Post sentencing discussion and the upcoming appeal

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Does anyone know what this was about? Where were they on Saturday 26 January, I wonder.

Sun 27 Jan 2013
Yesterday wasn't nice for either of us but we managed to pull through and communicate well enough to show our care for each other is greater than the drama that attacked us.

This is what happened on 26 January.


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Regarding the possibility of Christo going over there first and then going home to take a shower. As a logistically close neighbor and good friend, might Christo have kept an extra key for Oscar's house in case OP got locked out and also knew his alarm code? Thus, Christo would have been able to let himself into the house?

Stellar point, Colonel! As his close buddy and as his contractor living close by, plus with OP gone so much, it makes perfect sense CM would have a key and know the alarm code.
After all this time I've finally learned how to multi-quote. So for those of you who have this problem too, here's how to do it. (Some of us learn more slowly) :blushing:

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the examples i cited are contiguous though. and 2g to 2g [or 3g to 3g] so there is no upgrade and no iphone 'call ending' fault, for example:
row 34 2g connection ends at 15:43:22
row 35 2g connection starts at 15:43:22
both on the same tower.

on a separate note, i have been researching vodacom and whatsapp queries people have had... regarding automatic polling by whatsapp [noticed in the early hours] and people seeing data usage when they were not using the phone. i wonder if this could apply in op's case?

still hoping for the elusive vodacom [or whatsapp!] engineer to pop in and assist with the binge whatapps/op early morning usage - that mystery is so frustrating.

keep up the excellent work.

Thank you

2G to 2G (and then 3G) doesn't surprise me. Looks like the connection was lost at the end of the call from OP (15:41:34 for 93 secs), re-established via 2G and lost (perhaps the phone got a poor signal), re-established again on 2G and then upgraded to 3G.

On your second point, the answer is no. We must be careful not to confuse data usage with data connection. OP had no connection for much of the time after his call with cousin Binge until he calls Stander except for the three 5 minute connections (two before midnight, one at 01:48:48). I speculate that these might be him on WhatsApp but in truth we don't know that he is doing anything other than switching the phone signal back on (e.g. taking it out of Airplane mode in my scenario) and off again 5 minutes later. But he must have done it for a reason.
This is what happened on 26 January.
The WhatsApp "I'm not 100% sure ..." was sent on 27 Jan 2013 at 16:17:34 after they attended Darren Fresco's engagement brunch that Sunday lunchtime. "Today was one of my best friend's engagements and I wanted to stay longer ..."

"Yesterday wasn't nice for either of us ..." is referring to another incident the previous day (Sat 26 Jan 2013) when they attended the Tashas All White Party
I'm confused now .. was the engagement party and the All Whites party on the same day (the 26th) then?
See my post above. The Tashas All White party was on the Saturday (26 Jan). Darren Fresco's engagement brunch was the following day (27 Jan)
See my post above. The Tashas All White party was on the Saturday (26 Jan). Darren Fresco's engagement brunch was the following day (27 Jan)

I wonder where the 26th came from. Thank you for sorting it out. Why does everything in this matter have to be checked, double checked and triple checked. Nothing is ever straight forward.
You mean the one that Stander was responsible for providing to the police, being the manager of the complex? Hmm, that reminds me, just who/why was Stander spending so much time on the phone, when he was supposed to be calling an ambulance?

Edit: Thanks for the correction Mr Fossil, Stander was no longer the manager at that time but I would still like to have seen a log of his calls that morning.

Worse, Stander was supposed to have called Netcare BEFORE he left to go to OP’s house! What does he do after he arrives - sees OP carry RS downstairs, takes a look, then stands outside and never calls Netcare till Stipp presses him!

This plus everything else - it’s SO clear Reeva died instantly after the head shot and OP and Stander’s calls to Netcare were just for show.

Another alleged incident in November 2011, to add to the growing list:

“Marilyn and I were rocking away to the fantastic Shadowclub when we were practically shoved off our feet by Oscar (Pistorius). This was no accidental stumble! It was a pure and simple act of arrogance and aggression. When Marilyn (in a firm but extremely non-aggressive manner) told Oscar that his behaviour was rude and unacceptable, she was met with a flurry of verbal abuse! This included being labelled “f…ing lesbians” and a significant amount more. Good manners preclude a repetition of the full gamut of the tirade. Marilyn – profoundly taken aback – said to Oscar “what is your problem”. His reply: “I’m drunk, what’s yours.” “

Oscar made a poor witness during his trial, being vague and contradicting himself. The defence seem to be finding new ways to try convince Judge Thokozile Masipa that Oscar Pistorius truly believed there was an intruder in the house. These last ditch attempts seem half-hearted and I cannot see how they add to Oscar Pistorius’s credibility at all. Oscar’s intense nature, his disability, his love of guns, his upbringing that encouraged him to see himself as “normal” and his entitled, almost arrogant attitude have all been a recipe for disaster.
With the application for leave to appeal now just 4 days away, here's a reminder of the links to my various resources:

Key questions (KQ) - arising from phone data and beyond (supports WTA2)
Timeline (TIM) - 13/14 February 2013
Phone usage charts (PUC) - 3 tabs, one each for 5353, 4949 and 0020
WhatsApp messages (WAM) - from the trial and more
Witness locations (aerial) (WLA) - Silver Woods satellite view from May 2013
Witness locations (graphic) (WLG) - inc vacant plots and Guard Track locations
Witness testimony analysis (WTA) - based on evidence given
Witness testimony analysis 2 (WTA2) - possible Prosecution chronology based on Johnson's call time being fast (see also KQ)

Comments, corrections, additions and alternative views always welcome

If a new thread starts up I'll post again at the start of the thread.
I wonder where the 26th came from. Thank you for sorting it out. Why does everything in this matter have to be checked, double checked and triple checked. Nothing is ever straight forward.

I would like one day to see all people in one line, which intentionally were/are telling untruth to pamper OP/the rich family ...
You mean the one that Stander was responsible for providing to the police, being the manager of the complex? Hmm, that reminds me, just who/why was Stander spending so much time on the phone, when he was supposed to be calling an ambulance?

Edit: Thanks for the correction Mr Fossil, Stander was no longer the manager at that time but I would still like to have seen a log of his calls that morning.
Johan Stander never was the Estate Manager. He gets confused with Frans Stander, who was the Estate Manager before Eugene St Leger Denny. Johan Stander was only ever on the Estate Management Committee
With the application for leave to appeal now just 4 days away, here's a reminder of the links to my various resources:

Key questions -arising from phone data and beyond (supports WTA2)
Timeline -13/14 February 2013
Phone usage charts -3 tabs, one each for 5353, 4949 and 0020
WhatsApp messages - from the trial and more
Witness locations (aerial) - Silver Woods satellite view from May 2013
Witness locations (graphic) - inc vacant plots and Guard Track locations
Witness testimony analysis - based on evidence given
Witness testimony analysis 2 - possible Prosecution chronology based on Johnson's call time being fast (see also KQ)

Comments, corrections, additions and alternative views always welcome

If a new thread starts up I'll post again at the start of the thread.

bbm= Yes, wonderful, thank you!!
Worse, Stander was supposed to have called Netcare BEFORE he left to go to OP’s house! What does he do after he arrives - sees OP carry RS downstairs, takes a look, then stands outside and never calls Netcare till Stipp presses him!

This plus everything else - it’s SO clear Reeva died instantly after the head shot and OP and Stander’s calls to Netcare were just for show.
OP says he asked Stander to call an ambulance in his bail statement but never mentions it again. The story thereafter is that he called Stander to help, which Stander confirms. I've always wondered why he originally said he called Stander to ask him to call an ambulance and yet OP's next call was to Netcare. Perhaps he asked Stander and Stander said it's best to call them yourself so that you can describe Reeva's injuries? Or he never asked Stander.
With the application for leave to appeal now just 4 days away, here's a reminder of the links to my various resources:

Key questions (KQ) - arising from phone data and beyond (supports WTA2)
Timeline (TIM) - 13/14 February 2013
Phone usage charts (PUC) - 3 tabs, one each for 5353, 4949 and 0020
WhatsApp messages (WAM) - from the trial and more
Witness locations (aerial) (WLA) - Silver Woods satellite view from May 2013
Witness locations (graphic) (WLG) - inc vacant plots and Guard Track locations
Witness testimony analysis (WTA) - based on evidence given
Witness testimony analysis 2 (WTA2) - possible Prosecution chronology based on Johnson's call time being fast (see also KQ)

Comments, corrections, additions and alternative views always welcome

If a new thread starts up I'll post again at the start of the thread.

Hi Mr Fossil. I sent a PM to Harmony2 early this afternoon on this very subject. She said at the moment it's her intention to start a new thread on Tuesday unless this one grows faster than it's been doing recently.
This is what happened on 26 January.

I don't know if the date is correct on the message you quote, but the line I quoted is in that message:

"Yesterday wasn't nice for either of us but we managed to pull through and communicate well enough to show our care for each other is greater than the drama that attacked us."

So the day I was asking about is the day before that message was sent.

ETA Aha, I see this has already been clarified.
Hi everyone,

Does someone perhaps have the link to OP's testimony where he said "I....I wanted to ask Reeva...why she was calling the police"?

Thank you so much in advance!
Hi everyone,

Does someone perhaps have the link to OP's testimony where he said "I....I wanted to ask Reeva...why she was calling the police"?

Thank you so much in advance!

Page 534 of OP's testimony

Nel: Screaming? Why would you scream? Why would you scream out?
OP: I was scared. I wanted to [intervenes]
Nel: Scream?
OP: I asked Reeva why... if she is phoning the police. I was scared that there was someone coming out of the bathroom still.

Another transcription inaccuracy. OP's last line follows on from "I wanted to ..." (where Nel intervenes 'Scream?'). What he actually then says is:

OP: ... ask Reeva why, if she is phoning the police.

The 'why' is considerably clearer, emphasised as a question with raised intonation, than the 'if' which is blurred into 'she'
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