The only reason I leave this open is that it took me and my sisters into our mid-30s to even begin to remember bizarre psychological and verbal abuse, or to grasp how it was very actively at work in our choices of unsuitable men.....Before age 35, I had considered that my past was strange, but not consciously aware of how malevolent it had been. The floods of memories hit me and my siblings as I say when we became mothers ourselves (Jodi had not) and for us this happened between ages 30-35.
Completely agree with you, the same thing happened in my family which is why I have C-PTSD, and why my brother is a narcissist.
Family life has an enormous impact on children, especially early childhood experiences. It changes your for life forever.
That's based on my experiences of over 30 years of practice in child protection, and being part of many prosecution teams. In fact I managed the children's court on behalf of the State. This is a very familiar set of circumstances that I encountered on an almost daily basis. I am very curious as to why TA as a little boy was afforded no protection until he was six? The other children were older/younger.
It goes very much towards an explanation of the dynamics between the two parties and is common knowledge.
The psychology of JA, is very impacted by this information, how can it not be?
People have identified more than three pejorative terms about me, none of which is true, so I find other assumptions to similarly untrue.
I considered these threads to be an 'open' public forum, not private personal opinions on a private blog, and 'disrespectful' and 'trolling' are big wordy assumptions to make about anyone on a public forum.
I have breached no TOS that I am aware of by simply stating very common knowledge. All knowledge goes towards a psychological understanding of interpersonal dynamics, relationship dynamics, family dynamics societal dynamics etc. It all impacts on a psychological examination, how can it not?
Depth of analysis is quite another thing.
But even the most superficial of analysis can see that this poor young man had a horrible miserable childhood. And if for no other reason, I am compelled as a long-term worker in child protection, to honour that incredibly wounded little child, and repeat loudly and clearly on his behalf that little children need our full and nurturing attention or things can go terribly wrong in many levels, and intergenerational abuse is a likely outcome.
It's never ok to leave a child until he is six years old with violent drug abusing parents who were extremely non-protective.
He experienced every despicable childhood abuse imaginable for six long years. How can that not matter when it was full of violence, sex, drug abuse and emotional humiliation? It was his training ground for behaviour which his parents modelled for him.
That's what parents do, they model behaviour for their children.
Psychologically speaking, that is immensely important information to know before committing to any psychological diagnosis of JA, it is part of their dynamic psychological interplay.
Children's personalities are set and wired by the time they are six, the damage is done.
These are not a my own personal opinions they are known facts.
These sorts of backgrounds are very associated with any number of serious disorders as we all know without a doubt.
It caused my own brother's narcissism violence and anger.
As a solidly committed child protection worker, I believe we need to highlight the abuse of all children, not whisper about it.
I don't believe that opinion to be 'disrespectful' or 'trolling' in any way, or diverting from the subject of JA's psychology. It's a psychology of a situation in a context and fits very neatly into the question about JA's perceived psychological pathology.
They cannot be viewed separately. There was an interplay.
The hidden pain and shame of an abusive childhood does terrible things to people that they cannot fully grasp at the age of 30, he was still very young. Many of us here still struggle with it at double that age, even though we know things intellectually, parent tapes are very hard to extinguish, as you would know. :seeya: