Poll: Would you buy it? The A's WILL write a book....

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Would you buy the A's book?

  • Yes

    Votes: 51 7.4%
  • No

    Votes: 604 87.8%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 33 4.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Ya know, I won't spend a single smidgen of a penny on a book the A's might write, but I do see value in it.

Let them spew & sputter - and may the State refer to every phrase, sentence and uttereance later when they take the A's to trial for obstruction.

Nope, I won't buy it, but I will find a way to read it and I will note every single discrepancy within it in hopes that the State does, too.

Far as I am concerned, it will be a gift for Caylee - a gift towards justice - every word, every murmur saved for prosperity - and for finally bringing these people in front of Lady Justice.

No, I won't buy it, but I am looking forward to this final poorly-planned, poorly advised move. If the State doesn't get them, I hope that there are many waiting in the wings to go for civil suits. JG, Amy, Tony, RG, etc. Recoup every 'advance' penny the publishers toss out there - and then some.

It's a GOOD thing people. It opens the doors for the innocent to step up and take action for Caylee - and themselves.
What on earth for? To better understand how to lie? Nope. There is NADA in an - "A" book that would interest me in the slightest.

I voted that no, I would not buy a book written by The Anthony's. They are proven liars and I don't believe most of what they have to say. I think their only reasons for writing a book like this would be to paint Casey in a positive light and to make money. Sadly, sweet little Caylee is the one forgotten in all of this.
When I said "you will buy it', I was speaking of the proverbial 'you', not you guys personally, nobody here in particular. I meant the general population. I meant people will buy it. Sorry about the confusion, I've admitted before I'm not a very good writer and don't communicate my thoughts so clearly sometimes. Just to be clear, I wasn't telling anybody what to do.

I never said I would buy it myself, as somebody here accused me of saying, in fact I even said I wouldn't spend $20 on something that doesn't feed my family. I've never bought a People or Star magazine in my life, and I'm certainly not going to start now with the crap they'd put out.

Let's see, ... um, I have a friend who falls for all kinds of scams, all the time. She got into one of those multi-level marketing schemes and thought she was going to make a lot of money. She totally believes that the brown water she sees during her ionic foot baths is poison toxins that are seeping out of her body. She attends every metaphysical fair that comes to town so she can get her lavender scents and crystals and astrology charts. She believes organic food contains more vitamins than non organic foods. She invests hundreds and hundreds of dollars in things that make her "feel" good, that she swears she heard somewhere might save her from the troubles in her life, and then has the nerve to complain that she can't afford to take her kids to dinner. And every time she comes up with something else which is either harmful to her, robs her of her hard earned money, or is otherwise just plain stupid, I make sure I'm as well read-up on it as I can possibly be, so I can present information to her from all angles. Scientific fact. I go so far as to read Organic.com looking for their falsified hopes so that I can point to it and say to her "here's what they say. here's why it's not true." And before you accuse me of a being a nosey-body and why dont' I just let my friend be --- it's because she comes to me SEEKING my help when she has lost her money. "What went wrong, why didn't I see this coming? Help me". And I do.

That's all I'm trying to do here. Have any - ANY - resource of information available to me, so that when somebody in my office three years from now says "have you heard about this book? that poor girl, look what her parents are going through!", I can say "yes, I know the book. And here's why it's not true." These are the people I'm afraid of, the ones who have not followed the case like we all have, who haven't read the factual reports, who have only been presented with one side of the story and that book will become a factor. I'm sure of it. And these are the people who will not go and read 5000 pages of police reports looking for the truth. They're not going to come here and read through gazillions of threads on each and every single topic. They want the story in a nutshell. Those are the people I'm worried about, those are the ones that are going to buy the book.

My point was, IF the book deal is done... then a book will be written, it will be all lies, it will be sold, it will be purchased, the public will buy it, the lazy minded will believe it, and GOD .... I want to be able to face those people and say NO. IT'S .. NOT ... TRUE...

But to offer them to read police reports and pages of court transcripts, that's not the ammunition that'll work on people who want it in a nutshell. See what I'm saying? If I read the book (NOT BOUGHT IT BUT READ IT), I could point-for-point, in a nutshell, explain every single lie in it. And I can do that because I have read the court documents, I've whittled through thousands of threads, I've watched the videos, I've heard the audio tapes, I've seen the dockets, and ... and.. I've read the book.

Please understand that I would never try and tell you guys what to do. You are all brilliant and such great thinkers and writers, and I could never profess to be anything close to that. I'm sure my words were "misconstrued" - ok not funny. sorry.

I totally still have respect for those who will read it. I think everyone should be able to choose what makes them comfortable.. I would never look down on anyone who buys it or reads it.

My brother was a searcher too, always falling for anything. Throwing money he didn't have into all these scams and things like "how to become the better you" classes for thousands of dollars held in hotel conference rooms, free snacks and coffee, but please pay UP front! He got in with junk like Amway/Quixtar where you have to buy thousands in their products before you can make the money they claim you will.. and of course he never made the money they said he would, he made some but never what he was told. Faith healers, stuff like that.. Then came Scientology :banghead: . So I get and 100 % respect where your coming from about gathering the info needed to help your loved one understand the truth about entities they may become involved in.
I would not buy it, but would read it if someone else had it. It would be intriguing, just because they lie so much and are so twisted you never know what else they will come up with to give a good laugh or make your jaw drop. It would be a way of knowing how people like them operate, a guide on who not to associate yourself with..
I totally still have respect for those who will read it. I think everyone should be able to choose what makes them comfortable.. I would never look down on anyone who buys it or reads it.

My brother was a searcher too, always falling for anything. Throwing money he didn't have into all these scams and things like "how to become the better you" classes for thousands of dollars held in hotel conference rooms, free snacks and coffee, but please pay UP front! He got in with junk like Amway/Quixtar where you have to buy thousands in their products before you can make the money they claim you will.. and of course he never made the money they said he would, he made some but never what he was told. Faith healers, stuff like that.. Then came Scientology :banghead: . So I get and 100 % respect where your coming from about gathering the info needed to help your loved one understand the truth about entities they may become involved in.
...but from experience I can say these same people won't listen...you can provide them with all the ammo to refute it...and they'll still choose to ignore it...cause in a way they want to keep on doing what they're doing...it takes just one time to be right. Maybe there's a 12 step program for this...there sure as heck should be.

IOW...there will be those who will read this piece of garbage and believe every word regardless of the "truth". Dontcha think?
...but from experience I can say these same people won't listen...you can provide them with all the ammo to refute it...and they'll still choose to ignore it...cause in a way they want to keep on doing what they're doing...it takes just one time to be right. Maybe there's a 12 step program for this...there sure as heck should be.

IOW...there will be those who will read this piece of garbage and believe every word regardless of the "truth". Dontcha think?

Some people just won't tolerate others trying to confuse them with the facts. :)
I find it amusing that nearly 88% of the people that have voted in the poll, and who are obviously members of this forum (you have to sign in to vote), have voted "no" in buying a book written by Cindy. By the shear number of visitors to each thread, and the endless speculations by members, it would seem that most if not all who voted "no" are the same ones who will actually end up buying the book, if for nothing less than to provide fodder for further speculations and perhaps even personal attacks against the family.

I predict based upon data from the threads it would be a number 1 seller.

I very strongly disagree. I think you underestimate the integrity of those who posted they won't buy it. I take them at their word. The argument you raise to support your contention fails, imo. That someone signs into this forum doesn't indicate to me they have a certain compulsion to buy this book, as implied, given the wealth of information available here. The very knowledge they have garnered by signing in and studying this case makes their opinion of what further research materials they would or would not be interested in that much more informed and credible.

Plus, I know these people and I take them at their words. They haven't lied to me yet. CA has. I won't waste my time with more of her lies so I won't be buying and I won't be reading it.

ETA: Like many others, I also feel that I know enough about the case to refute fiction with fact without putting myself through reading her nonsense.
Some people just won't tolerate others trying to confuse them with the facts. :)

And, some a true believers.

KC can't have done it because she's cute, female, and middle-class.

And, some who never got past "Zanny did it."

All kinds, out there, on the streets.

Though, the ones I'm running into out here seem pretty well informed.
I totally still have respect for those who will read it. I think everyone should be able to choose what makes them comfortable.. I would never look down on anyone who buys it or reads it.

My brother was a searcher too, always falling for anything. Throwing money he didn't have into all these scams and things like "how to become the better you" classes for thousands of dollars held in hotel conference rooms, free snacks and coffee, but please pay UP front! He got in with junk like Amway/Quixtar where you have to buy thousands in their products before you can make the money they claim you will.. and of course he never made the money they said he would, he made some but never what he was told. Faith healers, stuff like that.. Then came Scientology :banghead: . So I get and 100 % respect where your coming from about gathering the info needed to help your loved one understand the truth about entities they may become involved in.

I don't have a problem with those who care to read it.

I just don't have the time to waste. :) I'd consider reading it if I thought there would be some truth in it.

I bet LE WISHES they would/could write that book right NOW!

More rope to braid!
I find it amusing that nearly 88% of the people that have voted in the poll, and who are obviously members of this forum (you have to sign in to vote), have voted "no" in buying a book written by Cindy. By the shear number of visitors to each thread, and the endless speculations by members, it would seem that most if not all who voted "no" are the same ones who will actually end up buying the book, if for nothing less than to provide fodder for further speculations and perhaps even personal attacks against the family.

I predict based upon data from the threads it would be a number 1 seller.

I predict it will go on the remainder table, to join OJ's book.

Re; 88%-- nonsense, sweetie!

Quite a few of us aren't curious and don't have the time.

Ludlum is about as far as some of us will go into fantasy.
Oh let's hope if LE doesn't have the goods to get CA after the trial, that her need to be her own worst enemy will continue when she sits down to write HER version of Caylee's murder. Let's hope her diarrhea of the mouth spills over onto the page and that her words end up putting her in the pokey. If that happened and was the end result of CA writing a book--then I'd buy it! And what wonderful, magical, poetic justice that would be for little precious Caylee. :cow:
I find it amusing that nearly 88% of the people that have voted in the poll, and who are obviously members of this forum (you have to sign in to vote), have voted "no" in buying a book written by Cindy. By the shear number of visitors to each thread, and the endless speculations by members, it would seem that most if not all who voted "no" are the same ones who will actually end up buying the book, if for nothing less than to provide fodder for further speculations and perhaps even personal attacks against the family.

I predict based upon data from the threads it would be a number 1 seller.

Why would anyone on this board lie about buying her book? If they want to buy and read it, I'd think they would just so say. We've all heard CA's endless mis-speak and half truths for over a year now for free, there is no reason to pay for that nonsense IMO. But if I wanted to buy and read it, I'd say so and I'm pretty sure others would also.
You are entitled to your prediction that it will be a best seller. I predict if it does become one, it will be without much help from those of us reading the Caylee threads. moo
Never, ever.

Although it might be a good weight loss book. I'm quite sure the lies and spin and denial would make me want to puke my guts out over and over again. :puke::puke::puke:

Might be good for 10 lbs. or so.
I find it amusing that nearly 88% of the people that have voted in the poll, and who are obviously members of this forum (you have to sign in to vote), have voted "no" in buying a book written by Cindy. By the shear number of visitors to each thread, and the endless speculations by members, it would seem that most if not all who voted "no" are the same ones who will actually end up buying the book, if for nothing less than to provide fodder for further speculations and perhaps even personal attacks against the family.

I predict based upon data from the threads it would be a number 1 seller.

Well, this is one "no" vote that you can bank on. I like facts and I doubt Cindy's book will contain facts. As far as telling the public what one should do if a child were missing, how would CA and GA even qualify? They surely didn't cooperate with search efforts.

If the Anthonys were to accept their daughter's guilt and write a book about the difficulties in raising a pathalogical liar, I might be interested. As far as I can tell, they haven't accepted anything negative about KC or themselves.

At this time, I simply don't find them credible, so I wouldn't waste my time reading anything they wrote.
I would NOT buy it and put money in their pockets. Period.

I would, however, read it - in order to dispute their lies and be able to inform anybody that reads it and doesn't know the whole truth.

Either the library, or downloading from the internet - I'm sure someone will scan it and convert it to a pdf at some point.
I would NOT buy it and put money in their pockets. Period.

I would, however, read it - in order to dispute their lies and be able to inform anybody that reads it and doesn't know the whole truth.

Either the library, or downloading from the internet - I'm sure someone will scan it and convert it to a pdf at some point.

My sentiments exactly. ;)
...but from experience I can say these same people won't listen...you can provide them with all the ammo to refute it...and they'll still choose to ignore it...cause in a way they want to keep on doing what they're doing...it takes just one time to be right. Maybe there's a 12 step program for this...there sure as heck should be.

IOW...there will be those who will read this piece of garbage and believe every word regardless of the "truth". Dontcha think?

Bold is mine-

That I do!
I'm hoping that the A's book comes out the same week that KB's or LP's book comes out!! We'll see whose book goes to #1 first!!:)
I will not put money into the A's pockets, but if I find myself interested enough in it, I'll just go to the library and read it for free.

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