Psychologists Dr. Jeffery Danziger; Dr. Alan Berns; Dr. William Weitz; Dr. Harry Kro

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So??? Do we get to hear what caused this disorder? What "trauma" did she have?
Do we know how long PTSD stays with someone? Is it a lifelong struggle? Also, if these Doctors are claiming that Casey does suffer from some type of PTSD has she been medicated for the disorder?

I understand that they are going to try and explain away Casey's behavior back in 2008... but what about now? Even today, Casey shows no emotion when it concerns Caylee. None at all! She has no problem showing she is capable of showing emotions of happiness (when with her defense) and disgust (Dr. Vass' testimony about the smell). I have caught her death glares over at the State... so she is capable of showing emotions of hate.

The phone call that Casey made to the house back in July 2008 to me proves that she had a lot of animosity towards Caylee and I think that same animosity that she has for Caylee exists today. She probably still tells herself "All they care about is Caylee." I do not think that she is capable of covering up the animosity she had for this precious baby.

I am really looking forward to seeing exactly what these Doctors have up their sleeves. I want to know if they were being told the story of the kidnapping (are we still sticking to that, Casey?) or an accident?

When LE questioned Cindy if Casey had ever evaluated/received any treatment for mental condition/issue Cindy denied,denied,denied that Casey had ever needed any mental healthcare. BUT, a friend of Casey's told LE that Casey had told her that she felt like she was loosing it and was considering checking her self into a facility. However, when the friend brought this up again in a later conversation Casey claimed everything was much better now and never mentioned this issue again.

IMO, the only thing that would have affected Casey that much would have been the feeling of rejection from guy A, B or C. Why? The only situations that produced that form of emotional response (that any of the friends saw) was when she claimed to have miscarried some guys child and when Tony told Casey he might not come back from his trip in New York.

But, that's just MOO
Thank you ThinkTank - as usual - a meticulous summary of the information we need to know to be ready for tomorrow!

ThinkTank is so brilliant with her detailed presentations - I should feel
almost silly saying what I am about to say!!

Oh Goody! :great: I can't - really can't wait for tomorrow to hear what the defense (Finnell) has to say to justify these two psychologist testifying during the guilt phase and I also can't wait to hear JA's rebuttal!

For me the really big question will be - are they saying ICA WAS involved in the murder so she has PTSD or when she "found" Caylee dead she "got" PTSD.:waitasec:

Eenie, Meenie, Minee, Moe - Mr. Baez? And I want to watch ICA's face while they are talking about her to see if she will be able to pull this off!

:skip: .......... :skip: ................:skip:

Oh c'mon, it's better than listening to Dr. Fairgreave....
The Defense said, in their Motion to add new witnesses, that it is because they need to rebut the "Court's (Judge Perry) recent rulings regarding the Inmate's "consciousness of guilt" and "state of mind". So, they have to do "something" to explain the Inmate's odd behavior and state of mind when her daughter was "missing".

That makes it sound like they were not going to go with this theory if her statements/her families statements/the Universal interview had not been allowed to come in. :waitasec:
ThinkTank, great timeline. Thank You.

I'm going to have to read up on PTSD because I just don't see that explaining anything KC did. I've been thinking they'd try for a "Dissociative Fugue" state of mind to explain the 31 days. Time to do some research reading.

The Defense still has several hurdles to get over.... the State will insist on having their own mental health expert examine the Inmate and I doubt they will arrive at a diagnosis of PTSD at the time Caylee was murdered.

The Defense does not even want the State expert to examine their client.
They have to wait to see what Motions the State files, and how the Judge rules on that issue.
Finnell was saying there is no Statute which would apply to allow the State to have the Defendant examined by a State expert, because the Defense is not claiming a mental health "defense" to murder, and is not claiming diminished capacity.

I believe the Defense will try to say that PTSD is the reason the Defendant did not act appropriately when SOMEONE ELSE killed Caylee ... not that PTSD caused the Inmate to kill Caylee.

