Prosecutors won't seek death penalty UPDATE Or will they?#2

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Darn, we do have two threads.

I see they were merged. We're cool.
Back to my original thought. I think prosecution should seek the death penalty. Granted normally I'm against it, but in cases as horrendous as this, people do deserve a needle in their arm.

On the other hand...... put her in general population and let the inmates take care of her. And they will. She will suffer just as much as little Caylee did.
Wow, I do not think it was an accident.

I am with you on that but is that the stumbling block for the State that with Caylee's remains in the condition that they where (just typing that makes me feel icky) cause of death is not there and therefore pre meditation and or accident is unprovable beyond a shadow of a doubt, causing a possible hung jury.

Wow What happened there LOL, thanx mod's boy you guy's are quick.:blowkiss:
If no death penalty: It just allows others to see, this country does NOT punish murderers! We are TOO lenient in the US!

If it's LWP: she gets meals, books, education, computer (maybe), etc. etc.

I am with you on that but is that the stumbling block for the State that with Caylee's remains in the condition that they where (just typing that makes me feel icky) cause of death is not there and therefore pre meditation and or accident is unprovable beyond a shadow of a doubt, causing a possible hung jury.

Wow What happened there LOL, thanx mod's boy you guy's are quick.:blowkiss:

See, here's the rub. Casey either did it, or she didn't. I think everyone on this board would agree WHO did it. There is no Zanny the Nanny. So obviously Casey murdered her child, put duct tape on her mouth to make it look like a kidnapping, then stuck the heart sticker over the mouth. It's fairly obvious Casey did this. Decomp in the trunk, etc.

Heck, scott Peterson sits on death row and the forensics weren't as good as these are.
See, here's the rub. Casey either did it, or she didn't. I think everyone on this board would agree WHO did it. There is no Zanny the Nanny. So obviously Casey murdered her child, put duct tape on her mouth to make it look like a kidnapping, then stuck the heart sticker over the mouth. It's fairly obvious Casey did this. Decomp in the trunk, etc.

Heck, scott Peterson sits on death row and the forensics weren't as good as these are.

Absolutely agree with you, after reading through the merged threads, I wonder if it a possibility that a young, attractive female like KC would be hard to convict of the DP as others have suggested. I guess for me it is hard to see KC as anything but the murderous monster that she is, and I wonder how she would be able to fool a whole jury. (well it is obvious that whole impartial thing will keep me of that jury dang it :crazy:)
I have mixed feelings about the SA not seeking the DP. On one hand once it was time for the actual execution (years later...I know) I think she might finally be afraid. She might feel the fear that Caylee (possibly) felt on that terrible day.

On the other hand, living in general population in prison for the rest of her life would be very rough on her too. She'd have no control over her own life and wouldn't be able to manipulate people.

I guess I'll just be satisfied when she is found guilty.
She will be very AFRAID if she gets put in gen pop. I guess either way is okay with me. Point being that maybe prosecution can't be sure it was premeditated. It only takes one second to premeditate a murder. You pull the trigger.... that's premeditation. I think they should put the death penalty back on the table. This case is so obvious.

If she gets put on death row, she will be much safer and could live her life in solitary confinement and get to quietly go to sleep. If I were her I would say put death back on the table.

Dahmer was "given" to the inmates in general population. Lasted about 2 years IIRC. Found dead.
I think that allowing KC to go to jail is less of a punishment. KC has a marvelous way of blocking out what KC doesn't want to deal with. She can kidd herself into believing that she was wrongfully prosecuted by a vengeful LE. Then will proceed to set out to make a difference in the prison system......probably creating the first Pom Pom Squad and petitioning for a stripper pole in the common room for exercise purposes. :crazy: After all isn't she an events coordinator dontcha know.


I think death would be the ultimate punishment in KC's mind the world cannot go on without her.
Sorry if this has already been asked, but I haven't been out of town for a few days and I am getting caught up, not having read all the threads yet.

Is it possible that Cindy and George have agreed to testify against her IF they did NOT seek the death penalty?? That is the only reason I could think of for not seeking the death penalty. I am one that supports the death penalty. An eye for an eye sort of thing.
IMO this is why they wont request the death penalty.
A. CA, GA, And LA are not only the victims but their daughter is the accused. Therefore some jurors will pity the family and wont allow them to lose their daughter in addition to Caylee.
B. The state doesnt think they can prove murder one to every juror, its easier to prove manslaughter IF it comes down to that so they want to "make sure" she gets some kind of conviction, but if they put the death penalty on the table she "could" get off. If they dont put the death penalty she "is more likely to be convicted".
Why? (No one wants to hear this), but an entire jury probably wont put to death a young, good looking, white mother. FACT.
B. The state doesnt think they can prove murder one to every juror, its easier to prove manslaughter IF it comes down to that so they want to "make sure" she gets some kind of conviction, but if they put the death penalty on the table she "could" get off. If they dont put the death penalty she "is more likely to be convicted".
Why? (No one wants to hear this), but an entire jury probably wont put to death a young, good looking, white mother. FACT.

+1 on your statement I absolutely think the same way as to why they aren't putting the DP on the table.

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