Police say parents are not answering vital questions #3

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What was she doing?
Watch the video of the last vigil. She was going around stopping traffic (yes, literally standing in front of cars as they were trying to go down the street) stating the same stuff in the same tone right in their front yard daily. Like I said, it was heartbreaking at first, then it became apparent that she was not there for Lisa anymore and only out for the parents. That's not what vigils for Lisa are for.
I'm so sad for Baby Lisa. I wish the parents would just come clean -- something bad happened, mom was on a bender, she was afraid to tell dad, then she finally did - I bet that slippery Tacopina knows what happened. Whenever I even look at a picture of him I want to shower with bleach.

I wonder why the police can't call the parents persons of interest and hold them?
I'm so sad for Baby Lisa. I wish the parents would just come clean -- something bad happened, mom was on a bender, she was afraid to tell dad, then she finally did - I bet that slippery Tacopina knows what happened. Whenever I even look at a picture of him I want to shower with bleach.

I wonder why the police can't call the parents persons of interest and hold them?

resp.bbm = I wonder the same thing ~ I'm thinking they probably need proof before they can do that though and not just good imaginations, gossip, rumour and innuendo.

That being said...I wish the parents would talk to LE and clear things up one way or another.
I'm so sad for Baby Lisa. I wish the parents would just come clean -- something bad happened, mom was on a bender, she was afraid to tell dad, then she finally did - I bet that slippery Tacopina knows what happened. Whenever I even look at a picture of him I want to shower with bleach.

I wonder why the police can't call the parents persons of interest and hold them?

Parents have lawyers they can't just be held on suspicion indefinitely LE knows they need solid proof before they can make an arrest. IIRC you can't hold anyone over 72hrs without charges.
No. She only had one scene caught on tape. I had to live with her for weeks creating scenes. The first couple of times it was heartbreaking.

Were you attending the vigils or encountering her elsewhere? TIA
Were you attending the vigils or encountering her elsewhere? TIA
I am not getting mixed up in that drama. We encountered her all day every day standing out in the street broadcasting. It was all fine when the vigils were actually about Lisa. Then the drama was taking over and it felt like it was not about Lisa anymore and only bashing the parents. A vigil for Lisa is NOT the place for that. A vigil for Lisa should ONLY be about Lisa.

ETA Like I have also stressed, MOST of the people were there actually for Lisa, but a select few were more vocal and taking away from that. If those people that are out searching for Lisa want to vocalize about the parents not searching, THAT is a proper place to displace that anger. Not at a vigil for the baby.
I am not getting mixed up in that drama. We encountered her all day every day standing out in the street broadcasting. It was all fine when the vigils were actually about Lisa. Then the drama was taking over and it felt like it was not about Lisa anymore and only bashing the parents. A vigil for Lisa is NOT the place for that. A vigil for Lisa should ONLY be about Lisa.

ETA Like I have also stressed, MOST of the people were there actually for Lisa, but a select few were more vocal and taking away from that. If those people that are out searching for Lisa want to vocalize about the parents not searching, THAT is a proper place to displace that anger. Not at a vigil for the baby.

I can believe it. From what I saw of that Edith woman, she didn't seem to have the greatest impulse control. That's a recipe for disaster when a so-called advocate gets angry at their perception of how others are acting.

My guess is that she expected the family to be extremely grateful for all of the prayers she was coordinating, and maybe was a bit put off when they didn't appreciate all she did for them. As others have mentioned - then it became about EDITH and not about LISA.

All I know is the first time I ever saw the woman was on a video from "the" night, and she seemed like a crazy lady. I understand that some people say that she has a heart of gold, but she was definitely spitting venom when I first saw her. I wouldn't want her in front of my house (or even in my neighborhood) either.
Which is why I hold her up on a higher pedestal than the other 'witnesses' that have went all over blabbing to the media and all other witnesses that have done the same and stayed out of the limelight.

At first I had high hopes for SB, figuring that if this ever comes to trial, she wouldn't be one of those questionable witnesses who had sold their story to a tabloid. Then DB says she hadn't talked to SB about that night even though you'd think she'd beg her for any little detail she might remember, anything that might help the investigation. Next Mr. B says that his wife remains close friends with DB and that they are spending a lot of time together. We've seen her accompanying the parents on their weekend getaway. I sure hope SB doesn't have memory problems, too. She did make a trip to the liquor store that night. All MOO
At first I had high hopes for SB, figuring that if this ever comes to trial, she wouldn't be one of those questionable witnesses who had sold their story to a tabloid. Then DB says she hadn't talked to SB about that night even though you'd think she'd beg her for any little detail she might remember, anything that might help the investigation. Next Mr. B says that his wife remains close friends with DB and that they are spending a lot of time together. We've seen her accompanying the parents on their weekend getaway. I sure hope SB doesn't have memory problems, too. She did make a trip to the liquor store that night. All MOO

they have a weird friendship but seem very close I would support my friend if I thought she were innocent, but I wouldn't lie for her in court. I don't know its hard for me to believe they haven't discussed the night or the case at all.
they have a weird friendship but seem very close I would support my friend if I thought she were innocent, but I wouldn't lie for her in court. I don't know its hard for me to believe they haven't discussed the night or the case at all.

I'm sure they have by now though. However, those first few days were taken up with LE talking to ALL of them. The fact that, not only are they apparently friends, but that Samantha was there that night would lead me to believe they have most definitely discussed.
I can believe it. From what I saw of that Edith woman, she didn't seem to have the greatest impulse control. That's a recipe for disaster when a so-called advocate gets angry at their perception of how others are acting.

My guess is that she expected the family to be extremely grateful for all of the prayers she was coordinating, and maybe was a bit put off when they didn't appreciate all she did for them. As others have mentioned - then it became about EDITH and not about LISA.

