POLL ADDED Connect The Dots-Working theories thread #2

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DNA Solves

What is your theory in Kyron's disappearance?

  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was unplanned, an accident.

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was planned.

    Votes: 43 15.8%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was unplanned and DeDe was called for help

    Votes: 38 13.9%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was planned and DeDe helped plan it.

    Votes: 108 39.6%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron. (Stranger being ANYONE except Terri, DeDe or accomplice.)

    Votes: 20 7.3%
  • Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around the school grounds

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron or Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around school grounds.

    Votes: 12 4.4%
  • No idea

    Votes: 47 17.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Thought of something else. Did Terri actually work out in the gym. Or maybe she went to the gym and did a light work out just to be seen but her real motive was to take a shower. I also think that with a tiny kid the size of Kyron she could easily suffocate him. No blood.
Thought of something else. Did Terri actually work out in the gym. Or maybe she went to the gym and did a light work out just to be seen but her real motive was to take a shower. I also think that with a tiny kid the size of Kyron she could easily suffocate him. No blood.

Did LE search the gym's laundry and trash? If she had 'spare' clothes in the gym, she probably just tossed what she was wearing.
BirdFLU says:
July 22, 2010 at 10:10 pm
Interesting about the search warrants. Having written and served a few dozen myself, here’s what I can tell you about a search warrant:

1. It’s not a fishing expedition. You can’t say “This person is friend of Teri’s, so we want to look through their stuff and see what we find.” Via the affidavit in support of a search warrant, you have to explain in detail why you want to search that house. It’s like writing a report to the judge, you have to convince him or her that you have gathered enough information and/or evidence that him/her allowing you to search that house is a reasonable thing to do. The judge has to agree with you. This is a big deal because, by approving the search warrant, the judge is saying you have permission to suspend that person’s Constitutional rights (4th amendment). A judge is staking their reputation and career an your affidavit.

2. You have to list in the search warrant affidavit what you expect to find, why you expect to find it at that location, and how what you find is evidence of a crime.

3. The search warrant has to have reasonable timeliness. You can’t say “This person might have had drugs two months ago.” You have to say why you think that person has drugs right now. What is “reasonable” as far as timeliness depends on the facts of the case. In this case, it’s hard to say because we don’t know what they are looking for.

That’s your search warrant mini-lesson.

….this one stmt. is very interesting to me:

…..2. You have to list in the search warrant affidavit what you expect to find, why you expect to find it at that location, and how what you find is evidence of a crime.

I took this off the Hinky Meter and it made me think because I remember seeing cops walk out of someone's house with a masonry brick.

Ok here's what I think happened. If Terri did this I think it was calculated and I also think from watching Mystery 48 Hours that they have learned not to talk. People who ask for a deal will know that in this case it is life in prison or at least 15 years so I don't think that either TH or DeDe will crack.

I think it was premeditated. I think the body is buried. I do think this was an attempt to sue the school and get out from underneath a bad marriage. I think Terri decided to try to leave Kaine but knew she'd likely lose custody of baby K. So she decided to devastate him and to sue the school and be able to have money.

Plan Establish and alibi. Choses the date and goes to school and does the pictures. Adds confusion with the doctor's appointment. I think Terri took Kyron from the school and drugged him as soon as he got in the car. Laid him on the floor of the van covered with a blanket and waited to see if the alarm went up if he was missing. When no phone call came from school she knew she was in the clear.

Around 11 am she calls DeDe who comes and trades vehicles with TH. She drives around with baby K in the car and lets the cell phone ping. I think DeDe was able to do only this and didn't want to get involved more than this. Just establishing an alibi.

Kyron is probably going to be found close to the school in the woods or something. He's probably buried in a plastic storage container and I do think that he was drugged and suffocated while asleep.

I also agree that TH thought she'd be the last person suspected of him being missing. She thought she was covered and now she's stuck and not sure what to do. She probably also realizes that she's going to jail. Her demeanor and all the subsequent falling apart of the case is what is trying her in the court of public opinion and I think she knows her goose is cooked.

I do not see DeDe cooperating with LE at all. As long as she takes the fifth there is not really anything they can do.

