Poll: Why did Garrido bring Jaycee to the PO office?

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Why do you think Garrido brought Jaycee along to the PO's office?

  • He was tired of running and wanted to get caught

    Votes: 14 8.9%
  • He saw the opportunity for his 15 min of fame

    Votes: 8 5.1%
  • He thought LE would believe his lies that she was his niece

    Votes: 103 65.6%
  • Other ideas

    Votes: 39 24.8%

  • Total voters
carl said that shayna called him at about 4 pm (pacific i assume) and told him that 'mom has something to tell you, i hope your sitting down.' and the fbi had called terry while she was still at work, as a secretary at a school, so proobably 2 or 3 at the latest id say
If Terry got called at work, it was most likely before 3:00p.m., because even on long days, most schools are out by then, and nowadays secretaries aren't paid to stay late given the budget cuts...
Billylee is right. Trying to find logical explanations for Garrido's behavior in his interview is probably futile. PG was totally irrational by the day of the interview. Nothing shows this better than the phone call he made to Walt Gray just the very next day from prison. Garrido was almost incoherent. Nothing he said made sense. His sentences were illogical. And he was obsessed with the "documents" he had previously given to the FBI. It's as if he thought they would totally absolve all his guilt and wrongdoing. The FBI would forgive him. The whole world would forgive him. It seems as if it did not matter if he confessed to abducting Jaycee. All would be well. These documents would save him and the world. This makes his inexplicable confession seem a little more understandable. He thought the whole world would forgive him. Clearly, he had completely lost touch with reality.


Yes, it's like he is expecting that upon hearing this heartwarming story, we all say, how great, and let him and JC go. So he might have confessed so we get to hear this great story of how he turned his life around.
Phil had gone thru his mother's SS and he had Nancy's earnings and he'd enslaved Jaycee and girls. I wouldn't be surprized if he was going to try to get food stamps or assistance.
He'd told this lie so many times he began to believe it.
Jaycee was nothing but a toy to PG, and what's the fun of having the coolest toy in the neighborhood, if no one knows you have it.
After 18 years, he likely no longer thought of her as a person, she was a possession, he wanted to show her off.
This is truly the $1,000,000 question. Luckily none of us think like pg!! Heaven only knows what his motivation to bring the girls to the appt truly was.

I find it very interesting that there is a report stating that jim molino knew pg's secret. I would love to see the article as that makes him an accessory after the fact. Correct? If so, why is he not in jail?? If he did know, that kind of blows Cheyvonne out of the water with her claims of innocence. Songline, could you please point me in the direction of the article? Thanks!!

Not Jim who said it, Cheyvonne said that she had known his secret. But she seems to talk a lot, so she probably told Jim too. :)
Gosh...I have no clue where it would be buried by now...But I will try.....
OK I spent some time on the CM thread and did not find it...I cant go through all the threads....Takes far to much time ;)
I'm sure this is clarified somewhere, but did he turn in his FBI "loving story" before he took Jaycee and the girls to the police station. I was under the impression he did. If so, I think he was ready to get caught - sick of running.

If that lovely FBI drop off was after that, then I say he wanted to show off his loving family.
I'm sure this is clarified somewhere, but did he turn in his FBI "loving story" before he took Jaycee and the girls to the police station. I was under the impression he did. If so, I think he was ready to get caught - sick of running.

If that lovely FBI drop off was after that, then I say he wanted to show off his loving family.

His "Manifesto" was drooped off with FBI long before. That is why I do believe that consciously or subconsciously he wanted to get caught. Also taking them to a BD party for the first time was nothing these girls had ever done;
He was apprehended after his visit to the Police Station....No time to go to FBI after.
Time, your nose picking comment made me choke. LOL.

I realize no one but me, and maybe Tizzle, cares at this point how and why everything shook down. Thanks to everyone for bearing with my excessive posting today. I'll be brief.

After reading all the theories here and trying to synthesize it, the only thing I can come up with that answers all the questions (In my mind, anyway. Feel free to agree or disagree) is this:
As Tizzle pointed out, PG had had numerous run-ins with LE. He should have known better about what to expect. However, this is a guy who got away with kidnapping, rape, and imprisonment (and who knows what else), along with numerous probation violations, for 18 years while on federal and state parole, under the supervision of several different agents. He thought he could handle the PO. When he was asked to come back in the next morning he probably figured it would be a rehash of the previous evening, and he was not expecting the monkey wrench that UCPD threw into the mix. Because of this I think he made a huge mistake and didn't brief the women. I think he told them "Oh yeah, we're going to go in and I'm going to tell the PO about why I was at Berkeley again" or something to that effect and left it at that, not sharing the brother story, thinking that the PO who'd never been curious about anything before would let him do all the talking as usual. Big misstep for him.

