Poll: Did Casey Really Keep Caylee in the Trunk Before Caylee Died?

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Did KC Really Keep Caylee in the Trunk at Anytime Before Caylee Died?

  • Yes

    Votes: 490 54.4%
  • No

    Votes: 258 28.7%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 152 16.9%

  • Total voters
Wow! So they were in the car on the 19th and it didn't stink yet? I think a lot of us missed that bit of information.

IIRC Not even Casey complained or mentioned the smell until the 24th of June

IMHO I don't think she would have taken the chance to have TL in her car if she had Caylee in the trunk and especially if there was any smell.
But then I dunno.

It still leaves me with questions...:confused:
1) Was she placed in the car on the 16th, drove around with her for a few days then dumped?
2) Was Caylee in the trunk on the 16th, then moved to a temp spot then put back into to trunk to be placed in her final resting place-the 2nd move being when decomp fluid leaked into the carpet?
...I believe she buried her by the playhouse in the back yard first....and did not put her in the trunk until she decided to move her later on....
...I believe she buried her by the playhouse in the back yard first....and did not put her in the trunk until she decided to move her later on....

I respectfully disagree :)
She may have placed Caylee or something else with decomp on the ground in the A's backyard but I strongly doubt Casey dug a hole in the A's backyard to place Caylee in.
I base this on my own experience here in Orlando with digging a hole in the yard as I landscape, be it the earth or the St Augustine grass, it's not easy and doing this in June she most definitely would have had to take a shower or jump in the pool.
That's my :twocents: :)
...I believe she buried her by the playhouse in the back yard first....and did not put her in the trunk until she decided to move her later on....
I agree, only I think they all buried her by the playhouse....I just can't get past the part where CA and GA looked under that playhouse, before LE searched the back yard.....why? Unless they knew she was there at one time....MO
I agree, only I think they all buried her by the playhouse....I just can't get past the part where CA and GA looked under that playhouse, before LE searched the back yard.....why? Unless they knew she was there at one time....MO

It wouldn't surprise me one bit to find out this is true!
I agree, only I think they all buried her by the playhouse....I just can't get past the part where CA and GA looked under that playhouse, before LE searched the back yard.....why? Unless they knew she was there at one time....MO

But wouldn't the smell be overwhelming in the summer heat?
I voted no. I don't think she was put in the trunk until her death. The only sticking point is I do wonder if the trunk, w/ duct tape on her mouth and nose, was where she died. I can't bear the thought of it. And the word "trunk" is forever changed for me. Everytime I read it or hear it, I think of....whether she died there or was just stowed there till her remains were dumped like trash......it's a horror. "Trunk" will never be the same word for me.
IIRC Not even Casey complained or mentioned the smell until the 24th of June

IMHO I don't think she would have taken the chance to have TL in her car if she had Caylee in the trunk and especially if there was any smell.
But then I dunno.

It still leaves me with questions...:confused:
1) Was she placed in the car on the 16th, drove around with her for a few days then dumped?
2) Was Caylee in the trunk on the 16th, then moved to a temp spot then put back into to trunk to be placed in her final resting place-the 2nd move being when decomp fluid leaked into the carpet?

I still have a lot of questions too! IMO, I think that's where the house on Brackenwood come into play. For some reason I feel like Caylee was at that house at one point before being dumped on Suburban. I always thought it was odd that the PI is seen on tape searching the wooded area on Suburban and the house on Brackenwood. If the PI was tipped off about the wooded area, what was the significance of him checking the house? I am so confused but I can't wait until trial.
I still have a lot of questions too! IMO, I think that's where the house on Brackenwood come into play. For some reason I feel like Caylee was at that house at one point before being dumped on Suburban. I always thought it was odd that the PI is seen on tape searching the wooded area on Suburban and the house on Brackenwood. If the PI was tipped off about the wooded area, what was the significance of him checking the house? I am so confused but I can't wait until trial.

I'm afraid that after the trial we might all be disappointed in how few questions have been answered. "The Devil is in the details" and I don't see her giving any of those up! :mad:
I agree, only I think they all buried her by the playhouse....I just can't get past the part where CA and GA looked under that playhouse, before LE searched the back yard.....why? Unless they knew she was there at one time....MO
This still nags at me as well.:bang:

But wouldn't the smell be overwhelming in the summer heat?
Probably, but then again, SOMETHING led them to search their own yard...so a foul smell certainly could have done it.

