Police say parents are not answering vital questions #3

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FB, Websleuths, etc. are not the same as having people in your front yard.

From the Examiner:

Ashley said that people from last weekend’s Sam’s Town volunteer search were invited to attend the prayer vigil outside of the Bradley/Irwin home Tuesday night. “The majority, if not all, of those people think that Deborah killed Lisa and dumped her body there,” Ashley said. “Hence why they were searching there in the first place.”

She stressed how inappropriate it was to invite people with that mindset to the Bradley/Irwin front yard..

Ashley said Jeremy and Deborah have made it clear they do not want media in front of their home yet media were invited to be there that night. “It just adds to the drama and takes away from the focus of finding Baby Lisa,” she said.

I'm am pretty surprised at how it seems most people think this stopping vigils in the front yard is a horrible thing. Maybe it's just those people that think DB is guilty and it's just another thing they can use to against her.

I would be downright furious if media was invited to my front yard without my permission. I would also not want any prayer vigils on my property EVER. I get upset just thinking about it.
This reminds me of Cindy's attitude when TES searched for Caylee . She was upset they were not looking for a live Caylee.
The parents have no say where the media goes on a public road.
Webcams were set up by media watching the Anthony home 24/7 .Protestors and supporters were constantly camped out because they thought Casey was guilty of harming her daughter.
I guess the parents could always put up yellow tape like Cindy did,but they don't get to control the streets or their neighbors yards.
Publicity, even negative publicity (people who might be on the front lawn and doubt parent's innocence) still keeps BL in the spotlight. Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad, if it's all for the greater good of finding BL and bringing her home.

I disagree. At that point it's not about BL anymore, it's about gossiping, you just happen to be doing it right in front of their house. There are plenty of public places to do just that if they so choose too.
This reminds me of Cindy's attitude when TES searched for Caylee . She was upset they were not looking for a live Caylee.
The parents have no say where the media goes on a public road.
Webcams were set up by media watching the Anthony home 24/7 .Protestors and supporters were constantly camped out because they thought Casey was guilty of harming her daughter.
I guess the parents could always put up yellow tape like Cindy did,but they don't get to control the streets or their neighbors yards.

This isn't about the media, this was a group of people though. And from what I understand it wasn't just the parents that had an issue with it, but the neighbors too (as In Da Middle has stated).
I would be downright furious if media was invited to my front yard without my permission. I would also not want any prayer vigils on my property EVER. I get upset just thinking about it.

That's why I phoned the City of Kansas City last week to inquire about legiality of this. It was noted last week that the family "did not want this to take place in front of their house."
(I am not endorsing this, just passing along the specifics of the law)
As my post informed everyone here, it is legal, no permit is required, and they can stand on public easement which is 4' from the roadway towards any residence on the street.
In this particular case, it's not about permission, it's about the law.
It's no different than debating LE wanting to go pick up JI or DB and take them in for questioning seperately. Legally, they don't have to. LE and some of the public wants them to.

I find no point in debating the situation, just passing along facts are simple and fair enough which allows us all to voice our opinion.
While some of us can morally and ethically believe there should be no prayer in front of the house, law allows it.
While some of us can morally and ethically want JI and DB to go in for interviews and be the voice of their daughter and make public pleas for her return, it doesnt have to happen.

In the end, some of us will be right here, and some of us will be wrong here. None of us have an answer to who is right or wrong at this point.
I disagree. At that point it's not about BL anymore, it's about gossiping, you just happen to be doing it right in front of their house. There are plenty of public places to do just that if they so choose too.

Gossiping or brainstorming? How wonderful would it be if someone out there on the front lawn or street, or wherever they are congregating, remembered or had some snippet of information that brought BL home?

If the media chooses to cover the gatherings on their front lawn, isn't that keeping the case in the pubic eye?
Gossiping or brainstorming? How wonderful would it be if someone out there on the front lawn or street, or wherever they are congregating, remembered or had some snippet of information that brought BL home?

