POLL ADDED Connect The Dots-Working theories thread #2

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What is your theory in Kyron's disappearance?

  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was unplanned, an accident.

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was planned.

    Votes: 43 15.8%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was unplanned and DeDe was called for help

    Votes: 38 13.9%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was planned and DeDe helped plan it.

    Votes: 108 39.6%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron. (Stranger being ANYONE except Terri, DeDe or accomplice.)

    Votes: 20 7.3%
  • Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around the school grounds

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron or Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around school grounds.

    Votes: 12 4.4%
  • No idea

    Votes: 47 17.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Well, I agree that DeDe and TH could be lovers. And if you re-read what I wrote. I am not saying TH was actually protecting Kyron by handing him off.

I am saying that I don't care how close you and your friend are even if you are lovers, you are not going to convince your friend to take part in a murder, let alone of a child.
But think about it, could you convince your friends to take your child and protect them from a would be sexually abusive father (even if you are a devious liar and telling a lie to your friend) What I am saying is, Let's say TH told all her friends that KH was horrible and convinced them of this (even if she knows it's a blatant lie) TH's real motivation would be revenge toward KH for making her son leave. Maybe, then the friends thought they were doing the right thing. Then it all blew up in thier face and got so big, now they know that they could be facing kidnapping charges, accessory to kidnapping and facing criminal charges. So nobody is talking.

I see this but to me people are not going to participate in kidnapping another person's child to save them. It's just too risky. And Kyron was supposed to go to Desirees that evening. So it makes no sense. I'm sure this was pretty routine. If there was a stepmother out of state that lived hours away from Kaine, Kyron goes there frequently, there are other ways to help. An anonymous call to 911 is pretty easy to do.

Reasons I believe DD was involved

They both go to the same gym and have for a long time
She's taken the fifth
She was missing the exact time TH can't account for her whereabouts, I mean come on it's pretty obvious they met up.
She's not come forward sooner.

When all the MFH plots and everything came out about Kaine, I would think an innocent person would come forward. But in this day and age it is just ludicrous to beleive that they'd kidnap him to save him when they have parent out of state who he could go to. Call DY anonymously and say "keep your son, Kaine is abusing him" etc etc. Committing a capital offense? No way.

I was a long time fence sitter for TH but now I think she did it and DD did it with her and it was long time planned and carefully put together.

And to go off with each other as "friends' after this broke the family up would be easy.

The sexting of MC and the Lanscaper could also have been an attempt to throw suspicion on them. Many of the 48 hours Mystery shows have thousands of messages to the suspect. In a liason it is how they catch them. If I wanted to frame someone thousands of text messages would help.

DD is her friend. I betcha, that for the last few months there are very few texts to each other.
Hypothetically speaking, if it came out that Kaine was found to be lying about how Terri and he hooked up and when, and Desiree was discovered to have .... over-simplified .... the care and concern that Terri offered her in the first months of Kyron's life, would that change opinions any for some? Would that somehow make people see that revealing these nitpick things that Desiree kept to herself for 7 years does not a crime perpetrated by Terri against her son, make?

Desiree does not seem interested in doing anything more than making certain that she's understood by all that she was the mother of Kyron, period. For 7 years, Terri has been actively involved in Kyron's life, yet even that is minimized and nearly denigrated as though to make everyone understand Terri is evil.
Hypothetically speaking, if it came out that Kaine was found to be lying about how Terri and he hooked up and when, and Desiree was discovered to have .... over-simplified .... the care and concern that Terri offered her in the first months of Kyron's life, would that change opinions any for some? Would that somehow make people see that revealing these nitpick things that Desiree kept to herself for 7 years does not a crime perpetrated by Terri against her son, make?

Desiree does not seem interested in doing anything more than making certain that she's understood by all that she was the mother of Kyron, period. For 7 years, Terri has been actively involved in Kyron's life, yet even that is minimized and nearly denigrated as though to make everyone understand Terri is evil.

