Poll: Was Shannan Gilbert Murdered?

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Was Shannan Gilbert Murdered?

  • Yes, and I have a POI in mind (and he's among those who can be talked about at WS)

    Votes: 33 14.3%
  • Yes, and I have a POI in mind (though he's not presently among those who can be talked about here)

    Votes: 15 6.5%
  • Yes, I think she was, and I have some theories, but no specific person in mind.

    Votes: 59 25.5%
  • If I had to guess, I'd guess that "yes", she was murdered.

    Votes: 65 28.1%
  • If I had to guess, I'd guess that "no", she was not murdered.

    Votes: 32 13.9%
  • No, I firmly believe (think) Shannan Gilbert was not murdered.

    Votes: 27 11.7%

  • Total voters
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Is LE still holding her body?! If so how can they claim accidental death? If they are holding her it is b/c she is evidence in a murder investigation.

I agree the parents have a right to hear the 911 call, the family needs a better attorney.
I want to know who is friends with who in Oak Beach. Are DR H and Gus old friends? seaslug posted a photo of them sitting together at a town meeting. Who is Joe Brewer friends with? Gus and Hack act like they are not his friends. Gus said he'd rather have the DR as a neighbor, and DR said he doesn't know JB. Did MP know JB before that night? Did Pak know Dr Hackett as fluke claims? The drifter....was he a friend of JB's? Was he a friend of DR, possibly PA as suggested by fluke? Did the drifter know Pak or Shannan before that night, perhaps a previous client and thats the reason they drove all the way out to oak beach that night? Is JB friendly with his neighbor AP? Does AP attend parties at JB's house? Do AP and PA know each other? Is PA even the drifter? Could AP be the drifter? Do Hackett and AP know each other? Are they friends? Does SY know JB? Is SY friends with Dr H? Do SY and AP know each other? Who was Dr KU friendly with before he moved away? Who is SY friends with in Oak Beach? Could he be friends with FU? Who is FU friends with in Oak Beach? Are FU and DR H friends?

Is there somewhere on this board where there is a list of the full names and their abbreviations?

Is LE still holding her body?! If so how can they claim accidental death? If they are holding her it is b/c she is evidence in a murder investigation.

I agree the parents have a right to hear the 911 call, the family needs a better attorney.

I'm sure I read somewhere that the parents did hear the 9/11 call. In some of the original "missing" posters which the family made, it said they had heard from the 9/11 call (whether in person or from the police) the name of the person she said was chasing her and going to try and kill her. But they did not state his name, presumably because he had been ruled out.

Please correct me if I'm wrong :)
Is there somewhere on this board where there is a list of the full names and their abbreviations?
I doubt there's a list, though it would obviously be helpful. Some of the initialed names might not be allowable for discussion, though (so perhaps their full names aren't allowable either).

I'm sure I read somewhere that the parents did hear the 9/11 call. In some of the original "missing" posters which the family made, it said they had heard from the 9/11 call (whether in person or from the police) the name of the person she said was chasing her and going to try and kill her. But they did not state his name, presumably because he had been ruled out.
I've looked for a story that says MG has (or hasn't) heard the call, and can't find one - I'd like to see a link for that if anyone has one. Also, a WS'er yesterday said that the name of the person SG claimed was trying to get her was "Mike" - I'd like to see a link for that as well.
I think that LE might have at least some grounds to say the body is evidence in an open case but I think it's completely baffling and outrageous that a parent wouldn't be allowed to hear a 911 call made by their deceased child. That really stinks.

It stink, but if LE maybe goes for example for "negligent manslaughter", they have at least a formal reason. Because then the 911 tape AND the body are evidence. I know, it sucks, and one would guess, SCPD would have enough incentive to move faster than they do, but after all that ruckus and the whole shebang with unsubstantiated claims, certain persons did it or not, I think, they feel, they have to stay on the safe side.
I doubt there's a list, though it would obviously be helpful. Some of the initialed names might not be allowable for discussion, though (so perhaps their full names aren't allowable either).

I've looked for a story that says MG has (or hasn't) heard the call, and can't find one - I'd like to see a link for that if anyone has one. Also, a WS'er yesterday said that the name of the person SG claimed was trying to get her was "Mike" - I'd like to see a link for that as well.

I get so confused by the initials. Still fairly new to this case in terms of people like CPH etc. Took me ages to work out who he was from the initials!

I can't remember where I found it. You know, it might have been on a Facebook page. I'm about to take my lunch break but I will go through my history and try find it. But I was definitely under the impression after reading it that the person named during the call was Pak, who she thought was chasing her (in the car I guess). I'm really in two minds about the call. Half of me thinks she was having some sort of panicked experience from drugs etc, half of me believes she was genuinely terrified of something or someone.