I agree with a lot of your theory. Thanks. But, to be direct, what do you think--was Terri burying the body while DeDe drove around? Would DeDe have been aware of the crime, the horrible bundle in the back? As ugly as this all is, would DeDe have seen something during the car swap? You don't think DeDe helped her with the burial? A cooler is a major object to bury and disguise. (Plastic bags are often chosen--this is all equipment at hand.) Does anybody know if DeDe's car was impounded during the search? Comments -- anybody? Also, I smell drugs. Speedy ones and booze.

If DeDe has the goods, they won't need Terri's testimony.

Sad, we agree, this is a murder.
I agree with a lot of your theory. Thanks. But, to be direct, what do you think--was Terri burying the body while DeDe drove around? Would DeDe have been aware of the crime, the horrible bundle in the back? As ugly as this all is, would DeDe have seen something during the car swap? You don't think DeDe helped her with the burial? A cooler is a major object to bury and disguise. (Plastic bags are often chosen--this is all equipment at hand.) Does anybody know if DeDe's car was impounded during the search? Comments -- anybody? Also, I smell drugs. Speedy ones and booze.

If DeDe has the goods, they won't need Terri's testimony.

Sad, we agree, this is a murder.

Funny you say plastic bags because I was thinking again how tiny the body would be and did think a plastic contractor bag would be easier to move quickly.

I think that DeDe and Terri planned this together but I think DeDe wouldn't do the dirty work and only agreed to drive around and let the cell phones ping. There is no way they can disprove DeDe was not just driving around the country roads etc. I think what they banked on was creating a tight alibi with the Science fair and doctor's appointment. I don't think they realized people would turn on Terri so quickly. Also the whole "hitting the gym" post on Facebook could have been code for something.

As far as burying something, I think it's no coincidence that DeDe is a landscaper. Perhaps a week or so earlier DeDe predug the grave somewhere in the woods. All Terri would need to do is drop the cooler or bag in the spot and then push the dirt on top. Next she swaps trucks with DeDe and goes to the gym and takes a shower. Done.
Did LE search the gym's laundry and trash? If she had 'spare' clothes in the gym, she probably just tossed what she was wearing.

I doubt she'd do that. I think instead she just took it home in her gym bag and washed it in the washer before Kaine got home.

Just thought of something else. What if Terri and DeDe have a relationship and the "sexting" is part of a cover of that. In other words it throws everyone off of their relationship because people will be redirected to look at Terri's sexual relationships with the others?

Only thing that would not work there is the relationship with the LS involved in the MFH plot. I'm curious about the details of that case. Perhaps Terri acted like she was just "thinking about things" but when the guy went to LE he played it like she was dead serious. Perhaps that was TH's sorting out ways to dispose of a body but she made it about Kaine instead of her true victim.
With Teri, I keep wonder why??? What was so bad you needed to kill Kyron???

And DeDe, why on earth would you involve yourself in something like this? IMO, DeDe did not know the full extent of what Teri was doing. Teri had to have made up some kind of story to convince her.
I don't think so because by now DeDe would have totally gone down and spilled the beans. By not saying things she's now an accessory to murder. If your friend called you and swapped cars during the time Kyron went missing, friend or not you'd be going down to the cops. I wouldn't go to prison for something like that.

The only thing that makes sense to me is that DEDE was involved and they are both convinced if they keep their mouths shut they will get away with it. I think the fact that TH failed three LDTs is a nod to her narcissism. She really thought they wouldn't be able to detect her lying. She thought she could pull it off. When she got busted she got mad and felt they were lying about the results on the LDT which is why she ranted to people. Its why she walked out and tried to pass it three times. MOO

One more thing, Terri I don't think would be dumb enough to use pesticides to kill him if this was planned. A otc bottle of nasal spray is fatal to small children. It can stop their heart. If she dumped two bottles of nasal spray into a juice or soda she could have done it that way.
I do think she would go to the gym and clean up there especailly if she watched or read up on crime. .. They always check the home to se if things were newly washed. it would be very clever since it was part of her routine and would also serve as part alibi. And easy to carry extra clothes in your bag to switch into
I am of the opinion that Terri did not plan whatever happened to Kyron. I think she was planning on telling Kaine that she was at the science fair and then the talent show (if it has ever been determined that there was indeed one taking place that afternoon). I do not believe she woke up that morning intending to pull off some master plan pertaining to Kryon but rather planned to pull the wool over Kaine's eyes in some other way that had to do with needing his truck and a few hours of time where he assumed she was at the school with Kyron, perhaps an affair, a secret assignation that could not be secret if driving her own flashy car.