I disagree. I've never heard Desiree put Terri down as far as being a mother figure to Terri, nor have I seen her take the stand that she is his only mother. What I see is a mother desperate to find her son.
I disagree. I've never heard Desiree put Terri down as far as being a mother figure to Terri, nor have I seen her take the stand that she is his only mother. What I see is a mother desperate to find her son.

She mentioned it on Dateline last evening.
She mentioned it on Dateline last evening.

Really she mentions it on every interview, which is about every other day. I understand her position, she is ashamed, frightened, and trying to say I am his mom, I was good, but it is not helping the investigation, or to find Kyron. Which still, no one mentions much, imo. It is just trying to ease her own guilt, shame, and trying to ease her fears of whatever has happened to Kyron. Really, they all would be better off not doing the interviews. I know money is needed, but unless it is just a simple pleading to Kyron's abductor or Kyron, it is not helping.

Perhaps a therapist would be kind enough to volunteer some time.

Sorry, just my feelings on the media stuff.
I see this but to me people are not going to participate in kidnapping another person's child to save them. It's just too risky. And Kyron was supposed to go to Desirees that evening. So it makes no sense. I'm sure this was pretty routine. If there was a stepmother out of state that lived hours away from Kaine, Kyron goes there frequently, there are other ways to help. An anonymous call to 911 is pretty easy to do.

Reasons I believe DD was involved

They both go to the same gym and have for a long time
She's taken the fifth
She was missing the exact time TH can't account for her whereabouts, I mean come on it's pretty obvious they met up.

She's not come forward sooner.

When all the MFH plots and everything came out about Kaine, I would think an innocent person would come forward. But in this day and age it is just ludicrous to beleive that they'd kidnap him to save him when they have parent out of state who he could go to. Call DY anonymously and say "keep your son, Kaine is abusing him" etc etc. Committing a capital offense? No way.

I was a long time fence sitter for TH but now I think she did it and DD did it with her and it was long time planned and carefully put together.

And to go off with each other as "friends' after this broke the family up would be easy.

The sexting of MC and the Lanscaper could also have been an attempt to throw suspicion on them. Many of the 48 hours Mystery shows have thousands of messages to the suspect. In a liason it is how they catch them. If I wanted to frame someone thousands of text messages would help.

DD is her friend. I betcha, that for the last few months there are very few texts to each other.

Where is it stated that DS took the fifth?

Based on what we know, DS left her gardening job sometime between 11:15am and 11:30am. She returned at 1:00pm. Also, based on what we know, TH clocked in at the gym at 11:39am and clocked out at 12:40pm. She was in her home, online, and posting pictures shortly after 1:00 p.m. It's possible DS and TH were together at the gym, but I don't personally find it plausible that this is the period of time in which Kyron was murdered and/or the period of time in which they/she disposed of his remains.
Hypothetically speaking, if it came out that Kaine was found to be lying about how Terri and he hooked up and when, and Desiree was discovered to have .... over-simplified .... the care and concern that Terri offered her in the first months of Kyron's life, would that change opinions any for some? Would that somehow make people see that revealing these nitpick things that Desiree kept to herself for 7 years does not a crime perpetrated by Terri against her son, make?

Desiree does not seem interested in doing anything more than making certain that she's understood by all that she was the mother of Kyron, period. For 7 years, Terri has been actively involved in Kyron's life, yet even that is minimized and nearly denigrated as though to make everyone understand Terri is evil.

Good question. I, MOO, thought that Desiree contradicted herself about Terri when she attempted to use Terri's daughter as leverage (and 'leverage' might not be the best word here) in that one press conference (http://www.katu.com/home/video/97904469.html).

"You need to do it for K*. Because she needs to see that you did the right thing to help bring her brother home. "

If Terri is such a terrible mother, Desiree wouldn't bother referring to the toddler in this manner... MOO
OK, here's a new theory. Off the wall, but a theory.

From the interview KH & DY did with the Oregonian, we now know that TH had alcohol problems. We know she had that DUI w/endangerment. Somewhere someone had posted her whole arrest record, and she had several citations for speeding.

