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What Psychological Disorder do you think Jodi may have?

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I've seen some interesting rationalizations for Jodi, but idiot savant takes the cake.

I also never questioned that Jodi is intelligent. Of course she is. But her 119 IQ isn't highly intelligent. My husband's IQ falls into the highly intelligent range at 137. Jodi wouldn't even qualify for the T and G classes at most schools. It is above average, bright. But most college students have an IQ around the same range. Fortunately, her high IQ means she will never be able to claim "retardation."

Demarte didn't use the tests as the sole diagnostic tool. She said this. She also said it's not wise to rely on the tests alone because Jodi may have been, and seemed to be manipulating them. She used a set of criteria to diagnose Jodi and needed anecdotal evidence from her life, her journals, the people she knew, etc. Demarte seems to be the only expert who got closest to the heart of Jodi's pathology. She said her IQ test was interesting because while all the other scores were average, the verbal score was very high, which is unusual. I read that such a thing signals a disconnect which could point to, among other things, ASPD.

There was a score that was very high on the test, like in the hundreds. The initial was PD. Willmott asked what that was and Demarte said it meant psychopathic deviance. Willmott moved on without inquiring further. I don't know what exactly psychopathic deviance means, but there is a reason why Willmott did not implore about it and moved on quickly, when every other part of the test was picked apart by her.

This girl is a sociopath. No doubt about it.
[Q=molly333;9471320]I never claimed she was mentally retarded, or I certainly never meant to.

I know what mentally retarded is and I also know Jodi has an IQ which shows she is highly intelligent.

In fact, I said that right off the bat--she is very intelligent--and everyone made fun of me for saying it--until her IQ scores came out, that is.

But, something has always been 'off' with her, and I now think that something is autism.

Now that I think about it--that's pretty much what her mother said about her--she's very intelligent--the books she brings home to read--but something is wrong...


From an earlier post of yours:

The State of Arizona is about to execute a mentally retarded girl because she has never been properly diagnosed.

She is not mentally retarded, the State of Arizona is not about to execute a "mentally retarded" psychopath with the initials JA.

Ted Bundy's reported IQ was 124. He was charming when he wanted to be, well read, intelligent, etc. - exactly like JA. He was not autistic, nor was he an idiot savant. LOL

Ted Bundy was a psychopath. So is JA.

OK, I mispoke there. She's not mentally retarded. She's mentally disabled to the point that she might as well be mentally retarded because she doesn't understand how to relate to people.

Thanks for pointing that out. I'll go fix it.

Ted Bundy was a serial killer and a sexual sadist and a psychopath. No comparison at all.


OK, I mispoke there. She's not mentally retarded. She's mentally disabled to the point that she might as well be mentally retarded because she doesn't understand how to relate to people.

Thanks for pointing that out. I'll go fix it.

Ted Bundy was a serial killer and a sexual sadist and a psychopath. No comparison at all.


Just because Jodi is not a serial killer and a sexual sadist doesn't mean she's not a sociopath. Not all sociopaths go on to kill people and there doesn't always need to be many many victims of a person to determine that a person is a sociopath. One does not need to be a sexual sadist to be considered a sociopath. You are really minimalizing and misinterpreting the criteria. Often, the person just gets caught sooner, like Jodi. She had weapons in her packed boxes and her car when she was arrested. Very possible she would have gone on to kill again if she had not been caught.

I have read a lot about Ted Bundy. There are actually a lot of similarities between he and Jodi.
I am saying that she did not score for borderline on the tests that are meant to diagnose that disorder.

She doesn't have borderline or it would have been seen by the tests.

And, Dr. D should have known that.

What I am claiming may not be right, but it is not false.

Someone needs to test Jodi for autism.


It is totally false. Jodi is not an idiot savant, she is not autistic and she is not mentally disabled. Jodi Ann Arias is a narcissistic, cunning, sociopathic murderer who premeditated the vicious killing of Travis Victor Alexander.

Aside from her defense lawyers, I find it utterly revolting that people want to make far-fetched, illogical excuses for her heinous actions. The woman is a calculating, cold-blooded killer period. There is no excuse for the crime that she committed.
It is totally false. Jodi is not an idiot savant, she is not autistic and she is not mentally disabled. Jodi Ann Arias is a narcissistic, cunning, sociopathic murderer who premeditated the vicious killing of Travis Victor Alexander.

