Possibly related cases (GB4, Manorville, Bittrolff victims, & others)

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IMO SK was showing off in AC. Suffolk County PD has to have known they had a SK active from Manorville murders and even though Fitzpatrick denied it back then there were alot of murdered prostitutes ending up dumped on LI even before the Jones Beach site was found. So SK goes to AC where he can kill four girls quickly and the heat won't be where he's dumping bodies at beach. But the SK has to have an "in" in AC where he can infiltrate the prostitution/crack scene and pick his four victims. I think the SK is a drug dealer with alot of customers IMO SK probably knew Kim Raffo from NY. IMO SK is a psycho drug dealer

From 48 hours transcript:

Sources tell 48 Hours that Raffo went with a john to the Taj Mahal, but then left him around 5:00 a.m. to score drugs. The very next day, Kim and the other women were found, barefoot and facing east in the drainage ditch.
In fact, the sketch caught the eye of Barbara Breidor's daughter, Dominique. She thinks the man may have come by her parents' house years ago. "Well when I was in the middle of playing with my mom she opened the door. He tried to sell her something. I've just seen him. And I'm pretty sure it is him," she explains.

Well, and between your last post and this one, you see the reason, why it is so hard to get rid of those "things". But seriously, different kill frequency, different ritual, inconsistent timelines, the simple recognition, that the killer would have at least two times de-escalated and then re-escalated to make this whole connection theory happen, all of this is in contradiction profilers learned in the last ab. 40 years about serial killers. It is against all, anyone who has ever studied the subject, ever learned. But then, everyone has the right to the own opinion and the constitution never asked for that opinion to be based on facts or even reality. So, all is good, relax people!

Albiet...grudgingly ; ) ; ) I agree with you Peter! There is clearly more than one killer.
I have said this before and I think it is worth mentioning again. I have been retired for 20 years now from the PD. The last 10 years were in homicide. I was present for my share of bodies found in desolate places. To this very day when I pass a desolate stretch of land I wonder how many bodies are buried at those locations.

When I first got to homicide an old time sergeant told me that before long I would start identifying locations by a homicide that occurred there. Something like this when I am asked of a locatiion: You know, the place with the homicide of the guy with his hands cut off.

When we found a body in one of those desolate places we really didn;t bother to stray from the homicide site because we feared we would find other bodies. Bodies we couldn't bring someone in with handcuffs. It was just our way of keeping the homicide rate down.
IMO SK was showing off in AC. Suffolk County PD has to have known they had a SK active from Manorville murders and even though Fitzpatrick denied it back then there were alot of murdered prostitutes ending up dumped on LI even before the Jones Beach site was found. So SK goes to AC where he can kill four girls quickly and the heat won't be where he's dumping bodies at beach. But the SK has to have an "in" in AC where he can infiltrate the prostitution/crack scene and pick his four victims. I think the SK is a drug dealer with alot of customers IMO SK probably knew Kim Raffo from NY. IMO SK is a psycho drug dealer

From 48 hours transcript:

Sources tell 48 Hours that Raffo went with a john to the Taj Mahal, but then left him around 5:00 a.m. to score drugs. The very next day, Kim and the other women were found, barefoot and facing east in the drainage ditch.
In fact, the sketch caught the eye of Barbara Breidor's daughter, Dominique. She thinks the man may have come by her parents' house years ago. "Well when I was in the middle of playing with my mom she opened the door. He tried to sell her something. I've just seen him. And I'm pretty sure it is him," she explains.http://www.cbsnews.com/2100-18559_162-2825050.html?pageNum=4&tag=contentMain;contentBody

FYI... Barbara Breidor's daughter was adopted by, and living with, her aunt, Barbara Breidor's sister at the time of Barbara Breidor's death Nov 2006, and they lived in Florida, Orlando area.

So when Barbara Breidor's daughter belived that she had seen the man in the AC4 SK sketch by her door, it would have been in Orlando Florida.

I wonder what the man she saw was selling ???

Kim Raffo's x-husband, who, among other places, live in Florida, is close friends with at least one of Barbara Breidor's sisters, both Barbara Breidor's sisters live in the same Orlando Fl area.
FYI... Barbara Breidor's daughter was adopted by, and living with, her aunt, Barbara Breidor's sister at the time of Barbara Breidor's death Nov 2006, and they lived in Florida, Orlando area.

So when Barbara Breidor's daughter belived that she had seen the man in the AC4 SK sketch by her door, it would have been in Orlando Florida.

I wonder what the man she saw was selling ???

Kim Raffo's x-husband, who, among other places, live in Florida, is close friends with at least one of Barbara Breidor's sisters, both Barbara Breidor's sisters live in the same Orlando Fl area.

It sounds to me like this happened before she was adopted. Also I'd imagine the man was selling drugs, what else could it have been?

Barbara spent years in and out of rehab programs for heroin addiction, but the situation didn't improve, especially for Dominique.

"None of my parents watched over me because they were, had something to do. I was left all alone to do nothing," Dominique says. "My dad locked me out of the house. I called police because he was trying to beat up my mother. He ripped her hand open right there," she adds, pointing to the palm of her left hand.