I don't believe she used the trunk as a babysitter. I think she used it as a deadly weapon, along with duct tape and who knows what else. I think she threw Caylee right into that trunk to die.:furious:
There was no reason to leave Caylee in the car trunk. RM welcomed both KC and Caylee into his bed 3 to 4 nights a week since February until June 9/10. KC had a pretend job so Cindy would watch Caylee nights she wanted to go out with the girls. According to KC's friends KC brought Caylee along to get-togethers sometimes. We've got pictures of Caylee at one at Amy's old house. We've got pictures of Caylee at Ricardos. Cindy says KC "worked" lots of nights and she watched Caylee.

The first week or so of KC and Tony's relationship, KC was bringing Caylee along during the days. Caylee went with Tony and KC when they went to the mall to pass out fliers. Caylee went with KC to take Tony to get his car picked up. Caylee went to subway with KC & Tony. Caylee watched cartoons with Cameron and played with Tony's drumsticks. Caylee went to the pool with KC and Tony and KC cooked for all of them. There are pictures of Caylee at Tony's.

Great post Jolynna and I'm in agreement with you about the first part. Casey had apparently always been comfortable taking Caylee with her, or leaving Caylee with her parents, and had been in her usual pattern of taking Caylee along to friends' places, the last known one being TL and CC's place. (All the more reason that I'm still not sure at all about the theory, not that it isn't possible, that Casey would suddenly want to kill Caylee to be free, or because Tony and his pals supposedly told Casey Caylee couldn't stay at their apartment. If they did prohibit Caylee staying there, I think it much more likely Casey would just move on to another guy or friends where she could take Caylee or would just leave Caylee with Cindy more or would leave her with some friend to watch her more, something along those lines.) And of course we only have TL and CC's statement that that even occurred. On the one hand they told LE they had told Casey that Caylee couldn't stay at their place because it wasn't a suitable environment; then in other interviews with LE, they say they had wondered why Caylee wasn't being brought around anymore and had asked Casey why, etc. Tony worded it in an even stranger way in one of his interviews, he says that he and CC would "tease her asking where Caylee was".

Anyway, no sign that Casey had ever been leaving Caylee in a car trunk. If she ever had put her there, surely Caylee would have shown a great fear of Casey and her car from then on.
That's true. Casey had been in her usual pattern of taking Caylee along to friends' places and so on, the last known one being TL and CC's place. I haven't seen the evidence yet to support the theory (not that it isn't possible) that Casey would suddenly want to kill Caylee to be free, or because Tony and his pals supposedly told Casey Caylee couldn't stay at their apartment. (And of course we only have TL and CC's statement that that occurred. On the one hand they told LE they had supposedly told Casey that Caylee couldn't stay at their place because it wasn't a suitable environment; then in other interviews with LE, they say they had wondered why Caylee wasn't being brought around anymore and had asked Casey why, etc.)

I thought they were wondering where Caylee was because she wasn't around. I don't so much remember them wondering why she wasn't being brought around because they really wanted her there. . . I thought they were just asking Casey where Caylee was. Except for the tattoo place; it sounded like they wanted to see her.
I voted "no", I don't think Caylee was in Casey's trunk prior to her death.

I do believe that Casey probably killed Caylee sometime in the early morning hours of June 16, 2008, and immediately placed her in the trunk of the car.

George's story about seeing Casey and Caylee leave the house at 12:50pm on June 16th is just that, a story, a cover up story to place Caylee's death somewhere else other than the Anthony home. His tale of household bliss was to diffuse the rumor that Cindy and Casey had a major fight on the night of June 15th.

I think Casey removed Caylee's remains from the trunk of her car on June 18th, when she borrowed the neighbor's shovel, and made a feeble attempt to bury Caylee in the backyard of the Anthony home. I think at that time, in the process of removing Caylee from the trunk, and then placing the remains back in the trunk after an unsuccessful attempt to bury them, some decomposition leaked into the trunk.

Sometime between June 18th and June 28th, Casey, overwhelmed by the odor of decomposition in the car, disposed of Caylee's remains around the corner from her parent's home, where they were subsequently found in December.
I voted no.