The Defense has to wait to see if the Judge will allow them to add the PTSD doctor late - Dr. Weitz. The Judge may not agree that the "good cause" the Defense offered is good enough and not allow this doctor to be added to the witness list or to testify.

The Defense still has a long way to go to even get any PTSD testimony before the jury.
PTSD my butt !!!!!!!! :maddening::maddening: My hubby has PTSD and believe you me.. ICA does not come anywhere near that diagnosis.. The girl is just plain nuckin' futs...

I so agree with you. There wasn't in PTSD before Caylee was murdered and not afterwards. MOO
I cannot think of a reason for PTSD before ICA killed Caylee.
It was too long after Caylee was born. It couldn't be the breakup of a boyfriend - she always had one waiting in the wings. The argument with her mother was apparently a normal occurrence. The choking, if that occurred, would only cause ICA to get angry, not stressed. Was it traumatic to ICA when she found out she wasn't going to get the house?
Only other thing I thought of could be because ICA may have felt guilty after dumping Caylee, but then again she continued her lifestyle so nah...

PTSD following childbirth?
Maybe they will say ICA didn't understand how Caylee would actually decompose.
Maybe it was the fear of someone getting a whiff of the smell?
Maybe it was the fear of someone catching ICA with Caylee in the trunk?
I bet she was stressed after any of that.
The lawyers can correct me if I'm wrong, but...

I believe the state must pay for all therapists and psych MDs procured by the defense to examine KC. Her attorneys do not have to disclose the report unless they list the expert as one they plan on calling to testify. Until that time, the report is considered the attorney's work product and is privileged. Consultations can take place and prohibit the state from using the expert/Dr./Therapist and the reports never see the light of day (and you can pretty much bet those are the reports the defense attorney doesn't like).
ThinkTank, great timeline. Thank You.

I'm going to have to read up on PTSD because I just don't see that explaining anything KC did. I've been thinking they'd try for a "Dissociative Fugue" state of mind to explain the 31 days. Time to do some research reading.

The Defense still has several hurdles to get over.... the State will insist on having their own mental health expert examine the Inmate and I doubt they will arrive at a diagnosis of PTSD at the time Caylee was murdered.

The Defense does not even want the State expert to examine their client.
They have to wait to see what Motions the State files, and how the Judge rules on that issue.
Finnell was saying there is no Statute which would apply to allow the State to have the Defendant examined by a State expert, because the Defense is not claiming a mental health "defense" to murder, and is not claiming diminished capacity.

I believe the Defense will try to say that PTSD is the reason the Defendant did not act appropriately when SOMEONE ELSE killed Caylee ... not that PTSD caused the Inmate to kill Caylee.

The Defense has to wait to see if the Judge will allow them to add the PTSD doctor late - Dr. Weitz. The Judge may not agree that the "good cause" the Defense offered is good enough and not allow this doctor to be added to the witness list or to testify.

The Defense still has a long way to go to even get any PTSD testimony before the jury.

I was looking for more to explain the 31 days. Thanks for explaining it so well. Yes, sounds like the Defense is going to say someone else killed Caylee. This is going to be seat gripping.
I was looking for more to explain the 31 days. Thanks for explaining it so well. Yes, sounds like the Defense is going to say someone else killed Caylee. This is going to be seat gripping.
The PTSD can be used in 2 ways. Either the SODDI defense or the Accident and covered it up due to PSTD defense.
I always go back to when Agent Savage kept asking George....what happened two years ago? Ga would brush on by that.
I sure don't see how she had a lack of interest in life or partying, just a lack of love for Caylee, and maybe now a lack of love for GA.