Her father ended up in prison; Domi
nique was taken away from her mother, and briefly put into foster care.

PS I think it is really significant that Dominique saw this man before!
Btw you do know the german word for foreigner is auslander? Lol
I have said this before and I think it is worth mentioning again. I have been retired for 20 years now from the PD. The last 10 years were in homicide. I was present for my share of bodies found in desolate places. To this very day when I pass a desolate stretch of land I wonder how many bodies are buried at those locations.

When I first got to homicide an old time sergeant told me that before long I would start identifying locations by a homicide that occurred there. Something like this when I am asked of a locatiion: You know, the place with the homicide of the guy with his hands cut off.

When we found a body in one of those desolate places we really didn;t bother to stray from the homicide site because we feared we would find other bodies. Bodies we couldn't bring someone in with handcuffs. It was just our way of keeping the homicide rate down.

Very telling!
This is neither here nor there but I travel the country with my husband in a semi and I find myself looking out the window into the woods and such and wondering sadly...how many undiscovered bodies r out ther! SMDH!
This is neither here nor there but I travel the country with my husband in a semi and I find myself looking out the window into the woods and such and wondering sadly...how many undiscovered bodies r out ther! SMDH!

When I travel, I look for places that would be a good place to hide a body. Not that I would dump one but I look for places that people might dump a body if they needed a place.
IMO SK was showing off in AC. Suffolk County PD has to have known they had a SK active from Manorville murders and even though Fitzpatrick denied it back then there were alot of murdered prostitutes ending up dumped on LI even before the Jones Beach site was found. So SK goes to AC where he can kill four girls quickly and the heat won't be where he's dumping bodies at beach. But the SK has to have an "in" in AC where he can infiltrate the prostitution/crack scene and pick his four victims. I think the SK is a drug dealer with alot of customers IMO SK probably knew Kim Raffo from NY. IMO SK is a psycho drug dealer

From 48 hours transcript:

Sources tell 48 Hours that Raffo went with a john to the Taj Mahal, but then left him around 5:00 a.m. to score drugs. The very next day, Kim and the other women were found, barefoot and facing east in the drainage ditch.
In fact, the sketch caught the eye of Barbara Breidor's daughter, Dominique. She thinks the man may have come by her parents' house years ago. "Well when I was in the middle of playing with my mom she opened the door. He tried to sell her something. I've just seen him. And I'm pretty sure it is him," she explains.


So you really think, an SK with a kill frequency from less than one per year at the time, goes and does 4 in eight weeks in AC and then returns to his old slow ways? You really think that? And aside of it, he gives up dismembering, changes to strangulation (which in itself is already some stretch) but therefore, since he had already changed once to build a little trophy garden built from carefully wrapped bodies, he has now to change back to staging, but with an entirely different statement?
Okay, can we at least stay in the realm of the possible here?
Whoa thats a lot to read right now...just of the top who is HA? Private message please...I will read the rest tommorrow! Nighty nite!

HA is someone who claims to be HA over there. The original HA is Kim Raffo's ex. And to sleuth him was blocked here for a while because there was no evidence against him, only assumptions and wild claims.
Just make sure to have a good virus scanner and a rescue disc at hand before you visit that place. I also found a beer helpful.

Why are you trying to scare people from reading the thread at LISK.com?

Can you back up that LISK.com is infected by virus?

I have never gotten any virus by reading/posting at the LISK.com forum.
HA is someone who claims to be HA over there. The original HA is Kim Raffo's ex. And to sleuth him was blocked here for a while because there was no evidence against him, only assumptions and wild claims.

The person posting in that thread is IDEED HA himself, I know that for a FACT.
Could someone post a link on AC4 only thread? I couldn't see it.

However i'm very curious when exactly did rumors about "Mr.Shoelover" surface?
Did they circulate the West AC vicinity during his 21 days stays (Oct 2-23) there or just came out to the light after AC4 were found (after Nov.20)? What was their tonality? Like "Lol, there is a j*rk down the block with closet full of shoes.. haha, let's bring him my old Timbs too" or "OMG! Warning, gals! There is a frick down the block with horrible attitudes to sniff the used shoes, beware!"
Why are you trying to scare people from reading the thread at LISK.com?

Can you back up that LISK.com is infected by virus?

I have never gotten any virus by reading/posting at the LISK.com forum.

I can't, but my virus scanner can. Look up clickjack. Of course, I will not attach any logs here that include my private data. So, fine, you are smart, you go there.
The person posting in that thread is IDEED HA himself, I know that for a FACT.

So, how do you know that for a fact? He lives in the US, you are not, means, you never saw him actually log in. I think, you have also never seen his ID attached to any of his posts. So how can you know this "for a fact"?
So, how do you know that for a fact? He lives in the US, you are not, means, you never saw him actually log in. I think, you have also never seen his ID attached to any of his posts. So how can you know this "for a fact"?

Beacuse he posted on his facebook about his attendance on LISK.com

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