Suppose--she's leaving, and guns that big truck. Kyron has suddenly remembered something or thinks she forgot the project, runs out. She accidentally hits him. He's instantly killed.

She's already had some booze. She's shocked, horrified, and knows that with her prior DUI she not only will be blamed, but could go to jail, etc. etc. She picks the poor kid up, puts him in truck and zooms away. Then hollers for help. By that time she may have him in a container. The other person may or may not know what's in that container.

This is such a long shot that well, it's way out there. But given her history, well, accidents do happen, and if booze is involved, then anything can happen after that.
Where is it stated that DS took the fifth?

Based on what we know, DS left her gardening job sometime between 11:15am and 11:30am. She returned at 1:00pm. Also, based on what we know, TH clocked in at the gym at 11:39am and clocked out at 12:40pm. She was in her home, online, and posting pictures shortly after 1:00 p.m. It's possible DS and TH were together at the gym, but I don't personally find it plausible that this is the period of time in which Kyron was murdered and/or the period of time in which they/she disposed of his remains.

Rats there goes my whole darn theory. How did I miss the time discrepancy.:banghead:
After all we have read and heard, I don't feel any clearer about Terri's possible involvement in Kyron's vanishing. All I am clearer about, more so than I want to be, is that D&K want desperately to blame her, probably because they think that maybe that means Kyron could be alive. Kaine doesn't seem to have had a clue what has gone on in his own home for the past many months or longer. With a very young baby in the house, he kept himself above the fray, despite Terri having obvious issues. Desiree is reacting out of guilt and anger, both reasonable emotions.

Of course she Terri may be guilty, but none of this is telling me that. And it all points to a woman with so many alleged problems, it shouldn't be hard for a defense attorney to point out that she can't remember what she did ever, not just on June 4th. And that her poor memory does not make her a murderer. What a mess.

I think I will concentrate my brainwaves on LE and hope they are coming up with real, physical evidence that cannot be disputed. If this is a purely circumstantial and heresay case, anything could happen. And that they are examining all other possible scenarios as to who and what happened on 6/4.
Respectfully snipped from Chewy's post..."When a child is abducted his face is plastered across the country on television sets and internet. There's no way a person would ever think they could get away with hiding a kid..."

IMOO, as sad as it is, this happens nearly every day! I do not agree that little KH was handed off. But to say that missing kids can't be held or taken around unnoticed is incorrect. Look at Shawn Hornbeck, Steven Staynor, Jaycee Duggar, Elizabeth Smart.

On a side note, this is such an emotional case and all everyone wants is KH to be found, safe and sound and the guilty party held accountable. As difficult as it is, I think everyone needs to try to be objective and analyze the case based upon KNOWN facts, officially released by LE. There is way too much innuendo, unsubstantiated information from "un-named sources" etc. MOO. Please don't flame me for this. I am not defending nor attacking anyone in this case or on this board. Just trying to remain objective.
Respectfully snipped from Chewy's post..."When a child is abducted his face is plastered across the country on television sets and internet. There's no way a person would ever think they could get away with hiding a kid..."

IMOO, as sad as it is, this happens nearly every day! I do not agree that little KH was handed off. But to say that missing kids can't be held or taken around unnoticed is incorrect. Look at Shawn Hornbeck, Steven Staynor, Jaycee Duggar, Elizabeth Smart.

On a side note, this is such an emotional case and all everyone wants is KH to be found, safe and sound and the guilty party held accountable. As difficult as it is, I think everyone needs to try to be objective and analyze the case based upon KNOWN facts, officially released by LE. There is way too much innuendo, unsubstantiated information from "un-named sources" etc. MOO. Please don't flame me for this. I am not defending nor attacking anyone in this case or on this board. Just trying to remain objective.

You snipped off the most important part of my post. Don't quote me out of context. That's just daft.

