Poll: Would you buy it? The A's WILL write a book....

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Would you buy the A's book?

  • Yes

    Votes: 51 7.4%
  • No

    Votes: 604 87.8%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 33 4.8%

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  • Poll closed .
Oh baloney. All you people - as much as I respect all your prior postings and well thought out arguments and in depth research - are having knee-jerk reactions which will eventually become "uh... lemme see this here thing..." curiosities. You may not BUY it (and I certainly won't buy it, because I don't have twenty bucks to spare on stuff that doesn't feed my family), but you'll read it. You'll read excepts on the internet. You'll listen to excerpts on wesh.com or the radio, you'll come here and read what other people are saying about the book after THEY'VE bought it, and all your protesting will have been for naught.

The Anthonys will profit. And it's horrible and sad and tragic. But imagine that nobody even buys the book.. they still get an advance for writing it, maybe five grand. If 10,000 people are interested in the case and don't consider the "blood money" factor of it, they make more. If they resell the book there is more. If they rerprint the book, there is more. If they sell rights, there is more. And with all the fascination with the case, they make more.

As noble as we all may wish to be for the sake of Caylee, this child who deserves all of our strength and love and truth and courage - there will still be blood money paid... by us, in some form or another.

It's gonna happen - you will spend the money, you will buy the book. And you will line their pockets. But know this - you WILL read it, then you WILL be that much more informed, then you WILL choose to use that information with which you are now armed, and you WILL spread the truth behind the lies. You WILL fight for Caylee. You WILL know all that there is to know about the lies, so that your truth WILL be that much more powerful.

Do not censor, but rather use their own momentum against them. And you will win the war, not the battle.

Aim small, miss small.

Aim big, hit big.

No, I won't be reading, nor will I read the thread about it.

I've already heard all their BS.
Um, the answer is no, and I just threw up in my mouth a little, thinking about them making $$ on this.....
But, don't you see how closed minded it is NOT to read it? not buying it, I can understand, but not reading it? Not having that false information at you fingertips to be able to point to and say "this is not true, and i can explain to you why it's not true" and then take all the information you've learned from this site - from these colleagues and friends - from your own research, and be able to say to the world "and THIS is why it's not true..., don't believe the lies in this book..."... don't you think that's important? I mean, if the Anthonys and anyone associated with them is going to go ahead and publish a book with information that they want people to believe - and YES there are going to be people who believe it because they don't have the time or inclination or resources or intelligence to come to Websleuths to read conflicting reports - then don't you want to be well armed to do battle with those false ideas at any cost? Wouldn't you rather spend some time reading the Anthony lies so that you can then spend better-used time dispelling those vile words so that you can reach even more people, or change the minds of those that are too gullible or lazy or otherwise unable to determine their own beliefs?

Don't you wanna fight for Caylee, no matter what the cost to you, even if it IS a book that comes out? I mean, are you really saying you don't want to read something? I find that hard to believe. in this forum, in this message board, at Websleuths, that somebody would say "i won't read that".

I'm not saying buy the book and feed the Anthonys. I'm saying if it's out there, absorb it so you can refute it. Please. You must know it's gonna happen, they're GONNA print the book. Please read it, whether you buy it or not, so you can fight for the truth.

Some of us feel that we can refute their lies, NOW.

Thanks, but no thanks.
Oh baloney. All you people - as much as I respect all your prior postings and well thought out arguments and in depth research - are having knee-jerk reactions which will eventually become "uh... lemme see this here thing..." curiosities. You may not BUY it (and I certainly won't buy it, because I don't have twenty bucks to spare on stuff that doesn't feed my family), but you'll read it. You'll read excepts on the internet. You'll listen to excerpts on wesh.com or the radio, you'll come here and read what other people are saying about the book after THEY'VE bought it, and all your protesting will have been for naught.

The Anthonys will profit. And it's horrible and sad and tragic. But imagine that nobody even buys the book.. they still get an advance for writing it, maybe five grand. If 10,000 people are interested in the case and don't consider the "blood money" factor of it, they make more. If they resell the book there is more. If they rerprint the book, there is more. If they sell rights, there is more. And with all the fascination with the case, they make more.

As noble as we all may wish to be for the sake of Caylee, this child who deserves all of our strength and love and truth and courage - there will still be blood money paid... by us, in some form or another.

It's gonna happen - you will spend the money, you will buy the book. And you will line their pockets. But know this - you WILL read it, then you WILL be that much more informed, then you WILL choose to use that information with which you are now armed, and you WILL spread the truth behind the lies. You WILL fight for Caylee. You WILL know all that there is to know about the lies, so that your truth WILL be that much more powerful.

Do not censor, but rather use their own momentum against them. And you will win the war, not the battle.

Aim small, miss small.

Aim big, hit big.

I won't speak for others, but for myself I can say I won't buy it and I won't read it.
I have not watched one of their interviews since before Caylee was found.Whenever they start to speak my bloodpressure starts to go up. Reading their version would be torture.
There are people who are professionals at this.Books will be written by others and I might read them,but not the Anthony's.No way.
No, I won't be reading, nor will I read the thread about it.

I've already heard all their BS.
Now,I might read the thread about it,ya know,when things get slow around here.I might .....maybe :crazy:
if they do write a book, I wonder if it would be from a crime victims pov - and how to deal with media, police etc and not about the actual crime - regardless, I am not spending any money. Besides, they owe me money for punitive damages and the stress of having to try to make sense of their stories
On can get brain-damage JUST from their sentence structure! Let alone vocabulary abuse.

How would you like the job of editing this brain child? LOL just the thought..........:bang:
Oh baloney. All you people I think that choice of phrase might have been where you lost a lot of 'em gnat- as much as I respect all your prior postings and well thought out arguments and in depth research - are having knee-jerk reactions which will eventually become "uh... lemme see this here thing..." curiosities. You may not BUY it (and I certainly won't buy it, because I don't have twenty bucks to spare on stuff that doesn't feed my family), but you'll read it. You'll read excepts on the internet. You'll listen to excerpts on wesh.com or the radio, you'll come here and read what other people are saying about the book after THEY'VE bought it, and all your protesting will have been for naught.

The Anthonys will profit.Yes they will, they already have and it will continue And it's horrible and sad and tragic. But imagine that nobody even buys the book.. they still get an advance for writing it, maybe five grandGood starting figure but I'm thinking it's probably a lot higher JMHO. If 10,000 people are interested in the case and don't consider the "blood money" factor of it, they make more. If they resell the book there is more. If they rerprint the book, there is more. If they sell rights, there is more. And with all the fascination with the case, they make more.Every point between my last comment and this comment is accurate, they will be pulling in the money for years

As noble as we all may wish to be for the sake of Caylee, this child who deserves all of our strength and love and truth and courage - there will still be blood money paid... by us, in some form or another.As much as it hurts me to agree, yes this is true too, every show we watch, every article we read, every magazine we buy is money being made of Caylee's murder

It's gonna happen - you will spend the money, you will buy the book. And you will line their pockets. But know this - you WILL read it, then you WILL be that much more informed, then you WILL choose to use that information with which you are now armed, and you WILL spread the truth behind the lies. You WILL fight for Caylee. You WILL know all that there is to know about the lies, so that your truth WILL be that much more powerful.I appreciate your passion but telling someone what they will do kind of irks them JMHO

Do not censor, but rather use their own momentum against them. And you will win the war, not the battle.

Aim small, miss small.

Aim big, hit big.

My responses in red within your quote, I also respectfully used the I button and the B button :)

In following what you've said, I'd like to add that the only way to beat them at their game is to let them lay all their lies out. Then prove them wrong. Take each chapter, break it down into sentence~ and prove they lied, and support it with the truth.

Also, it would be a great opportunity for an author to take what is written by the family as say an outline and go line by line using court docs and refute every single lie.

I still won't pay money for the book. I just don't have the inclination to do so. Will I read it? When I posted earlier today I said no. I still feel that way, but I won't argue that I won't be exposed to it's contents.