When they get there, in an amazing bit of timing, the PO has just hung up after getting all the incriminating details from UCPD. Unexpectedly, he separates the women and alarm bells go off for everyone. The PO says to the women something to the effect of he wants to know why PG was at UC Berkeley with the two girls, and who are they? Jaycee sees that the PO is intent on getting some kind of feasible answer and knows that PG & NG have no kids. PG desperately needs an out, so she says that they're hers and tries to play the whole thing off with her laughing and people think we're sisters. They press her more and she falls back on the "I know he's an RSO, but he's changed" script. It doesn't work, she's cornered and asks for an attorney.

PG, meanwhile, is going "Oh sh**, I didn't give the women anything to say. It would be best for me to stay consistent with the brother story, the women may use that one anyway because we've used it before." He's wrong.

When the PO calls the cops Jaycee starts feeling the heat even more and switches to the MN housewife script. The rest is history.

This is a possibility. Except, why wouldn't PG tell the women he had already given them the "children belong to a relative story" the day before? I'm really having a hard time believing that PG, being the control freak that he is, didn't offer some type of story for them to give the PO. JC didn't come up with asking for a lawyer on her own, her right to request an attorney likely isn't something she learned in her first 11 years. It is something she learned from the G's. This indicates, to me, that she was coached. Also, somehow he knew she requested a lawyer and inicates as much in his "JC's rights were violated" spiel to Gray a few weeks later. I think he told the women what to say and that he was bringing them with him for JC to verify he had permission to be with the girls and UCB. It makes no sense that PG would bring them along to try to erase doubt in the PO's mind but fail to tell the women what they should say. I don't think he expected them to not be questioned, otherwise he wouldn't have needed to bring them.

PG gave one story, that the trio are sisters and his nieces from his brother. The next story he gives is that he is the father of the 2 girls, after being questioned by CPD for a short while. JC, on the other hand, immediately reveals her relationship to the girls as their mother, NOT their sister and sticks to this story until the CPD is called, then she changes to the abused MN housewife story, still not implicating PG of any wrongdoing and maintaining this story when questioned by CPD. Finally, and only after PG admits to the PO that he kidnapped and raped her, she reveals her true identity. It seems that PG caved rather easily and definitely before the women. Why was JC giving one story and PG another? Why was JC's story different than the story PG gave the day before she was even questioned? If he coached her about asking for a lawyer and that he had permission to be with the girls, why wouldn't he also coach her that she should say they're his brother's kids? If he brought them to try to verify that she was the relative that had given him permission to be with the girls, why does his story differ so greatly from hers?

Yes, he's a nutjob. Yes, it's probably pointless to try to figure out what that lunatic was up to. But the point of this thread is to vote and discuss whether or not he wanted to get caught. I'm just trying to figure that out because it has occured to me that he did and I have questioned, from the beginning, whenther or not he did want to get caught. To me, if he was losing it and forgot what story he was supposed to tell, why would he tell the PO the same exact story that he told the day before but fail to share this story with JC & NG to tell? It just doesn't add up, JMO.

The absence of any statements made by NG in this report doesn't help answer any of our questions and only raises more questions. I understand why statements made by the girls would be absent, since they're minors. But, the absence of NG's testimony gives me the feeling that it has something to do with her turning state's evidence...It seems as though she is doing what she can to break his grasp of control over her, as well. Maybe she's starting to realize that he threw her under the bus for his own sick, self-gratifying reasons.

Of course, my theory is only my opinion.
I'm sure this is clarified somewhere, but did he turn in his FBI "loving story" before he took Jaycee and the girls to the police station. I was under the impression he did. If so, I think he was ready to get caught - sick of running.

If that lovely FBI drop off was after that, then I say he wanted to show off his loving family.

He turned his manifesto in to the FBI the Monday before JC was discovered. August 24, 2009.