Something unforseen happened. Kyron saw or overheard something he shouldn't, things spiralled out of control and she acted, while trying to think on her feet. I do feel she had some sort of accomplice who helped her (I am sorry to be blunt) get rid of Kyron. This is of course, my own half arse supposintion and I have no evidence to offer up.

ETA If DeDe was involved in the hurried cleanup of whatever happened I think your thought on whether the gym and possible changes of clothing played an instumental role is a very good one Calliope. I will go one further and wonder if the gym staff can place the women there inside the gym actually working out or if the lady(ies) simply signed in and dropped of baby K, only to slip back out again.
If Terri told the school that he was going to miss that day of school, because of a doctors appointment, it shows me this was a planned event.

I think she took him to the school, then probably said, you have a doctors appointment, and probably either drugged him, or did something that caused his death, her friend in the gardening biz bothers me, who knows what kind of fun pesticides and poisons she has access to, and I think Terri disposed of him somewhere in the water, out where she was that day, for some bizarre reason.
On the off chance that the cops are reading this thread, I would suggest them taking DeDes gardening gloves and turning them inside out to see if they get any of TH's dna on the gloves. If so that could be a bit of crucial evidence that she borrowed DeDes truck to dispose of the body.

tlcox, that is an interesting theory. However if Terri had an alibi that day with another man I doubt she'd not have come forward with it by now. Also as I said before the only thing that makes me think it was premeditated is that they would have found evidence of foul play or the body by now if it was just a rushed cover up. MOO
If this was a planned event the planning was very poor or we all would not be so suspicious of Terri. I feel the mention of a doctor's appointment came after Terri started flying by the seat of her pants and formulating what to do about Kyron. Something happened on that drive to the school. Kyron let slip something he shouldn't know, he overheard a phone call he shouldn't have, he saw something that Terri Couldn't let him repeat to his father. So a half baked plan was devised, cracks and all. MOO
On the off chance that the cops are reading this thread, I would suggest them taking DeDes gardening gloves and turning them inside out to see if they get any of TH's dna on the gloves. If so that could be a bit of crucial evidence that she borrowed DeDes truck to dispose of the body.

tlcox, that is an interesting theory. However if Terri had an alibi that day with another man I doubt she'd not have come forward with it by now. Also as I said before the only thing that makes me think it was premeditated is that they would have found evidence of foul play or the body by now if it was just a rushed cover up. MOO

I don't think she has an alibi. I think she was dealing with Kyron. I think she set out intending for the day to go one way (secret meeting with a lover perhaps) and then it "became necessary" in her eyes to dealwith Kyron because he had some knowledge that could undo her.
If this was a planned event the planning was very poor or we all would not be so suspicious of Terri. I feel the mention of a doctor's appointment came after Terri started flying by the seat of her pants and formulating what to do about Kyron. Something happened on that drive to the school. Kyron let slip something he shouldn't know, he overheard a phone call he shouldn't have, he saw something that Terri Couldn't let him repeat to his father. So a half baked plan was devised, cracks and all. MOO

But if he did not have a Doctors appointment like someone claimed Terri said, then it shows it was premeditated, he was going to miss that day of school, one way or another. imo
But if he did not have a Doctors appointment like someone claimed Terri said, then it shows it was premeditated, he was going to miss that day of school, one way or another. imo

I think we are in agreement. I too disbelieve there was ever a doctor appoinment. I feel she woke up intending the day go one way. Something happened on the drive. Her casually mentioning a doctor appintment across a crowded gym I feel was done spur of the moment as she was formulating her plan to make Kyron disappear. I think we are sayign the same thing, that the appointment was always fiction meant to buy time with no phone call home regarding Kyron's absence from school. Where we disagree is that I feel it was done spur of the moment, on the fly as she was formulating a spur of the moment plan of what to do and how to do it. you feel it is proof that she woke up that morning with the plan already in place.

We agree on her being responsible but disagree on how much premeditation was involved. For the record, whether the plan was devised well ahead of time or that morning, a plan was still devised. That plan, weeks, months, or 20 minutes old is still a plan and still equals premeditation IMO. So you see, we agree, just not on the details.
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