Prosecutors won't seek death penalty UPDATE Or will they?#2

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Just some info...
The catholic religion denounces DP because of the Pro-life stance. You are Pro-life not only in the case of abortions. Just a note, if you are a Catholic and you are chosen for the jury you will not be able to be on the jury if they add the DP.
If you are Catholic and are on the jury and you have chosen the DP then you would be required to reconcile this before receiving communion.

I actually think her sitting in jail for the rest of her life is actually more punishment. Life means nothing to her. If they put her on death row she would have years of appeals and tie up the court system, etc. Her death would not be a "lesson" for other crazy killing moms. What killer goes..."Hmm if I kill this person.. I will get the death penalty"

Casey would be in the lethal injection room and still feel NO REMORSE and not care because she has "repented" and thinks she is going to heaven.

Sitting in jail... wishing she had a man and a cell phone would be more painful to her.

Thanks for the lesson in Catholicism. I left the Catholic church 20 years ago and was confirmed as an Episcopalian.

Is Casey Catholic? I thought the Ant's were Baptist for some reason.
I first discovered Court TV during the JBarber trial in Florida. From what I remember of that DP case, this one seems much stronger. I thik KC deserves the DP and I'm hoping LE has the evidence they need but they are just still trying to hold back to bargain with KC/JB for a plea.
Just some info...
The catholic religion denounces DP because of the Pro-life stance. You are Pro-life not only in the case of abortions. Just a note, if you are a Catholic and you are chosen for the jury you will not be able to be on the jury if they add the DP.
If you are Catholic and are on the jury and you have chosen the DP then you would be required to reconcile this before receiving communion.

I actually think her sitting in jail for the rest of her life is actually more punishment. Life means nothing to her. If they put her on death row she would have years of appeals and tie up the court system, etc. Her death would not be a "lesson" for other crazy killing moms. What killer goes..."Hmm if I kill this person.. I will get the death penalty"

Casey would be in the lethal injection room and still feel NO REMORSE and not care because she has "repented" and thinks she is going to heaven.

Sitting in jail... wishing she had a man and a cell phone would be more painful to her.

I agree 100% I imagine she has been going thru withdrawal already..
I can't even begin to imagine what I, personally, would do without my TV, phone and most of all my computer and internet... I would go NUTZ!!
I personally have mixed feelings on the DP. While on one hand I feel that whoever could do evil crimes deserves death and well a really good beating right before a horribly painful death....the Christian side of me feels that this person should just be in prison forever, without creature comforts, a modest humble exsistance as penance for what they have done. I want them to live there life, living with what they have done and not getting the easy way out, which is death and not having to ultimately deal with the consequences (besides you know God's Judgement). In Casey's case I feel that she is a young, immature spoiled girl. I think she has a lot of growing up and I think that if convicted and she spends the rest of her life in prison, maybe one day this immature spoiled brat will actual come to terms with what happened. I don't know. I also think that the family deserves Casey to suffer her days in prison. They certainly don't need to have a dead grand daughter and a dead daughter. I wish Casey would have just left Caylee with the GP's and went to live her party life. Now she will never know what kind of a mother she could have been when she actually matured and grew the heck up.
Thanks for the lesson in Catholicism. I left the Catholic church 20 years ago and was confirmed as an Episcopalian.

Is Casey Catholic? I thought the Ant's were Baptist for some reason.

I think they may have been Baptist or just "Christian" attending whatever church they felt comfortable at.

This is why I found it sooo odd that she was wearing a rosary that was delivered to the home around her neck.
The rosary is often the most misunderstood articles of faith by other religions.

To bad she is not Catholic and good old-fashioned visit to the confessional throughout her life might have made her think a time or two about the extreme behavior she exhibited. Admit to the priest you stole money once... by the fifth time you admit to stealing it would just be easier not to steal. (I guess if you have a conscience.. which she doesn't so this is mute.)

