Prosecutors won't seek death penalty UPDATE Or will they?#2

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Do they weigh more heavily the wishes of the public or the wishes of the victim's family when considering whether to ask for the DP?
IMO, it depends on the duct tape evidence,
sticker fingerprint?
more in doc dump?
It's easier to get LWOP than DP........
either way she will never get out......
look at the 'manson' girls still in jail and trying for is gone.......GREAT!
after years and years, no real freedom, no life, no marriage, no parties, IMO
They will be bringing the DP to the table! There will be OUTRAGE if they don't! (I know I will be outraged!)
I say go for the DP. When they have the sentencing phase of the trial, this can be argued, and if the jury opts out of the DP, she will definitely get LWOP. Either way, she doesn't deserve to see the light of day from outside the fence.
Do they weigh more heavily the wishes of the public or the wishes of the victim's family when considering whether to ask for the DP?

They weigh the crime. The family offers sway. However, as we all have seen, the Anthony family has determined to sway to a side that if all evidence hinted at in this precursor to a doc dump becomes true, the family will weigh so much less than they could have if they had simply not determined to play the game they played.

How's that for a convoluted answer?
Do they weigh more heavily the wishes of the public or the wishes of the victim's family when considering whether to ask for the DP?

They have victim impact statements, but it has a lot to do with the heinousness of the crime. If it was based only on the victims, if you think about it, criminals who killed victims from religious or very forgiving families would be better off because the families showed mercy. That's unfair because it has little to do with the criminal or the nature of the crime, and rather the "luck of the draw" regarding family beliefs.
I am Pro and Con..

Pro: She deserves it! Let her sit on Death Row!!! Possible Plea...Leverage.

Con: More appeals, spend more taxpayers $, think Life withOUT parole, in General Population would be much better and would be the ultimate punishmet for this Party Girl. Also, wouldn't JB have to step aside for an experienced DP attorney? We need JB to continue to defend her, not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Just my opinion...
I’m not a fan of the A’s but their granddaughter was murdered, and for CMA to be executed, that would just about finish them off. Don’t want that. If they’ve done anything illegal in this case such as obstruction, LE will handle it. But I wouldn’t mind seeing the DP on the table to make CMA sweat bullets, then let the jury give her LWOP. Or maybe the DP will force her hand and she’ll take a plea for LWOP. Besides, it costs taxpayers more to have her on death row with all of the appeals she’s entitled to, and who wants to spend more money on her – waste, huge waste. I used to be very pro capital punishment but must be getting soft (& more practical) as I get older, lol.
I have mixed feelings on whether I'd like to see them put it back on the table too.

First, because of the lengthy appeals process and the fact that so many sit on death row in this country but so few are actually executed. Don't get me wrong, I believe in the death penalty but I think the process needs some work.

Second, because I'd like to see them put it back on the table even if it is only to take it off to trade for a guilty plea and life in prison. Of course I have mixed feelings on that one too because I think the family needs to know what happened - but would like to see them spared the trial - and even though Casey would have to allocute to the crime, who knows what lies the allocution would contain. So a trial may be the only way for them to ever learn what really happened to Caylee and as one who has the experienced the loss of someone close without really knowing what happened, I know it is haunting.

Third, well my third reason for having mixed feelings on this is Caylee. Regardless of what her mother did to her during her life and at her death, I have no doubt this little girl loved her mother very much. We all talk about justice for Caylee and I cannot help wondering what would that precious little girl want to see happen? Would Caylee want to see the death penalty in this case? What would Caylee consider "justice" ?
As much as I would love this to be a dp case. I don't think the prosecutors will go that route because jurors would have difficulty sentencing a young, pretty woman to death. Also in dp cases the family of the victim is allowed to "weigh in" and their feelings are given consideration... in this case the victims family is also the defendants family.
In a murder case, the prosecution usually talks with the victim's family as to their wishes. But in this case, it's difficult because the victim's family includes the murderer.

I think the prosecution is going to have to decide on the basis of the heinousness of the crime and the evidence they have for a conviction.

First there will be a trial to determine guilt. Then the sentencing phase which usually follows conviction by a month or two. During the sentencing phase, there will be victim's impact statements. In this case, the victim impact statements are going to be one sided. It might be difficult to get a jury to go for the death penalty, as all the defense needs is one juror to vote against it.