What I think happened; Casey drugged the child with home made chloroform, and took her daughter for a final "swim". The dogs hit near the pool and I believe I read something about a swimming diaper. Cindy herself reported the pool ladder was down when they returned home, which she claimed was unusual for the household. I can see Casey being as cowardly as to let the baby slip away under the water...

The fight, impending check fraud doom coming down on her and the chance at finally leaving home with Tony drove Casey to kill Caylee. Shirley Plesea's quote gave me the chills the first time I heard her say it; "I wonder if Casey hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee."

I then think Casey hid Caylee in the sandbox after the murder for a short while, maybe hours since the dogs hit here as well, then returned and wrapped her with items from the home possibly moving her at least one more time (abandoned house?) before transporting her that final time and leaving her in the woods on Suburban late June/early July.

I don't think a live Caylee was in that trunk. If I remember correctly, that was one of LP's theories that I have never shared.
No. I don't believe Caylee was chronically physically abused in any way. While I believe Casey's discontentment in life was escalating..I don't think there was physical abuse before the 15th or 16th. Probably emotional neglect though.
Correct me if I am wrong, PLEASE! But didn't KC's cell phone have her at home most of the day on the 16th? If so, I just can't see her staying in the home "sleeping" well into the next day...if she had already killed CA. Too risky!
Correct me if I am wrong, PLEASE! But didn't KC's cell phone have her at home most of the day on the 16th? If so, I just can't see her staying in the home "sleeping" well into the next day...if she had already killed CA. Too risky!
I think it was late 15th, early 16th. George never saw them on the 16th..no way.
I voted no.

What I think happened; Casey drugged the child with home made chloroform, and took her daughter for a final "swim". The dogs hit near the pool and I believe I read something about a swimming diaper. Cindy herself reported the pool ladder was down when they returned home, which she claimed was unusual for the household. I can see Casey being as cowardly as to let the baby slip away under the water...

The fight, impending check fraud doom coming down on her and the chance at finally leaving home with Tony drove Casey to kill Caylee. Shirley Plesea's quote gave me the chills the first time I heard her say it; "I wonder if Casey hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee."

I then think Casey hid Caylee in the sandbox after the murder for a short while, maybe hours since the dogs hit here as well, then returned and wrapped her with items from the home possibly moving her at least one more time (abandoned house?) before transporting her that final time and leaving her in the woods on Suburban late June/early July.

I don't think a live Caylee was in that trunk. If I remember correctly, that was one of LP's theories that I have never shared.
I have always believed the fight after the trip was the turning point. I think Casey, was so mad at CA for trying to control her "using Caylee" that she snapped and in a rage took Caylee who was tired and crying and in a fit of anger taped her mouth so she could talk to Tony with out the noise and when she looked it was to late,Caylee was dead.
George never spoke about breakfast, or seeing Caylee till they were leaving...he never saw them after the night of the 15, I think he wishes he had, but I think he paid little attention to what was going on.(he couldn't say anything..so why bother), no one was listening to him.
I don't believe she used the trunk as a babysitter but I do believe she had her there several days..just couldn't get out of bed with Tony to take time to get rid of the body.
I believe George almost found her the day of the gascan episode and she was afraid he smelled something and she left in a hurry to get rid of the body before he could do anything...but being George..he went back in the house and watched food network instead of "acting like a detective and finding out where his granddaughter was.
The whole thing makes no sense.
You have a nurse..in a position of directing staff..but can't tell her daughter is pregnant!
You have a former detective and out of work parent(with plenty of time) that doesn't have a clue.
You have a bright 22 year old woman with friends, lovers,and a beautiful little girl.
Could Casey's lust for money and freedom be the only thing it took to take this beautiful life?I think she was so concentrated on the chase of Tony that all and everything else took second place..even her baby.
The freedom she wanted, the beautiful life she pictured are for ever gone. I bet she has wished a million times she had never met Tony..since she won't blame herself for any of this.
Could Casey's lust for money and freedom be the only thing it took to take this beautiful life?I think she was so concentrated on the chase of Tony that all and everything else took second place..even her baby.
The freedom she wanted, the beautiful life she pictured are for ever gone. I bet she has wished a million times she had never met Tony..since she won't blame herself for any of this.


I bet Tony wishes her never met her!! Can you imagine him knowing now that while he was in bed with KC, Caylee's little body was out in the trunk of the Pontiac?


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