Edit: I haven't heard the name Mike in relation to this. Has anyone sleuthed out a potential Mike?
I want to know who is friends with who in Oak Beach. Are DR H and Gus old friends? seaslug posted a photo of them sitting together at a town meeting. Who is Joe Brewer friends with? Gus and Hack act like they are not his friends. Gus said he'd rather have the DR as a neighbor, and DR said he doesn't know JB. Did MP know JB before that night? Did Pak know Dr Hackett as fluke claims? The drifter....was he a friend of JB's? Was he a friend of DR, possibly PA as suggested by fluke? Did the drifter know Pak or Shannan before that night, perhaps a previous client and thats the reason they drove all the way out to oak beach that night? Is JB friendly with his neighbor AP? Does AP attend parties at JB's house? Do AP and PA know each other? Is PA even the drifter? Could AP be the drifter? Do Hackett and AP know each other? Are they friends? Does SY know JB? Is SY friends with Dr H? Do SY and AP know each other? Who was Dr KU friendly with before he moved away? Who is SY friends with in Oak Beach? Could he be friends with FU? Who is FU friends with in Oak Beach? Are FU and DR H friends?

We have to leave FU out of this. Maybe even TS. They are WS-members and if they would for example live in Oak Beach or be friends with someone there, we wouldn't be allowed to discuss their real names or their relationship to any of the other persons. So lets just leave that out.

CPH and GC were on the board of the home owner's association as far as I understood it. So they knew each other for years, but I have nothing to indicate, their connection went further than that or that they were really close friends. However, they were at least once pulling on one string, when they tried to get the family of JS out of OB. That makes in fact JS1, JS2, JS3, since there are three of them. CPH, not GC appears to have been the driving power in that. That caused a lot of bad blood and in the end, there was some kind of settling down. The JS guys are still there.
JB seems to be pretty isolated. I don't know when he came to Oak Beach. But since he tried to sell the house again for years to get out of his financial troubles (as in foreclosure pending), I could imagine, he is not that popular. And of course, while some claim, Oak Beach is the heart of all conspiracies and all there is about sex traffic and drugs, it appears to me, his behavior in that aspect is not the usual in Oak Beach, which would make him even less popular (IMO).
Pak stated, he had to ask JB first for the way (on the cell phone of SG) before he could drive SG out there. JB getched them at the gate. That could indicate, they didn't know each other. Well, or as some claim, MP lies about that.

I can see no sign, Pak knew anybody in Oak Beach before that night. Fluke claims a lot, I would like to see his evidence or at least links to articles.

And with the rest of the abbreviations, you have to help me out. European raised brains are not as good with abbreviations as American raised, it appears. Especially not if under-caffeinated.
About JB having to give MP directions:
It has been stated that JB owned quite a few properties and possibly some of them were rentals. Perhaps MP had supplied JB with services at one of the other JB properties. It was my understanding that JB was staying at the OB house because he was separated from his wife and child. Then when he up & left the Fairway home he moved into the home of his mother. One article said that the wife and child were also living there...at his mother's house. (Maybe, all those other properties had tenants and he had nowhere else to go?)
About JB having to give MP directions:
It has been stated that JB owned quite a few properties and possibly some of them were rentals. Perhaps MP had supplied JB with services at one of the other JB properties. It was my understanding that JB was staying at the OB house because he was separated from his wife and child. Then when he up & left the Fairway home he moved into the home of his mother. One article said that the wife and child were also living there...at his mother's house. (Maybe, all those other properties had tenants and he had nowhere else to go?)

It'S not that it had been stated, in fact, it had been claimed, he owns a lot and is rich, but the Fairway home is threatened by foreclosure, so I assume, he hasn't that much as it was claimed.
And the same is true about this MP-JB connection. There is nothing to indicate, they knew each other before, there is only a little hint, they didn't. But who knows, maybe they had once the same dentist? Or they maybe visited the same movie theater, not at the same time, not for the same movie, but still. You see where this goes. 'We need a lot more than just a "maybe" and a construct for which no evidence exists. What about known affiliates of Pak? Any hard LI connections there?
It'S not that it had been stated, in fact, it had been claimed, he owns a lot and is rich, but the Fairway home is threatened by foreclosure, so I assume, he hasn't that much as it was claimed.
I think it's mostly family money (I'm not sure about other real estate holdings, but JB and his sister own the WI liquor store, and there's the family home in WI). But I think you're right - it's probably a diminished fortune.

And the same is true about this MP-JB connection. There is nothing to indicate, they knew each other before, there is only a little hint, they didn't. But who knows, maybe they had once the same dentist? Or they maybe visited the same movie theater, not at the same time, not for the same movie, but still. You see where this goes.
I think it would be more likely that a connection, if there was one, would be based on one of them being a procurer of escorts, and the other a driver of escorts. But I'd also guess that a JB-SG prior connection would be more likely than a JB-MP one, though that's pure speculation.
I think it's mostly family money (I'm not sure about other real estate holdings, but JB and his sister own the WI liquor store, and there's the family home in WI). But I think you're right - it's probably a diminished fortune.