I'm not familiar with Florida law. Can the prosecution go for the death penalty with an option for LWOP?
In a murder case, the prosecution usually talks with the victim's family as to their wishes. But in this case, it's difficult because the victim's family includes the murderer.

I think the prosecution is going to have to decide on the basis of the heinousness of the crime and the evidence they have for a conviction.

First there will be a trial to determine guilt. Then the sentencing phase which usually follows conviction by a month or two. During the sentencing phase, there will be victim's impact statements. In this case, the victim impact statements are going to be one sided. It might be difficult to get a jury to go for the death penalty, as all the defense needs is one juror to vote against it.

I'm not familiar with Florida law. Can the prosecution go for the death penalty with an option for LWOP?

Leila, that is my question too. Anxiously awaiting the answer....
As much as I would love this to be a dp case. I don't think the prosecutors will go that route because jurors would have difficulty sentencing a young, pretty woman to death. Also in dp cases the family of the victim is allowed to "weigh in" and their feelings are given consideration... in this case the victims family is also the defendants family.

She might not be so pretty come the trial.
I’m not a fan of the A’s but their granddaughter was murdered, and for CMA to be executed, that would just about finish them off. Don’t want that. If they’ve done anything illegal in this case such as obstruction, LE will handle it. But I wouldn’t mind seeing the DP on the table to make CMA sweat bullets, then let the jury give her LWOP. Or maybe the DP will force her hand and she’ll take a plea for LWOP. Besides, it costs taxpayers more to have her on death row with all of the appeals she’s entitled to, and who wants to spend more money on her – waste, huge waste. I used to be very pro capital punishment but must be getting soft (& more practical) as I get older, lol.

I'm anti-DP myself. But in regard to the parents, I'm sure it is just as tough on every parent so I don't care all that much about their special needs.
Just some info...
The catholic religion denounces DP because of the Pro-life stance. You are Pro-life not only in the case of abortions. Just a note, if you are a Catholic and you are chosen for the jury you will not be able to be on the jury if they add the DP.
If you are Catholic and are on the jury and you have chosen the DP then you would be required to reconcile this before receiving communion.

I actually think her sitting in jail for the rest of her life is actually more punishment. Life means nothing to her. If they put her on death row she would have years of appeals and tie up the court system, etc. Her death would not be a "lesson" for other crazy killing moms. What killer goes..."Hmm if I kill this person.. I will get the death penalty"

Casey would be in the lethal injection room and still feel NO REMORSE and not care because she has "repented" and thinks she is going to heaven.

Sitting in jail... wishing she had a man and a cell phone would be more painful to her.
I think she deserves the death penalty. I wouldn't mind seeing her get the needle. However, if she gets life without parole, I wouldn't mind that either, because I know she's craving freedom and she can't stand being locked up. I hope she doesn't plead down, that's what I hope doesn't happen.
I don't think the Pros will bring back the death penalty. I believe they have even said that they won't. I think that they believe it wouldn't happen with the jury anyway.

I also don't believe that the Pros will offer her a deal. When they offered it before Caylee was still missing. Since she has been found Casey have nothing to offer the Pros in exchange for a plea deal.
I'm anti-DP myself. But in regard to the parents, I'm sure it is just as tough on every parent so I don't care all that much about their special needs.

Oh I agree, no special treatment, least of all for anyone who has hindered the investigation like the A’s have. It’s heartbreaking to watch CMA laugh carefree while her mother is broken down, but you’re so right that their situation is no different than parents of any other cold-blooded killer. And bottom line is justice for Caylee whether it’s DP or LWOP.
I think she deserves the death penalty. I wouldn't mind seeing her get the needle. However, if she gets life without parole, I wouldn't mind that either, because I know she's craving freedom and she can't stand being locked up. I hope she doesn't plead down, that's what I hope doesn't happen.

and remember this....Life W/O Parole here in Florida really means LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE. There is no chance of her ever getting out early. I don't want a plea offered to her either. Say they offered her 20 years - well, she'd serve prolly 80-90 percent of that and be out by age 40 - still enough time to live the rest of her sorry life in freedom. No, I want this girl locked away for life. I'm on the fence about my feelings on the DP, but in this case, It wouldn't bother me if KC had her last sit down in ole sparky!

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