Poll: Would you buy it? The A's WILL write a book....

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Would you buy the A's book?

  • Yes

    Votes: 51 7.4%
  • No

    Votes: 604 87.8%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 33 4.8%

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The same way other true crime novels get made into movies and made for tv mini series Pattymarie, this story will. Once the trial begins the news will have it on often again, and court TV and the Florida local stations will likely broadcast the trial. There is money to be made here, whether we like it or not. I hope the judge will attach Zenida Fernandez Gonzalez and Jesse Grunds's civil suit judgements to any and all profits the Anthony family makes, forever. I would award them both vast amounts in punative damages if I sat on their civil juries!
I so agree, the real victims in this case don't have last names starting with an "A"...except for Caylee, of course. If I had my way the real victims would receive every penny made off of any books, movie deals, foundation proceeds, etc...I can only pray that they ALL take these people to civil court and drain whatever money supply Caylee's murder financed for them.
I wouldn't waste shoe leather walking to the FICTION section of the library for this piece of work - and I bet it's just that - a piece of fiction.

Well. . . . it will be a piece of something anyway! :crazy:
What in the world can this book tell us that we don't already know?
So it will be (junk) science fiction. Not interested and won't pay a cent to read it.
There for a minute I thought I was in the Twilight Zone! The above post gives the impression this is new news, it's really not. This was discussed here a month ago, and S&S Publishers were contacted and they said there "was no deal with the Anthony's or anyone connected to them".
BTW, is there a link to the above post with the date it was originally printed? TIA:)
My question is this..."why do we need a book about this case?" We are here, we see it unfolding before our eyes every day, h3ll, we're writing most of it...
There is nothing they could write that we don't already know, except of course, WHY!
I would read a book about Caylee any day. A book about her short 2 years on this earth in her Jojo's arms, being tucked in at night, playing during the day, cute things she said, cute things she did. I would read that, if it was written by George. But I will never read a book about Casey, George, Cindy, or anyone else involved in this horrific case, NEVER!

I have never thought I would either BUT if someday one of the SA's did - I think I would.
:confused: Is the book named "101 ways to exploit a dead child?"
I doubt KC will give a rats behind b/c she is sure mommy & daddy are going to share the profits with her. Me, I think before any of the Anthony's can profit, they should be made to reimburse TES for all their expenses in the search. I won't buy a book the Anthony's have anything to do with.

LeLe: I couldn't have said this any better or more eloquently than you just did and want to tell you that I agree with you 100%. :woohoo:

PS: I won't ever spend a penny:twocents: on any of the Anthony family or their lawyers in my lifetime. Maybe I'd invest a stamp to write to the wh*re in prison:behindbar, but otherwise, no. I WILL donate to TES, tho. :blowkiss:
I completely believe it. Wasn't the same gentleman sitting next to the A's at Casey's last hearing? I remember reading that he was a producer from ABC. Nothing about them surprises me. Potential jurors will just have more to dislike about them and it will come back to bite them in the a$$ during the penalty phase. What a shame! :)
There for a minute I thought I was in the Twilight Zone! The above post gives the impression this is new news, it's really not. This was discussed here a month ago, and S&S Publishers were contacted and they said there "was no deal with the Anthony's or anyone connected to them".
BTW, is there a link to the above post with the date it was originally printed? TIA:)

Attorney Won't Deny Anthonys Have Book Deal

Posted: 5:47 pm EDT August 5, 2009
What was the company that was initially going to publish OJ's book? It it the same one??? If so, I hope they react to public pressure and insist that profits are donated to GENUINE charities, like TES.
Whoa! I don't buy books by crooks. Sorry, couldn't resist that one.
This is just so wrong, in so many ways, it's pathetic.


I wonder if the profits will all go to the Caylee Marie Anthony Foundation or if any of the authors or producers have even thought of anything as altruistic as that.
Just saying... hoping any of them might be reading.

It's about a murdered toddler. ABC or whoever, should make a movie or write a book about the horrible genetic error or flaws in child rearing that create a Mother who doesn't report her child missing. Maybe even murdered her in cold blood. How about a book about Grandparents who discover their 'missing' daughter's car abandoned, wreaking of death, her wallet in the front seat, Mama doll in the back seat and no sign of the baby and don't call 911 that second. Washing the stinking of death pants was more important. Writing a book now is important. Hmmm...kind of like doing the laundry.
People could learn from a critical examination of the facts here. Soppy fluff from grieving Gma, no thanks. Caylee was murdered and her remains tossed like trash. Show the baby some respect.
Lynne Spears was planning on writing a book on how to be a good mother, right before Britney shaved the head and teenage Jamie Lynn got pregnant.....Then Lynne had to backtrack and change the entire book.

CA ought not put anything in writing, until she endures what surprises may lie ahead for the family between now and next summer.

BTW, even if she waited, I would not buy it-Just thinkin it's stupid on her part if for nothing else than the reason above.
What the bleepers could DC possible have to say? He seemed pretty intent on maintaining his privacy when it comes to the ZG deposition.

Sweet justice would be for JG to lay claim on their proceeds-He would make a mighty formidible plaintiff, considering the many many many times he has been fingered as a suspect by the A's and the violation of his privacy that THEY caused. I am almost certain JG would give the money to his favorite religious charity, or a REPUTABLE missing children's/search & rescue group.
Now ya'all, this could be a very important work of science fiction. Squirrels jumping up and committing hari kari on vehicles, pizza boxes that die and excret decomp fluids. Invisible women who babysit children and teach morality lessons to their mothers. And don't forget the secret lives and jobs of the entertainment industry. As a bonus, there are bodies that move around as you get close to them, moving farther away. LOL, it could be interesting. But I don't read science fiction.
Publisher Simon & Schuster denies there is a book deal or anything in the works with Casey Anthony's parents or anyone else involved in the case.
A local TV station reported a tipster had alerted the reporter about a possible book deal between Casey Anthony's parents, their attorney and a private investigator and Simon & Schuster.

However, Adam Rothberg, vice president of communication, sent an e-mail to the Orlando Sentinel.

"Simon & Schuster does not have a book deal with the Anthony's or anybody else associated with this case," he wrote.<snipped>
Publisher Simon & Schuster denies there is a book deal or anything in the works with Casey Anthony's parents or anyone else involved in the case.
A local TV station reported a tipster had alerted the reporter about a possible book deal between Casey Anthony's parents, their attorney and a private investigator and Simon & Schuster.

However, Adam Rothberg, vice president of communication, sent an e-mail to the Orlando Sentinel.

"Simon & Schuster does not have a book deal with the Anthony's or anybody else associated with this case," he wrote.<snipped>

If they really do want to write a book, they can find a publisher-OJ found a publisher for his "if I had killed Nichole, here's how I would have done it" book, until public outrage and the Goldmans squashed that.

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