Billylee is right. Trying to find logical explanations for Garrido's behavior in his interview is probably futile. PG was totally irrational by the day of the interview. Nothing shows this better than the phone call he made to Walt Gray just the very next day from prison. Garrido was almost incoherent. Nothing he said made sense. His sentences were illogical. And he was obsessed with the "documents" he had previously given to the FBI. It's as if he thought they would totally absolve all his guilt and wrongdoing. The FBI would forgive him. The whole world would forgive him. It seems as if it did not matter if he confessed to abducting Jaycee. All would be well. These documents would save him and the world. This makes his inexplicable confession seem a little more understandable. He thought the whole world would forgive him. Clearly, he had completely lost touch with reality.


Yes, clearly he lost touch with reality. But, then, I don't believe he was ever even connected to reality to begin with. Despite this, he was able to get away with everything his whole life. He knew exactly how to manipulate those around him into believing he was a "changed man" and "great person". He was able to pull his schemes off his entire life while lacking knowledge of what we, as normal people, consider to be reality. Why would now be any different? How did such a well practiced criminal suddenly slip up in such a major way now?

Honestly, since I first heard this interview, what I get from it is how anxious he is to get word out about his manifesto. He is very careful throughout the interview to NOT talk about his offenses against JC and states numerous times that he is sorry but can't talk about his crimes against JC because he doesn't have a lawyer yet. From it, I sense his urgency and excitement to get his manifesto into the public's eye. He had the forethought to give severely minimal information regarding JC. Yet, beside himself with excitement to reveal his "powerful, heart-warming story".

Gray: I understand that. What have -- can you at least share with me what you've told law enforcement so far?

Garrido: I haven't told them anything. I will not speak to them until I have a ... well, what I shared with law enforcement you'll have in those documents. I didn't tell them anything else but what is in those documents. And they were really impressed.

Gray: Did you -- when they first met with you recently -- did you tell them that you did have a hand in taking Jaycee back in 1991?

Garrido: Oh no, no, no. That was just a beginning of what I was preparing. It's going to lead to what happened, what actually happened. And it's going to explain something that humans have not understood well.

It's like a scavenger hunt that he has devised with Gray as the hunter. Another game of controlling the situation.

Step 1. Gray obtains said manifesto to distribute to the world.

Garrido: >snipped<...You just have to take this a step at a time, and just do what I asked you to, because you're going to be so happy that you did. I can't go any further, because if I do, it'll get too far into it. But wait till you find out. I mean, these people are going to be coming forward at this trial. And that's not all -- you're going to be in a state of shock when you see how many hundreds of thousands of people are going to come out of the woodwork to start testifying about something. Please, just do me a favor and follow the first part that I asked you to forward. You make your own decisions from there, and what you want to do. This is not for me. You will find out that this is not a play or a way of me monopolizing on anyone. It's a very, very well-constructed and powerful written disclosure. Please do that, and then we'll work from there.

and then...

Gray: We were just somewhat concerned of the lack of perhaps some sound and medical attention.

Garrido: Absolutely, because we just didn't have the finances and so forth. And we were very concerned. You have to get into actual things. The government, in the end, the federal government will end up be involved because they are being pursued by hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people that are suing them with lawsuits over... Just read the documents, and we'll go from there. Thank you sir, and I thank you, God bless you for allowing me to call you.

Step 2. Garrido enlists Gray to report "JC's rights were violated"...

Step 3. Unknown to me

He sounds, to me, like he wants the world to know about his great discovery, his great "cure" and the "heart-warming" story that came out of it. And prepared himself to do so.
This is a possibility. Except, why wouldn't PG tell the women he had already given them the "children belong to a relative story" the day before? I'm really having a hard time believing that PG, being the control freak that he is, didn't offer some type of story for them to give the PO. JC didn't come up with asking for a lawyer on her own, her right to request an attorney likely isn't something she learned in her first 11 years. It is something she learned from the G's. This indicates, to me, that she was coached. Also, somehow he knew she requested a lawyer and inicates as much in his "JC's rights were violated" spiel to Gray a few weeks later. I think he told the women what to say and that he was bringing them with him for JC to verify he had permission to be with the girls and UCB. It makes no sense that PG would bring them along to try to erase doubt in the PO's mind but fail to tell the women what they should say. I don't think he expected them to not be questioned, otherwise he wouldn't have needed to bring them.