I think it would be more likely that a connection, if there was one, would be based on one of them being a procurer of escorts, and the other a driver of escorts. But I'd also guess that a JB-SG prior connection would be more likely than a JB-MP one, though that's pure speculation.

But the hypothetical SG-JB connection would make at least sense when you look at their behavior. This 15 minute trip, the drifter (I still think, JB is a voyeur), this makes only sense if JB would have known, she would do such things and if SG would known, JB wouldn't care about a little 15 minute trip extra.
But the hypothetical SG-JB connection would make at least sense when you look at their behavior. This 15 minute trip, the drifter (I still think, JB is a voyeur), this makes only sense if JB would have known, she would do such things and if SG would known, JB wouldn't care about a little 15 minute trip extra.

Yeah, I think that under the circumstances and at that time of night, the 15-minute trip can be nothing except a coke run (and, with just 15 minutes for the round-trip, within OB). Drugs make for strange bedfellows, as well - people who don't typically rub elbows get thrown together easily in pursuit of it.
Drugs seem to be a consistent component throughout this story.
My guess is that AC was not the only character in this story to wear more than one hat. (In his case Drug Runner/Supplier and Pimp) The women and their drivers may have dealt drugs, too.
Yeah, I think that under the circumstances and at that time of night, the 15-minute trip can be nothing except a coke run (and, with just 15 minutes for the round-trip, within OB). Drugs make for strange bedfellows, as well - people who don't typically rub elbows get thrown together easily in pursuit of it.

But then, this would make the pursuit of a possible connection JB-SG much more promising than any MP ideas. On the other hand, it would touch again the unpopular subject of SG actually drugged that night.
My guess is that AC was not the only character in this story to wear more than one hat. (In his case Drug Runner/Supplier and Pimp) The women and their drivers may have dealt drugs, too.

AC as in Akeem Cruz? He would certainly be such a multi-hat character.
MBB certainly not, she had no pimp, which would be quasi a must for that kind of thing.
What about ALC and MB? I mean, this Terri would maybe fit the bill, but DS?
But then, this would make the pursuit of a possible connection JB-SG much more promising than any MP ideas.
Agreed, absolutely.

On the other hand, it would touch again the unpopular subject of SG actually drugged that night.
Drugged, as in administered something involuntarily to make her loopy, or just high? I think the "just high" part is a given. If drugged, that would surely lend credence to foul play; it would indicate, at the least, someone with bad intentions at the scene. But even if just high out of her gourd on recreational drugs or her own prescribed meds (if she had any, I don't know), that wouldn't necessarily indicate that the fit she threw was unfounded - it could go to Joseph Heller's memorable quote.
Drugged, as in administered something involuntarily to make her loopy, or just high? I think the "just high" part is a given. If drugged, that would surely lend credence to foul play; it would indicate, at the least, someone with bad intentions at the scene. But even if just high out of her gourd on recreational drugs or her own prescribed meds (if she had any, I don't know), that wouldn't necessarily indicate that the fit she threw was unfounded - it could go to Joseph Heller's memorable quote.

You know, I have my doubts because of other aspects in that case, that really someone was after her. But that's right now not the point. The point is, if she was drugged, you could, provided, you can prove it in a court of law, pin someone for it. However, is she wasn't drugged but took the stuff voluntary, but it was someone else's, you can do that too, it's called "negligent manslaughter" (even it should be girlslaughter in this case). So, either way, if someone can figure out where they went to buy, and grill that guy, there could be maybe a hook to hang someone on.
Pak stated, he had to ask JB first for the way (on the cell phone of SG) before he could drive SG out there. JB getched them at the gate. That could indicate, they didn't know each other. Well, or as some claim, MP lies about that.

I can see no sign, Pak knew anybody in Oak Beach before that night.

MP had stated that he waited outside the gated community (other articles said outside the home) for approx 3 hrs .. sleeping and playing internet games. So, if JB had to go to the gate when they arrived, who let MP back into the gated community when JB called him that SG was out of control. Somebody had to have let him back in, so if not JB, who?


He said he spent three hours in his SUV outside the gated community, playing poker over the Internet and sleeping, when Gilbert's client phoned him at about 5 a.m., saying Gilbert was refusing to leave the house.

The driver said he drove back to the client's house and found Gilbert

MP had stated that he waited outside the gated community (other articles said outside the home) for approx 3 hrs .. sleeping and playing internet games. So, if JB had to go to the gate when they arrived, who let MP back into the gated community when JB called him that SG was out of control. Somebody had to have let him back in, so if not JB, who?


Which clearly proves, the article can't be correct. If he would have really waited outside, nobody would have opened him the gate to drive back to the house. So he must have parked inside.
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