The problem is the Anthony's are running around fighting this battle and that battle. While all the while a war is raging. They won't win. Not the war they won't. As long as they keep opening their mouths, people like the very ones here that demand justice, demand the truth in the name of Caylee~will be the ones that win. You too Gnat, because reading your posts tells me that you care too. JMHO.
Not if it were the last written form of word on the face of the earth after total destruction of the universe and I were the only living creature left. I would not allow it read aloud to me if there were two living , literate creatures left. I would find a sharp stick and punch holes in my ears first. These folks must be stopped. WE as an articulate public MUST stand together and stop this fraud from continuting.
My responses in red within your quote, I also respectfully used the I button and the B button :)

In following what you've said, I'd like to add that the only way to beat them at their game is to let them lay all their lies out. Then prove them wrong. Take each chapter, break it down into sentence~ and prove they lied, and support it with the truth.

Also, it would be a great opportunity for an author to take what is written by the family as say an outline and go line by line using court docs and refute every single lie.

I still won't pay money for the book. I just don't have the inclination to do so. Will I read it? When I posted earlier today I said no. I still feel that way, but I won't argue that I won't be exposed to it's contents.

The problem is the Anthony's are running around fighting this battle and that battle. While all the while a war is raging. They won't win. Not the war they won't. As long as they keep opening their mouths, people like the very ones here that demand justice, demand the truth in the name of Caylee~will be the ones that win. You too Gnat, because reading your posts tells me that you care too. JMHO.

Agree with everything you said, Kat ~ except the I button and the B button . . . because I don't know what that means. What does it mean? :confused:
I fail to see how the Anthony family can write a book about this case, seeing how they can't get their stories straight period. IF a book is written, it will be a work of fiction. Cindy will never allow anyhing truthful to be put out there about her "perfect mother" murderng daughter, or her "dysfuncional" family.

People have written to the publisher and they are denying that there is any book deal. It won't happen. Cindy will have to self-publish.

This is the book:

Our terrible ordeal; the day the invisible nanny took off out of nowhere with our granddaughter and noone reported her missing for 31 days (don't do that).

We waited and waited and she never came home. She was then found dead down the block after we insisted to all the generous search parties and LE that she was alive and would be walking through the door at any minute but particularly before her third birthday. We really gave the authorities grief; they had the audacity to suggest we were wrong and that Caylee may be dead. Well they were right but we were hoping for the best. Now that Caylee's would be fourth birthday is approaching, we are certain Caylee is dead but nevermind we cannot find the killer. It is not her mother - that, we know for sure. Never blame your own daughter for the killing of your granddaughter. That is the number one rule to follow when your grandkid goes missing. If anyone tries to lend you a constructive hand, make them feel like bad guys and take money from them. Let's see, what else? Oh yes, carry a big hammer at all times. THE END
Agree with everything you said, Kat ~ except the I button and the B button . . . because I don't know what that means. What does it mean? :confused:

LOL, I think it's Italic and Bold.

I agree with ya too Kat, about the speaking for others thing ;)
My preferred choice would be the possible 4th choice-the "He!! No" choice
Well, there is only one way I would buy a book these people wrote and that's if (after writing the publisher copious amounts of letters of protest) that I was assured the proceeds of the sale of the book would ONLY go to TES or another legitimate non-profit - obviously NOT CMAF. I think the Anthonys owe Tim Miller big time for how they treated him and what it cost him so it would be my nfp of choice.

That way, I would enjoy the book for what it would be; a humorous if pathetic and ridiculous attempt to reinvent themselves as legitimate people who have not proven that they not only did not seek help in raising a sociopath but that they did not face that reality quickly enough to save the life of their granddaughter. Not to mention exhibiting behavior after the crime was discovered that is exactly the polar opposite of what is appropriate under their circumstances. And that's the best case description I can come up with for them. I can think of other accusations that are not nearly as kind and may also be true.
When I said "you will buy it', I was speaking of the proverbial 'you', not you guys personally, nobody here in particular. I meant the general population. I meant people will buy it. Sorry about the confusion, I've admitted before I'm not a very good writer and don't communicate my thoughts so clearly sometimes. Just to be clear, I wasn't telling anybody what to do.