All I know is the first time I ever saw the woman was on a video from "the" night, and she seemed like a crazy lady. I understand that some people say that she has a heart of gold, but she was definitely spitting venom when I first saw her. I wouldn't want her in front of my house (or even in my neighborhood) either.

I guess it does seem crazy that "that Edith woman" would be more emotionally involved in a missing child case, more interested in searching for her than the child's own parents. Maybe it was a recipe for disaster, sort of like getting drunk when you're caring for small children, only with less serious consequences. All MOO
IMO, the parents behavior was suspicious before they hired an attorney. Per LE, they stopped cooperating with police, per them and members of the family, they never stopped cooperating with LE.

When the attorney came into the picture, that confirmed to me that they were NOT cooperating with LE because they are refusing seperate interviews and sit-down discussions with LE. I look back at the "he said/she said" when it came to cooperating/not cooperating and now I can see that it was the parents who were refusing to do anything else with LE therefore that raised my credibility towards LE and their investigation.

In reality I don't think you can refer to this as an attorney being hired, it was an attorney that contacted them to work pro bono. Had these parents been shopping for an attorney, that to me would be even more suspicious.

The question I ask myself in regards to this situation, when do you "give up" on your own child? After x amount of hours of questioning? After they may ask you difficult questions to clear you from this situation? I've said it before and I will say it again. My children are my responsibility. I would fight for my children, and I would die for my children. I brought them into this world, and it is my responsibility as a parent to do whatever I have to do for them, especially when they can't talk and barely walk.

I also can't picture myself sitting no more than 25-50 feet away from people who want nothing more than for my child to be found, my window blinds closed, my door closed, and I refuse to go outside to pray for my baby and plead everyone to continue to raise awareness to find my baby or find the person or persons responsible for her dissapearance.

I'm a parent, a proud parent, and I will never give up on my children.

If that is how you feel about this EFD then that's fine but watching her on video that is not the impression I got. Wonder if she has ever had a restraining order issued against her, because it is one thing to be dedicated and another to be scary.
Parents have lawyers they can't just be held on suspicion indefinitely LE knows they need solid proof before they can make an arrest. IIRC you can't hold anyone over 72hrs without charges.

In Missouri it's 24 hours. And even if KCPD wanted to arrest, the prosecutor would have to agree to charge.

There have been times that police haven't arrest because they knew the prosecutor wouldn't charge OR they did arrest and charges weren't filed and the person released.

I think if you want to have a comparison, I think the Shon/Renee Pernice case is illustrative. Same PD. Same prosecutor. And no body. Charges didn't come as fast as some wanted but they eventually came, but that was still quite unusual. It was actually a grand jury that indicted Shon Pernice with no body.

The cases aren't identical of course but enough similarities for sleuthing discussion here during this "lull."
Crazy or not, has E stopped cooperating with the police?
Crazy or not, has E stopped cooperating with the police?

I have no idea about E (Edith?), but Debbie and Jeremy haven't stopped cooperating.

10/6 SY says parents are not cooperating
10/7 Family says they are cooperating
10/25 SY says he is "not disputing" lawyers claims that family is cooperating
11/11 SY says family is not "not cooperating" (ie: they are)

LE has had at least TWO specific times where they have waffled about whether or not the family is cooperating. It is clear that the definition of "cooperation" is what is at dispute. SY was responding to comments by the lawyers each time, where the lawyers insisted that their clients were answering all questions and giving all information requested of them. If that was a lie, surely SY would have said during one or both of the statements that the family was absolutely NOT COOPERATING - like he had no problem doing on 10/6/11.

So, unless you don't believe LE for some reason, the idea that the family is not cooperating is busted.
I have posted before I really worry about Edith I think she may have taken on to much in this case. You don't see others who help parents after losing a child act like she does in the videos. They go there to help the parents but remain composed and professional in doing so. I have never seen Marc Class or Tim Miller screaming at cars or insisting on being on people's front lawns. There was a lot of misreporting at the beginning of this prayer vigils being stopped chaos and a lot of that was due to Edith. After seeing the interview with Mr. Irwin I think that she was trying to get the media there to bash on the parents more. She might be doing searches but that doesn't excuse her disrupting a neighborhood and other people's lives who don't have anything to do with the case. Also there are 2 boys that live there and no one knows how the vigils affected them. I personally don't agree with everything the parents have done but this is one thing I understand completely.
I have no idea about E (Edith?), but Debbie and Jeremy haven't stopped cooperating.

10/6 SY says parents are not cooperating
10/7 Family says they are cooperating
10/25 SY says he is "not disputing" lawyers claims that family is cooperating
11/11 SY says family is not "not cooperating" (ie: they are)

LE has had at least TWO specific times where they have waffled about whether or not the family is cooperating. It is clear that the definition of "cooperation" is what is at dispute. SY was responding to comments by the lawyers each time, where the lawyers insisted that their clients were answering all questions and giving all information requested of them. If that was a lie, surely SY would have said during one or both of the statements that the family was absolutely NOT COOPERATING - like he had no problem doing on 10/6/11.

So, unless you don't believe LE for some reason, the idea that the family is not cooperating is busted.

Yes they have stopped, they have been refusing to do what LE asks them for quite some time now. I do believe LE and that's how I know. For the time being, the cooperation that the police needs from them is for them to answer questions separately and they're not agreeing to do it.

I don't understand how anybody can call that cooperating.

It's not.

As for Steve Young's comments, the way they're phrased IMO might indicate that the cooperation of the family leaves a lot to be desired but he did not want to be openly confrontational

I am way more confident when the police says "The family is cooperating", instead of "They are not not cooperating"

"I am not disputing the claims that they are cooperating" might mean they're cooperating or that they're not but he is not disputing the claims.

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