Aside from her defense lawyers, I find it utterly revolting that people want to make far-fetched, illogical excuses for her heinous actions. The woman is a calculating, cold-blooded killer period. There is no excuse for the crime that she committed.

Bravo! Well stated! I think ya nailed it.

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JVM just said the Judge lifted the ban on JA doing TV interviews and she, JA, will be starting interviews within a couple of hours. HURRY, jury with your Death verdict.
JVM just said the Judge lifted the ban on JA doing TV interviews and she, JA, will be starting interviews within a couple of hours. HURRY, jury with your Death verdict.

I won't be watching or listening to another word from Jodi the convicted murderer. After this verdict ...I am done with her forever.

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It is totally false. Jodi is not an idiot savant, she is not autistic and she is not mentally disabled. Jodi Ann Arias is a narcissistic, cunning, sociopathic murderer who premeditated the vicious killing of Travis Victor Alexander.

Aside from her defense lawyers, I find it utterly revolting that people want to make far-fetched, illogical excuses for her heinous actions. The woman is a calculating, cold-blooded killer period. There is no excuse for the crime that she committed.

This. Most people with autism or other disabilities don't butcher another person the way Jodi did. She's a narcissistic sociopath who not only butchered Travis, but continues to torment his family. Now that the interview ban has been lifted, she's got several media interviews to further trash him and his family.:stormingmad:
She's the epidemy of depraved with zero redeeming qualities.

The twisted evil dispicable diabolical psychopath just better get the death penalty.

I didn't care before if she lived or died. Now I am 100% in favor of death.

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I won't be watching or listening to another word from Jodi the convicted murderer. After this verdict ...I am done with her forever.

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Don't worry, Linda. After Jodi, we will have time for a little rest, and then there will be other female defendants. Fresh ones.
Don't worry, Linda. After Jodi, we will have time for a little rest, and then there will be other female defendants. Fresh ones.

I'm taking the summer off, not going to follow anything super closely. Gonna cherish my family... Vacation at the beach, barbecue ...swim... Lounge... Drink piña coladas ..

All the the while Ill be thinking, Jodi will never get to do this, see this or taste whatever... And it will make everything insanely even better and more enjoyable to me.

It doesn't fit. She scored very low in the tests that diagnose psychopathy and these tests had a scale which showed the test was accurate.

One other clue to me was how much people make fun of her. People can be very cruel to those with disabilities and we see this cruelty towards Jodi. Even the media is doing it now, to raise their ratings.

People don't make fun of the cunning psychopaths of the world who are usually not even noticed because they fit in so well.

If a psychopath is not in jail by 20 years old, chances are good he will do well in the world.


I would venture to say that the presence or lack of psychopathy both can exist in autism... Which Jodi doesnt have.

So if you are saying she scored low in psychopathy, how then do you explain her murdering Travis? If it wasn't because she has a psychopathic malfunction and is insane, it means she functions normally and understands the SOCIAL outcome of her actions. And this in lieu of her not understanding the Emotional repercussions of her actions bc, well, she has no true emotions/empathy besides for herself or anyone of her genetic kin - to further her own genetic fitness.


Autism is usually indicated when one has very low social capabilities and very high intellectual/memory abities. Most humans use 10% of thought for intellect and 90% for social understanding. Jodi understands how to socially engage and manipulate. And also, if she had autism, we would see her have facial expressions at inappropriate times... And wouldn't be able to fake crying (although shes horrible at it) Etc.

I believe she is so quick witted because she is a sociopathic narcissistic and her brain does not have to spend the extra time referring to memory associated with emotions when processing information/replying to questions. Meaning? Her recall is not muddled by emotion, whether is it photographic memory or auditory memory.
And also, the media didn't seek her out - she sought out the media!

So I refuse to think that she is being bullied or hounded. In fact, I think she lives the attention, bad or good, as long as it is on her.
I'm taking the summer off, not going to follow anything super closely. Gonna cherish my family... Vacation at the beach, barbecue ...swim... Lounge... Drink piña coladas ..

All the the while Ill be thinking, Jodi will never get to do this, see this or taste whatever... And it will make everything insanely even better and more enjoyable to me.


