POLL ADDED Connect The Dots-Working theories thread #2

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What is your theory in Kyron's disappearance?

  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was unplanned, an accident.

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was planned.

    Votes: 43 15.8%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was unplanned and DeDe was called for help

    Votes: 38 13.9%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was planned and DeDe helped plan it.

    Votes: 108 39.6%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron. (Stranger being ANYONE except Terri, DeDe or accomplice.)

    Votes: 20 7.3%
  • Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around the school grounds

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron or Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around school grounds.

    Votes: 12 4.4%
  • No idea

    Votes: 47 17.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I just thought he left to get the car quickly and Terri stayed to talk with the busdriver, waiting for him to call the school. She wouldn't have had to follow and catch up him, he could presumably just have picked her up from the bus stop when he drove back.

Not to speak for Debs, but I think she is referring to when they walked *to* the bus stop to pick Kyron up, not after they discovered he was not on the bus. Kaine took the baby, and Terri lagged behind them. Why? Was she reluctant? Guilt? Knowing the storm that was about to hit in 3-2-1?
I am now concerned that Terri told Desi that Kyron was marked absent at 10. Does that mean that Ts account of seeing Kyron at the groups is correct?

LE has said that he never made it to his classroom and TH was the last to see him.

So what about the 10 AM thing?

I think T's account of Kyron missing was misunderstood. I think the Kyron "missing" part occurred at the *beginning* of class when they were assembling the groups to go tour the exhibits. Teacher probably called out the kids' names to go get with their chaperone. The chaperone heard 5 names called, but only 4 little faces looking at her. She then asked where Kyron was so she could start the tour. Teacher figured Kyron would be right with them, not knowing he had told T he was heading to see the "cool electric" one and would be right back. No one knew Kyron was already gone from the school at that point. They saw his stuff, and then teacher remembered Terri saying something about the Dr. appt, plus Kyron had already toured the exhibits with mom, so she put 2 and 2 together and figured he left for the Dr. When he wasn't back at 10, when class started, she marked him absent. The truth is, Kyron was NEVER IN CLASS that day except in the presence of Terri. By the time the first bell rang, he was already gone.
I'm thinking that perhaps LE was able to rule out those later "Terri and/or Kyron sightings" at school that did not include the baby. And maybe the child was among those, as he claimed to see several things that morning...and if he did not see the baby, that might put his whole account in doubt.
evening all, i dont post much but this case has me losing sleep,like everyone else and you all are so great,my thoughts from the beginning have been and still are as listed
i do believe th tried to hire someone kill her hubby but couldnt come up with the down payment or a change of mind and the person she hired has been hounding her for the money,so the person she was gonna hire kidnapped kyron never dreaming she would call the police, knowing that she would be in trouble for the hiring of a hit man, thinking he or she could black male her for the money and now this case is in a different direction,and the person she hired has kyron hopefully still alive, but i have my doubts about that,so whether she wants to admit it or not she is totally responsible for what ever happen to kyron do to her self center thoughts, jmo and the post partum preg issues will just be the excuse she will use to walk free.
What if TH knows who took Kyron and perhaps she was the reason why. Perhaps she intended to play some sort of mind game on her hubby but it went awry? Perhaps she hired the wrong person and they turned on her.
I have problems with her trying to kill Kaine and then settling for Kyron. If she could send her son away then bio mom could have probably been convinced to keep Kyron.
In her interviews with the family her face may have been stoney but her eyes were very telling in my opinion. She was reliving something vividly. She was seeing something.She knows something. Something happened. (I've been a counselor at a homeless shelter and I have seen the same expressions on women I've counseled, they are actually reliving a traumatic event, in some cases, ones they caused.)
Kaine said the baby was with her. I haven't heard anyone mention that they actually saw her WITH the baby? This troubles me.
Perhaps she made contacts with some very nasty people in searching for a hitman. Perhaps these people planned on kidnapping Kyron and demanding a ransom.
I believe it was pre-planned but something has gone wrong because this is not the way to off your hubby or get anything. Offing Kyron afterward maybe, but not before. There are just too many variables to get rid of him first.
I think if Terri is reliving anything in her mind, it is whatever she did to Kyron. I think she gave up on the hit idea when the guy turned her down and Kyron was just a miniature to Kaine to her.
Roughly...they didn't tell them that as far as we have been told :(

Yeah, I keep thinking maybe they found him already, but then DY would have to be a great actress. I figure she's not acting. If she is, she has missed her calling.

My theory is that TH killed the child using drugs and buried him in Forest Park, which looks near one of the grocery stores from which footage has been requested - Albertson's IIRC. Maybe she had help, maybe not.