PG gave one story, that the trio are sisters and his nieces from his brother. The next story he gives is that he is the father of the 2 girls, after being questioned by CPD for a short while. JC, on the other hand, immediately reveals her relationship to the girls as their mother, NOT their sister and sticks to this story until the CPD is called, then she changes to the abused MN housewife story, still not implicating PG of any wrongdoing and maintaining this story when questioned by CPD. Finally, and only after PG admits to the PO that he kidnapped and raped her, she reveals her true identity. It seems that PG caved rather easily and definitely before the women. Why was JC giving one story and PG another? Why was JC's story different than the story PG gave the day before she was even questioned? If he coached her about asking for a lawyer and that he had permission to be with the girls, why wouldn't he also coach her that she should say they're his brother's kids? If he brought them to try to verify that she was the relative that had given him permission to be with the girls, why does his story differ so greatly from hers?

Yes, he's a nutjob. Yes, it's probably pointless to try to figure out what that lunatic was up to. But the point of this thread is to vote and discuss whether or not he wanted to get caught. I'm just trying to figure that out because it has occured to me that he did and I have questioned, from the beginning, whenther or not he did want to get caught. To me, if he was losing it and forgot what story he was supposed to tell, why would he tell the PO the same exact story that he told the day before but fail to share this story with JC & NG to tell? It just doesn't add up, JMO.

The absence of any statements made by NG in this report doesn't help answer any of our questions and only raises more questions. I understand why statements made by the girls would be absent, since they're minors. But, the absence of NG's testimony gives me the feeling that it has something to do with her turning state's evidence...It seems as though she is doing what she can to break his grasp of control over her, as well. Maybe she's starting to realize that he threw her under the bus for his own sick, self-gratifying reasons.

Of course, my theory is only my opinion.

Tizzle, I agree with all of this 100%. There is just no logical reason for PG to go in there, bring the women, and give a different story right off the bat from the women. He either foibled big time or as you state above, it's some PG master plan.

Do you think he was so excited about his documents that he would give up the crime that he'd gotten away with for 18 years? Perhaps that was his sacrifice, for him and NG to give up the girls that they "loved", their "family", for PG's master plan? PG seems to think that Jaycee is still going to be on his side, even though she's no longer with him.

Gah, I really hope NG hasn't turned state's witness. Is it possible for them to give her a deal even though she's the one who physically did the kidnapping, and imprisoning Jaycee for that month?
Not Jim who said it, Cheyvonne said that she had known his secret. But she seems to talk a lot, so she probably told Jim too. :)
Gosh...I have no clue where it would be buried by now...But I will try.....
OK I spent some time on the CM thread and did not find it...I cant go through all the threads....Takes far to much time ;)

Thank you for checking Songline. I appreciate it as I don't remember ever hearing that. Not surpeising for me recently though.:waitasec:
Tizzle, I agree with all of this 100%. There is just no logical reason for PG to go in there, bring the women, and give a different story right off the bat from the women. He either foibled big time or as you state above, it's some PG master plan.

Do you think he was so excited about his documents that he would give up the crime that he'd gotten away with for 18 years? Perhaps that was his sacrifice, for him and NG to give up the girls that they "loved", their "family", for PG's master plan? PG seems to think that Jaycee is still going to be on his side, even though she's no longer with him.

Gah, I really hope NG hasn't turned state's witness. Is it possible for them to give her a deal even though she's the one who physically did the kidnapping, and imprisoning Jaycee for that month?

My only question is why a self gratifying, sexual predator, who is a selfish, dominant, abusive "person" would purposely give up everything on purpose. I really believe that he wanted absolution. Having had so much freedom and lack of censure to his activity all these years he felt above reproach. He had been taking the girls out into the public more often, exposing them to more people and situations.

To me by bringing them to the PO that day, he was legitimizing the situation. After all, he "knew" his manifesto was going to become public and "these people" were going to come forward to testify on his behalf, so his "secret" had to be in the open and sanctioned.

Why after all these years of LE blunders would he think he was anything other than home free?
Not Jim who said it, Cheyvonne said that she had known his secret. But she seems to talk a lot, so she probably told Jim too. :)
Gosh...I have no clue where it would be buried by now...But I will try.....
OK I spent some time on the CM thread and did not find it...I cant go through all the threads....Takes far to much time ;)

The only thing I could find that sound like that was this, BBM:
Molino said people believed Garrido had serious problems, which some had attributed to an accident years before. "I can't say. Sometimes he'd go around singing. He'd say 'Jesus loves you,' but then there are a lot of people that talk about their religion. There weren't any signs that he was abnormal up to the day he decided to let us know what his secret was, that he had taken Jaycee 18 years earlier."