Yeah, that's what I like to do, too: think about all the lovely things Jodi will never be able to do, or to have. Like puppies, rainbows, death chambers, and endless cups of hot chocolate, it just warms my heart.
Yes it is sad. But, two wrongs don't make a right. Is executing a mentally disabled person even allowed in this country?

Think about this--Is Jodi even capable of relishing their pain, as you say? Does she even know what is going on? How could she sit through those impact statements and look like she was really suffering with them if she is so cold blooded?

You think she was pretending to be suffering? Go look at her face again. She is not pretending. But, there is something very off about it, isn't there?

She can understand the words, she can even feel some of their confusion and pain, but she really can't relate in a normal way--someone said why didn't she hang her head in shame?

Because she's autistic, that's why.


This board is not about the penalty phase/verdict.

And I would be that person that said she doesn't hang her head in shame bc she does not feel bad and is a narcissist, NOT because she is autistic.

Again autistic people cannot wear masks the way she does. They cannot change themselves to better suit their social situation.

Furthermore, we have no indication of Jodi having significant social issues before she killed Travis. In fact in almost every witness account she changed her interests/appearance to be able to manipulate men/people/jobs etc. she has chameleon like behavior that you do not see in autistics. You see that in narcissistic sociopath
It seems as if she sets up the lie before they get to ask the question that would expose it. She always tries to have this "one step ahead" approach:

Examples of her one step ahead behavior are evident in:

*her trying to contact Travis's family members and detectives before she was even charged to try and seal her own alibi.*

*her contacting News before trial to talk about her innocence (obvious gain right ther for her), but also how she would want the death penalty if she killed him - something she could say later if convicted of first degree to try and corroborate a "faux" plea for death, inducing a sort of reverse psychology on the jury - making them give her life rather than death... What she wanted all along.

*her contacting Fox News before her Verdict was read to set up an interview in hopes of improving her own image/have a sense of control in the outcome of trial*

*her calling Travis's cell phone to leave 3 messages that she scripted to distance herself from the crime scene*

I agree that much of her language is also subject to their quick thinking, emotionless, one step ahead behavior!

She sounds scripted. She is an avid reader and has a vast lexicon of characterizations/phrases/diction to pull from. Also we know that her verbal skills on her IQ test were among her highest marks. So her manipulative strengths are probably centered more in left brain faculties like speech and writing/drawing.

She is the type of personality that will have thought out her manipulative alibi so deeply that she has taken note AHEAD of time about all of the possible inconsistencies in her own alibi/story.

She is emotionally disconnected from her words. So when she says something, there's no cognitive dissonance... Even if she lies!

So she is able to move seemlessly through memories or thoughts without the thought process being slowed down by the brain having to refer to the emotional aspects/sections of the brain. I hope this makes sense.

Wow! :takeabow: Ummm, that was brilliant! All of it! Where did you get the book info? What type of books?
Don't worry, Linda. After Jodi, we will have time for a little rest, and then there will be other female defendants. Fresh ones.

Is that sarcasm?

I don't choose the cases I follow based on a defendants sex.

"Fresh ones" ? What does that even mean?

I tend to follow cases where I believe the defendant is a psychopath, because its been an area of study I find interesting and have devoted over a decade to. FWIW.

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Wow! :takeabow: Ummm, that was brilliant! All of it! Where did you get the book info? What type of books?

Books in reference to the types of books Jodi read?

Or that when she had a car full of books when she was trying to flee town when the cops arrested her?

Not sure which books they were. I'm sure they cover many different subjects.

Also, have you ever seen her myspace blog entry called "Inspiration Anyone" in which she quotes famous historic people? Notice how she throws quotes from Chris Hughes, Travis Alexander, and Matt McCartney in there - and she throws no random quotes in there by females she knows.

What do you make of this? http://m.myspace.com/home.wap?bfd=webnext&isredirected=true#friends.list/blogs/112614781/216516740
We know Matt is her ex, But could this indicate she had interests in both Chris and Travis? Was she trying to see which one would take the bait, but luckily Skye Hughes saw Jodi was paying too much attention to her man Chris and Skye told Chris to ignore/Be careful of Jodi?

I'm sure even after Jodi was with Travis, Skye still worried Jodi would try to seduce and steal Chris??? Didn't Chris have more money than Travis and often care/mentor for him?
And Jodi is on live in 15 minutes. She refused to go on w out having make up.
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