If the media chooses to cover the gatherings on their front lawn, isn't that keeping the case in the pubic eye?

If a bunch of people were brainstorming on your front lawn and a good portion of them already had it in their mind that you had something to do with it, how would you feel about that? Wouldn't that be the same thing as having people in your house gossiping about you (in a negative way) in your living room while your in the kitchen?

Keep in mind, these people were there calling it a prayer vigil. Brainstorming/sleuthing/discussing the case is not a prayer vigil.
JMO, but if MY child were missing, and still not found, I would invite the media onto my front lawn, through my front door, and to have a seat at my kitchen table, if it would increase the exposure the case got. Unless...of course, I had some reason for not wanting media exposure.
You just think that is what you would want. If the media, LE, or JohnQ public was twisting everything you say around and making you sound guilty, you may think differently. It's so easy to sit here in the comfort of our lives and say that we would cooperate with LE and do everything they want. I've seen enough true-life interrogations (yes, on TV) to know how rough they can be. Gosh, how completely different we all think. I could not sit for one minute and be grilled by Piro, Megyn, and a few others whose names I've forgotten.

Publicity, even negative publicity (people who might be on the front lawn and doubt parent's innocence) still keeps BL in the spotlight. Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad, if it's all for the greater good of finding BL and bringing her home.
Does anyone really think this baby is alive? Anyone? What is all this praying supposed to achieve, and what if you don't believe in God? Searchers are looking for a body so that they can charge someone.
Keep in mind, these people were there calling it a prayer vigil. Brainstorming/sleuthing/discussing the case is not a prayer vigil.

Just another fact:
When I attend church, I talk to people before and afterwards about things not related to religion. When I'm at work, I discuss many things. Family, news, sports etc.
I don't think the vigils were keeping Lisa in the media. The media showed up for the last one because it was news. Most media has left the area and I don't think they would have went if they didn't know it was the last one and such a big deal wasn't made about it being the last one. Also their house sits close to the road so they were really close to the windows and door. With 2 little boys living there you really think they didn't hear what was being talked about? I would hear it if they were that close to my house.
But then don't call it a prayer vigil then, call it a group gathering wanting to discussing the case. And in that regard, if most of those people think you are guilty, are you going to want them on your front lawn all the time?

Poster above you brought up shutting down WS or FB. We can discuss the case here till we are blue in the face and have varying opinions on who is and who is not responsible, but we not doing it on the parent's front lawn, we're doing it on the internet. That is a huge difference.

It's a sad waste imo. A group like that who care about a missing child passionately enough to spend their time searching and holding gatherings about her, whatever you want to call them, could be a tremendous source of support for the family if they worked together to organize searches, raise awareness, distribute flyers and pray.
Oh, ok...so the parents have NOT asked for the vigils to stop. Sorry, I was just going by what has been reported. They have not asked for the vigils to stop?

ETA: I was so bothered by this (that the media was reporting something that might not be true) that I went hunting. There were countless articles saying that BL's parents, did, in fact ask that the vigils on their property be stopped. One I found even had BL's aunt explaining the reason:

But, you're saying that the parents have not asked that the prayer vigils on their lawn/in their yard be stopped?

DB and JI did demand that the prayer vigils for their baby stop. The reaction to that demand was negative from the public. Made these parents of the year look bad....so, the rapid response team was kicked into high gear. Parents didn't demand it....JI's mom did. Edith is a crazy batty woman who only cares about media attention....or....Edith is dangerous.....or.....Edith hates DB and JI so she is insane and mean and dangerous and really doesn't even care about Lisa. DB and JI are never allowed to be portrayed in a bad light for very long....
Respectfully snipped & bolded by me.

Does anyone really think this baby is alive? Anyone? What is all this praying supposed to achieve, and what if you don't believe in God? Searchers are looking for a body so that they can charge someone.

That is exactly it.