Is that it, song?

ETA: Very interesting that CM is trying to throw NG under the bus here!

"But for her to go along with this, I feel like she might even be the mastermind behind this."
The only thing I could find that sound like that was this, BBM:
Molino said people believed Garrido had serious problems, which some had attributed to an accident years before. "I can't say. Sometimes he'd go around singing. He'd say 'Jesus loves you,' but then there are a lot of people that talk about their religion. There weren't any signs that he was abnormal up to the day he decided to let us know what his secret was, that he had taken Jaycee 18 years earlier."


Is that it, song?

ETA: Very interesting that CM is trying to throw NG under the bus here!

"But for her to go along with this, I feel like she might even be the mastermind behind this."

So basically he found out the secret when the rest of the world did! Thanks!
I think he thought his manifesto, once read by the masses, would make the world see him as a messiah or at the least a spiritual leader. He said thousands of people would come forward to testify, probably RSOs he thought could be cured and would follow him. He also stated that he would teach in prisons. I think he truly wanted to bring his "invention" to the mainstream and no one would listen to him at the JM "meetings" or come to his "bible studies" at his house.

A couple of facts that are interesting:

Days before his arrest he took his black box to a friend for safekeeping. Did he think he wouldn't need it for awhile?

A couple of days before his arrest he dropped off his manifesto to the FBI in SF (violating his 25 mile radius restriction.)

Also, it does seem like he recently tried "socializing" the girls more, maybe in preparation for him being gone for awhile.

For a couple of years PG focused on writing his manifesto and I'm sure was obsessed with it. Once it was finished he thought everyone would be changed - the world would be changed. I imagine when that didn't happen like he envisioned he knew he had to do something to get media attention. He expected the Berkeley campus to be his chance. Just thinking out loud. :)
The only thing I could find that sound like that was this, BBM:
Molino said people believed Garrido had serious problems, which some had attributed to an accident years before. "I can't say. Sometimes he'd go around singing. He'd say 'Jesus loves you,' but then there are a lot of people that talk about their religion. There weren't any signs that he was abnormal up to the day he decided to let us know what his secret was, that he had taken Jaycee 18 years earlier."


Is that it, song?

ETA: Very interesting that CM is trying to throw NG under the bus here!

"But for her to go along with this, I feel like she might even be the mastermind behind this."

Yes, I think that songline misinterpreted that Cheyvonne knew the secret, before Phillip confessed, in this interview she was referring to after he was arrested. But I caught something in that interview that I didn't the first time. She said she saw the PG & the two girls 30 minutes after they were in Berkeley. So, PG, instead of going home after being somewhat interviewed by the Berkeley cop, goes to JM Autowreckers? Why, I wonder? I'd sure like to know why he was always hanging around there!
Questioning of Dugard, Garrido detailed

Later that day, two parole agents drove to Garrido's home near Antioch, handcuffed him and searched the house, the report says. They found only Garrido's wife, Nancy, and his elderly mother. On a drive to the parole office, Garrido said the two girls "were the daughters of a relative and that he had permission from their parents to take them to the university."
I was originally under the impression, from the manifesto and from some of the other behavior that PG exhibited, that he was preparing himself for extended jailtime, as a means to spreading his 'teachings'. But the results of the report seem to suggest otherwise, at least at first.

I think the reason he brought JC with her daughters was to corroborate what he said the day before - that the two girls were near relations, and that the mother of the girls would tell the police that she gave her permission for him to be with them. I think he figured it would be just a formality (so many other encounters with LE had been).

He had coached the girls and JC on what to say, and it appears that they remained on-script. But also in the back of his mind was his eventual plan to reveal his teachings, including the existence of JC. He knew this would mean jailtime for himself. But he wasn't ready yet, though, so his initial intent, at first, was to just get through the interview. But as the interview progressed, I think he became reconciled to the situation he was in and began to cave. If he hadn't, he and his 'family' would have eventually been allowed to leave, since the girls and JC were still sticking to the script.

So, while I don't think it was his intent to give himself up at that moment, he eventually was going to, and the situation changed to the point where PG set in motion his eventual plan.
I still think there is a connection in jim and pgs past. As someone stated, what in the heck are all these parolees doing socializing?? That is usually a big no-no!!!

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