It says "unless the person would be willing to kill him or is insane"

In other words a pedophile (And I was thinking of Shawn Hornbeck specifically when I wrote that, he was being strangled by the pedophile when he pleaded for his life) There is no way a reasonable "protective person" is going to go to this length to protect a kid that is eventually going to be moving out on his own. Not a child of Kyron's age who can easily talk.
You snipped off the most important part of my post. Don't quote me out of context. That's just daft.

It says "unless the person would be willing to kill him or is insane"

In other words a pedophile (And I was thinking of Shawn Hornbeck specifically when I wrote that, he was being strangled by the pedophile when he pleaded for his life) There is no way a reasonable "protective person" is going to go to this length to protect a kid that is eventually going to be moving out on his own. Not a child of Kyron's age who can easily talk.
My apologies. I did not intend to quote you out of context.
I am totally lost....have thought it was an accident out of rage that has been covered up....then it seemed so planned...the docs appointment, the kill hubby plot......and then I thought her and dede had him hidden, her for revenge on Kaine and dede because she has been told Kaine is a monster....but you would think they would produce him if that was the case, with all this heat on......so I am totally lost.......

I do however keep going back to what the sherrif said at the beginning........this is a unique situation (case..cant remember right word)..........and no other children are in danger....

What is it that they had or knew right at the beginning......to me that is the key.......was it evidence he had been kidnapped, or a note or something........what was it I wonder....
Where is it stated that DS took the fifth?

Based on what we know, DS left her gardening job sometime between 11:15am and 11:30am. She returned at 1:00pm. Also, based on what we know, TH clocked in at the gym at 11:39am and clocked out at 12:40pm. She was in her home, online, and posting pictures shortly after 1:00 p.m. It's possible DS and TH were together at the gym, but I don't personally find it plausible that this is the period of time in which Kyron was murdered and/or the period of time in which they/she disposed of his remains.

can you link me to where it states Terri's clock-in and clock-out times?

I don't remember reading that anywhere
I think that as soon as LE had conflicting info of any kind from Terri, they had her in their sights and determined that it was most likely a family situation of some sort. I think that would be the case in any situation when they cannot clear the last person involved; there did not need to be a specific incident. I doubt there was any sort of note, for example. Just a parent who was not coming across right and could not be cleared even unofficially. And the news of the MFH plot probably cemented in LE's mind that they had the right person in their sights. How could that be going on and this person not be associated with Kyron?

But until they can prove there is no way of knowing if they are right.

I have thought this was probably an accident from the start (if Terri) and I still think so and she may have asked Dede after the fact to help her in some way, or just confessed to her. If not Terri, I think LE will never find out who did this.

I do think Kyron is dead and that Terri probably buried him someplace rural. Putting him in water would be riskier, how could you haul something down to the river in Portland without being seen, people on and in the water all the time.
The 90 minutes that both TH and DDS was gone bothers me.
The driving around bothers me.
I'm thinking of a 'soft' kill................(very sorry IMOO)
like waiting for a poison/OD to take over...........
Kyron dies and DDS helps her friend with a cover up and
maybe an alibi.
Maybe DDS didn't know what her friend was capible to doing?
Do we know HOW Kaine was to be murdered by the MFH theory?
The following is MHO from a newbie:
TH wanted out of the marriage, but did not have her own resources to file for a divorce. When the alleged MFH plot didn’t work out, she looked at her options. Financially, she’s in a bind. Even if her recently re-upped teaching license produces a job, she’s still looking at just a little over $500/month from J’s adoptive father (and maybe not even that, if J isn’t living with her), child support for baby K, and – maybe – half the assets. (Oregon is not a community property state, so the amount would be what the family court finds “equitable.”)

I agree with an earlier poster: With Kyron out of the way, she could – potentially – attain money from a lawsuit against the school district AND pull off an apparent suicide of KH. Even if KD’s (maybe?) life insurance doesn’t pay on a suicide or the school lawsuit goes nowhere, she gets it all: the house, KH’s social security, his 401K, and LOADS of attention.