I wish with all my heart that Lisa was still alive, and there is still part of me that thinks she could be, but you don't search woods, rivers & landfills for a living baby. :(

As for prayer vigils, I think if you are there with suspicion, doubt & anger directed at the parents, you are negating the prayer aspect. People have every right to have those feelings, but they don't have the right to have them in someone's front yard without permission.

If they decide to 'march' (that sounds so....militant) on the Irwin house this Saturday and demonstrate in front of the house--because at this point I don't see how you could still call it a prayer vigil--they are within their legal rights, as Indepmo has reported. However, I don't see it as helping to find Lisa or bring anyone to justice: to me, it is all about shaming & pressure on the parents at this point.

And we all saw how well the public demonstrations/vigils in front of the Anthony house worked in terms of getting justice for little Caylee. Let the legal system have a chance to work in this case--private citizens don't need to be taking it into their own hands. Justice is NOT the same thing as vengeance, IMO.
Just another fact:
When I attend church, I talk to people before and afterwards about things not related to religion. When I'm at work, I discuss many things. Family, news, sports etc.

To spring off your post, the analogy would be you attend church then talk to people before and after slamming the church. Or your at work and are bashing your supervisor right outside his/her office.
It's a sad waste imo. A group like that who care about a missing child passionately enough to spend their time searching and holding gatherings about her, whatever you want to call them, could be a tremendous source of support for the family if they worked together to organize searches, raise awareness, distribute flyers and pray.

But according to AI, half the people were looking for ways to point guilt to DB. That's not about BL, that's about interjecting your opinion in their face (or in this case, their front lawn).
The atty said they were gonna hold "private" vigils. DUH what good is that gonna do??? They want to be too private IMHO for somebody who has a baby missing. I'd be out their naked on my lawn with a picture of my baby .. look what the woman done with the little dog!!!! She went at it in the until she got her dog back wearing a bikini standing in the middle of different intersections. SHE GOT ATTENTION. I've not seen DI do one flippin thing and that is what grinds my gears. Rant off. MHO also.
Also, why not go out to the "half" and ask them to leave? How about getting involved in trying to find your baby. Join the vigils, let your children be part, it would help them "grieve" maybe. I guess she wanted that darn stoop back. JMHO
But according to AI, half the people were looking for ways to point guilt to DB. That's not about BL, that's about interjecting your opinion in their face (or in this case, their front lawn).

That's the waste part imo. I don't believe all of those people came in ready to convict, many of them might have felt differently if they worked and prayed together with the family in a cooperative effort to find Lisa. Instead they're made to feel they're the bad guys here.
To spring off your post, the analogy would be you attend church then talk to people before and after slamming the church. Or your at work and are bashing your supervisor right outside his/her office.

That's what everyone is attempting to portray here, and it's not true.
These people are there with one person in mind. It's Lisa.

I'm still looking for a video with Edith stopping traffic, and I'm looking for any video displaying violence or any illegal activities. I can't find anything. If someone has a link to disorder at any of these vigils, I would love to see it.
Does anyone really think this baby is alive? Anyone? What is all this praying supposed to achieve, and what if you don't believe in God? Searchers are looking for a body so that they can charge someone.


Yes, searchers comb the woods to find the body and evidence to charge someone and there is nothing wrong with that whatsoever. If I'm the parent of a missing baby and there's a chance that she could be out there in the woods I want them to find her. I want them to find evidence so they can charge the person that is responsible.
BL is still "missing". Someone right there in the area could STILL have their memory jogged by seeing or hearing about a vigil. A bell could go off and ding, ding, the end to the mystery. Nobody from far away came and took that child. Somebody local knows something and I think the most local coverage that can STILL be out there about the baby.

People are out in masses now Xmas shopping. Why not have the parents organize a booth outside of a huge Walmart or such in the area and simply distribute fliers, hang posters. More people are thinking about family now and they might just think harder and remember something that could help.

SHushing Baby Lisa's name is the downright rotten shame in all of this by the family. But hey, they've just about back to 100% now so I guess they want the community to STHeckUp and don't think about Baby Lisa anymore.

My opinions as always

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