I never said I would buy it myself, as somebody here accused me of saying, in fact I even said I wouldn't spend $20 on something that doesn't feed my family. I've never bought a People or Star magazine in my life, and I'm certainly not going to start now with the crap they'd put out.

Let's see, ... um, I have a friend who falls for all kinds of scams, all the time. She got into one of those multi-level marketing schemes and thought she was going to make a lot of money. She totally believes that the brown water she sees during her ionic foot baths is poison toxins that are seeping out of her body. She attends every metaphysical fair that comes to town so she can get her lavender scents and crystals and astrology charts. She believes organic food contains more vitamins than non organic foods. She invests hundreds and hundreds of dollars in things that make her "feel" good, that she swears she heard somewhere might save her from the troubles in her life, and then has the nerve to complain that she can't afford to take her kids to dinner. And every time she comes up with something else which is either harmful to her, robs her of her hard earned money, or is otherwise just plain stupid, I make sure I'm as well read-up on it as I can possibly be, so I can present information to her from all angles. Scientific fact. I go so far as to read Organic.com looking for their falsified hopes so that I can point to it and say to her "here's what they say. here's why it's not true." And before you accuse me of a being a nosey-body and why dont' I just let my friend be --- it's because she comes to me SEEKING my help when she has lost her money. "What went wrong, why didn't I see this coming? Help me". And I do.

That's all I'm trying to do here. Have any - ANY - resource of information available to me, so that when somebody in my office three years from now says "have you heard about this book? that poor girl, look what her parents are going through!", I can say "yes, I know the book. And here's why it's not true." These are the people I'm afraid of, the ones who have not followed the case like we all have, who haven't read the factual reports, who have only been presented with one side of the story and that book will become a factor. I'm sure of it. And these are the people who will not go and read 5000 pages of police reports looking for the truth. They're not going to come here and read through gazillions of threads on each and every single topic. They want the story in a nutshell. Those are the people I'm worried about, those are the ones that are going to buy the book.

My point was, IF the book deal is done... then a book will be written, it will be all lies, it will be sold, it will be purchased, the public will buy it, the lazy minded will believe it, and GOD .... I want to be able to face those people and say NO. IT'S .. NOT ... TRUE...

But to offer them to read police reports and pages of court transcripts, that's not the ammunition that'll work on people who want it in a nutshell. See what I'm saying? If I read the book (NOT BOUGHT IT BUT READ IT), I could point-for-point, in a nutshell, explain every single lie in it. And I can do that because I have read the court documents, I've whittled through thousands of threads, I've watched the videos, I've heard the audio tapes, I've seen the dockets, and ... and.. I've read the book.

Please understand that I would never try and tell you guys what to do. You are all brilliant and such great thinkers and writers, and I could never profess to be anything close to that. I'm sure my words were "misconstrued" - ok not funny. sorry.
When I said "you will buy it', I was speaking of the proverbial 'you', not you guys personally, nobody here in particular. I meant the general population. I meant people will buy it. Sorry about the confusion, I've admitted before I'm not a very good writer and don't communicate my thoughts so clearly sometimes. Just to be clear, I wasn't telling anybody what to do.

I never said I would buy it myself, as somebody here accused me of saying, in fact I even said I wouldn't spend $20 on something that doesn't feed my family. I've never bought a People or Star magazine in my life, and I'm certainly not going to start now with the crap they'd put out.

Let's see, ... um, I have a friend who falls for all kinds of scams, all the time. She got into one of those multi-level marketing schemes and thought she was going to make a lot of money. She totally believes that the brown water she sees during her ionic foot baths is poison toxins that are seeping out of her body. She attends every metaphysical fair that comes to town so she can get her lavender scents and crystals and astrology charts. She believes organic food contains more vitamins than non organic foods. She invests hundreds and hundreds of dollars in things that make her "feel" good, that she swears she heard somewhere might save her from the troubles in her life, and then has the nerve to complain that she can't afford to take her kids to dinner. And every time she comes up with something else which is either harmful to her, robs her of her hard earned money, or is otherwise just plain stupid, I make sure I'm as well read-up on it as I can possibly be, so I can present information to her from all angles. Scientific fact. I go so far as to read Organic.com looking for their falsified hopes so that I can point to it and say to her "here's what they say. here's why it's not true." And before you accuse me of a being a nosey-body and why dont' I just let my friend be --- it's because she comes to me SEEKING my help when she has lost her money. "What went wrong, why didn't I see this coming? Help me". And I do.

