I think you are taking much of my conversation out of context. I should have said that I'm speaking from the mindset of Western Civilization as you said you were speaking from a more Non US perspective of your own community.
In fact most of what I was speaking of was in response to your "non US" or foreign standpoint of social equality w Hispanic women where you come from. Arias as a Hispanic female would not be considered as feminine or socially equal in England is it?
I was simply stating that from where Arias is from in AZ, People are rather desensitized to latino physical attributes - especially in cases like Arias since she really does not even appear viscerally to be Hispanic bc she is mixed. She's quite average really as many people in the southwest are mixed Hispanic w other races.
I speak from a Western civilisation and from the standpoint of many different countries and cultures I have lived in and I'm not English, but I have lived with racism and oppression, including living in the US.
She would be considered to be of Hispanic native roots. I can see racism in a way that you might not be able to see as easily because you live there. How do you explain an over-representation in the prison and welfare systems of black and Hispanic populations?
When you say people are 'desensitised' to Hispanic traits be they physical or psychological, what do you mean?
What is so different that people need to become desensitised to it? Is absolutely everyone desensitised at the same level?
If the photographs are anything to go by, JA stopped looking like a sexy 'blonde bombshell' and actually looked like a pre-pubescent Indian Squaw. (no disrespect intended)
She looked to me like she was returning to her 'self' and less of an ego stroking false persona.
There is no legal evidence entered in this case that she stalked, slashed tyres, or stole a gun. There is a huge mass of conjecture and half truths that seen from a distance look exactly like that. Legally, it has no bearing on the case at all. imo
This trial has been broadcast in a world-wide media and I for one amongst many other world-wide viewers think it reeks of sexism and racism. If a trial goes world-wide, you can expect a world-wide response.
The guy with the privatised prisons is barbaric and an inhumane, yet it is allowed to exist, why might that be?
Is it illegal in Arizona not to have an identification card to prove you didn't escape from Mexico?