Here's the map link from the grocery thread: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=16365+NW+Twin+Oaks+Dr+Beaverton,+Oregon&daddr=5415+Southwest+Beaverton-Hillsdale+Highway+Portland,+OR+97221+to:11536+Northwest+Skyline+Boulevard+Portland,+OR+97231-2603+to:Northwest+Sheltered+Nook+Road,+Portland,+OR+to:22075+Northwest+Imbrie+Drive,+Hillsboro,+OR%E2%80%8E&hl=en&geocode=Ff-9tgIdIoat-CnrousXOg-VVDFLH0J_C4tLSg%3BFV0WtgIdEEOv-CnLnefpvwuVVDH0ktTGYX7b7g%3BFa_qtwIdVVqt-CnBGfok4waVVDFNzFyHxWOQ-A%3BFVJpuAIdjzCt-CknKWtrzACVVDGk_QSkyZ-ViA%3BFW0OtwIdVqms-CkBhvU1kAWVVDGmq4pxBYw2bg&mra=ls&sll=45.563102,-122.827148&sspn=0.318727,0.727158&ie=UTF8&ll=45.548198,-122.798309&spn=0.318812,0.727158&z=11

All the points on the map kind of surround Forest Park.

I still hope he's alive though.

I am definitely off the fence.
If I had to learn how to play a flute to charm a cobra out of the bushes at my front door, I would learn how to play.

If I say, "My son is alive," knowing that in my heart of hearts he is only alive in my heart and soul, I can say it with all honesty.

If I had to practice in front of mirrors 20 hours a day, with coaches to train me how to spit out something that is believable enough, and scripted in honest enough terms that I could live with myself, and in order to force my son's abductor out of their dung hole and into the light, I would do it.

I don't know that this is what is happening...but I don't know what is happening for sure at all.
This is a good theory except for one thing: If she left the phone on SI because she wanted everyone to believe she was on SI while dumping a body someplace else, why lie about it? She could simply tell LE, "Yes, I was on SI buying berries to make jam." They never find a body on SI because only her phone was there. She has the perfect alibi when a body shows up at *advertiser censored* 30 miles away.
Or strategically placing her phone somewhere and saying that she LOST it in that location, giving her an excuss for not having it on her and sending le in a wild goose chase, wouldnt that have been easier, I just think she watched csi and thought she knew what she was doing but didnt remember the cell phone ping thing.
If I had to practice in front of mirrors 20 hours a day, with coaches to train me how to spit out something that is believable enough, and scripted in honest enough terms that I could live with myself, and in order to force my son's abductor out of their dung hole and into the light, I would do it.

I don't know that this is what is happening...but I don't know what is happening for sure at all.

I don't know if I could do that, but I would be willing to try.
I haven't read through all the theories on this thread (yet). But something just occurred to me.

What if, a while ago, Terri was considering hiring a hitman on Kaine; went so far as to contact one, get a price, but then she changed her mind. Tried to call it off, didn't pay, told the LG to go away, never mind. The LG says well shoot, I'm supposed to be paid X dollars, I want that money. I'll just take the kid. Kidnaps Kyron, shows up June 28 yelling about getting his money from Terri and this is the first 911 (man shouting threats in the driveway) call. Then, Kaine asks what's going on, Terri says "well, you know back in December when we weren't getting along? I was going to hire someone to kill you. Changed my mind." Kaine grabs baby and goes, thus the second 911 (custody) call.

The restraining order is filed, the cops are involved, divorce is filed...but the LG (or someone he knows) has Kyron, either alive or not, and won't give Kyron back now for anything...he's made the mistake of kidnapping Kyron to get the money Terri promised him originally, but is now in too deep...and can't get out.

I have to say, there's something really off about everything in this entire case. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if the above is what happened (or close to it), and the psychopath is not Terri, but the assassin she started to hire back when she was gonna have Kaine killed.

I don't know if I believe Terri is the perp...I just don't know.

Just wanted to throw this out there...it doesn't account for everything, but it does account for some of the odder aspects of the situation.

Herding Cats

I just read this so dont know if someone else responding to this theory, but this is a very good theory, except le sent the 'hitman' to talk to her, the landscaper did not do it on his own, or did you mean came to talk to her on june 4th??? or that would explain why the landscaper never went to Police with that earlier...maybe he thought le was going to find out so he came forward and tried to implicate terry so you may be right my friend. Im sure (at least I hope) he will be polygraphed too.

My theory is she sold the child for money to pay off the hitman because where was she going to say she spent 10,000 (assuming its a downpayment) coming out of their possible joint account? so she had to get money some way. She may have figured this will not only hurt kaine but give me the money I need to take care of the situation as well. Sick thoughts but Love is scary. I do believe that old phrase "hell hath no fury as a woman scorned" something like that.
I would do anything I had to for my daughter. I'm impressed that they can ever speak. I'm a basket case and he is not my child. If it was my child I would beg and of course be angry.I think D said she was angry at this point. Anything to get my child back home.
Hiya Roughly,

You wrote:
>>I don't know if I could do that, but I would be willing to try. <<

I hope to God that you never need to practice 20 hours a day to set up a performance meant to pull an abductor out of their dung hole, but should you ever have to -- ding my Private Message button and I will be there to help train you! Ummm...I do snore though...
... BUT BACK TO DISAPPEARANCE OF KYRON and the thought that it was ALL PLANNED OUT. With TMH being a huge fan of crime shows(by her own admission CSI)we know they show LE using such technology as cell phone pings to track/trace a perps movements therefore leading LE to their guilty man. That said, she would have CERTAINLY known for a fact that her movements of that day would be so very easily tracked/traced by her cell phone.(I am not an avid watcher of the crime shows and know this to be a fact).. So, in her planning of Kyron's abduction(perhaps murder) her knowledge of this cell phone fact she could have decided to use to her benefit.. Let me explain.. What if she infact WANTED her movements thru out the day of June 4th to be traced/tracked to Sauvie Island. When infact she was no where near Sauvie Island on this day(except for dropping off phone/picking up phone from SI). Lets say she dropped the phone off on SI sometime that morning(this could be why LE says her cell phone pings don't mesh with her timeline of being at the school)because according to the cell phone pings she was already on SI and according to the pings she stayed on SI for several hours. When infact she had just taken her phone to SI(couldve been anywhere on that island, even just placed quickly off the side of the road in a ditch and later returned to retrieve it from that ditch)AFTER she had taken Kyron to an all together COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, NOWHERE NEAR NEAR SI where her cell phone pings would show her being at (when instead she went an entirely different route and direction with Kyron)... Therefore there would be no trace/track of her movements that day(atleast not thru the technology of the cell phone)it would appear that she was at SI for several hours that day when infact the cell phone was strategically placed on SI, she left without the phone and went on with her nefarious plans for Kyron and then only when COMPLETELY DONE with all that plan entailed did she return to SI to retrieve the strategically placed phone, which would then appear(by the cell pings)that she was JUST THEN leaving SI...So, if she was a fan of all the true crime and it would seem that there has been perhaps months of planning(i.e. murder for hire, then revised to get rid of Kyron first for whatever reasons, some I explained above).. It would certainly seem plausible (IMO) that she would use some knowledge of how technology "catches the perps" she instead use it to her advantage to "outsmart the cops"(and I've heard this mentioned several times does TMH think she can outsmart LE? my answer is yes(IMO) I think she certainly thinks she can outsmart and outwit these cops, I think she tried to think "steps ahead of them") I just hope for little Kyron's sake that LE is/has been onto her [IMO] long planned disappearance and/or murder of her innocent little step son...

This is almost exactly the thought I woke up with the other day? First, I think TMH never thought for a minute anyone would question her story (Just like Casey Anthony) because people like that believe their own lies. I'm thinking maybe theres some truth to Kyron's friends story about the cool electric project, because TMH probably told Kyron she knew where there was a big electric project (like a dam or a power plant or something like that) and they just walked out of the school to go see it. I don't believe it would have been a problem being seen because nobody really would have paid attention to them leaving (nothing unusual about that).

I wonder if there are any places like that in the area that would make this theory work?
I don't watch any shows except for true crime (and sports)...and I'm also writing a crime fiction novel...but I really don't think these things have any bearing on whatever happened to Kyron, especially as it seems if Terri IS guilty, she did not do a very good job of creating an alibi...the only thing she has going for her so far is that no one has found Kyron's body (IMO) and that is down to luck, in most cases. I'm changing my FB page to remove the shows I have listed there, in case I ever fall under suspicion of a crime.

Just a part of my theory..... :)

I'm wondering if the doctors appointment and paperwork may be the beginning of having Kyron tested for ADD.. (attention deficit disorder) which as many parents of young children deal with on a daily basis.... My son has ADD and this is exactly how the process of diagnosis begins with schools.... I also remember hearing Kyrons parents mention how Kyron was misbehaving/disobeying... This is also the beginning stages of ADD... ( and poor grades ) Many posters wonder if there may have been problems between Terri and Desiree,.. Just for the record,, my sons father and I had many heated arguements regarding having to put him on medication or not......
I haven't read this thread yet because I wanted to post my theory unaffected by what anyone else posted. Once I've done this, I'll read the rest of the thread.