Having covered Ky’s absence, getting him out of the school was easy. I don’t think she killed him right away. I think she drugged him, putting him to sleep with “medicine” he needed to take before his doctor’s appointment. She drove to the store, drove “wherever,” and – with no word from the school regarding Ky’s absence – she’s in the clear. She poisons Ky (possibly with readily-available Fox Glove … digitalis. Grows wild in our neck of the woods). This would cause severe diarrhea, vomiting, and –potentially – heart failure. It’s highly poisonous, especially for children.

As an aside: (Maybe already discussed here.) It appears to me Ky’s pants photog by LE have severe stains in the crotch and down the leg. Potentially, she gave Ky something to cause diarrhea days in advance, resulting in the stains. Maybe that was the “reason” for the MD appt?

Knowing she didn’t want to leave evidence of the Fox Glove poisoning on the clothing in which he was photographed that morning, she poisoned him, removed his pants and shirt, then cleaned him up, and hid the body. If he were to be found with evidence of vomiting and diarrhea … well, he HAD been sick, afterall. (BTW: I don’t know where DDS comes into this. Maybe she’s just a conduit for more of TH’s lies or a red-herring meant to further confuse the timeline.)

Anyway, again. This is mho. (Hope I'm posting this correctly. First timer!
The following is MHO from a newbie:
TH wanted out of the marriage, but did not have her own resources to file for a divorce. When the alleged MFH plot didn’t work out, she looked at her options. Financially, she’s in a bind. Even if her recently re-upped teaching license produces a job, she’s still looking at just a little over $500/month from J’s adoptive father (and maybe not even that, if J isn’t living with her), child support for baby K, and – maybe – half the assets. (Oregon is not a community property state, so the amount would be what the family court finds “equitable.”)

I agree with an earlier poster: With Kyron out of the way, she could – potentially – attain money from a lawsuit against the school district AND pull off an apparent suicide of KH. Even if KD’s (maybe?) life insurance doesn’t pay on a suicide or the school lawsuit goes nowhere, she gets it all: the house, KH’s social security, his 401K, and LOADS of attention.

Having covered Ky’s absence, getting him out of the school was easy. I don’t think she killed him right away. I think she drugged him, putting him to sleep with “medicine” he needed to take before his doctor’s appointment. She drove to the store, drove “wherever,” and – with no word from the school regarding Ky’s absence – she’s in the clear. She poisons Ky (possibly with readily-available Fox Glove … digitalis. Grows wild in our neck of the woods). This would cause severe diarrhea, vomiting, and –potentially – heart failure. It’s highly poisonous, especially for children.

As an aside: (Maybe already discussed here.) It appears to me Ky’s pants photog by LE have severe stains in the crotch and down the leg. Potentially, she gave Ky something to cause diarrhea days in advance, resulting in the stains. Maybe that was the “reason” for the MD appt?

Knowing she didn’t want to leave evidence of the Fox Glove poisoning on the clothing in which he was photographed that morning, she poisoned him, removed his pants and shirt, then cleaned him up, and hid the body. If he were to be found with evidence of vomiting and diarrhea … well, he HAD been sick, afterall. (BTW: I don’t know where DDS comes into this. Maybe she’s just a conduit for more of TH’s lies or a red-herring meant to further confuse the timeline.)

Anyway, again. This is mho. (Hope I'm posting this correctly. First timer!

Great first post!
I am leaning toward poisoning myself..........(no proof and do not know why I am thinking of this.)
For over a week, this has been on my mind.
But I think when KYRON got 'ill', he was dumped alive.............
no evidence of death in truck.
That way TH can say she does not know where or what happened to KYRON.
I pray this is not what happened.
Has to be a reason she drove around in the country.
Figuring out what to do next?
Calling friend DDS for 'advise'?
Those weren't his actual pants, just pants like he wore that day...just by the way, not sure if you thought they were his from that day.

But the only problem I have with suing the school, is that sort of settlement takes a long time. The city only paid out to the family of someone who died in custoday 4 years ago, this week.

I am still on the accident theory, if Terri is involved, and panic afterwards. I think the bit about the appointment is coming more from the school as they try to explain why they were not alarmed that he was not in class.
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