......snipped....."a person does not need to have all these symptoms. In fact, rarely does a person with PTSD would experience all the symptoms listed above. To receive a diagnosis of PTSD, you only need a certain number of symptoms from each cluster
I still think they are going to throw George into the mix here. I think they are going to show clips of 'evil' Dad losing his temper [ at the protesters, at the depositions, pushing his own dad thru a plate glass window] and try and say that Casey was so petrified that she suffered from PTSD, especially because she was also a victim of childhood sexual abuse. ...*cough...cough..*

Then they will imply that Casey threatened to tell Cindy or the police about her father's abuse, so he took the baby in response... ??
That would account for KC wanting to kill her parents, looking up household weapons, neckbreaking, shovels on the internet. Maybe the good doctor's should interview the parents. Ask the A's why would your daughter want to kill you, too. This could open up a real can of worms for the A's. I don't think your mother cutting off your access to her bank account and credit cards is a reason for getting rid of them. Then where would you get money from? KC did say she was getting the house and the A's did not look like they were prepared to move. Wouldn't it just open up those doors to a lot of questions that KC would have to answer? She a liar so how would they know if she is telling them the truth? If you believe she may have killed her child what would stop you from believing she had plans to get rid of her parents, too.

I often wonder what the "just give me one more day" was all about. What were her plans?

Also I think what would she have told Amy on her return. "Well, the night before you left you told me to go ahead and write some checks if I needed anything for the house. What you don't remember? Could you have been sleep walking again?" She would have lied her way out of it.

I mean she was already setting up her father for the body in the trunk because she told Amy her dad had run over something. KC told Tony her dad was picking up the car. According to her friends, KC put GA in that car. jmo
The PTSD can be used in 2 ways. Either the SODDI defense or the Accident and covered it up due to PSTD defense.

Why does it have to be either/or, Pip? Maybe they will claim both.:waitasec:
If they claim that her inappropriate actions were after Caylee was killed then they have to admit she knew her daughter had been killed and WHY HASN"T SHE TOLD LE WHAT HAPPENED????? OR POINT TO THE REAL MURDERER????? Can't inmate's waiting trial say, "LE this is what happened. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before but I had PSTD and this is who did it". I would imagine LE would change her charge to obstructing justice or something equivalant and have the trial for the REAL killer.

If this is the strategy it makes NO sense whatsoever...... Why hide who killed her or how she died until the trial. It's like they are storing a story in their back pockets to "see how it plays out".

Bunch of crapola. :maddening:
If they claim that her inappropriate actions were after Caylee was killed then they have to admit she knew her daughter had been killed and WHY HASN"T SHE TOLD LE WHAT HAPPENED????? OR POINT TO THE REAL MURDERER????? Can't inmate's waiting trial say, "LE this is what happened. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before but I had PSTD and this is who did it". I would imagine LE would change her charge to obstructing justice or something equivalant and have the trial for the REAL killer.

If this is the strategy it makes NO sense whatsoever...... Why hide who killed her or how she died until the trial. It's like they are storing a story in their back pockets to "see how it plays out".

Bunch of crapola. :maddening:

LOL: I think some of her video taped statements will trip her up. CA telling KC that someone said that maybe Caylee drowned in the pool and KC's response was "Surprise, surprise." What a cold, heartless thing to say.

Or how about, "They haven't even found her clothes yet." Then there is the imaginary phone call from Caylee the day before KC's arrest. Walking Sgt Hosey away from the house and telling him her mother was just overreacting. Caylee's just staying with a friend because my mom is trying to get custody. She's very transparent.

Why does it have to be either/or, Pip? Maybe they will claim both.:waitasec:
SODDI.. she didn't do it, PTSD caused her to not tell and look for her on her own or just was 'not be able to deal with it'.
Accident..Caylee died and she was SODDI. PTSD caused her to hide the fact and she didn't tell because of PTSD.
Can't do the SODDI defense and the accident defense at the same time, right?
PTSD my butt !!!!!!!! :maddening::maddening: My hubby has PTSD and believe you me.. ICA does not come anywhere near that diagnosis.. The girl is just plain nuckin' futs...

No, just EVIL!

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