IF TMH did it, this is what I think may have happened.

I do not believe it was premeditated. No one gets that lucky by plan. I also doubt she would have taken baby K with her if she had planned to kill Kyron because she is educated in childhood development and has to know the sorts of really bad effects it could have on baby K, whom she appears to dote on.

I believe TMH took Kyron into the school that morning and they dropped his jacket and backpack off in the classroom. She took the picture of him with his exhibit (multiple witnesses) about 8:15 am. They left the classroom and Kyron remembered he had forgotten something in the truck.

It had been an especially hectic morning with the kids since their usual morning routine was disrupted. In my theory, TMH has still not recovered from the mood swings that were manifested after baby K's birth.

She takes Kyron out to the truck and at some point, something happens that causes her to lose her temper. She either shakes Kyron, hits him or gives him a hard shove, not intending to kill him. He falls and hits his head against the truck or just the pavement. He's clearly dead or she thinks he is.

She panics. She knows she should not have shaken/hit/pushed Kyron and she instantly fears she will lose baby K if anyone ever finds out about it.

They were standing right by the passenger side of the truck and when she looks around, she realises there is no one in sight. She opens the front passenger door and places Kyron's body in the front passenger footwell. If there was any blood, she wraps him in a blanket or maybe just places an extra diaper to catch it.

She knows that the school won't realise that Kyron is missing until 10 am and she may know from experience that they don't call parents for absences. In any case, she figures she has until 10 am to make everything look normal.

She drives out to Sauvie Island and dumps his body in the water. She assumes his body will be found within a few days but by then, there will be enough distance between the two events that there will be what she thinks of as plausible deniability.

At some point when she is on Sauvie Island, she realises she has her cell phone with her. She's a CSI fan and she realises cell pings could track her, so she pulls the battery out of her phone at that point. That's why there's no information about where she went after Sauvie Island.

She's still in a state of panic and stress. She drives around with baby K to regain her composure. Her instinct is to put miles between herself and Sauvie Island, as quickly as possible.

Eventually she calms down and realises that if she hopes to get away with all this, she needs to be home before KH arrives there. She's way out of her usual area. She stops at the Albertsons either to pee or to purchase something with the initial idea of establishing an alibi. Or maybe baby K woke up and was fussing for something to eat; TMH hadn't prepared for that because she never dreamed they'd be out of the house that long.

On her way home from stopping at the Albertsons, she stops at Fred Mayer, again with the thought of establishing an alibi. She may or may not have stopped at the gym to work out, leaving baby K in the gym's daycare while she does so. If she stopped at the gym, it's because she needed to blow off massive amounts of stress in order to appear normal when KH came home.

When she gets home, she realises that those two stops really wouldn't give her an alibi, so she decides she's not going to mention them. She apparently decides that she will be best off if she pretends to have forgotten exactly what she did that day.

She arrives home before KH, gets baby K settled, logs onto FB and posts the picture of Kyron. She's trying desperately to act normal.

KH gets home, time to meet Kyron at the bus stop and we know the rest.

In the time that Kyron has been missing, I think TMH is freaking out that his body has not yet been found.

I realise the above theory does not take into account Kyron's deskmate's statements in the media. If I am correct, they are a red herring. I doubt the child was deliberately lying but he may have confabulated events (seeing Kyron early that morning, having the conversation with a different schoolmate, etc). It is difficult for me to judge the intentions and veracity of children but I tend to think that his statement was made with good intentions. Mistaken but good intentions.

Just a part of my theory..... :)

I'm wondering if the doctors appointment and paperwork may be the beginning of having Kyron tested for ADD.. (attention deficit disorder) which as many parents of young children deal with on a daily basis.... My son has ADD and this is exactly how the process of diagnosis begins with schools.... I also remember hearing Kyrons parents mention how Kyron was misbehaving/disobeying... This is also the beginning stages of ADD... ( and poor grades ) Many posters wonder if there may have been problems between Terri and Desiree,.. Just for the record,, my sons father and I had many heated arguements regarding having to put him on medication or not......

I agree with all of this, especially the bolded, and I am married to my baby-daddy! We went around and around and waited a year to medicate because my DH was so appehensive about it.
I would do anything I had to for my daughter. I'm impressed that they can ever speak. I'm a basket case and he is not my child. If it was my child I would beg and of course be angry.I think D said she was angry at this point. Anything to get my child back home.

I don't know how they maintain their composure. I can guarantee that if I was convinced that someone knew the whereabouts of my missing child, I would go give them the beating of a lifetime until they confessed. And I am not a violent person at all. Just imagining DY's pain, makes my blood boil for her. She is much classier than I.
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