer search were invited to attend the prayer vigil outside of the Bradley/Irwin home Tuesday night. “The majority, if not all, of those people think that Deborah killed Lisa and dumped her body there,” Ashley said. “Hence why they were searching there in the first place.”

She stressed how inappropriate it was to invite people with that mindset to the Bradley/Irwin front yard..

Ashley said Jeremy and Deborah have made it clear they do not want media in front of their home yet media were invited to be there that night. “It just adds to the drama and takes away from the focus of finding Baby Lisa,” she said.

I'm am pretty surprised at how it seems most people think this stopping vigils in the front yard is a horrible thing. Maybe it's just those people that think DB is guilty and it's just another thing they can use to against her.

I would be downright furious if media was invited to my front yard without my permission. I would also not want any prayer vigils on my property EVER. I get upset just thinking about it.

I agree but need to point out that the non-wanting of media seems to be selective as they had no problem allowing a film crew not only into their home but aslo to follow the boys on thier trick-or-treating. I can understand the confusion of some, including myself, because it seems the family likes media just only on their terms and only select media outlets.
I agree but need to point out that the non-wanting of media seems to be selective as they had no problem allowing a film crew not only into their home but aslo to follow the boys on thier trick-or-treating. I can understand the confusion of some, including myself, because it seems the family likes media just only on their terms and only select media outlets.

They haven't done any interviews in the media in over a month. imo they tried the media and didn't like how it turned out so they quit talking.
JMO but it's hardly realistic to expect that people who gather about a missing baby wouldn't want to discuss the case.

But then don't call it a prayer vigil then, call it a group gathering wanting to discussing the case. And in that regard, if most of those people think you are guilty, are you going to want them on your front lawn all the time?

Poster above you brought up shutting down WS or FB. We can discuss the case here till we are blue in the face and have varying opinions on who is and who is not responsible, but we not doing it on the parent's front lawn, we're doing it on the internet. That is a huge difference.
snipped from : http://www.examiner.com/missing-per...ght-on-why-vigils-to-stop-outside-family-home

Lisa’s aunt Ashley wrote in an email, “Some of those involved in the prayer vigils created unnecessary drama.” She said the vigils became “gossip-fests” and meetings for case discussion instead of gathering to actually pray for and focus on Baby Lisa.

“Some of those involved habitually talked about what other people were supposedly doing and saying and creating a rumor mill,” Ashley said. “A lot of unnecessary stress and drama started to surround the vigils. People were always talking about other people behind their backs and someone was always mad at somebody else for something.”

BBM: "Rumor mill" ? ? Oh pleeeeeease ... I'm NOT buying this baloney !

:waitasec: What about the parents' "defense attorneys" who were on talk show-after-talk show "spinning" their "SODDI theories" ?

:waitasec: And what about the "PI" who was "spinning" the "man carrying the baby sighting" and the "white blob sighting" ?

Unbelievable ... just absolutely unbelievable ...

:waitasec: Let's see ... "Pot : meet Kettle" ...

MOO ...
Here's my possibly unpopular take on this off-topic discussion.

LE, Cyndi Short and Edith were either sought by the parents or initially accepted by the parents to help in Lisa's case. There's no doubt that these folks were investigating, representing, praying and/or searching on behalf of Lisa and/or her famiily.

LE has since been accused of being overbearing and having tunnel vision by the parents and/or their attorneys and some portion of the public. LE is still looking for Lisa and the truth, wherever that leads. LE has said nothing derrogatory about the parents publicly ("they are not cooperating to LE's satisfaction" - subjective, take it any way you want - subject to opinion as to whether LE is expecting too much or the parents are assisting too little).

Cyndi Short was uncerimoniously fired - the parents signed a public release that it was their decision because she was going public without their advance notice and that she had been fired once before - they believe they made the right decision. Tacopina also publicly announced his differences with Ms. Short were too great and they couldn't work together effectively. Cyndi claimed she would keep searching for Lisa, and we know that at least she and her sister interviewed Megan Wright after Cyndi was terminated. I have never heard a derrogatory word about the parents issued by Ms. Short.

Edith was supportive of the famly, to the extent that some here stated that there was local speculation that Edith was a relative of the family. She led prayer vigils at the home and she organized searches for Lisa. She is reportedly the person who was with Debbi at the house to confirm that the animal print baby dress found in a volunteer search did not belong to Lisa. I have never heard a derrogatory word about the parents issued by Edith. When the parents asked that Edith and her prayer group cease regular prayer vigils at their home, Edith said she did not understand. That's it. She has not since contacted the media to go off on the parents. She said the group will keep praying and searching. Colorful and passionate about Lisa, or overzealous wingnut intentionally causing drama for the parents (or both)? Open to interpretation; we can't know what's in her mind and heart.

The parents seem happy with Tacopina, Picerno and Stanton. The parents have not accused any of them of misrepresenting them, nor have they publicly asked them to cease involvement or hault any of their previous activity in representing them in Lisa's case.

That's it. Some are in. Some are out. Why? We can each have an opinion as to with whom the family is choosing to collaborate in Lisa's case and why. I am 99.9% positive that no one in LE nor Cyndi Short nor Edith Fine (sp) is responsbile for abducting Lisa. None of these folks are the ones with whom LE hopes to speak again separately in hopes of getting more information that leads them to Lisa. So, I'm not looking at anybody as a villain (except whoever hurt Lisa, and we don't yet know for a fact who is responsible), nor do I believe that there is any kind of conspiracy in this case.

I do so hope that LE gets the vital information that they are seeking so they can rescue or recover sweet Lisa Irwin.


IMO, I think CS was let go because she was making things worse, namely calling press conferences to schedule house tours, then canceling. Then making comments like 'the lawyers need a break' or something to that effect. Not that I think the current lawyers are any better.
Publicity, even negative publicity (people who might be on the front lawn and doubt parent's innocence) still keeps BL in the spotlight. Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad, if it's all for the greater good of finding BL and bringing her home.

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