That's all I'm trying to do here. Have any - ANY - resource of information available to me, so that when somebody in my office three years from now says "have you heard about this book? that poor girl, look what her parents are going through!", I can say "yes, I know the book. And here's why it's not true." These are the people I'm afraid of, the ones who have not followed the case like we all have, who haven't read the factual reports, who have only been presented with one side of the story and that book will become a factor. I'm sure of it. And these are the people who will not go and read 5000 pages of police reports looking for the truth. They're not going to come here and read through gazillions of threads on each and every single topic. They want the story in a nutshell. Those are the people I'm worried about, those are the ones that are going to buy the book.

My point was, IF the book deal is done... then a book will be written, it will be all lies, it will be sold, it will be purchased, the public will buy it, the lazy minded will believe it, and GOD .... I want to be able to face those people and say NO. IT'S .. NOT ... TRUE...

But to offer them to read police reports and pages of court transcripts, that's not the ammunition that'll work on people who want it in a nutshell. See what I'm saying? If I read the book (NOT BOUGHT IT BUT READ IT), I could point-for-point, in a nutshell, explain every single lie in it. And I can do that because I have read the court documents, I've whittled through thousands of threads, I've watched the videos, I've heard the audio tapes, I've seen the dockets, and ... and.. I've read the book.

Please understand that I would never try and tell you guys what to do. You are all brilliant and such great thinkers and writers, and I could never profess to be anything close to that. I'm sure my words were "misconstrued" - ok not funny. sorry.

I know political books that I can line by line prove to be a joke. But that means nothing. IT just makes things more frustrating.

An advance is given from future profits. Kinda a free loan. But if the advance is higher then the actual profits, then instead of getting more money, they would have to pay money.

If the company is giving out an advance, then it's fronting the cost of the book. Which would include the PR it takes to get the word out, get it in stores, etc. They will be getting a bigger percentage to cover the cost of it all and to make a profit. Which means that there will be less for the A's. Gota sell alot of books to make any real money. I don't see this as being a book that Oprah would be willing to put on her book of the month club.

I see it flopping and the A's buying it as 'gifts' to give to those who donate to their foundation. When the books are a no sell/discounted book, the A's could pick them up cheap. And "sell" them to the foundation and a higher price.... All sorts of possibilities...
While they lost both their granddaughter and daughter too.
They also lost their own lives. While I can feel for them at times,
and pray no man should have to walk in their shoes, I have no respect for them at all.

I DO NOT buy anything they have to say, so no point in reading anything they write.
MOST OF ALL I will never support them because they did not stand behind Caylee,
they prolonged Casey's BS. I have no respect for their foundation,
and would not put a dime in their pocket.
I will not be buying it. I doubt I will read it.

I don't see the point, unless I was planning on writing a book about them. Which would mean I would have to catalog all of it and connect it with the real facts, etc. I'm sure someone else will be doing this. I will buy THAT book. Even If I didn't read it. LOL! I've all ready got such a book on my shelf. I all ready know whats in it. <shrug>

If anyone I know is considering getting it, I would conversationally point out that the A's have from the start, tried to control public opinion on this case. It will be fun talking about how the A's acted at the Park, with the protestors, to the media, police, TES, etc. And how they no longer work, started a "foundation" and are planning on spending their life running that.. Of course, this book is just their latest SCAM to make money off their dead grand-daughter. Totally un-believable!

Most wouldn't want to 'give' to a scam or scum. Once they realize what it is, they will turn their nose up at it. That would leave the rare and those doing research picking up that book.

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