I left the church but I went back. It is a hard religion to understand. The most important part.. is that you go to church and raise your kids with faith.

It was reported on Prime News on HLN yesterday that the prosecution cannot put the DP back on the table because of a 45 day window after arraignment that has now expired. I don't know if there are other circumstances that the prosecution can get around to get this back on the table, but this is what this lawyer said on the show and that this is a specific Florida law.

Now that a trial date has been set prosecutors have decided they will not seek the death penalty.

I personally feel that a needle in her arm is to good, after what she did to her daughter she should have to spend the rest of her life in prison in with the general population...

That is my opinion

Now that a trial date has been set prosecutors have decided they will not seek the death penalty.

I personally feel that a needle in her arm is to good, after what she did to her daughter she should have to spend the rest of her life in prison in with the general population...

That is my opinion

and I agree......I hope she spends the rest of her life there as well...:twocents:
That's too bad, they could use that as leverage to gain a LWOP. Give the jury the option, is my opinion.

Have you seen the only other female on DR? She is basically the same age as Casey and did a far less heinous crime in comparison. She was just an accomplice, nowhere near as bad as premeditation of your own child's death and then dumping said child as trash.

Again, JMHO!
I'm glad they won't be going for the death penalty. Even with all the evidence, I think SA would have a hard time convincing a jury to give KC the DP. Juries take that very seriously and without the cause of death, I think it would be a very hard sell for the SA.

But besides that, I just don't want KC to get any more special attention. If she gets the DP, it just means appeals, more lawyers, more interest, more money wasted on her, more attention, another "special" area in prison, ect...Casey thrives on that attention, views herself as special and different...superior to others. And I really want to see her in prison treated like every other there. Just a number in a cell.
That's too bad, they could use that as leverage to gain a LWOP. Give the jury the option, is my opinion.

Have you seen the only other female on DR? She is basically the same age as Casey and did a far less heinous crime in comparison. She was just an accomplice, nowhere near as bad as premeditation of your own child's death and then dumping said child as trash.

Again, JMHO!

The problem is without a clear mechanism of death that nagging question of accidental death would always be enough to sway a jury off the death penalty. Going for the straight up life wo parole is the more guaranteed path that will ultimately get the same results without the heavy gun lawyers and massive drain on the states checkbook.
In a way, I am glad the DP is off the table. It is much more difficult to seat a death penalty jury, and this jury is going to be hard to find even without it.

I'd rather see Casey rot in jail, watching her hair go gray, the wrinkles form, the teeth get loose and the aches and pains grow worse day after day, month after month, year after year.

People will forget about her and her case and she will never be the celebrity she so much wanted to be. Just another inmate... general pop. or not. Living in total isolation in a cell 23/7/365 isn't a clam bake either!
I really hope she gets put in the general population then, rather than being sheltered. And she BETTER get LWOP.
I don't care what they do with her as long as they never let her OUT!
In a way, I am glad the DP is off the table. It is much more difficult to seat a death penalty jury, and this jury is going to be hard to find even without it.

I'd rather see Casey rot in jail, watching her hair go gray, the wrinkles form, the teeth get loose and the aches and pains grow worse day after day, month after month, year after year.

People will forget about her and her case and she will never be the celebrity she so much wanted to be. Just another inmate... general pop. or not. Living in total isolation in a cell 23/7/365 isn't a clam bake either!

Yep. I know if it was me, prison might be worse. and I am not nearly so prissy as lil miss.
Death is too quick and painless for her, IMO.
Put her in prison, where she can hear "baby killer" screamed at her every day for the rest of her life.
LWOP is the only suitable punishment allowed by law...
put her in general population...that alone is a death sentence. they dont take to kindly to baby killers.
put her in general population...that alone is a death sentence. they dont take to kindly to baby killers.

And even if she's in "protective custody," she's pretty much guaranteed a lifetime of heckling and abuse by other prisoners. So many women there wishing they could see their babies...I doubt she'd make even one friend. :woohoo:

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